Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 446

  1. Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes meeting – Saturday 24 July
  2. Australia ICOMOS members – are you planning to go to Dublin for the Advisory Committee/Scientific Council meetings?
  3. Visions of Sydney Lecture Series: Building Sydney
  4. Conservation Guest Scholar Program at the Getty Conservation Institute
  5. Public Lecture – Urban Nation: Australia’s Planning Heritage
  6. Australia ICOMOS Journal special edition: Heritage Buildings and Sustainability
  7. New ideas design forum
  8. The Heritage of Plantation Architecture Conference, 18-23 October 2010
  9. Australian Archaeological Association Awards 2010 – call for nominations
  10. Theory & Philosophy ISC Conference – report by Meredith Walker
  11. APT Denver 2010 Conference – registration open
  12. News from The ICOMOS Documentation Centre
  13. Centre for Citizenship & Globalisation’s July bulletin available online
  14. International Heritage Conference in Malaysia, 2011
  15. Deadline for E-newsletter items – REMINDER
  16. SITUATIONS VACANT – Sponsorship & Fundraising Manager and Property Manager – Polly Woodside, National Trust of Australia, VIC
  17. SITUATION VACANT – Lecturer, School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Academic Level B, James Cook University


1. Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Routes meeting – Saturday 24 July

There will be a joint meeting of the Australian members of these International ICOMOS Committees, the Cultural Landscapes Working Group and other invited participants on Saturday 24 July 2010 at the Australian National University in Canberra.

The meeting will review work in these areas since the group met previously in August 2009 and implement the work program. In particular, the group will plan to develop a promotional material on Australian cultural routes and landscapes, with key examples. At the request of the Executive Committee, the meeting will also consider setting up a national committee on cultural routes and landscapes.

For further inquiries please email:

Juliet Ramsay (Cultural Landscapes ISC member)

Sandy Blair (Cultural Routes ISC Member)


2. Australia ICOMOS members – are you planning to go to Dublin for the Advisory Committee/Scientific Council meetings?

ICOMOS Advisory & Executive Committee meetings, and Scientific Symposium
Dublin, Ireland, 26 – 31 October 2010

As President, I will be attending the ADCOM meeting in Dublin in October representing Australia ICOMOS. I know that others amongst our membership will also be going in a variety of capacities, to attend either the Advisory Committee and/or Scientific Council meetings. Over the past few years an increasing number of Australians have attended as Australian involvement in ISC’s continues to grow.

If you are going, either representing your ISC as President or Vice President or as an observer, please advise Georgia at our secretariat office by email. I would appreciate it if you could also provide a mobile number that you will be using while in Dublin. I will try to arrange an informal gathering of AI members in Dublin during the proceedings. It is also useful to have contact numbers in case issues arise that require an AI response (ten AI heads are better than one!)

I gather that accommodation is pricey in Dublin so some of you may be interested in knowing who is also going so that you can explore sharing. Once we have a preliminary list complied I will circulate it amongst the listed group so you can explore options.

Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy
President, Australia ICOMOS


3. Visions of Sydney Lecture Series: Building Sydney

Did Lachlan Macquarie really have a grand vision of Sydney?

Join historian James Broadbent and Government Architect Peter Mould as they explore the consequences of Macquarie’s ambitious building program.

When: Thursday 5 August 2010, 6.00 – 8.00pm
Where: Museum of Sydney, Corner Phillip and Bridge Streets, Sydney
Cost: $25.00, Concessions/Members $20.00

Bookings: (02) 8239 2211 or click here to buy ticket online.


4. Conservation Guest Scholar Program at the Getty Conservation Institute

The Conservation Guest Scholar Program at the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) supports new ideas and perspectives in the field of conservation, with an emphasis on the visual arts (including sites, buildings, and objects) and the theoretical underpinnings of the field. The program provides an opportunity for professionals to pursue scholarly research in an interdisciplinary manner. Conservation Guest Scholars are in residence at the GCI for a period of three, six or nine months. These grants are for established conservators, scientists, and professionals who have attained distinction in conservation and allied fields.

Applications are being accepted from July – 1 November 2010 and are welcome from researchers of all nationalities.

For more information on the Conservation Guest Scholar program and a link to the online application, click here.

The J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Research Institute (GRI) also offer residential grants. For more information on all residential grant programs, click here.


5. Public Lecture – Urban Nation: Australia’s Planning Heritage

UTZON 2010 Lecture Series
University of New South Wales/Built Environment

Urban Nation: Australia’s Planning Heritage
Robert Freestone

This lecture will explore the heritage values of Australia’s planned landscapes and their implications for contemporary practice. It draws from Professor Freestone’s new book of the same name to make a case for the conservation of planned environments at local, state and federal government level.

Venue: UNSW Kensington Campus (Sydney), Faculty of the Built Environment, Red Centre West
Date: Wednesday 28 July
Refreshments from 6.00pm; lecture at 7.00pm
RSVP: Holly Ferreira, Ph: (02) 9385 4800, or via email


6. Australia ICOMOS Journal special edition: Heritage Buildings and Sustainability

Papers are being sought for a special edition of ICOMOS Australia journal Historic Environment on the topic of built heritage and sustainability. Papers may focus on research and/or practice.

Abstracts (150-200 words) to be submitted by email by 30 July 2010. Deadline for submission of papers (approx 4000 words) is 27 October 2010 for publication mid 2011.

For further information email Paula Judson, Heritage Victoria.


7. New ideas design forum

Government House is the inspiration for new media artists, students and experts for “New Ideas” a digital media exhibition and forum exploring powerful new ways to showcase heritage sites in a new light to a new generation.

See the past interpreted using the very latest technology by cutting edge artists and designers in this special event organised by the HHT in collaboration with COFA (College of Fine Arts) and D/Lux Media Arts as part of Sydney Design.

Click here for further information and to purchase tickets.


8. The Heritage of Plantation Architecture Conference, 18-23 October 2010

Download the The International Scientific Committee for Shared Built Heritage – Newsletter no. 2, which notes the recent June meeting of the SBH Bureau held in Germany, and its pending conference on Plantation Architecture.

The Plantation Conference will be held 18-23 October 2010 in Suriname, a former Dutch colony on the northern tip of South America.

The conference themes will deal with:

  • The methodology of researching plantation history, and seeking how to keep, enhance and manage the collective memory
  • Plantation infrastructure and vernacular architecture of Suriname
  • Social impacts of plantation heritage
  • Comparative studies of cultural / historic plantation landscapes, including those of Louisiana, Mexico, South-Africa, and trans-national application of Dutch water management systems

Key note speakers include:

  • Professor Stephen Small – of Berkley University in California (see is of Jamaican background, raised in Liverpool. His key-note lecture will be on the alternate sources used to trace plantation histories.
  • Michel Doortmont – of Groningen University and one of the most active researchers in this field who will talk about vernacular architecture of Suriname and Ghana
  • Philip Dikland – local architect and historian, member of the State Committee for Monument Conservation (an advisory body to the Minister) and involved in the restoration of Paramaribo Cathedral (the largest timber church in South America).

The Conference includes a full-day excursion by boat along the Commewijne River to view plantation infra-structure and buildings dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries. The opening ceremony will be in a Main Street historic two storey timber villa and the conference venue in a city centre Art Deco building.

The Conference is supported by the Suriname Ministry of Culture, the University in the capital city of Paramaribo, Suriname National Archives and Suriname Dutch Embassy.

For further information and enquiries visit the SBH ICS web site or contact:-

  • Benedict Goss, Secretary General ISC Shared Built Heritage – email Benedict
  • Sue Jackson-Stepowski, Vice President ISC Shared Built Heritage – email Sue

Please note: For conference delegates only, the Organising Committee has arranged special permission from the Suriname Ministry of Foreign Affairs for visas to be issued on arrival. To do so, however, conference delegates must first obtain an official letter from the ISC Shared Built Heritage Organising Committee stating they will be attending the conference, and have this letter to show when boarding flights into Suriname. Otherwise a visa must be obtained beforehand from a Suriname Embassy/Consulate.


9. Australian Archaeological Association Awards 2010 – call for nominations

Nominations are called for the following four Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Awards

Closing Date: 12 September 2010


The Rhys Jones Medal is the highest award offered by the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. It was established in honour of Rhys Jones (1941–2001) to mark his enormous contribution to the development and promotion of archaeology in Australia. The Medal is presented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the field. Established in 2002, previous winners include Isabel McBryde (2003), John Mulvaney (2004), Sharon Sullivan (2005), Mike Smith (2006), Jeremy Green (2007) and Harry Lourandos (2009). Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s archaeological career and how this work has benefited Australian archaeology, as well as a full list of the nominee’s publications. Note that nominees do not need to be members of the Association; be an Australian citizen; or work exclusively in Australia or on Australian material.


The Award was established in honour of John Mulvaney and his contribution and commitment to Australian archaeology over a lifetime of professional service. It acknowledges the significant contribution of individual or co-authored publications to the archaeology of the continent of Australia, the Pacific, Papua-New Guinea and South-East Asia, either as general knowledge or as specialist publications. Nominations are considered annually for books that cover both academic pursuits and public interest, reflecting the philosophy of John Mulvaney’s life work. Established in 2004, previous winners include Val Attenbrow for ‘Sydney’s Aboriginal Past” (2004), Rodney Harrison for ‘Shared Landscapes: Archaeologies of Attachment and the Pastoral Industry in New South Wales’ (2006), Mike Morwood & Penny Van Oosterzee for ‘The Discovery of the Hobbit: The Scientific Breakthrough that changed the Face of Human History’ (2007), Peter Hiscock for ‘The Archaeology of Ancient Australia’ (2008) and Denis Byrne for ‘Surface Collection’ (2007). Nominations must be for books written by one or more authors, but not for edited books, published in the last three calendar years (i.e. 2008, 2009 or 2010). The nomination must be accompanied by at least two published book reviews. A short citation (no more than one page) on why the book should be considered must also be included.


This Award celebrates the important contribution made by Bruce Veitch (1957–2005) to the practice and ethics of archaeology in Australia. In particular, the award honours Bruce’s close collaboration with traditional owners on whose country he worked. It is awarded annually to any individual or group who has had long-standing and sustained engagement with Indigenous communities during archaeological or cultural heritage projects which have produced significant outcomes for Indigenous interests. Established in 2005, previous winners include Richard Fullagar (2006), Bruno David (2007), Annie Ross (2008) and Luke Godwin (2009). Nominees will have actively engaged with Indigenous communities to produce successful outcomes. The nature of nominations is flexible (e.g. video tape, audio tape, poster etc), considering the wide range of Indigenous collaborations and the remoteness of some communities. Nominators are strongly encouraged to include supporting statements from relevant Indigenous individuals or community organisations.


This award was established to recognise significant and sustained contribution to the objects and purposes of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Previous winners include John Mulvaney, Jack Golson, Betty Meehan (2002), Val Attenbrow (2002), J. Peter White (2003), Luke Kirkwood (2004), Isabel McBryde (2005), Ian Johnson (2006), Colin Pardoe (2007) and Sean Ulm (2008). Nominations should consist of a one page statement outlining the nominee’s contributions to the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Note that nominees must be members of the Association.

Nomination procedure

Nominations for all Awards will be considered by the Executive of the Australian Archaeological Association Inc. with advice as appropriate from senior members of the discipline. The decision of the Executive is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Nominations to be addressed to the President:

  • via email: email the president
  • via fax: 07 3365 4744, marked private & confidential and for attention of Lynley Wallis

and sent to arrive no later than 12 September 2010.

The current President of AAA is:

Dr Lynley Wallis
Australian Archaeological Association Inc.
PO Box 6088
St Lucia QLD 4067
Telephone: 07 3365 3861

Recipients of all awards will be announced at the Annual Conference of Australian Archaeological Association Inc.

Dates: Thursday 9 – Monday 13 December 2010
Location: Coach House Marina Resort, Batemans Bay
Host: The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT


10. Theory & Philosophy ISC Conference, May 2010 – report by Meredith Walker

The ICOMOS ISC on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration has held an annual conference since 2005. Each alternate year it is held in Florence, hosted by the Romaldo del Bianco Foundation, which also provides a secretariat for the committee. This year the conference was hosted by ICOMOS Czech Republic organised by president Josef Stulc, ably assisted by local ICOMOS members, with funding from the Ministry for Culture. Around forty people, members of the theory committee and ICOMOS members from the Czech Republic, were in attendance.

The conference topic was Conservation Turn – Return to Conservation: Challenges and Chances in a Changing World. The speakers were invited to respond to the paper presented by the President of ICOMOS at Valetta, Malta in October 2009, entitled Protecting heritage places under the new heritage paradigm and defining its tolerance for change- a leadership challenge for ICOMOS. This paper is available to all ICOMOS committees and members for comment.

The format was 12 speakers with time for discussion, but as it happened, an additional three speakers were included. The time for discussion was consequently reduced, with few comments or discussion on the papers. Sheridan Burke and Meredith Walker from Australia both presented papers. All the papers are to be published and notice of this will be included in a future ICOMOS newsletter.

Click on the following link to read the brief paper adopted by the conference participants: ISC-Theory Reflection on the International Conference_Conservation Turn-Return to Conservation.

The ISC Theory recognised that further discussion was needed to advance understanding of the issues and how ICOMOS might respond. Therefore, next year’s ISC theory conference, in Florence in March, will continue deliberations.

The excursions were outstanding. We visited castles, palaces, country summerhouses and gardens, as well as towns and villages. These included several recent and ongoing heritage projects, with refreshments cleverly interspersed. In Prague, we attended a Welcome Reception at the Nostiz Palace, hosted by the Minster for Culture, Prof. Vaclav Riedlbauch – who is also a musician and composer. We spent the next morning at the Nostiz Palace for papers. In the afternoon we visited Prague Castle, and in the evening transferred to the world heritage listed town of Cesky Krumlov, where we stayed for two days.

The format of morning papers with afternoon excursions continued. The morning sessions were held in the Cesky Krumlov Castle. On the first afternoon we visited Prachatice Town. In the large central square we visited several buildings. The square was very busy with the local community commemorating the arrival of US Troops in 1945 with a display of US jeeps with their owners in US uniforms. A highlight of the third day was the evening concert, sightseeing and buffet dinner in Cesky Krumlov Castle and Gardens. We were treated to a surprise visit to a 17th century theatre, recently repaired and made fully operational, where we enjoyed a performance, then went below stage to view mechanical equipment, all made in timber.

The dedication and professional approach to all the projects we visited was very impressive and Czech ICOMOS were most generous is hosting the conference and showing us so many of the country’s treasures.

Meredith Walker
Member, ISC Theory and Philosophy of Preservation and Conservation


11. APT Denver 2010 Conference – registration open

APT Denver 2010 Conference – Layers Across Time-Preserving a Diverse Western Heritage
Denver, Colorado
6-9 October 2010

The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) is accepting registrations for its Annual Conference scheduled for October 6-9, 2010 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Registration can be completed on-line at Rates increase after August 6 and again after September 6.

APT continues setting the standard for preservation ideologies, to present current technologies in the preservation process, and to give voice to the international community for preservation findings. From this foundation the ongoing discussion will continue on how to link preservation and sustainability during the age of rapid climate change.

Layers Across Time-Preserving a Diverse Western Heritage
The Conference will focus on the many layers Colorado and places beyond have experienced throughout history. Professionals from around the world will examine history and the built environment via materials, type of structures, patterns of growth and the future of preservation through sustainable design.

For further information, visit the conference website.


12. News from The ICOMOS Documentation Centre

The ICOMOS Documentation Centre is pleased to inform you that the report “Research, publication and dissemination of scientific literature in the field of conservation of historic monuments and sites”, by José Garcia Vicente and Cécilia Rantica, is available on the website – click here to download it.

The ICOMOS Documentation Centre has carried out a survey among professionals in the field of conservation of historic monuments and sites, in order to know their needs and practices in terms of scientific and academic research and the dissemination of their works. In this report they explain the results of this study, which reveal some general tendencies regarding information searching, publication and dissemination of scientific work.

The report also presents a first approach to open access and the project to set up the “ICOMOS Open Archive: Eprints on Cultural Heritage”. This will take the form of an institutional open archive where all the scientific documentation produced by ICOMOS will be deposited and centralised. It will also serve as a subject archive open to the rest of the international scientific community in the field of cultural heritage conservation. Once the archive is up and running, it will be open to all international, national, regional organizations, institutions, universities, etc from the cultural heritage field as well as to any individual professionals interested in depositing their articles and publications in the archive: It will be self-archiving so that once they have been registered on the system, authors can deposit their publications by themselves.

The ICOMOS Documentation Centre thanks everyone that completed the questionnaire and hopes you will find this report useful.

You will find more information on the ICOMOS Open Archive by clicking here.


13. Centre for Citizenship & Globalisation’s July bulletin available online

Click here to view the latest bulletin of Deakin University’s Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation.


14. International Heritage Conference in Malaysia, 2011

July 5-7, 2011

For further information about this conference, visit the conference website.


15. Deadline for E-newsletter items – REMINDER

In an attempt to publish the newsletter as early as possible on Friday mornings, it is requested that items for the Australia ICOMOS E-newsletter be submitted no later than 3pm the Thursday before. The Secretariat appreciates your adherence to this deadline.


16. SITUATIONS VACANT – Sponsorship & Fundraising Manager and Property Manager – Polly Woodside, National Trust of Australia, VIC

The National Trust (Victoria) is a community-based non-government organisation committed to promoting and conserving Australia’s indigenous, natural and historic heritage through its advocacy work and its custodianship of heritage places and objects and to the preservation of natural and built environment. The National Trust own and manages nearly 280 properties Australia-wide, 1500+ properties internationally with over 4 Million registered members.

For further information on either of these opportunities, click on the links below:

Please note that the closing date for both roles is 30 July 2010.


17. SITUATION VACANT – Lecturer, School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Academic Level B, James Cook University

Lecturer – School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Academic Level B, James Cook University
Ref. No. 10148 – Cairns

The School of Earth & Environmental Sciences is seeking a Lecturer to teach 3rd year planning subjects (Regional Planning; Community Sustainability) and assist in supervision of student projects. The position will be based in Cairns and the appointee will be required to participate in research or applied planning projects. The program in Tropical Urban and Regional Planning is taught in Townsville and Cairns; it has been recently reviewed and reaccredited by PIA.

Employment Type: Appointment will be full-time for a fixed-term to 31 December 2011 subject to a probationary period.

Salary: Lecturer – Academic Level B – $73,814 – $87,096 per annum.

Commencing salary will be in accordance with qualifications and experience.

Applicants must follow the Method of Application procedures (including systematically addressing the Selection Criteria).

Further information is available at the JCU website – jobs section or by contacting the Recruitment Officer, Faculty of Science and Engineering, telephone: (07) 4781 6834 or via e-mail.

Applications close on 6 August 2010.


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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