Australia ICOMOS submission re: Monster Mines Reserve available online
Burra Charter workshop – Brisbane
July 21 talk: lesser known UK, French & Scandanavian gardens & designed landscapes
Books in Exchange for Book Reviews
Call for Members: Society of Architectural Historians, Australia & New Zealand
Australia ICOMOS Journal special edition: Heritage Buildings and Sustainability
News from Heritage South Australia
6th International Seminar on Urban Conservation: Measuring heritage conservation performance – call for papers
International Symposium: Why Does the Past Matter? May 2011
Orange Blossoms: A cultural history of gardens in Orange and district
Upcoming Australian Garden History Society events
International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures (SHATIS’11) – general information
Publications of interest
Newsletter of the Hellenic Society of Archaeometry – available for download
The Best in Heritage DVDs (7th and 8th editions) now available
Deadline for E-newsletter items
The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific – Chief Roi Mata’s Domain, Vanuatu
1. Australia ICOMOS submission re: Monster Mines Reserve available online
Click here to read this submission.
2. Burra Charter workshop – Brisbane
As part of the Burra Charter development program, Australia ICOMOS is running a series of workshops in order to engage directly with members about the range of tasks related to the Charter, the current guidelines and possible future guidelines. These workshops will supplement information gathered through the electronic surveys advertised in the e-news and other research. The workshop will include a report back on findings so far, as well as explore a range of issues related to the Charter and its guidelines.
Day: Friday 13 August
Workshop Time: 4 for 4.15pm start – 6 – 7pm refreshmentsVenue: Community Meeting Room – ground floor – Brisbane Square Library – Brisbane city
Cost: Free
RSVP: By COB Monday 9 August to Catherine Brouwer
3. July 21 talk: lesser known UK, French & Scandanavian gardens & designed landscapes
Heritage & Museum consultants Chris & Margaret Betteridge will give an illustrated talk on four lesser-known gardens and a designed cemetery landscape (on the World Heritage List) – all in the UK/France and Sweden – from a recent trip. A joint event organised by the Australian Garden History Society and the Royal Australian Historical Society.
- one is being carefully restored
- one is a horticultural masterpiece & temporary showcase for contemporary monumental masons
- one is venue for an annual festival of landscape design and innovation
- one is a botanic garden of great historic significance
- the last is a 20th c. designed ‘landscape cemetery’ literally “to die for”! (hint: Alvar Aalto fans may particularly enjoy this one…)
When: Wednesday 21st July, 6.30pm for 7pm start
Where: History House auditorium, 133 Macquarie Street, Sydney
Cost: $30 includes light refreshments (AGHS & RAHS members, cost $20)
Bookings essential: phone Jeanne Villani (02) 9997 5995 / or email Jeanne
Pleass note – payment confirms booking and must be made before the event, either by:
a) internet bank transfer to ANZ Centrepoint Branch:
BSB no. 012 040
A/C no. 1017 62565
giving your name (& others’ names), and the name of the function “Betteridge talk”
b) cheque made out to the Sydney & Northern NSW Branch, Australian Garden History Society, c/o Peter Cousens, 93 Lennox Street, Newtown NSW 2042
Refunds for cancellations will not be made if less than 48 hours notice is given.
Click here for further information on this event.
4. Books in Exchange for Book Reviews
The following books have come in to Historic Environment for review.
- Elizabeth Vines and Bruce Tindale, Broken Hill: A Guide to the Silver City, Broken Hill City Council, published 2010.
- Dr John Dwyer and Dr Janet Schapper (eds), Heritage Landscapes: Selected Forum Papers 2004-08, Heritage Victoria, published 2009.
- Ray Christison, Tyldsley, the Village That Disappeared, Lithgow Mining Museum, published 2009.
As usual, you get to keep the book in exchange for a 700-800 word book review to be published in Historic Environment. This round of reviews would be due in late early October.
Please email Caitlin Allen, HE Reviews Editor, if you are interested in reviewing any of these books.
We are also interested in receiving unsolicited reviews for books, conferences or exhibitions. Please send Caitlin an email if you would like to submit an unsolicited review or are aware of a book, conference or exhibition that you think would be of interest to the HE readership.
5. Call for Members: Society of Architectural Historians, Australia & New Zealand
The Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) would like to invite new memberships and membership renewals for the new 2010-2011 membership year commencing on 1 July 2010.
A large and vibrant membership is vital to the health of SAHANZ. For additional information on the Society, their website provides information on background, aims, business, conferences and publications. If you are an existing member and have not yet renewed your membership for this year (note that full registration at this year’s conference included membership), please maintain your status as a financial member so that they can have the surety to plan the work of the Society and help them to grow the membership base. The membership rates for 2010-2011 are $90 (Australian) with a concession rate of $60 for full-time students. A new two membership option is now available for $180.
Annual SAHANZ membership includes 2 issues of the Society’s journal Fabrications.
In addition to Fabrications, the benefits of SAHANZ membership include:
- the ability to present at the annual SAHANZ conference (all papers presented are double blind refereed and published in proceedings)
- the option to apply for the annual David Saunders Grant
- inclusion on the sahanz-list email
To subscribe, credit card payments can be made via a secure online payment. Payments can also be made by cheque using the membership form that may be downloaded from the SAHANZ website.
SAHANNZ looks forward to receiving your membership and your involvement in the Society.
6. Australia ICOMOS Journal special edition: Heritage Buildings and Sustainability
Papers are being sought for a special edition of ICOMOS Australia journal Historic Environment on the topic of built heritage and sustainability. Papers may focus on research and/or practice.
Abstracts (150-200 words) to be submitted by email by 30 July 2010. Deadline for submission of papers (approx 4000 words) is 27 October 2010 for publication mid 2011.
For further information email Paula Judson, Heritage Victoria.
7. News from Heritage South Australia
Click here to view the latest news from Heritage South Australia. News updates include:
- The Historic Dwelling Improvement Design and Resources Audit by the City of Unley with DENR support through Heritage Directions Funding for Local Government program
- A lecture by the DENR SA Built Heritage Research Fellow later this month
- A reminder that Heritage Heroes nominations close July 16 2010
- A reminder that submissions on Eastwood Lodge at Glenside close September 8 2010
- The Saluting their Service Program
- The 150th anniversary of the Fides wreck off Kangaroo Island
8. 6th International Seminar on Urban Conservation: Measuring heritage conservation performance – call for papers
Call for papers
Centre for Advanced Studies in Integrated Conservation (CECI)
Graduate Program in Urban Development of the Federal University of Pernambuco (MDU/UFPE)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) – LATAM Program, Economic Indicators Group Historic
Artistic National Heritage Institute – IPHAN
Joaquim Nabuco Foundation– FUNDAJ
Regional Bureau for Culture for the Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO)
Dates and place
29 to 31 March 2011
Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
One of the great challenges for institutions and scholars of heritage conservation and protection has been to develop instruments for assessing the performance of the conservation actions of complex assets such as urban sites, cultural territories and landscapes and collections of many types of objects. UNESCO, for example, has been improving its Periodic Reports on the state of conservation of the assets on the World Heritage List in order to make the evaluations more transparent and less subject to distortions caused by technical and political constraints.
However, what remain at an incipient stage are monitoring and evaluation systems that allow the performance of conservation actions and their impacts to be identified, recorded and assessed, in an objective way. Ever since the Burra Charter, the theory of conservation has been undergoing a paradigm shift that sets the maintenance of significance as the central goal of heritage conservation. In addition to being informed by expert opinion, this change indicates that conservation of complex heritage assets must take into account the opinions of social actors directly involved with the assets (the stakeholders), and by doing so, this introduces cultural relativism and the use of subjectivity as an analytical tool. Also, the use of indicators has been suggested as a useful way to construct a monitoring instrument applicable to the different types of complex assets as this permits the performance of conservation actions to be evaluated, as well as the associated public policies to conservation as the economic valorization, the sustainability and the social inclusion.
The 6th Seminar will discuss this issue by analyzing both the theory and practice of evaluation of heritage conservation maintenance and of its impacts, and will respond to the following issues:
1) What are the consequences of the change in the theoretical paradigm for the development of monitoring and evaluation instruments for the conservation of complex assets such as urban sites, cultural territories and landscapes, and collections of various objects?
2) How can the performance of the conservation of heritage assets be evaluated over time? Can the performance of actions on different assets of the same kind or of different kinds be compared?
3) What lessons are to be learned from the use of indicators in the evaluation of conservation actions? Is it possible to estimate the efficiency and effectiveness of using these instruments for monitoring heritage conservation?
4) Have there been experiences of assessment or of use of conservation indicators which can contribute to the debate and so to the development of the theory and of the monitoring tools? We invite all stakeholders in heritage conservation acting in the academic field and institution promoting the culture as a development factor to submit articles that present their ideas, proposals and studies which address these questions to the Scientific Committee of the 6thInternational Seminar on Urban Conservation Languages Spanish, Portuguese and English (USA) are the languages of the seminar. The presentation will be in any of the official languages. The papers must be written in English.
An abstract must to be submitted by 30 August 2010.
Notification of selected abstracts will be given by 20 September 2010.
Full papers should be submitted by 30 November 2010. The accepted papers will be announced by 30 December 2010.
Papers and publication
The seminar partners will publish the conference proceedings. Some selected papers would be considered for publishing in “City & Time” (visit the website), the international journal of urban conservation.
For further information, visit the conference website.
9. International Symposium: Why Does the Past Matter? May 2011
International Symposium organized by the UMass Amherst Center for Heritage & Society
Why Does the Past Matter?
May 4 – 7, 2011
UMass Amherst Campus, Amherst, MA USA
Call for Papers Coming Soon
Even as we preach the importance of the Past for education, contemporary identity, cultural creativity, and community development, we sometimes take its benefits for granted. We tell ourselves and our students that “those who do not know the past are doomed to repeat it”; that “the past is the foundation for modern identity”; that “our heritage is what we cherish and must pass on to future generations.” We earnestly repeat these slogans, often without stopping to reflect seriously on whether they are really true—or even what they really mean.
As a result, our shared heritage of historic buildings and archaeological sites, regional foodways, traditions, and folklore are all too often seen by political leaders and budget cutters as valuable perhaps, but not among the most pressing public priorities. And in times of economic contraction—like the present recession—budgets for historic preservation, public heritage activities and historical commemoration are among the first to be cut.
The goal of this proposed symposium is to bring together a wide range of academics, public officials, heritage professionals, and community leaders to examine the practical value of the past—through a serious humanities and social science reexamination through four distinct thematic lenses of identity, culture, economics, and civil society.
The symposium will highlight ongoing projects, local activities, and educational initiatives that emphasize and facilitate cultural coexistence, community engagement, and sustainable development from around the world. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of Heritage & Society, a peer-reviewed journal, whose editorship has been assumed by theUMass Amherst Center for Heritage and Society.
Visit the website for further details.
10. Orange Blossoms: A cultural history of gardens in Orange and district
Created by Alison Russell of the City of Orange, the Orange Blossoms website is a record of the 2009 exhibition, ‘Orange Blossoms’, held at the Regional Gallery.
It builds on earlier work found at this website, which is about Orange district’s significant landscapes and trees.
More resources will be added to the Orange Blossoms in time.
11. Upcoming Australian Garden History Society events
The Northern NSW Branch is re-staging it’s New England garden history photographic exhibition at the Glen Innes Gallery from 21 August-18 September 2010.
The WA Branch is holding a photographic exhibition, Early Perth Gardens, at the Perth Town Hall from 11–25 May 2011.
12. International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures (SHATIS’11) – general information
SHATIS’11 – International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures
16-17 June 2011
The abstract submission period is closed. Nearly 160 abstracts were received, from numerous Institutions and Companies from 32 countries (more details on the conference website), promising a very interesting meeting.
The Conference website will be updated with relevant information for the participants. To receive a notification of updates, subscribe to the newsletter or to the RSS feed.
13. Publications of interest
An Everyday Transience: The Urban Imaginary of Goldfields Photographer John Joseph Dwyer, edited by Philip Goldswain and William Taylor
The work of 19th century photographer John Joseph Dwyer reveals the evolution of Australia’s Goldfields – its wealth, rapid growth and the subtle changes these invoked – in this beautifully produced book.
Click here for further information.
Pictures of Time Beneath: Science, Heritage and the Uses of the Deep Past, by Kirsty Douglas
Pictures of Time Beneath examines three celebrated heritage landscapes: Adelaide’s Hallett Cove, Lake Callabonna in the far north of South Australia, and the World Heritage listed Willandra Lakes Region of New South Wales.
Click here for further information.
14. Newsletter of the Hellenic Society of Archaeometry – available for download
To download this newsletter, click on the link below.
Hellenic Society of Archaeometry – Newsletter 112
15. The Best in Heritage DVDs (7th and 8th editions) now available
These latest editions include 38 presentations of the world’s best museums and heritage projects that were presented at the conferences held in September 2008 and 2009, in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Click here for further information.
16. Deadline for E-newsletter items
In an attempt to publish the newsletter as early as possible on Friday mornings, it is requested that items for the Australia ICOMOS E-newsletter be submitted no later than 3pm the Thursday before. The Secretariat appreciates your adherence to this deadline.
17. The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific – Chief Roi Mata’s Domain, Vanuatu
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) will be holding its first study tour this year – a visit to one of our region’s newest World Heritage Sites, the Chief Roi Mata’s Domain in Vanuatu, from 20-24 Sept 2010. For more information see the Vanuatu study tour 2010 flier and the Active Travel tour application form.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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