ICOMOS General Assembly in 2011 – note the date
Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Review – report available online
July 21 talk: lesser known UK, French & Scandanavian gardens & designed landscapes
The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific – Chief Roi Mata’s Domain, Vanuatu
Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage conference, Bhutan, September 2010 – further information
Salt Attack and Rising Damp seminar, Sydney
The effect on built heritage of rebuilding after natural disasters – academic paper sought
News from ICCROM
21st Meeting of EPHC – Communiqué: excerpt concerning Heritage
A message from the editors of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer (Part Time Maternity Leave Replacement), Liverpool City Council
1. ICOMOS General Assembly in 2011 – note the date
The 17th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS will be held from 27 November to 2 December 2011 in Paris (France). The symposium theme will be “Heritage, as an engine for development”.
The Executive Committee is particularly pleased to announce that the event will be held under the patronage of Mrs. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO and that both the General Assembly and Scientific Symposium will be located at UNESCO headquarters.
On behalf of the members, the ICOMOS Executive Committee expresses its thanks to ICOMOS France for organizing this event. This is the first time that the General Assembly will be held in Paris, home of our headquarters.
The members of the Advisory and Executive Committees should note that the meetings prior to the General Assembly will take place on 26 and 27 November for the Advisory Committee, and 25 and 27 November for the Executive Committee.
A more detailed program will be presented at the Advisory Committee meeting in Dublin (October 2010).
2. Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Review – report available online
In 2009 the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts undertook a review of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (PMCH Act) and Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Regulations 1987 (PMCH Regulations). The review was conducted in consultation with the National Cultural Heritage Committee and the broader community.
The review has been completed and the Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts, Peter Garrett has agreed to its recommendations for improvements to the PMCH legislation.
The review report is now available from here. Should you require a copy of the review report in rich text format, or a printed hard copy, please call the review Secretariat on 1800 115 771.
If you have any questions about the review please contact the review Secretariat on the above number or email the review Secretariat.
3. July 21 talk: lesser known UK, French & Scandanavian gardens & designed landscapes
Heritage & Museum consultants Chris & Margaret Betteridge will give an illustrated talk on four lesser-known gardens and a designed cemetery landscape (on the World Heritage List) – all in the UK/France and Sweden – from a recent trip. A joint event organised by the Australian Garden History Society and the Royal Australian Historical Society.
- one is being carefully restored
- one is a horticultural masterpiece & temporary showcase for contemporary monumental masons
- one is venue for an annual festival of landscape design and innovation
- one is a botanic garden of great historic significance
- the last is a 20th c. designed ‘landscape cemetery’ literally “to die for”! (hint: Alvar Aalto fans may particularly enjoy this one…)
When: Wednesday 21st July, 6.30pm for 7pm start
Where: History House auditorium, 133 Macquarie Street, Sydney
Cost: $30 includes light refreshments (AGHS & RAHS members, cost $20)
Bookings essential: phone Jeanne Villani (02) 9997 5995 / or email Jeanne
Pleass note – payment confirms booking and must be made before the event, either by:
a) internet bank transfer to ANZ Centrepoint Branch:
BSB no. 012 040
A/C no. 1017 62565
giving your name (& others’ names), and the name of the function “Betteridge talk”
b) cheque made out to the Sydney & Northern NSW Branch, Australian Garden History Society, c/o Peter Cousens, 93 Lennox Street, Newtown NSW 2042
Refunds for cancellations will not be made if less than 48 hours notice is given.
Click here for further information on this event.
4. The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific – Chief Roi Mata’s Domain, Vanuatu
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) will be holding its first study tour this year – a visit to one of our region’s newest World Heritage Sites, the Chief Roi Mata’s Domain in Vanuatu, from 20-24 Sept 2010. For more information see the Vanuatu study tour 2010 flier and the Active Travel tour application form.
5. Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage conference, Bhutan, September 2010 – further information
The Department of Disaster Management in coordination with the Department of Culture under Ministry of Home & Cultural Affairs, Bhutan is organizing an international conference on Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage, with the theme “Living in Harmony with the Four Elements”.
This conference is being held as a follow up and to find mitigation measures, solutions and to study the effects of disasters after Bhutan faced a cyclone, floods and earthquakes in the years 2008 and 2009.
The final date for the submission of abstracts/papers is 25 July 2010 (the notice is short due to certain constraints faced by the conference organisers).
The conference organisers plan to have 50 international participants, out of which 25 participants, whose abstracts/papers are selected will be fully funded by the organizer. This includes all travel expenses to attend the conference. All expenses for logistics within the country during the conference for all participants will be borne by the organizers.
There is also a pre-conference program which includes in country tours arranged for participants who are interested and will be arriving to Bhutan 1 or 2 days prior to the conference dates. All the field trips will be paid by the organizers.
The conference website is undergoing some changes.
The conference dates are September 7, 8 and 9, 2010. September 7 is the opening ceremony and the main conference days are 8 and 9 September.
For further information, download:
- International Conference_Bhutan_General Information
- International Conference_Bhutan_Abstract submission guidelines
6. Salt Attack and Rising Damp seminar, Sydney
Date: Wednesday 18th August, 2010
Time: 9-5pm
Location: Heritage Branch, Dept of Planning (NSW), 3 Marist Place, Parramatta
Cost: $220.00 incl GST, costs include the publication of the same name
Presented by the author, David Young OAM
Enquiries: email Elisha Long
For further information, please see the Rising Damp and Salt August 2010 flier.
7. The effect on built heritage of rebuilding after natural disasters – academic paper sought
The international Building Research and Information journal (BRI) published from the UK by Spons/Routledge is looking for a writer for its special issue on the destruction and dismantling of the built environment.
A c6000 word academic paper is sought on the effect on built heritage of rebuilding after natural disasters. Are earthquakes and other extreme events a convenient time for people with other agendas to manipulate the historic record? How does one safeguard architectural heritage post-disaster?
Final papers due March 2011 for publication July 2011. Please email any expressions of interest to guest editor, Robert Bevan.
8. News from ICCROM
To view the July 2010 news from ICCROM, click here.
9. 21st Meeting of EPHC – Communiqué: excerpt concerning Heritage
Australian Underwater Cultural Heritage Intergovernmental Agreement
Council endorsed the Australian Underwater Cultural Heritage Intergovernmental Agreement which clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the Commonwealth, the States and the Northern Territory in relation to the management of Australia’s underwater cultural heritage, as a precursor to Australia ratifying the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage.
CNHA Supporting Local Government Project
Council noted the completion of the Supporting Local Government Project, which forms part of the Cooperative National Heritage Agenda, and commended the output documents from the project to the Local Government and Planning Ministerial Council.
Australian World Heritage Advisory Committee
Council welcomed a progress report from the Australian World Heritage Advisory Committee (AWHAC) and noted AWHAC’s intention to provide its formal advice in late 2010. Council agreed to amend the AWHAC terms of reference to clarify and streamline the appointment of AWHAC members.
10. A message from the editors of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage
The International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration, Taylor & Francis, (click here for further information) received the first impact factor from the “Science Citation Index” / Thomsom Reuters. After only three years, the journal is already listed in the mid-rank in the SCI fields of “Construction & Building Technology” and “Civil Engineering”.
We would like to thank all authors and readers for this achievement. We are also aware that the publication lag from paper acceptance is currently too long and the publisher will roughly double the number of pages per year from 2011, with 6 issues per year. In addition, the publisher will offer on-line pre-publication in the very near future.
We hope that you continue to select this publication as a major source of information for resources and technologies for the study and repair of cultural heritage buildings, including history, methodology, materials, survey, inspection, non-destructive testing, analysis, diagnosis, remedial measures, and strengthening techniques. Below, you can find information about the papers published in 2010.
Yours sincerely,
Paulo Lourenço & Pere Roca
Editors of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage
List of Journal Papers in 2010
‘Assessment of Structure Through Non-Destructive Tests (NDT) and Minor Destructive Tests (MDT) Investigation: Case Study of The Church at Carthusian Monastery at Žiče’ (SLOVENIA)
Vlatko Bosiljkov; Christiane Maierhofer; Christian Koepp; Jens Wöstmann
‘Web-Enabling of Architectural Heritage Inventories’
Seán William Morrish; Debra F. Laefer
‘Handmade Clay Bricks: Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Properties’
Paulo B. Lourenço; Francisco M. Fernandes; Fernando Castro
‘The Mechanics of Gothic Masonry Arches’
Alessandra Romano; John A. Ochsendorf
‘The Influence of Particle Size and Structure in Hydrated Lime on the Properties of the Lime Putty and Lime Mortar’
Kristin Balksten; Britt-Marie Steenari
‘Characterization of Renders, Joint Mortars, and Adobes from Traditional Constructions in Aveiro’ (Portugal)
João Coroado; Helena Paiva; Ana Velosa; Victor Miguel Ferreira
‘Experimental and Numerical Response of Arch Bridge Historic Masonry Under Eccentric Loading’
Gianmarco de Felice; Stefano De Santis
‘Characterization of Historical Mortars from Alentejo’s Religious Buildings’
António Santos Silva; Patrícia Adriano; Ana Magalhães; João Pires; Ana Carvalho; Antonio João Cruz; José Mirão; António Candeias
‘Compatible Dilation Limits of Masonry Joint Mortars’
Miloš Drdácký; Pavel Beran
‘Lime-Based Mortars: Viability for Use as Substitution Renders in Historical Buildings’
M. do Rosário Veiga; Ana Fragata; Ana Luisa Velosa; Ana Cristian Magalhães; Goreti Margalha
‘Seismic Resistance Assessment of Heritage Masonry Buildings in Ljubljana’
Marjana Lutman
‘The Fossanova Church: Seismic Vulnerability Assessment by Numeric and Physical Testing’
Gianfranco De Matteis; Federico M. Mazzolani
‘The Restoration of the North-Side Foundation of the Temple of Apollo Epikourios’
Konstantinos Papadopoulos
‘Investigation of the 1716 Algiers (Algeria) Earthquake from Historical Sources: Effect, Damages, and Vulnerability’
Amina A. Abdessemed-Foufa; Djillali Benouar
‘Adobe and Timber Ties as Main Construction Materials for an Historic Greek Dwelling’
Anna-Maria Vissilia; Maria Villi
‘Light Vaults With Frescoes or Stuccoes Strengthened by Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) — the Role of the Reinforcement on Intrados Strains: First Experimental Data’
Enrico Quagliarini; Marco D’Orazio
‘Mortars and Stones of the Damascus Citadel’ (Syria)
Elisa Adorni; Giampiero Venturelli
‘Photographic Surveys of Building Exteriors in Central Oxford, UK’
Mary J. Thornbush
11. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer (Part Time Maternity Leave Replacement), Liverpool City Council
1 x Up to 12 Months Temporary Part Time Maternity Leave Replacement – up to 21 hours, 3 days per week
Liverpool City Council has an exciting opportunity for a self motivated and enthusiastic individual to play a significant role in the strategic conservation and management of identified heritage places and items within the Liverpool LGA.
The successful applicant will be involved in all aspects of contemporary heritage conservation matters and will provide specialist conservation advice, supporting property owners and managing conservation projects.
Applicants must have sound knowledge of heritage legislation, NSW planning legislation, the development assessment process and possess tertiary qualifications within a relevant field.
This position is a Grade 16 with a salary range of $73,068.55 to $80,064.45 pa pro-rata. Salary will be dependant upon the relevant skills, experience and competencies of the suitable applicant.
Please contact Tanya O’Brien, Manager Strategic Planning on 9821 9341 if you have any further queries or require any additional information.
Applicants are required to submit a recent resume outlining relevant details. In addition to the Resume, applicants must also address the selection criteria (Essential and Desirable) as set out in the Person Specification section of the job description, to be titled “Claim for the Position” and included as a separate attachment. Applicants who do not meet the essential criteria will not be considered.
Applications for positions will not be considered unless they address the essential and desirable criteria as outlined in the Job Description available in the Information Job Pack.
Written applications with recent references will be received up to Friday 16 July 2010. Forward applications to:
Recruitment Officer
Liverpool City Council
Locked Bag 7064
Email them to this address
Council prefers applications to be sent in via our online job application website.
Please allow six to eight weeks for the processing of your application. Short-listed candidates will be contacted by telephone. If you have not obtained a response within this eight week period, then unfortunately your application has not been successful.
Liverpool City Council is a non-smoking workplace and is committed to the principles and practices which underpin Equal Employment Opportunity and Cultural Diversity policies.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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