Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 443

  1. Heritage Council of Victoria formally recognises and endorses The Burra Charter
  2. The Walter Burley Griffin Society – invitation to a special presentation
  3. Online Course Announcement from the UMass Amherst Center for Heritage & Society
  4. The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific – Chief Roi Mata’s Domain, Vanuatu
  5. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
  6. Proposed development at Burra
  7. Global Heritage Review (GHR) bulletin available online
  8. Report from Sue Jackson-Stepowski on her recent ISC activities
  9. Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage conference, Bhutan, September 2010
  10. 15th Workshop – Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies: program online
  11. In memoriam: Jan Jessurun


1. Heritage Council of Victoria formally recognises and endorses The Burra Charter

The Heritage Council of Victoria at their meeting on Thursday 1 July 2010 resolved to recognise and endorse The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Heritage Significance 1999, as a document for guiding best practice heritage management in Victoria.


2. The Walter Burley Griffin Society – invitation to a special presentation

The Canberra Chapter of the Walter Burley Griffin Society invites Society members and friends to a special presentation by Associate Professor Christopher Vernon.

‘Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin: creating a modern architecture for India 1935-1937’

When: Wednesday 7 July 2010, 5.30 for 6 pm

Where: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia
Queen Victoria Terrace, Barton, ACT

Light refreshments will be served.

To RSVP, please email Luke Wensing.


3. Online Course Announcement from the UMass Amherst Center for Heritage & Society

Engaging Communities in Local Heritage Management
Margaret Purser, PhD
3 credits, 5 weeks online

This course will introduce participants to practical and tested frameworks for facilitating community consultation, recommended or required by many heritage development projects. It will also stress local benefits for community-based activities, as a source of community rejuvenation, with practical skill sets for achieving local development.

For more information please visit the website.


4. The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific – Chief Roi Mata’s Domain, Vanuatu

The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) will be holding its first study tour this year – a visit to one of our region’s newest World Heritage Sites, the Chief Roi Mata’s Domain in Vanuatu, from 20-24 Sept 2010. For more information see the Vanuatu study tour 2010 flier and the Active Travel tour application form.


5. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter

To download the June 2010 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.


6. Proposed development at Burra

Our colleagues in TICCIH have advised us of a proposed development at Burra, including a proposal to ‘lift’ the State heritage listing of the Burra State heritage area to facilitate mining. Click here for further information.

Submissions on this matter are being invited by SA’s Primary Industries and Resources.Visit the PIRSA website for further information.

Please note: the closing date for submissions has been extended to Thursday 8th July 2010.


7. Global Heritage Review (GHR) bulletin available online

To view the Summer 2010 issue of the GHR bulletin, click here.


8. Report from Sue Jackson-Stepowski on her recent ISC activities

What a fantastically informative, and exceedingly friendly, gathering was the 2010 CIAV annual meeting and seminar. I would urge all ICOMOS members to try to attend such get-togethers whenever you can.

Themed “vernacular crossing borders”, it was jointly organised by ICOMOS Norway, Sweden and Finland as well as the ISC for vernacular structures. The focus of superb site visits was the Finnskogen area that straddles the Norway-Sweden border. Delegates were housed together near the historic Konsvinger Fort and its ‘classified’ garrison settlement, which is arranged as a series of farm yard complexes.

Several papers detailed how the Fins transplanted their building technologies from one place into other, adjusting locally available materials, refining processes and techniques suitable for a new environment and set of circumstances. Several of the excellent site visits and paper examples are contemporaneous with Australian vernacular places, and yet unlike here, Scandinavian ‘vernacular’ are valued as structures and within the wider cultural landscape. Much was learnt about ‘smoke cabins’, including from Helsinki University of Technology architecture students who were recording and reinstating one. Treasured souvenirs are two beautiful, hand-drawn booklets.

Delegates came from Thailand, Abu Dhabi, Mexico, Egypt, Canada as well as Europe. “The manufactured ephemera of the Australian landscape”, presented by fellow Australia ICOMOS member Louise Honman, generating considerable discussion and awareness-raising about ‘vernacular’ in non-Europe circumstances.

My impetus to attend this seminar arose from three aspects. Firstly, work related, which largely deals with vernacular places, and especially timber structures. Second, my involvement with ICOMOS Shared Built Heritage (SBH) International Scientific Committee, being its Vice President (Asia Pacific), and where the SBH Bureau has worked hard since the Quebec GA to widen an understanding of its goals and activities. Also relevant is a Scientific Council goal to encourage greater co-operation between ISCs and national committees.

I feel strongly that not enough attention or value is given to our distinctly Australian ‘vernacular’. This is especially for places having rural origins, use timber, and some of which is now being engulfed by suburbia. This is the quintessential expression of our cultural heritage and history that is fast disappearing, and due to lost skills, technologies and seeming modesty, will be gone forever. But whenever one travels outside our mega-cities and urbanised coastal strips, it is this largely timber vernacular that defines local identities and is illustrated on tourist and promotional materials.

Following the seminar I attended the meeting of the SBH Bureau, held near Frankfurt, Germany. In October 2010 SBH will host a seminar on plantation architecture and settlements in Suriname – a former Dutch colony on northern tip of South America, which today has a complex population mix, including many from the Indian sub-continent brought in as indentured labour.

Images from 2010 CIAV meeting

Sue Jackson-Stepowski, M.ICOMOS
ISC Member: Shared Built Heritage and Historic Towns & Villages


9. Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage conference, Bhutan, September 2010

The Department of Disaster Management in coordination with the Department of Culture under Ministry of Home & Cultural Affairs, Bhutan is organizing an international conference on Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage, with the theme “Living in Harmony with the Four Elements”.

This conference is being held as a follow up and to find mitigation measures, solutions and to study the effects of disasters after Bhutan faced a cyclone, floods and earthquakes in the years 2008 and 2009.

The final date for the submission of abstracts/papers is 25 July 2010 (the notice is short due to certain constraints faced by the conference organisers).

The conference organisers plan to have 50 international participants, out of which 25 participants, whose abstracts/papers are selected will be fully funded by the organizer. This includes all travel expenses to attend the conference. All expenses for logistics within the country during the conference for all participants will be borne by the organizers.

There is also a pre-conference program which includes in country tours arranged for participants who are interested and will be arriving to Bhutan 1 or 2 days prior to the conference dates. All the field trips will be paid by the organizers.

The conference website is undergoing some changes.

The conference dates are September 7, 8 and 9, 2010. September 7 is the opening ceremony and the main conference days are 8 and 9 September.

Please note – further information is not available at this time. If you’d like more information about this conference, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat with your request – every attempt will be made to meet requests for information.


10. 15th Workshop – Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies: program online

The provisional conference program is available online.The the final schedule will be published in August

Click here to register – early bird rate are available until 10 October 2010.

Hotel-bookings can be made by clicking here.

For further information, visit the website.


11. In memoriam: Jan Jessurun

Jan Jessurun
ICOMOS Treasurer General 1990 – 1999
Honorary Member of ICOMOS

ICOMOS informs its worldwide membership of the profoundly sad news of the death on 25 June 2010 of Jan Jessurun, Treasurer General of ICOMOS from 1990 to 1999 and member of ICOMOS Netherlands.

Jan steered ICOMOS’ financial affairs with a safe and steady hand for 9 years, including during the move of our headquarters from rue du Temple to rue de la Fédération. He will be remembered by all those who had the chance to serve and work with him for his tenacity and sharp sense of humour, but above all for his generous spirit and unwavering loyalty to ICOMOS and his dedication to the cultural heritage field. In 1999, he was made Honorary member of ICOMOS by the General Assembly.

After a distinguished career in the navy where he rose to the rank of Captain of the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps followed by a period in commercial shipping, he served from 1974 to 1996 in the Dutch Ministry of Culture, holding in turn the position of Head of the Monuments Department; Head of Monuments, Archaeology, Museums and Archives; Deputy Director General for Cultural Heritage and Arts, Libraries and Media; Deputy Secretary General and Acting Secretary General. After his retirement from the Ministry, he held the prestigious position of Chairman of the Dutch National Council for Culture.

Throughout his professional career and after his retirement, Jan chaired and was board member of a number of foundations, private institutions and projects in the field of culture.

For this commitment he received the highest honours in the Netherlands:

  • Knight of the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands
  • Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau
  • Recipient of the Medal of honour for Arts and Sciences in the Order of the House of Orange
  • Recipient of the New-Guinea Memorial Cross

ICOMOS conveys its warmest feelings of sympathy to Jan’s family, colleagues and friends in the Netherlands and world-wide. We all share in this deep loss.

Gustavo Araoz


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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