Donate to the Streetwise Asia Fund
Outback & Beyond abstracts on CD – limited number available for purchase
Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places, 27 September – 1 October at Port Arthur (5 days)
The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific – Chief Roi Mata’s Domain, Vanuatu
New conservation journal
Australian Institute of Architects China 2010 Study Tour
Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTdoc) – poster submission deadline extended
Australia well represented at IPHC conference in Punta Arenas, Chile
Global Heritage Fund launches Global Heritage Network
World Monuments Fund (WMF)
Warisan 2010, Malaysia
SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist, Abel Ecology
1. Donate to the Streetwise Asia Fund
End of financial year – please consider a tax deductible donation to the Streetwise Asia Fund
Thanks to all those who have already responded to this fund raising initiative. The second Streetwise project has been a great success and upgraded a previously derelict Gabaldon primary school building in Camiguin Island in the Southern Philippines. New relationships have now been built with key local players in the Philippines, including AusAID and the Philippines Department of Education, and Streetwise has committed to a third project also in the Philippines. The aim is to donate A$12,000 towards the upgrade and conservation of an identified important heritage school building in Southern Bohol. This building is barely habitable but is used by more than 300 children. This is now the focus for current fund raising. All Streetwise funds reach the target project – there are no administration costs which are all undertaken voluntarily.
How to donate to the Fund
If you wish to support the Streetwise Asia Fund, please send a cheque to:
Australind Children’s Fund – Streetwise Asia
RMD 95 Back Valley
via Victor Harbor SA 5211
Please make cheques payable to Australind Children’s Fund Inc. – Streetwise Asia
For further information or details of the next project , please email Liz Vines or call 0419 816 525.
2. Outback & Beyond abstracts on CD – limited number available for purchase
A CD of abstracts of papers and snap-shots presented at the Australia ICOMOS Outback & Beyond conference is now available for purchase from the Secretariat. Stock is limited, however. The cost is $20, which includes postage.
Please complete the Outback & Beyond abstracts CD order form if you are interested in purchasing a copy.
3. Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places, 27 September – 1 October at Port Arthur (5 days)
There are a few places available in this advanced professional development course if you are interested but have not yet enrolled. The course will be taught by leading heritage professionals Dr Michael Pearson and Professor Sharon Sullivan. Port Arthur and ANU staff will also assist.
Further details see the Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places flier or go to the IPPHA website.
4. The challenges of World Heritage in the Pacific – Chief Roi Mata’s Domain, Vanuatu
The Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts (IPPHA) will be holding its first study tour this year – a visit to one of our region’s newest World Heritage Sites, the Chief Roi Mata’s Domain in Vanuatu, from 20-24 Sept 2010. For more information see the Vanuatu study tour flier and the Active Travel tour application form.
5. New conservation journal
Change Over Time is a new, semi-annual journal from the University of Pennsylvania Press that focuses on publishing original, peer-reviewed research papers and review articles on the history, theory, and praxis of conservation and the built environment.
For further information, click here.
6. Australian Institute of Architects China 2010 Study Tour
AIA’s NSW Chapter is inviting registrations for their inaugural study tour to China.
The itinerary has been very carefully crafted by Anne Warr, an Institute member who has lived in China for many years. The tour to Shanghai and Beijing includes highlights from ancient times to the very exciting new developments of the 21st century and includes a visit to World Expo.
Anne Warr will accompany the tour to ensure all participants gain maximum insight from their experience of architecture in China – numbers therefore are limited. For further information download the study tour brochure. As shown on the brochure there is also an opportunity to register for the Post Conference to Hong Kong from 16-19 September.
If you are interested in being one of the select few to join Anne on this unique travel event complete the registration form as soon as possible to guarantee your place on the tour.
If you have any immediate queries contact Fiona Fahey or Kevin Foley at Impact Organisation on (03) 9535 3600, or email Impact.
7. Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTdoc) – poster submission deadline extended
November 19-20, 2010
The School of Design/University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
The poster submission deadline has been extended to 16 July 2010. The best posters will be published in The Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (JCHMSD). Click here for more information about this journal.
Visit the conference website for further information.
8. Australia well represented at IPHC conference in Punta Arenas, Chile
Three Australian members attended a conference staged by the International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) 22 – 27 April. The successful conference in Punta Arenas, was staged with excellent support from ICOMOS Chile. It was based at the Universtity of Magellanes with assistance from the University’s Antarctic Department as well as number of other Antarctic related agencies from the area. We were especially fortunate that ICOMOS International President, Gustavo Araoz was also able to attend.
Australian members presented 2 papers with Julian Bickersteth providing an interesting update on recent conservation projects at Mawson’s Hut at Commonwealth Bay in Antarctica. Mike Pearson and his Chilean colleague Ruben Stehberg delivered a paper which highlighted geographic and technological influences on the location and nature of nineteenth century sealing sites in the South Shetland Islands.
Our Chilean hosts also provided some interesting lectures on local history and arranged a fascinating programme of visits to local historic sites.
During the formal IPHC meeting that was held at the same time there was a discussion on the issue of succession when the current President and Secretary General of the IPHC are required to step down in 2011. A proposal which would result in the election of an Australian President, Julian Bickersteth supported by a Secretariat established in New Zealand under Secretary General Nigel Watson, was warmly received. This proposal for the new Executive will be presented to next meeting of the IPHC to be held in conjunction with the ICOMOS General Assembly in 2011.
Paul Chaplin
Secretary General, IPHC
9. Global Heritage Fund launches Global Heritage Network
Global Heritage Fund has just launched their Global Heritage Network (GHN) 1.0 Beta, utilizing Google Earth and high-resolution satellite imagery donated from Digital Globe as a collaborative internet platform to help save major archaeological and heritage sites in the developing world.
GHN 1.0 Beta features over 500 major archaeological and heritage sites today, and we hope that you will add your own photos, reviews and information on these sites to help towards their preservation and long-term protection.
Click here to explore GHN.
Goals of GHN include:
- Increasing global awareness of the threats facing heritage in developing countries
- Providing an early warning and threats monitoring system for global heritage
- Building a universally accessible Library and KnowledgeBase for innovative solutions in heritage conservation and community development
- Delivering a collaboration platform for implementing Preservation by Design to help save major archaeological and heritage sites Major archaeological and heritage sites are being damaged and destroyed due to urban encroachment, looting, unplanned development, neglect, insufficient management, war and conflict
10. World Monuments Fund (WMF)
Capacity building is an essential element in WMF’s conservation work around the world. They help local communities develop expertise and long-term strategies for caring for treasured heritage sites in their communities. At San Pedro Apóstol de Andahuaylillas in Peru, hands-on conservation work allows local professionals to gain skills to help save this extraordinary Baroque church. In Bulla Regia in Tunisia, international conservators work with local professionals to improve archaeological site surveying and management skills so visitors today and in the future can walk among the houses and mosaics created by the Romans nearly 2000 years ago.
Help by voting for World Monuments Fund today. WMF sincerely appreciates your continued support.
11. Warisan 2010, Malaysia
National Conference on the Preservation and Promotion of Heritage
Parkroyal Hotel
Penang, Malaysia
24-26 November
The objectives of this conference are:
- To share information and experience in suggesting new and alternative ideas for the preservation and promotion of heritage.
- To bring together academicians, heritage activists and state agencies to discuss current issues pertaining to the preservation and promotion of heritage.
- To create awareness and alertness on the current issues of heritage sustainability.
- To bring about the “Semangat Cintakan Warisan Negara (Love for National Heritage)” of Malaysians
For further information, visit the conference website.
12. SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist, Abel Ecology
Job Vacancy – Archaeologist
Region: NSW
Location: Blue Mountains
Abel Ecology is an environmental consultancy with a multi-disciplinary team consisting of botanists, fauna ecologists, GIS operators and bushfire experts. In addition, we provide expert scientific witness in both ecology and bushfire in the New South Wales Land and Environment Court.
We are seeking to employ an archaeologist specialising in cultural heritage throughout south-eastern Australia. Tasks will include Aboriginal research, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community consultation, cultural heritage impact assessment, impact minimisation and monitoring, and cultural site management planning.
To be successful you will:
- have a current New South Wales Drivers License and capacity to work outdoors (essential)
- have a tertiary qualification, preferably an Honours degree in Archaeology (or Arts or Science) with an emphasis on Australian Aboriginal archaeology
- be eligible for membership of a relevant professional association
- have a minimum of 2 years practical experience in cultural heritage consulting and project management, although those with less experience (i.e. graduates) will be considered
- know of and how to apply cultural heritage legislation, such as the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and Heritage Act 1995, and Government policy
- have demonstrated ability to contribute to the preparation of cultural heritage reports, such as Statement of Heritage Impact, Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) and salvage reports
- be able to manage projects and be willing to learn quickly, and to demonstrate high level of professionalism
- be prepared to work flexible hours, including during field surveys, and be willing to travel to field locations throughout south-eastern Australia
Other non-technical skills required include excellent communication skills, computer literacy, ability to manage time and meet deadlines, and ability to work autonomously as well as part of a specialist team. Although not essential, skills in GIS and graphics will be highly regarded.
This is an opportunity to join a dynamic organisation where supportive and collaborative behaviour is encouraged and your experience and commitment to Zero Harm will be highly valued.
Salary and work conditions will be negotiated.
Send your CV to Dr Danny Wotherspoon via email.
Visit the Abel Ecology website.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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