Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 441

  1. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
  2. Outback & Beyond abstracts on CD – limited number available for purchase
  3. International Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage – call for members
  4. Domes in the World International Congress – call for papers
  5. Green Building and Design Conference, State Library of Victoria, 3-4 September 2010
  6. Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTdoc) – news
  7. News from the ICOMOS Documentation Centre
  8. 15th Workshop – Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – call for posters & videos
  9. SITUATION VACANT Strategic Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council
  10. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Projects Coordinator, Rappoport Heritage Consultants


1. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series

Have your say – Review of the ACT Heritage Act
Duncan Marshall

The ACT Heritage Act 2004 is being reviewed. The Act came into force in 2005 as the ACT’s primary legislation dealing with the identification, protection and conservation of the Territory’s heritage places and objects. The Act includes a provision for a review of the legislation after five years of operation.

The consultant undertaking the review, Duncan Marshall, is keen to hear from a wide range of people and organisations with an interest in the operations of the Act. This session will be an opportunity for anyone to raise issues and promote suggestions about the future for the Act.

Members and the public are welcome. Refreshments will be available. This is part of a series of talks organised in Canberra by Australia ICOMOS.

Time & Date: 5.00-6.30pm, Thursday 24 June – the session will actually start at 5.30.

Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side).

RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott


2. Outback & Beyond abstracts on CD – limited number available for purchase

A CD of abstracts of papers and snap-shots presented at the Australia ICOMOS Outback & Beyond conference is now available for purchase from the Secretariat. Stock is limited, however. The cost is $20, which includes postage.

Please complete the Outback & Beyond abstracts CD order form if you are interested in purchasing a copy.


3. International Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage – call for members

ICICH is the International Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage, an ICOMOS International Scientific Committee focussing on the identification, protection, interpretation and management of the intangible cultural associations attributed to monuments and sites. ICICH is planning an active program for the remainder of 2010, including supporting ICOMOS’ operations in intangible cultural heritage, providing advice on the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible as well as commenting on a draft ‘charter/principles/statement’ on intangible cultural heritage.

ICICH is seeking to broaden its membership in accordance with the Eiger-Xian principles, which allow for an unlimited number of expert members from each country, and is inviting applications for new Expert Membership from persons able to demonstrate expertise and experience in any field associated with the protection, maintenance and conservation of heritage places that have intangible heritage associations. Australia currently has four expert members on the committee.

If you are interested, please complete the ICICH Membership Form, and provide a CV and supporting letter outlining your area of expertise and interest in intangible cultural heritage related work. Applications should be forwarded to the ISC co-ordinator Anita Krivickas (with a copy to the Secretariat) by no later than 25 June 2010.

In accordance with Australia ICOMOS policy, nominations will be considered for endorsement by the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee, and forwarded to ICICH for their consideration.


4. Domes in the World International Congress – call for papers

International Congress
Florence, 3-6 November 2011

Main Congress Sessions

I. Cultural Identity given by Domes

  • Ancient and Contemporary
  • Landscapes and Skylines

II. The Symbolism of Domes

III. Dome Shapes and their Geometrical Genesis

IV. Construction and Conservation

  • Constitutive Elements: Shells (single or double), Ground Supports, Pendentives, Drums, Openings, Coverings and Protections, Facings, Decoration
  • Building and Conservation Techniques: Materials, Bonds, Structural Systems, Wooden Domes etc.
  • Survey, Analysis and Documentation: Objectives, Instruments, Methods
  • Deterioration and Conservation: Theory, History and Practices of Dome Strengthening

V. Contemporary Domes and Vaults

Deadline for abstract submission – 31 July 2010.

Visit the congress website for further information.


5. Green Building and Design Conference, State Library of Victoria, 3-4 September 2010

Green Building and Design Conference – Greening the Existing Building Stock in 2010

This conference is being held at the State Library of Victoria, on Friday 3 – Saturday 4 September 2010.

The program includes an outstanding line-up of speakers, whose presentation details are available to view from the conference website:

The wide range of pertinent topics include:

  • Renovating for a different future
  • City of Melbourne’s 1200 Buildings Program
  • Material recycling
  • Building transformation
  • Wind energy
  • Non-technical aspects of energy efficiency in office building
  • Life cycle perspective of renovations

Numerous case studies and site visits round off the program.

Attendance can be in person or online. You can register online or telephone RMIT Short Courses on 03 9925 8111. If you register before 30 July, you can take advantage of 25% discount!

For further information, see the Green Building and Design 2010 conference flyer.


6. Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTdoc) – news

November 19-20, 2010
The School of Design/University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)

Poster submission deadline: 24 June 2010

Innovative posters, illustrating the use of recording, documentation and information systems in preservation of built heritage will be rewarded with the “The Best Poster Awards”. The Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (JCHMSD) edited by Ana Pereira Roders and Ron van Oers have offered to publish these posters in this prestigious publication. Click here for more information about this journal.

Students can register for free before and others enjoy of a reduced rate of 70 US dollars. Please take advantage of the early bird rates before 30 July 2010.

Visit the conference website for further information.


7. News from the ICOMOS Documentation Centre

New bibliographies by ICOMOS Documentation Centre

  • May 12, 2010 – Management plans and the World Heritage Convention. Download (PDF, 150 KB)
    Around 200 references that answer the exponential requests about this topic.
  • June 11, 2010 – Sport and cultural heritage. Download (PDF, 220 KB)
    On the occasion of the opening of the World Cup, a bibliography to remember that there is much more about sport than football!


8. 15th Workshop – Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies – call for posters & videos

Urban Archaeology of Vienna is conducting a congress in Vienna on 15-17 November 2010.

Theme: In/Visble Towns – Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas

Though the deadline for abstracts has passed (the notification for speakers will be 30 June 2010),  the Call for Posters is still open – for further information click here and here.

Call for Videos!! NEW!!

Funny and humorous videos (maximal 3 minutes), which show your project, work or something else connected with Archaeology and Cultural Heritage are being invited – the deadline for these is 30 September 2010). They will be shown at the end of the third day (17 November 2010) instead of the panel discussion.

Format your video for Real Player or Windows Media Player.

For further information, visit the website.


9. SITUATION VACANT Strategic Heritage Officer, Woollahra Municipal Council

Strategic Heritage Officer
Position no: PSHT

Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.

Your role includes the preparation of heritage conservation policy and information, provision of advice to Councillors and staff, and promotion of heritage conservation in the community. You will also respond to customer enquiries and assist in explaining policies to customers.

Salary & benefits

  • Salary up to $88,379 + Super
  • Private use vehicle + fuel
  • Nine day fortnight
  • Modern harbourside offices with beach and garden surrounds

Visit the Woollahra Municipal Council’s employment section to download the position description.

Applications close Wednesday 30 June 2010.


10. SITUATION VACANT Heritage Projects Coordinator, Rappoport Heritage Consultants

Heritage Projects Coordinator

Rappoport Heritage Consultants seeks the assistance of an experienced heritage practitioner to work in busy Sydney metro firm.

You will have the following: expertise; historical research capability; proven track record of writing CMPs and SOHIs; an ability to coordinate and manage all heritage reports, including liaison with clients, councils and sub-consultants.

You will have strong English writing and word processing skills and the ability to work autonomously.

Appropriate tertiary qualifications are essential.

An attractive salary package commensurate with experience will be offered.

Please apply by email with your CV, to the attention of Sue Rosenberg.


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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