One more lot of Broken Hill photos available online
Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age – early registration open
Rare French architectural books on display
Historic Houses Trust to acquire Throsby Park
Arte-Polis 3: Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place – early registration open
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s e-newsletter
Conserving Aboriginal rock art – a query
AIMA Conference 2010 – call for papers
Philippine-Australian cooperation restores Gabaldon-type school in Camiguin
The Hon Peter Garrett MP – link to media release
2010 National Asian Pacific Islander American Historic Preservation Forum
1. One more lot of Broken Hill photos available online
The official photographer of the Broken Hill conference, David Wixted, has supplied a selection of photographs, which are available for download from the Broken Hill Conference website – Photos page.
Please note that the images are grouped according to the day they were taken and have been uploaded as a “zipped” file using WinZip. Once downloaded, they will need to be “unzipped”.
Another lot of photos from the conference dinner have been added; the title of this group is “The Dinner Game”.
2. Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age – early registration open
Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTdoc)
November 19-20, 2010 University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA
Organizers: Historic Preservation at the School of Design (University of Pennsylvania), the R. Lemaire International Centre for Conservation at the University of Leuven and the University College St Lieven
Visit the website for further information.
Supporting institutions include UNESCO World Heritage Centre, UNESCO Chair for Preventive Maintenance, Monitoring and Conservation, ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation (CIPA) and the International Society on Virtual Systems and Multimedia
The deadline for early registration is 30 July 2010.
The symposium offers an affordable Early Bird Registration rates for participants and students.
- Participant fee: 70 US Dollars
- Student fee: free
3. Rare French architectural books on display
Rare French books on architecture and building, from the collections of the Osbert Lancaster Memorial Bibliographic Institute, will be on display from Tuesday 15 to Wednesday 23 June (weekdays only) in the Wunderlich Gallery, ground floor, Architecture Building, Melbourne University, Parkville, with expository talks by Miles Lewis.
For further information, see the Rare French Books flyer.
4. Historic Houses Trust to acquire Throsby Park
Throsby Park, Moss Vale will be transferred from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to the HHT to be managed and leased as a residence through the HHT’s Endangered Houses Fund (EHF) program. The nationally significant property is located 140km south of Sydney on the outskirts of Moss Vale and contains a fine c1834 colonial Georgian homestead and associated rural buildings, including stables, diary, piggery, meat house, summer house, orchards and gardens. By returning Throsby Park to its original use as a residence, HHT maintains its heritage values while ensuring regular opportunities for the public to visit and appreciate this historic property.
5. Arte-Polis 3: Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place – early registration open
From 22-24 July 2010, Arte-Polis is holding their biennial gathering of international creative champions at Bandung, Indonesia, to learn and share together from their collaborative and creative experiences on place-making. Complete information is available at the Arte-Polis website, where regular updates will be provided, including (shortly) the Abstracts of accepted Papers and Bio/topic of Keynote/Speakers
An initiative of the School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development at Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), Arte-Polis brings together practitioners, academics, community leaders, government officials, policy-makers and other professionals from diverse disciplines and regions around the world concerned with the quality of life and collaborative nature of creative communities in urban, rural and pastoral places.
Spearheaded by a highly successful International Conference, the third Arte-Polis in 2010 focuses on the theme ‘Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place: Learning from Shared Creative Experiences’. The aim of Arte-Polis 3 is to share and learn from international and local experiences regarding current issues, best practices and policy implications of creative collaboration on place-making.
Keynote Speakers at the Arte-Polis 3 International Conference will include Dr. Nezar ALSAYYAD, Professor of Architecture, City Planning, Urban Design and Urban History at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, and Director/President of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE). Pending confirmation is Dr. Mari E. Pangestu, Indonesia’s Minister for Trade, who at the 2008 Arte-Polis 2 delivered an impressive keynote address on the country’s Creative Economy Policy along with Mr. Charles LANDRY who then delivered a stunning keynote speech on Creative Cities.
Amongst the Featured Speakers who will be speaking at Arte-Polis 3 are Professor Eku WAND (Braunschweig University of Art, GERMANY), Professor Suhono H. SUPANGKAT (Institute of Technology Bandung, INDONESIA), Dr. Nancy MARSHALL (University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA), and Dr. Togar SIMATUPANG (Institute of Technology Bandung, INDONESIA). Over 100 Papers that have passed a rigorous Blind-Review process will be presented by authors from 15 countries within the Conference’s six parallel Tracks, making Arte-Polis 3 THE place for creative champions to network and share best practices in creative collaboration and place-making.
Early-Bird Conference Fee rates are available until 31 May 2010. Forms can be downloaded from the Arte-Polis website.
6. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s e-newsletter
Heritage Tasmania’s April e-newsletter is available here.
7. Conserving Aboriginal rock art – a query
Gisella Campanelli is a cultural materials conservation student at Melbourne Uni, and is in the process of completing an assignment (due Monday 31 May!!) advocating for the conservation of Aboriginal rock art. In your experience, has the Aboriginal community looked at the handling of rock art by conservators in a positive way, or have there been occasions where it has created tension? She imagines that permission may need to be sought from relevant members of the Aboriginal community before treatment goes ahead, and is wondering – does this happen often?
If you have any experience with this matter and are able to assist Gisella with her query, please email her directly.
8. AIMA Conference 2010 – call for papers
AIMA Conference 2010 – Perceptions and Misconceptions of Maritime Heritage: accuracy and impact in the public domain
The conference organisers are now inviting proposals for papers on the themes of the proposed sessions, covering current issues in Australasian maritime archaeology as well as sessions of interest and relevance to Australasian archaeologists more generally. We also invite posters to be displayed at the conference on relevant research topics.
Please send your paper submissions to both the relevant session organiser (see below) AND to the conference organiser, hanna.steyne@dpcd.vic.gov.au.
Submissions should include:
- Your name, contact phone number, email, affiliation/organisation
- Proposed session
- Abstract of max 250 words
The deadline for abstracts is 12 July 2010.
A final list of sessions will be posted once all paper proposals have been received and considered. The decision on the final list of sessions rests with the Conference Organising Committee. Papers will be 15 to 20 minutes long depending upon the number of paper proposals received.
The provisional sessions are:
Views from the far side – insights and experiences of working with maritime heritage
Hanna Steyne: hanna.steyne@dpcd.vic.gov.au
- This session will provide asset managers, developers, consultants and heritage managers with an opportunity to present their experiences and thoughts on working with and around maritime heritage sites. The aim of the session is to provide an opportunity to discuss some of the perceptions and misconceptions of managing maritime development projects and maritime heritage sites. The session hopes to provide all involved with an insight into the highs and lows of dealing with heritage agencies, consultant archaeologists, heritage advisers, builders, architects, etc, to dispel some myths and hopefully enable all parties to gain a new viewpoint.
Too soon to be heritage? The significance of our recent maritime past
David Steinberg: david.steinberg@nt.gov.au
- This session will focus on public and professional perceptions of our recent maritime past. At what point in time do events, dramas and stories associated with our seas, rivers and coastline become part of the formal narrative of our maritime history? In what ways do the public identify with recent maritime events, and what contribution can archaeologists, historians and curators make in interpreting them. What are the consequences of public and professional perceptions of our recent maritime past in the preservation of its physical remains?
Challenges managing maritime heritage objects and collections
Susanna Collis: susanna.collis@dpcd.vic.gov.au & Annie Muir: anne-louise.muir@dpcd.vic.gov.au
- Abstract not yet available.
Myths and Legends in Archaeology
Peter Harvey: peter.harvey@dpcd.vic.gov.au
- Abstract not yet available.
The ‘Research’ Session
Matt Carter: matt.carter15@gmail.com
- A session for students at any stage of their research to present their work whether it be for Honours or PhD. We’d also like to invite AIMA/NAS graduates and dive clubs to present on any surveys or research they have been involved with.
19th Century shipwreck salvage
Hanna Steyne: hanna.steyne@dpcd.vic.gov.au
- Abstract not yet available.
Zuiddorp: Unfinished business
Wendy van Duivenvoorde: Wendy.VanDuivenvoorde@museum.wa.gov.au
- A session on the recent work done on the Dutch East Indiaman Zuiddorp in WA. Work is currently being undertaken to complete the final publication of Zuiddorp and this session will share some of that work with AIMA members.
Archaeology & the media
Emily Jateff: emily.jateff@flinders.edu.au & Cassandra Philippou: cassphilippou@gmail.com
- From documentary to drama and internet to print, maritime archaeology in the media is transmitted to the public as the adventure of a lifetime. The relationship, or lack thereof, between maritime archaeology and the media relates directly to myths and misconceptions created and perpetuated through the media about archaeology and maritime archaeology. This session will address how both archaeologists and the media have contributed to, and are responsible for, public perceptions of maritime archaeology; promote new research in media applications, cross-disciplinary training and education, and discuss how archaeologists can be better informed and thereby ensure the right messages are given to the public.
9. Philippine-Australian cooperation restores Gabaldon-type school in Camiguin
SET TO BE INAUGURATED THIS WEEK IS the newly conserved Kugita Elementary School, a landmark Gabaldon-type schoolhouse on Camiguin.
What makes the inauguration significant is that the conservation was a joint effort of the Philippines and Australia, signaling for the first time foreign interest in the uniqueness and intrinsic value of Philippine heritage.
The Australian government participated through its AusAid program, which assists the Department of Education in school rehabilitation.
Click here to read the article in full.
10. The Hon Peter Garrett MP – link to media release
Appointments to National Cultural Heritage Committee
11. 2010 National Asian Pacific Islander American Historic Preservation Forum
The 2010 National Asian Pacific Islander American Historic Preservation Forum
“Preserving Asian Pacific Islander America: Mobilizing our Communities”
24-26 June 2010, San Francisco
A gathering of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders concerned about preserving their historical community resources.
Early registration is $125 for the first 100 registrants. Regular registration is $150.
Requests for SCHOLARSHIPS should be emailed to Christine Tzeng before registering. Please include:
- Subject line: APINHP Forum Scholarship Application
- Body: Your name and affiliation
- Specify if you are a student between the ages of 15-25
Please note that scholarships are only available for students between the ages of 15-25.
Visit the forum website for further information.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
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Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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