Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 437

  1. Invitation To Vicomites – Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting In Melbourne
  2. Thank you to Tony Faithfull
  3. Burra Charter workshop, Melbourne – REMINDER
  4. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
  5. Broken Hill photos available online
  6. Seventh International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation and the Workshop on Documentation and Conservation of Stone deterioration in Heritage Places
  7. Follow ICCROM & IIC via online social media
  8. ICOMOS Thailand 2010 conference – call for abstracts
  9. Domes in the World International Congress – call for papers
  10. Recent Australia ICOMOS submissions available online
  11. The Hon Peter Garrett MP – link to media release
  12. SITUATION VACANT Senior Consultant Archaeologist Position, Gavin Jackson Cultural Resource Management
  13. SITUATION VACANT Planning Officer, Local Government Services, Heritage Council of Western Australia


1. Invitation To Vicomites – Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting In Melbourne

Vicomites (ICOMOS members in Victoria) are cordially invited to join the Executive Committee (EC) for two events on Saturday 29 May 2010:

  • Tour of Heritage Victoria’s Conservation and Research Centre (the Lab), where land and maritime archaeological objects are conserved and stored, lead by Senior Conservator Jenny Dickens, 30 mins, 5.00pm, 4 Harper Street, Abbotsford, followed by drinks with the EC (free)
  • Dinner at the nearby Retreat Hotel, 226 Nicholson Street, Abbotsford 7.00pm (members’ own expense)

RSVP to both events by COB Friday 21 May to the Secretariat.


2. Thank you to Tony Faithfull

On behalf of Australia ICOMOS members and the Executive Committee, I’d like to thank Tony Faithfull, who has been our webmaster for the last few years. Tony had worked diligently to keep our previous website up-to-date, and also provided expert assistance and advice in relation to the transition to the new Australia ICOMOS website.

We wish Tony all the best in his future endeavours.

Georgia Meros
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat


3. Burra Charter workshop, Melbourne – REMINDER

As part of the Burra Charter development program, Australia ICOMOS is running a series of workshops in order to engage directly with members about the range of tasks related to the Charter, the current guidelines and possible future guidelines. These workshops will supplement information gathered through the electronic surveys advertised in the e-news and other research. The workshop will include a report back on findings so far, as well as explore a range of issues related to the Charter and its guidelines.

The Melbourne workshop will be held at:

Heritage Victoria
Conference Room
Level 4, 55 Collins Street, Melbourne

3-5pm, Friday 28 May 2010

All welcome!

Please RSVP via email to Megan McDougall by COB Wednesday 26 May.

Australia ICOMOS will be providing drinks and nibblies for the workshop participants at the conclusion of the workshop.


4. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series

Travels in Vietnam – Perspectives of world heritage sites – Hoi An and My Son
Leah McKenzie

Vietnam has five places in the world heritage list. Some sites are very well known and have high visitation rates while others are less well known. The presentation will look at management issues on two very different world heritage listed places in central Vietnam, My Son and Hoi An. My Son was the capital of the Cham empire that lasted from the 4th to 14th century AD, and is considered to be one of the most important Hindu temple complexes in South East Asia. Hoi An, on the coast of Vietnam, was an important entrepôt from the 16th century until late 19th century. Issues of visitor experience and management and the presentation of the sites will be considered.

Leah McKenzie is a heritage archaeologist and member of Australia ICOMOS currently working in the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.

Members and the public are welcome. Refreshments will be available. This is part of a series of talks organised in Canberra by Australia ICOMOS.

Time & Date: 5.00-6.30 pm, Thursday 27 May 2010 – the talk will actually start at 5.30.

Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side).

RSVP: To Marilyn Truscott


5. Broken Hill photos available online

The official photographer of the Broken Hill conference, David Wixted, has supplied a selection of photographs, which are available for download from the Broken Hill Conference website – Photos page. Please note that the images are grouped according to the day they were taken and have been uploaded as a “zipped” file using WinZip. Once downloaded, they will need to be “unzipped”.


6. Seventh International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation and the Workshop on Documentation and Conservation of Stone deterioration in Heritage Places

CulTech For Archaeology and Conservation welcomes to the “Seventh International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation and the Workshop on Documentation and Conservation of Stone deterioration in Heritage Places”, which will be held in Petra, Jordan, 7-12 December 2010

The conference is organized in collaboration with the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the Scientific Committees of Heritage Documentation (CIPA), Stone (ISCS), and Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM). Supporting institutions include the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) and the UNESCO Amman office.

Visit the conference website for further information.


7. Follow ICCROM & IIC via online social media

The IIC and ICCROM are joining forces to make the online conservation community stronger. Follow both of them on Twitter and Facebook for updates on events, opportunities and conservation news.


IIC – International Institute for Conservation
ICCROM – International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property




8. ICOMOS Thailand 2010 conference – call for abstracts

ICOMOS Thailand is pleased to announce their 2010 international conference.

World Heritage – Shared Heritage: Nomination Value and Management
15 – 17 October 2010
Rajamangala Pavillion Beach Hotel and Songkhla Old Town, Songkhla, Thailand

See the ICOMOS Thailand 2010 Conference flier for further information.


9. Domes in the World International Congress – call for papers

International Congress
Florence, 3-6 November 2011

Main Congress Sessions

I. Cultural Identity given by Domes

  • Ancient and Contemporary
  • Landscapes and Skylines

II. The Symbolism of Domes

III. Dome Shapes and their Geometrical Genesis

IV. Construction and Conservation

  • Constitutive Elements: Shells (single or double), Ground Supports, Pendentives, Drums, Openings, Coverings and Protections, Facings, Decoration
  • Building and Conservation Techniques: Materials, Bonds, Structural Systems, Wooden Domes etc.
  • Survey, Analysis and Documentation: Objectives, Instruments, Methods
  • Deterioration and Conservation: Theory, History and Practices of Dome Strengthening

V. Contemporary Domes and Vaults

Deadline for abstract submission – 31 July 2010.

Visit the congress website for further information.


10. Recent Australia ICOMOS submissions available online

Two new submissions from Australia ICOMOS can be viewed by clicking on the links below.


11. The Hon Peter Garrett MP – link to media release

Australian students learn about our World Heritage


12. SITUATION VACANT Senior Consultant Archaeologist Position, Gavin Jackson Cultural Resource Management

Senior Consultant Archaeologist Position

Gavin Jackson Cultural Resource Management (GJCRM) is an independent consultancy based in Perth, Western Australia. We provide quality service and professional advice in the fields of cultural resource management, Aboriginal heritage and land access approvals to private and public sector clients. We have been providing consulting services for over a decade and have an enviable reputation within the industry. GJCRM has an extremely low staff turnover as a result of a positive work environment.Owing to continued growth GJCRM is seeking written expressions of interest for a suitably qualified and experienced Senior Consultant Archaeologist to join our dynamic, vibrant and established archaeology team.

GJCRM specialises in:

Heritage Services

  • Aboriginal heritage surveys and desktop research
  • recording archaeological and ethnographic sites
  • advice on cultural resource management policies, procedures and legislative compliance issues
  • site salvage and excavation services
  • cartographic and MapInfo services
  • Native Title and historical research

Land Access Approvals

  • preparation of comprehensive cultural heritage management plans
  • preparation of Section 18 applications
  • compliance audits
  • advice on Australian heritage and environmental legislation

The Consultant Archaeologist position will be responsible for providing archaeological services predominantly in Western Australia, and will be based in the Perth office.

List of Services to be provided

The type of services to be provided will include but not be restricted to:

Research and Survey Tasks

  • archaeological survey expertise and advice
  • coordinate and manage survey field trips in remote locations for periods up to 13 days
  • use of field equipment – GPS, field cameras etc
  • site recording and significance assessments
  • experience in consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders
  • archival and general research and Department of Indigenous Affairs site register searches
  • archaeological research and assessment
  • technical editing of reports, including formatting
  • high level report writing, production and assistance
  • negotiating and working with Aboriginal organisations and GJCRM clients
  • keep updated on legislative issues – WA Aboriginal Heritage Act (1972) et al.
  • associated training eg. Occupational Health and Safety, 4WD certification & St John’s Senior First Aid Certificate

Administrative Tasks

  • written and verbal correspondence
  • liaising with government departments, organisations and industry
  • attending staff meetings
  • recording hours daily on a timesheet
  • answering phones
  • filing and managing documents
  • writing & editing heritage survey and assessment reports
  • organising surveys and field trip logistics

To take advantage of this opportunity, applicants are required to submit an expression of interest specifically detailing relevant field survey management experience, with a copy of a current Curriculum Vitae and names and contact details of three referees.

Applications should be forwarded to:

Karen Humphries
Office Manager
Gavin Jackson Cultural Resource Management
PO Box 548
Hamilton Hill WA 6963

Or emailed to


13. SITUATION VACANT Planning Officer, Local Government Services, Heritage Council of Western Australia

Do you believed that you can raise the bar for heritage planning in WA? This role offers an opportunity to educate and influence local government and local communities in the care and activation of heritage places. Would suit any local government planner with a keen interest in heritage, or applicants with equivalent skills.

Location – Perth, WA
Salary – Level 5 PSGA, $70,037 – $77,405pa.

Further information click here or contact Callum Crofton (08) 9220 4151

Applications close 31 May 2010.


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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