Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 434

  1. Outback and beyond – beyond expectations!
  2. Australia ICOMOS Disaster Guidelines Review
  3. New Members Welcome at 2006/2007 membership rates! Get 13 months for the price of 12 – deadline 7 May
  4. Books for Review
  5. Lost and found at the Broken Hill Conference
  6. New Australia ICOMOS website
  7. Advanced professional development courses in heritage management at Port Arthur
  8. Visions of Sydney Symposium
  9. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s e-newsletter
  10. ICOMOS International Secretariat e-news – n° 53, 12 April 2010
  11. SITUATION VACANT: Cultural Heritage Researcher, Dept of Culture & Change, NSW
  12. SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist, Godden Mackay Logan, Sydney


1. Outback & Beyond – beyond expectations!

Well we are no longer in the outback and most of us should have returned from beyond.

What a great conference!

Broken Hill turned out to be a scenic, stimulating, hospitable and entertaining venue and the more than 200 people who assembled for the conference made the most of it.

Our keynote speakers Sir Neil Cossons, Gerald Takano, Deborah Boden, Simon Molesworth and Peter Spearritt set the scene in a stimulating way and were followed by so many outstanding papers and snapshot presentations that there was no way anyone could absorb all the material that was covered. The announcement of NSW heritage listings by Gabrielle Kibble and the closing comments by Tom Harley added that little bit extra. The feedback has indicated great enthusiasm for the snapshot presentations, so anticipate that format at future conferences.

The site excursions were brilliant and participants became obedient and compliant as they were ticked off lists as they got on and off buses. It was difficult to believe that one town could offer so much in the way of things to see.

On the social front, we all discovered the wonders of the Palace Hotel (twice) were intrigued by the exhibition put on for us at the Art Gallery, were serenaded by the Broken Hill Band and an excellent guitarist who had no hope over the hubbub of a conference dinner. The pub at Silverton is still recovering from the onslaught of 200 ICOMITES hitting the bar at the same time and finally we all revelled in drinks at the Sculpture Park as the sun set.

The organising committee was graced with great support. Be it Bradley and Kerryn from CCEM, our conference organisers, the tireless efforts of the volunteers, our intrepid photographer, David Wixted (yes there are photos to come), the great service from the venue managers, bus drivers, caterers and everyone else who pitched in and ensured that this was the best conference ever.

The organising committee of Helen Lardner, Helen Wilson, Liz Vines, Sue Jackson-Stepowski and Timothy Hubbard have asked me to extend a final thanks to all of you who found your way to Broken Hill and made it such a great time.


Ray Tonkin
Conference Committee Convenor

Everyone who attended our recent conference in Broken Hill is probably still reeling from the amazing experience. I would like to thank the organizing Committee: Ray Tonkin (Convenor), Liz Vines, Helen Lardner, Tim Hubbard, Sue Stepowski-Jackson and Helen Wilson. What a team! They certainly cemented Australia ICOMOS’ growing reputation for hosting fantastic conferences. Three wonderful volunteers, Anne Weckert, Anna Nelson and Amy-Louise Guthrie, worked solidly alongside the conference team, which helped the day-to-day operations flow smoothly. The event managers, Bradley and Kerryn Hayden, were unflappable and provided a personal and friendly service that really ensured a successful outcome. On your behalf I would like to thank all these people and the many others that contributed to the many associated functions. It was an amazing team effort. A special acknowledgement is also due to our conference partners TICCIH, some of whose members generously contributed their knowledge and expertise. Thank you, everyone – and, like most AICOMOS members, I now look forward to the publications that will emerge in due course.

Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy
President, Australia ICOMOS


2. Australia ICOMOS Disaster Guidelines Review

The disaster guidelines are presently being reviewed and updated. As part of this process we would like to receive any accounts of members’ experiences in disaster response and recovery processes and we would also like any good (high resolution) photographs for possible inclusion in the final publication, which is due out soon.

Contact: Robyn Riddett at


3. New Members Welcome at 2006/2007 membership rates! Get 13 months for the price of 12 – deadline 7 May

As previously advised in the E-news, the Executive Committee has decided not to raise membership fees for the 2009/10 financial year. However, a rise in fees is inevitable at some point and membership fees will be reviewed in mid 2010.

So, now’s a great time to join ICOMOS. And by submitting an application by the 7 May cut-off date, your fees will cover membership through to the end of the 2010/11 financial year. That’s 13 months for the price of 12 at today’s low membership rates!

The cut-off dates for membership applications for 2010 are:

  • COB 7 May 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 29-30 May EC meeting)
  • COB 6 August 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 28-29 Aug EC meeting)
  • COB 5 November 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 27-28 Nov EC meeting)

Membership forms and details are available here and from the Secretariat or phone (03) 9251 7131. All applications should be submitted to the Secretariat (see the form for details).

If further information is required contact the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder.

Encourage your friends and colleagues to take advantage of the still low fees to join.

Natica Schmeder
Membership Secretary


4. Books for review

We have more books ready to go out to willing reviewers for our journal Historic Environment. As usual you get to keep the book in return for the review. The following titles are available:

  • Roy Jones and Brian Shaw (eds), Geographies of Australian Heritages, Ashgate, 2007
  • Lisanne Gibson and John Pendlebury (eds), Valuing Historic Environments, Ashgate, 2009
  • Naimh Moore and Yvonne Whelan (eds), Heritage, Memory and The Politics of Identity, Ashgate, 2007
  • Brian Graham and Peter Howard (eds), The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, 2008
  • Christian Cordua (ed), Manifestoes and Transformations in the Early Modernist City, Ashgate, 2010
  • Robert Freestone, Urban Nation: Australia’s Planning Heritage, CSIRO, 2010

Please email Caitlin Allen if you are interested in reviewing any of these books. Caitlin will respond to the reviewers that have been allocated a book within the next week to let you know and to send you the reviewers guidelines. If you don’t hear from us with a book allocation, please keep expressing interest for future reviews. We appreciate that so many members are interested in contributing to the journal.


5. Lost and found at the Broken Hill Conference

Two pairs of reading glasses have been separated from their owners – Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy has lost her pair, which have a shiny purple frame, and has found a pair belonging to some else. If you too have lost or found a pair of reading glasses, please email Susan to organise an exchange.


6. New Australia ICOMOS website

Australia ICOMOS has a shiny new website! The URL remains the same:

The Executive Committee has been working on this project for some time – we’re sure you’ll appreciate the enormous amount of work involved once you have visited the site. In particular, our Secretariat Officer Georgia has spent a great deal of time and energy working on the site. Executive Committee member Jane Ainsworth also had considerable input during the early development phase and our contact at Go4 Multimedia, Mandy, has been extremely helpful and understanding. On your behalf I extend my thanks to Georgia, Jane, Mandy, the Exec Committee and all those of you who have provided input and feedback.

All Full & Associate members (ie. all individual members of Australia ICOMOS) will be issued member logins, for access to the new members’ only section, in due course. Over the next months additional information and resources, which we hope will add value to your membership, will be added to the members’ only section – we appreciate your patience while we implement these!

If you have any concerns, suggestions or queries regarding the website, please email them to the Secretariat with the following text in the ‘subject’ line of the email: “Website comments”. We will consider all issues raised but it may take us a week or two to respond due the part-time staffing of our Secretariat.

Stay tuned…this is just the start of the journey!

Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy
President, Australia ICOMOS


7. Advanced professional development courses in heritage management at Port Arthur

ANU’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts and the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority are offering two advanced professional development short courses. These courses will be presented by industry leaders and are suitable for experienced practitioners working in the heritage sector and government who are seeking to enhance their skills.

For further information, see the course outlines below.


8. Visions of Sydney Symposium

How have visions of Sydney shaped the city? This one-day history symposium and public lecture will explore 200 years of urban planning, from Macquarie to Moore. Prominent historians Dr Shirley Fitzgerald, Dr Grace Karskens, Professor Robert Freestone and Dr Paul Ashton will look at different eras in the city’s history, followed by an overview of the City of Sydney’s 2030 Vision by Bridget Smyth.

A Macquarie 2010 event presented in by the History Council of New South Wales and Historic Houses Trust. Macquarie 2010 marks the bicentenary of the beginning of Lachlan Macquarie’s 12-year tenure as the fifth governor of the colony of New South Wales.

For further information and to purchase tickets, visit the symposium website.


9. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s e-newsletter

Heritage Tasmania’s April e-newsletter is available here.


10. ICOMOS International Secretariat e-news – n° 53, 12 April 2010

A message from ICOMOS President Gustavo Araoz concerning the recovery process in Haiti can be viewed here.


11. SITUATION VACANT Cultural Heritage Researcher, Dept of Culture & Change, NSW

Cultural Heritage Researcher
Department of Environment, Climate Change & Water, NSW – Department of Culture and Heritage
Environment Officer Class 9

Sydney Southern Suburbs, Hurstville

Permanent Full-time

Ref: DECCW 99-10
Salary Package: $101,106 p.a.
Salary Start: $82,247 p.a.
Salary End: $91,623 p.a.

Salary Notes: Salary package includes base salary, annual leave loading and employer contributions to superannuation scheme.

Job description

Undertake research in Aboriginal and non-indigenous cultural heritage (spanning the pre-contact, post-contact and contemporary periods) in order to provide information and depth of knowledge for conservation, management and interpretation and to ensure that DECCW achieves its legislative and organisational obligations.

Selection Criteria

1. Demonstrated advanced knowledge of at least one of the relevant disciplines of anthropology, archaeology or history with demonstrated experience in cultural heritage research in Australia.

2. Experience in designing/undertaking significant research in Aboriginal/non-indigenous heritage independently and in collaboration with community groups and stakeholders.

3. Demonstrated in experience in conducting research on the historical, social and economic relationships of people to heritage places, cultural diversity related to perception and engagement with nature and the multiple values of landscapes.

4. Extensive knowledge of and experience in the field of Aboriginal heritage and non-indigenous heritage, particularly as it applies to Aboriginal and non-indigenous cultural heritage management.

5. Ability to apply current theory, credible methodologies, ethical standards and knowledge of legislation to research in the cultural heritage field.

6. Well developed written skills to publication standard demonstrated by an existing publication record.

7. Well developed verbal communication skills including with experience in preparing and delivering conference papers and participating in seminars and communicating research outcomes to a wide spectrum of stakeholders.

8. Demonstrated experience in negotiation, project management, supervision of staff and working in a team environment with a current drivers licence and an ability to operate a 4WD vehicle.

Please note that electronic applications must be MS Office 2003 compatible.

For further information about the role, contact: Denis Byrne, (02) 9585 6571 or 0423 775 875,

For an information package contact Marija Zelic (02) 9585 6168 or visit

Send applications (marked confidential) to:

Recruitment Officer
Department Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW
Personnel Services Section
PO Box 1967
Hurstville NSW 1481
Fax: (02) 9585 6116


12. SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist, Godden Mackay Logan, Sydney

Senior Archaeologist – Godden Mackay Logan

Leading Australian heritage consultancy seeks archaeologists for a wide range of heritage projects.

  • High-profile, multidisciplinary firm
  • Wide range of projects across Australia
  • Great career development opportunities

Leading Australian heritage consultancy Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking to appoint a Senior Archaeologist. This is a full-time position based in Sydney.

GML provides high level heritage advice on major development projects and undertakes benchmark projects for private and public sector clients. We offer innovative and responsible heritage consultancy and archaeology services of the highest quality. Our multi-disciplinary in-house consulting team has expertise in historical archaeology, Aboriginal archaeology, built heritage, conservation planning, industrial heritage and interpretation.

The Senior Archaeologist will have a degree in archaeology and at least 5 years experience in historical archaeology (experience in Aboriginal archaeology would be an advantage). You will have demonstrated experience as an excavation director for test excavations, monitoring and open area excavations and skills in managing archaeological fieldwork projects. A consistent record of meeting approvals under the NSW Heritage Act to the satisfaction of the Heritage Council is desirable. You will also have excellent writing skills, the ability to manage projects, and demonstrated experience preparing archaeological assessments, research designs, archaeological management plans, heritage impact statements and other advice reports. Importantly, you will be able to work as part of a team, and work within time and budget constraints.

We have an exciting range of projects and offer opportunities for professional development and advancement. We also have a training and development program that encourages all employees to grow their skills and knowledge.

Salary will be negotiable for the right person.

Our main office is located in inner Sydney. We also have a small office in Canberra and undertake work across Australia.

Godden Mackay Logan is an AS/NZL ISO 9001:2008 quality certified company.

For a copy of the position description or for more information contact Reece McDougall on (02) 9319 4811.

Please send your application to by Monday 3 May 2010.


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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