Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 431

  1. Outback and Beyond – 6 days to go!!
  2. New Members Welcome at 2006/2007 membership rates! Get 13 months for the price of 12 – deadline 7 May
  3. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
  4. Geelong Heritage Festival, 17-18 April
  5. UNESCO Conventions for non-lawyers
  6. Blue Shield media release: Call to action for MayDay
  7. Land and Property Management Authority – new online portal
  8. Symposium announcement – ‘Between Creation and the Collections Institutions’
  9. Saving the Stones – a conservation training internship
  10. APT Australia course & symposium – updates
  11. Advanced professional development courses in heritage management at Port Arthur
  12. GCI Bulletin – available online


1. Outback and Beyond – 6 days to go

The Australia ICOMOS 2010 conference is just around the corner!

Over the past few weeks, the E-news has highlighted the range of activities on offer, from stimulating presentations and themed excursions to sizzling social events and the outback post-conference tour.

Visit the website for further details and for IMPORTANT INFORMATION and advice to drivers re: the Locust Hazard.

Additional post-conference tour information

Tour participants and other interested parties can find additional information by:

  • going to
  • choosing the Downloads menu item
  • choosing the Outback & beyond Tour Notes item


2. New Members Welcome at 2006/2007 membership rates! Get 13 months for the price of 12 – deadline 7 May

As previously advised in the E-news, the Executive Committee has decided not to raise membership fees for the 2009/10 financial year. However, a rise in fees is inevitable at some point and membership fees will be reviewed in mid 2010.

So, now’s a great time to join ICOMOS. And by submitting an application by the 7 May cut-off date, your fees will cover membership through to the end of the 2010/11 financial year. That’s 13 months for the price of 12 at today’s low membership rates!

The cut-off dates for membership applications for 2010 are:

  • COB 7 May 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 29-30 May EC meeting)
  • COB 6 August 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 28-29 Aug EC meeting)
  • COB 5 November 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 27-28 Nov EC meeting)

Membership forms and details are available at and from the Secretariat, phone (03) 9251 7131 or All applications should be submitted to the Secretariat (see the form for details).

If further information is required contact the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder at

Encourage your friends and colleagues to take advantage of the still low fees to join.

Natica Schmeder
Membership Secretary


3. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series


Speaker: Terry Bailey, DEWHA

During 2008-2009, an independent review of the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 included the heritage provisions. This talk will outline the recommendations made in the report.

Terry Bailey is the Assistant Secretary in the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts responsible for implementing the outcomes of the review.

Members and the public are welcome. Refreshments will be available. This is part of a series of talks organised in Canberra by Australia ICOMOS.

Time & Date: 5.00-6.30 pm, Thursday 22 April 2010 – the talk will actually start at 5.30pm.

Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side).

RSVP: to Marilyn Truscott at


4. Geelong Heritage Festival, 17-18 April

As part of the Trust’s celebration of World Heritage this April, the Trust’s Geelong Branch will be staging its own Heritage Festival celebrating the Centenary of the City of Geelong Proclaimation in 1910.

Dates: Saturday 17 – Sunday 18 April

Time: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, though there will be various opening times at different locations

For further information and to download the program visit


5. UNESCO Conventions for non-lawyers

There will be a one-week professional development course on the international legal standards and practices for heritage protection at the University of Queensland from 13-17 July 2010.

Earlier courses at ANU and UQ have included anthropologists, archaeologists, an economist, journalists, a conservation expert, public servants working in the heritage area, a textile expert and other creative artists as well as museums staff. The course is designed to be accessible across a wide range of professional skills and the interchange and different perspectives of the students is one of its strengths.

If you are interested please consult the webpage


6. Blue Shield media release: Call to action for MayDay

Australia’s cultural treasures will receive special attention during May as the nation’s archives, galleries, libraries, libraries, museums, heritage sites and organisations participate in the MayDay campaign.

The campaign, run by Blue Shield Australia, begins on 1 May, and takes place throughout Australia. A focal point will be the combined Blue Shield Australia DISACT symposium, entitled Disaster Proofing Heritage Collections, which will take place on Thursday 6 May, from 9am to 5pm, at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra. Further information and registration forms are available at the Blue Shield Australia website

Cultural institutions are being urged to perform at least one disaster-preparedness task during the month of May. Detlev Lueth, chair of Blue Shield Australia, said: “Our cultural institutions hold the key to our past and present and it is critical that at least one month a year, we focus on disaster preparedness.”

He said that while last year’s bush fires and floods were extreme cases, they were a strong wake-up call to making sure that historic records, icons and the nation’s treasures were protected from disaster.

“Australia’s cultural heritage is always under threat from both ‘man-made’ and natural disasters,” said Mr Lueth. “Freak weather events test the ability of buildings to withstand the elements, and to protect the collections housed in them, while faulty electrical wiring in a neighbour’s building may cause a fire that engulfs adjacent heritage buildings and significant collections.”

Originating in the United States in 2006, the MayDay concept is promoted in Australia by Blue Shield Australia. During May, cultural heritage organisations will be carrying out a number of activities including:

  • Updating or developing disaster plans;
  • Identifying the three biggest risks to their collection or heritage site;
  • Meeting with people working in the other local cultural organisations to find out how to share resources in the event of a disaster.

Organisations participating in MayDay are encouraged to contact Blue Shield Australia at , to be entered in a draw to win one of eight fully-equipped disaster bins donated by sponsor Steamatic. Other prizes include two Mini-Vacs (small, low suction vacuum cleaners that can be used to remove dust and debris from delicate objects) from Archival Survival.


7. Land and Property Management Authority – new online portal

The Land and Property Management Authority has just launched their new heritage portal and online exhibition space, visit to explore.


8. Symposium announcement – ‘Between Creation and the Collections Institutions’

‘Between Creation and the Collections Institutions’- Symposium

Melbourne Convention Centre

Thursday 3 June 2010

An initiative of the Professional Picture Framers Association

This symposium will discuss methods for preserving the nation’s art and cultural heritage which has not yet found its way into the country’s galleries, museums, libraries or archives.

A major objective of the symposium is to gather and share information and knowledge which will allow organisations to function effectively in an environment of limited funding.

Please see attached registration form for further details.


9. Saving the Stones – a conservation training internship

Saving the Stones is a five month international training internship in historical and archaeological conservation.

The internship will enable you to:

  • Study ancient building technologies
  • Work alongside leading Israeli conservation specialists and archaeologists
  • Learn about renowned historical figures, nations, cultures and religious movements which have left their mark in Israel

Saving the Stones is a joint project of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), the Old Acre Development Company and the Acre Municipality.

The program is sponsored by The Israel National Commission for UNESCO

The program is powered by MASA – Israel Journey.

After completing all the requirements you will receive an ICC certificate consisting of practical conservation training from the Israel Antiquities Authority and theoretical lessons.

For further information, visit


10. APT Australia course & symposium – updates

APT Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques

Northern Tasmania, 19-21 May

Limited places are available in the APT Australia Chapter, Longford Academy 3-Day Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques at Woolmers Estate on 19-21 May 2010 (Applications close 30 April 2010).

Priority will be given to APT members in filling the last places on the course. Further information at or contact convenor at

National Trust Symposium: After Macquarie – Conserving Heritage Places – Evidence, Fabric and Method

Places are also available at the above symposium, to be held on 22 May 2010. Bookings essential, to: National Trust State Office on (03) 6344 6233.

For further information about the course and the symposium, please see relevant attachments (Course,Course update, symposium program).


11. Advanced professional development courses in heritage management at Port Arthur

ANU’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts and the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority are offering two advanced professional development short courses. These courses will be presented by industry leaders and are suitable for experienced practitioners working in the heritage sector and government who are seeking to enhance their skills.

Please see the attached flier and course outlines (1,2) for further information.


12. GCI Bulletin – available online

To view the April 2010 issue of the GCI bulletin, visit


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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