Outback and Beyond – social functions of all flavours
International Day for Monuments & Sites 2010 – WA Event
(Agri)Cultural heritage – SA event, 19 April
Geelong Heritage Festival, 17-18 April
Open day at the Lake Gorrie Sheep Wash, Bessiebelle – 18 April
Vicomites! Exclusive Gulf Station tours & family-friendly event on 18 April
International Day for Monuments & Sites 2010 – Sydney Event
New Members Welcome at 2006/2007 membership rates! Get 13 months for the price of 12 – deadline 7 May
Review of the ACT Heritage Act 2004
Architectural Conservation Programme, University of Hong Kong – deadline for applications extended
Blue Shield press release: MayDay 2010 features major symposium on disaster preparation
Advanced professional development courses in heritage management at Port Arthur
Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Link to media release – The Hon Peter Garrett MP
New landline for PIMA
Situations Wanted – Italian Heritage Professionals seeking opportunities – volunteer & project work welcome
1. Outback and Beyond – social functions of all flavours
The 2010 conference will not just be a serious affair – there will be early evening welcome drinks on Thursday 22 April, at the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery (formerly Sullys Emporium), an adapted heritage building that has won many heritage awards.
For those who like a touch of pomp with their ceremony, a grand dinner at the Broken Hill Trades Hall is planned for Friday 23 April. This will be preceded by drinks, to be held at the historic Palace Hotel (also known as Mario’s Palace), one of the locations featured in the 1994 movie “Priscilla Queen of the Desert” – for those who are inclined, a boa might be essential! The Broken Hill Brass Band will lead the assembled delegates from the Palace Hotel to the Trades Hall for dinner.
On Saturday 24 April a relaxed, good old fashioned country BBQ will be held at the exotic Silverton Hotel, while the grand finale event on Sunday 25 April will be sunset drinks at the Sculptures in the Living Desert.
These events will be the envy of those who are not attending. However, registrations are still open – visit the website for further details.
2. International Day for Monuments & Sites 2010 – WA Event
WA ICOMOS are having a day in the country. We will be visiting Ballardong Farm at York. York is one of the earliest settlements in WA and the farm was developed and expanded using ticket-of-leave labour. It is currently closed but was open to the public until the 1990s. A conservation / master planning project is currently being done. The visit will be followed by lunch at a local pub and then a stop in at the Sanctuary of Ruined Pianos on the way home.
In conjunction with our farming enterprise we are also visiting the world’s first ruined piano sanctuary. Ruined pianos have been collected from around the state and placed in strategic positions around our 160acre farm. As the pianos degrade back into the environment their sounds and appearance become ever more fascinating. Ross Bolleter (pianist and composer) regularly plays these pianos and has recorded several CDs of ruined piano music.
Contact: Anne Brake
Fax: +61 8 9324 1571
Direct: +61 8 9212 1116
Email: anne.brake@ntwa.com.au
Also see attached flier.
3. (Agri)Cultural heritage – SA event, 19 April
South Australian ICOMITES will celebrate the International Day of Monuments & Sites in Adelaide by holding a talk/ drinks event for ICOMOS members on 19 April.
Our speakers will include:
- James Hayter
- Deborah Bowen
- Keith McAllister
We will also have a wine tasting and lots of discussion!
See attached flier for further information or contact:
Michael Queale
Tel: (08) 8232 3626
4. Geelong Heritage Festival, 17-18 April
As part of the Trust’s celebration of World Heritage this April, the Trust’s Geelong Branch will be staging its own Heritage Festival celebrating the Centenary of the City of Geelong Proclamation in 1910.
Dates: Saturday 17 – Sunday 18 April
Time: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, though there will be various opening times at different locations
For further information and to download the program visit http://www.geelongaustralia.com.au/ct/calendar/item/8cc840f90bc402d.aspx
5. Open day at the Lake Gorrie Sheep Wash, Bessiebelle – 18 April
The National Trust (Western District Branches), in association with the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners and the Lake Condah Sustainable Development Project, are holding an open day at the Lake Gorrie Sheep Wash at Bessiebelle.
Date: 18 April 2010
Time: 11.00am – 3pm
BYO picnic lunch & chairs, etc
For further information, contact Gordon Stokes, 0438 012 352
6. Vicomites! Exclusive Gulf Station tours & family-friendly event on 18 April
In celebration of this year’s ‘Heritage of Agriculture’ theme of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), with Australia ICOMOS and Heritage Victoria, is holding an open day at its 1850s farm in Yarra Glen. The site will be open from 10am to 4pm on Sunday 18 April. Attractions for the whole family include a working horse demonstration, and other farm-related displays and activities.
Gulf Station is currently closed for an extensive program of conservation works, but will be reopened for this one day only, allowing a fascinating glimpse for ICOMOS members of two ‘works in progress’. The first is the Homestead (begun in 1854), which is undergoing conservation and interpretation works. Floorboards are off, the wallpaper is undergoing treatment – the perfect time to visit! The second is a c1870s prefabricated timber building which was recently moved from Croydon. Reconstruction has only just begun, so this is a rare opportunity to see the prefabricated components in their unassembled state.
Tours of both ‘works in progress’ will be conducted for ICOMOS members only. Both tours will cover the conservation approach as well as practical aspects (thanks to Matt Jeffrey of Crackajack Carpentry). Places are limited for the tours (particularly of the Homestead), so RSVPs are required. Tours will be held in the afternoon, the precise times to be announced.
What: Gulf Station open day & conservation tours for ICOMOS members
When: 10am – 4pm, Sunday 18 April
Where: Gulf Station, 1029 Melba Highway, Yarra Glen
Cost: Gold-coin donation to enter – the open day itself is open to all; the tours are for ICOMOS members only and are free
RSVP to: austicomos@deakin.edu.au by Friday 9 April (NB: Please indicate which tour you wish to attend, or both)
7. International Day for Monuments & Sites 2010 – Sydney Event
In recognition of the 2010 International Day for Monuments and Sites (actual date 18 April), NSW members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to a talk on Monday 12 April at the offices of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority. The speaker will be Deborah Boden, who is the World Heritage Coordinator at the Cornwall & West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage site. Deborah is visiting Australia and will be a plenary speaker at the Australia ICOMOS Outback and Beyond conference to be held in Broken Hill on April 22 to 25.
Deborah will talk about the cultural landscape of the Cornwall & West Devon Mining Landscape Site, discuss how it exhibits the Outstanding Universal Values that have resulted in its inscription on the World Heritage List, and discuss examples of some of the strategic initiatives the site’s managers have undertaken to implement key policy initiatives in the Management Plan. Deborah will also provide some comments about the proposal for a trans-national serial WHS nomination, “The Frontiers of Cornish Mining”, which includes Burra and Moonta in South Australia, and is in the final planning stages.
When: 5.15pm for 5.45pm, Monday 12 April (NOTE: because of security arrangements you will NOT be able to enter the building after 6.00pm – so please don’t be late)
Where: SHFA – Sydney Harbour Room, L6 66 Harrington Street, The Rocks
Who: We welcome both ICOMOS members and others with an interest in the topic, but PLEASE RSVP to Peter Romey (Australia ICOMOS NSW Representative) by COB Friday 9 April at peterr@gml.com.au or (02) 9319 4811.
Thanks to Ian Kelly and SHFA for providing the venue and catering, and to Sue Jackson-Stepowski for liaison with Ms Boden.
8. New Members Welcome at 2006/2007 membership rates! Get 13 months for the price of 12 – deadline 7 May
As previously advised in the E-news, the Executive Committee has decided not to raise membership fees for the 2009/10 financial year. However, a rise in fees is inevitable at some point and membership fees will be reviewed in mid 2010.
So, now’s a great time to join ICOMOS. And by submitting an application by the 7 May cut-off date, your fees will cover membership through to the end of the 2010/11 financial year. That’s 13 months for the price of 12 at today’s low membership rates!
The cut-off dates for membership applications for 2010 are:
- COB 7 May 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 29-30 May EC meeting)
- COB 6 August 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 28-29 Aug EC meeting)
- COB 5 November 2010 (for applications to be approved at the 27-28 Nov EC meeting)
Membership forms and details are available at www.icomos.org/australia and from the Secretariat, phone (03) 9251 7131 or austicomos@deakin.edu.au. All applications should be submitted to the Secretariat (see the form for details).
If further information is required contact the Membership Secretary, Natica Schmeder at natica@dodo.com.au.
Encourage your friends and colleagues to take advantage of the still low fees to join.
Natica Schmeder
Membership Secretary
9. Review of the ACT Heritage Act 2004
As required by the Act, the operation of Heritage Act 2004 is being reviewed during 2010. The review will take approximately six months to complete.
The ACT Government invites submissions from the public on the issues raised in the discussion paper. All submissions will be given serious consideration, and all interested individuals and organisations are encouraged to give their views.
The Discussion Paper and Terms of Reference is available for download below or can be viewed at all Canberra Connect Shopfronts and ACT Public Libraries.
To view the Heritage Act 2004 please visit the following link on ACT Legislation website: http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/2004-57/default.asp
Submissions can be:
Mailed to:
Review of the Heritage Act 2004
Community Engagement and Communications
GPO Box 158
Civic ACT 2601
Emailed to: communityengagement@act.gov.au
The closing date for submissions is Friday 7 May 2010.
Submissions may be published on the website mentioned above unless marked confidential. Submissions may also be reproduced in public documents such as the Report on the Review unless marked confidential.
10. Architectural Conservation Programme, University of Hong Kong – deadline for applications extended
Faculty of Architecture
University of Hong Kong
ACP – Architectural Conservation Programme
The 2010 application deadline has been extended to: 10 April 2010
Course and application details can be found at http://acp.arch.hku.hk/.
For enquiries, please call +(852) 2859 2132 or +(852) 2859 7952, or send an e-mail to acp@arch.hku.hk.
Flier relating to this deadline extension is attached.
11. Blue Shield press release: MayDay 2010 features major symposium on disaster preparation
Blue Shield Australia has joined forces with DISACT to stage a symposium as the focal point for MayDay 2010. The title of the symposium is Disaster Proofing Heritage Collections and it will take place on Thursday 6 May, from 9am to 5pm, at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra.
The symposium will provide delegates with inspiration, advice and examples of best practice for disaster preparedness. The themes for the symposium are:
- Regional disaster preparedness for heritage collections
- Risk management of energy-efficient, heritage collection storage.
The Symposium will include the launch of several new initiatives:
- New Letters of Intent on Cooperative Disaster Preparedness between cultural heritage organisations in the ACT. The heads of the major ACT-based cultural heritage organisations will attend and sign these letters as part of the symposium
- Blue Shield Australia and DISACT will launch their new websites
- Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), and the Australian division of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMS) will launch their new disaster preparedness guidelines
The Director general of the National Library, Jan Fullerton and Senator for the ACT Kate Lundy will launch the symposium. Headline sponsor for the day is Steamatic. For further information and to download the registration form please visit the Blue Shield Australia website at http://www.blueshieldaustralia.org.au
12. Advanced professional development courses in heritage management at Port Arthur
ANU’s Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the Arts and the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority are offering two advanced professional development short courses. These courses will be presented by industry leaders and are suitable for experienced practitioners working in the heritage sector and government who are seeking to enhance their skills.
Please see the attached flier and course outlines (World Heritage – Conserving Cultural Values and Best Practice in Managing Heritage Places) for further information.
13. Australia ICOMOS – Canberra Talk Series
Speaker: Terry Bailey, DEWHA
During 2008-2009, an independent review of the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 included the heritage provisions. This talk will outline the recommendations made in the report.
Terry Bailey is the Assistant Secretary in the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts responsible for implementing the outcomes of the review.
Members and the public are welcome. Refreshments will be available. This is part of a series of talks organised in Canberra by Australia ICOMOS.
Time & Date: 5.00-6.30 pm, Thursday 22 April 2010 – the talk will actually start at 5.30pm.
Venue: Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes (enter from Kings Avenue side).
RSVP: to Marilyn Truscott at mct-oz@bigpond.net.au
14. Link to media release – The Hon Peter Garrett MP
Appointments to the Council of the National Museum of Australia
15. New landline for PIMA
PIMA will be using a new landline number from 1 April: 00(678)55 25 319. The number 00(678) 25 319 is no longer in service. Please note that since it is a desktop wireless, the new line will be also able to receive SMS text messages.
16. Italian Heritage Professionals seeking opportunities – volunteer & project work welcome
Giuseppe Cassalia and Angelina Copari are in Australia and are seeking employment opportunities in the Heritage field. Giuseppe is looking specifically for work in the field of architectural restoration and archaeology.
Interested parties should contact Giuseppe at giuseppe.cassalia@tin.it.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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