Outback and Beyond – excursions and tours
Vicomites! Exclusive Gulf Station tours & family-friendly event on 18 April
Australia ICOMOS ISC Travel Assistance Fund
Invitation to talk by Erik Anderson, US Architectural Conservator
International Day for Monuments & Sites 2010 – release from ICOMOS International
New publication – Australia’s Oldest House: Surgeon John Harris and Experiment Farm Cottage
International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures – abstract reminder
“Our Heritage at Risk” 2010 – nominations open
NSW Minister for Planning – recent media releases
Rosslyn Chapel Conservation Seminars 2010
ICOMOS Thailand E-newsletter
New publication on Phenomenology in Architecture
Situations Vacant – Senior Heritage Architect/Specialist, Conybeare Morrison International
Situations Vacant – Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background), GML
Italian Heritage Professionals seeking opportunities
1. Outback and Beyond – excursions and tours
Last week we featured information on three of the keynote presentations at the conference.
On each day of the conference there will be excursions to places pertinent to the three themes:
The Friday excursion will focus on the management of Broken Hill as an historic mining town. There will be four different guides, following the same route, with buses staggered at the various sites. Delegates can choose which guide fits most with their particular interest. Tours will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Elizabeth Vines – Liz Vines, a heritage architect, will interpret the town through her eyes as the heritage advisor in Broken Hill over the last 25 years. She will focus on the achievements of the advisory service, as well as describing generally the historical development of the town.
Peter Oldsen – Group Manager Sustainability, Broken Hill City Council. As the Council officer in charge of the Broken Hill Heritage Program, Peter will highlight council initiatives, and like Liz, focus on the achievements of the advisory service, as well as describing generally the historical development of the town.
David Grybowski – David first encountered Broken Hill as a geology student at the University of Toronto in 1978. Today, he is a petroleum geologist with Santos but has had a fascination and interest in all things Broken Hill since his first visit in 1983. He is familiar with the development of the mines from Rasp’s discovery to the present day and their impact on the physical expansion of the city. David is also husband to Liz Vines and has some knowledge of the heritage program from numerous discussions and additional visits to Broken Hill. He has assisted with Liz’s publication, Broken Hill – A Guide to the Silver City.
Ron Hellyer – was previously the Director of Environmental Services, Broken Hill City Council, and now runs a consultancy “Outback Management Concepts” in Broken Hill, which deals with a variety of heritage issues. He has a very detailed knowledge of the city, having worked professionally in the city for many years.
The Saturday excursion will focus on mining sites in the city, both historic and current mines. There are three components of the tour which each bus will visit in sequence. These are:
- Perilya and the Zinc Corporation
- Junction Mine
- North Mine and Central Power Station
The delegates will have special access to mining areas not usually available to the public, which will take them onto the current Perilya mining operations. There will be four different guides, following the same route, with buses staggered at the various sites.
Sunday morning excursion
There are three options for delegates for the Sunday morning program from 9 – 11.15 am as follows:
(Note that delegates will also have the opportunity to attend the Anzac Day dawn service in Argent Street, an easy walk from the Conference Venue). A map will be provided showing location of the service.
Option 1 – Tour Guide Liz Vines
Visit to the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which services the remote pastoral areas of Australia. Broken Hill is the place in Australia where visitors can see a working RFDS Base in action every day of the week. The guided tour will describe the full extent of the aero-medical services. Visitors can view the communications room and, via a viewing platform, they can see the medically outfitted aircraft and the hangar. Delegates can inspect the Mantle of Safety Museum and watch a ten minute film about RFDS operations at Broken Hill. This tour will also visit the Broken Hill Synagogue (including morning tea) and the Broken Hill Mosque. Both buildings have had conservation works undertaken as part of the Broken Hill Heritage Program.
Option 2 – Tour Guide Tim Hubbard
Visit to Clevedale Station (on outskirts of town) as an example of an early remote pastoral station near Broken Hill. The history of this site will be described by the current owner, Simon Molesworth. The tour will also visit the Synagogue, (where morning tea will be provided.
Option 3
Optional free time for delegates to go on a guided walk in the central city using the new walk included in the publication Broken Hill – A Guide to the Silver City. Delegates can walk to the nearby Synagogue to have morning tea.
Pre-conference Tour – Adelaide to Broken Hill – CANCELLED
Reluctantly, the organising committee has had to cancel this tour due to insufficient numbers. Registrants have now been notified.
Post-conference Tour – Broken Hill to Mildura
We are glad to confirm that this tour will proceed under the guidance of staff of the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service.
2. Vicomites! Exclusive Gulf Station tours & family-friendly event on 18 April
In celebration of this year’s ‘Heritage of Agriculture’ theme of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), with Australia ICOMOS and Heritage Victoria, is holding an open day at its 1850s farm in Yarra Glen. The site will be open from 10am to 4pm on Sunday 18 April. Attractions for the whole family include a working horse demonstration, and other farm-related displays and activities.
Gulf Station is currently closed for an extensive program of conservation works, but will be reopened for this one day only, allowing a fascinating glimpse for ICOMOS members of two ‘works in progress’. The first is the Homestead (begun in 1854), which is undergoing conservation and interpretation works. Floorboards are off, the wallpaper is undergoing treatment – the perfect time to visit! The second is a c1870s prefabricated timber building which was recently moved from Croydon. Reconstruction has only just begun, so this is a rare opportunity to see the prefabricated components in their unassembled state.
Tours of both ‘works in progress’ will be conducted for ICOMOS members only. Both tours will cover the conservation approach as well as practical aspects (thanks to Matt Jeffrey of Crackajack Carpentry). Places are limited for the tours (particularly of the Homestead), so RSVPs are required. Tours will be held in the afternoon, the precise times to be announced.
What: Gulf Station open day & conservation tours for ICOMOS members
When: 10am – 4pm, Sunday 18 April
Where: Gulf Station, 1029 Melba Highway, Yarra Glen
Cost: Gold-coin donation to enter – the open day itself is open to all; the tours are for ICOMOS members only and are free
RSVP to: austicomos@deakin.edu.au by Friday 9 April (NB: Please indicate which tour you wish to attend, or both)
3. Australia ICOMOS ISC Travel Assistance Fund
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee is delighted to announce that a travel assistance fund will again be available this year to provide financial assistance to ISC members wishing to attend meetings of their ISC.
This fund is open to all Australia ICOMOS members who are endorsed members of an ISC. Up to 5 travel assistance grants of $500 are available for 2010. Expressions of interest should be no more than 1 page and should include the name of the ISC you belong to, the date and venue of their 2010 meeting, how you will use this grant and why it would be of benefit to yourself and to Australia ICOMOS.
Please send your expression of interest, to the Secretariat no later than Thursday 1 April 2010 (email to austicomos@deakin.edu.au with a copy to anita_krivickas@hotmail.com). Preference will be given to young and new ISC members, and applicants not previously awarded the fund.
4. Invitation to talk by Erik Anderson, US Architectural Conservator
APT Australia Chapter invites you to hear Erik Anderson, an Architectural Conservator visiting from Washington DC, talk about “The Role of Architectural Conservators in the US” on Wednesday 31 March 2010 at 5.30pm.
Architectural conservators in the US work in a variety of ways: with or for government, with general contractors, with architects, owners, or as independent consultants. The role of the architectural conservator to provide specialist advice and hands-on solutions for the physical preservation of the site can become interesting, and at times trying, when working with various members of the project team. Erik will share his experiences working with a variety of construction and conservation professionals, and in different roles during the restoration process.
Example projects include: Congressional office buildings, religious sites, a court house, a historic house museum and a significant Masonic Temple. Buildings to be highlighted include: the Baha’i Temple in Chicago, Russell Senate & Cannon House Buildings, Chinese Community Church (DC), Scottish Rite Temple (featured in Dan Brown’s “The Lost Symbol”), the District of Columbia Court Buildings and the Baha’i Shrine in Montreal.
Please join us at the Heritage Room in the Nag’s Head Hotel, 162 St Johns Road, Glebe (in Sydney) at 5.00pm for a 5.30pm start to this talk in the APT Australia Chapter occasional talk series. RSVP online here. The talk will be 20-30 minutes long with questions to follow. Drinks will be available from the bar before and after the talk. For those keen for more in-depth discussions with Erik, there will be an opportunity to join him for dinner following the talk.
If you have any questions, please contact Liz Holt on (02) 9417 3311.
5. International Day for Monuments & Sites 2010 – release from ICOMOS International
Visit http://www.international.icomos.org/18thapril/2010/18_April_2010_Agricultural%20Heritage_Eng_20100323.pdf for further information on this day.
6. New publication – Australia’s Oldest House: Surgeon John Harris and Experiment Farm Cottage
Australia’s Oldest House: Surgeon John Harris and Experiment Farm Cottage looks at the 30 year debate over the age of Experiment Farm Cottage at Parramatta. In addition to an in-depth analysis of the evidence relating to the Farm, a biography of Harris adds another level of meaning. The importance of historic context and the role of historical research and historians is also explored.
The book is now available in book stores. The details are:
Sue Rosen, Australia’s Oldest House: Surgeon John Harris and Experiment Farm Cottage, Halstead Press, Sydney, 2010. RRP: $37.95.
Signed copies are available from Sue Rosen for $37.95 + postage – please see contact details below.
Email srosen@haah.com.au
Ph: (02) 9876 1655
7. International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures – abstract reminder
SHATIS’11 – International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures
16-17 June 2011
Please note that the abstract deadline is 1 June 2010.
Abstract templates and other information can be found in the Conference website http://shatis11.lnec.pt
8. “Our Heritage at Risk” 2010 – nominations open
“Our Heritage at Risk” is intended to raise awareness of heritage issues in Australia by identifying those places and objects we value which are at risk. In October each year a national panel of heritage practitioners selects ten places or objects from nomination by each state and territory National Trust. This program is managed by the Australian Council of National Trusts.
The community is invited to participate in this process between February and April each year by recommending to each state and territory National Trust places or objects under threat.
State and Territory “Our Heritage at Risk” lists will be released in July, and the National Top Ten “Our Heritage at Risk” list will be announced on 23 October 2010.
To view the media release on the 2010 program, and for further information, visit
9. NSW Minister for Planning – recent media releases
Click on the links below to download the media releases below as PDFs:
Wreck Bay Convict Shipwreck Heritage Listed
Heritage agreement to protect Morpeth House
ANZAC Memorial Considered for State Heritage Listing
Moruya Move Protects Mine Machinery
Interim Hritage Order Placed on Burwood Residence (sic)
Three Sydney Landmarks Gain Top Heritage Protection
10. Rosslyn Chapel Conservation Seminars 2010
A series of lecture-seminars by distinguished experts related to the current conservation and repair programme at Rosslyn Chapel. The aim is to share the views of experienced practitioners across a number of disciplines relevant to a complex conservation programme and to maximise opportunities to share insights and discoveries.
For further information, see the attached flier.
11. ICOMOS Thailand E-newsletter
ICOMOS Thailand has kindly given us permission to forward their E-newsletter. It is attached.
12. New publication on Phenomenology in Architecture
Invitation to ArchiPhen: Some Approaches and Interpretations of Phenomenology in Architecture, Iris Aravot & Eran Neuman (eds.)
For further information about this title, visit
Sample pages can be downloaded for free at http://www.zetabooks.com/im/archiphen-zb-sample.pdf
13. Senior Heritage Architect/Specialist, Conybeare Morrison International
Senior Heritage Architect/Specialist required to join our award-winning multi-skilled Heritage Group. The successful applicant will have a degree in building conservation and/or architecture and extensive experience in research, assessment, report writing, preparation of conservation management plans as well as management of heritage projects. High level oral and written communication skills are essential.
Salary will be commensurate with experience.
For further information on the practice, please visit our website www.cmplus.com.au.
Please forward your CV with covering letter to Kassandra Cant, Executive Assistant, Conybeare Morrison International, executives@cmplus.com.au
Only successful applicants will be contacted for an interview.
14. Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background), GML
Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background), GML
- High profile firm
- Wide range of projects
- Career progression opportunities
Leading Australian heritage consultancy Godden Mackay Logan (GML) is seeking a senior built heritage specialist to join our expanding team.
GML is currently working on a number of exciting projects for both private and public sector clients and needs to expand its built heritage team. We are looking for a dynamic person, ideally with an architectural background and 5+ years experience in the heritage conservation field. Extensive experience in providing heritage and conservation advice, preparing heritage assessments, conservation management plans and heritage impact statements is essential. The successful applicant would also possess excellent report writing skills and the ability to undertake large projects in multidisciplinary teams.
We could also consider applications from built heritage specialists who are at an earlier stage in their career development, and are interested in enhancing their skills within the stimulating GML work environment.
GML offers an exciting range of local, interstate and international projects, and a strong team culture. You would work alongside colleagues who are leading experts in their fields of built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, historic site management and interpretation. We also provide great opportunities for career development and advancement.
This is a full time position based in our main office in inner Sydney. We also have a small office in Canberra. An attractive salary and conditions will be negotiated.
For more information about us visit www.gml.com.au or contact Peter Romey, Partner, on (02) 9319 4811.
Please email your application to positions@gml.com.au by 1 April 2010.
15. Italian Heritage Professionals seeking opportunities
Giuseppe Cassalia and Angelina Copari are in Australia and are seeking employment opportunities in the Heritage field. Giuseppe is looking specifically for work in the field of architectural restoration and archaeology.
Interested parties should contact Giuseppe at giuseppe.cassalia@tin.it.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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