- Broken Hill Conference – Remember!!!: Early Bird Registration Closes on 26 February (Only 1 Week Away )
- Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting, Hobart, Sat-Sun 27-28 February
- Organiser needed – Australia ICOMOS Canberra Talks
- Erika Esau lecture, University of Melbourne
- The Third Arte-Polis International Conference – abstracts due 22 February 2010
- Announcement – Professional Development Activities in Northern Tasmania in May 2010
- ACT Heritage Consultants’ Reports – capturing ‘Gray Literature’ for the ACT Heritage Library
- Port Arthur Historic Site’s Ticket of Leave E-News
- 2nd Historic Mortars Conference, 22-24th September 2010 – submission of papers, etc
- Heritage 2010: 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
- ICOM 2010 General Conference
- Europa Nostra 2010 Annual Congress: European Cultural Heritage Summit
- Situations Vacant: Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania, Various job vacancies
- Situations Vacant: Senior Adviser, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council
1. Broken Hill Conference – Remember!!!: Early Bird Registration Closes on 26 February (Only 1 Week Away)
The program for 2010 Australia ICOMOS annual conference “Outback and Beyond” is firming up with many papers now prepared and being submitted to the organising committee. The conference will take up 4 days as follows:
Day 1: Thurs 22 April involves meetings of TICCIH and ICOMOS Committees along with meetings of available members of international scientific committees. These are not part of the formal conference proceedings but attendees are welcome. The formal conference opening will be held at Sully’s, the Regional Art Gallery, an adapted heritage building, and will include a launch of a special art exhibition by Bruce Tindale, Director, Broken Hill Art Gallery and a launch of the new book Broken Hill: a Guide to the Silver City, by Liz Vines.
Day 2: Fri 23 April focuses on the Historic Towns theme and will commence with a presentation by Sir Neil Cossons, former Chair of English Heritage speaking on: ‘Cultures, Communities and Conservation: a future for global heritage’. This will be followed by a panel session designed to introduce participants to the history and conservation issues facing Broken Hill, including the current National Listing proposal of the whole city and the management issues associated with this initiative. The remainder of the morning consists of 4 concurrent sessions featuring 9 papers and 6 snapshot ranging from Welsh mining villages to high country pastoralism in New Zealand. The afternoon will include a tour of Broken Hill focussing on the Day 1 theme of Historic Town Management, with historic town and mining sites interpreted by knowledgeable guides. Optional pre-dinner drinks at the Palace Hotel will delight guests with a viewing of the “Priscilla Queen of the Desert” interiors, followed by a brass band parade to the nearby Trades Hall building for the formal conference dinner (with an optional Priscilla dress code!!!).
Day 3: Sat 24 April focuses on the theme Industrial Heritage. Plenary speakers include Ms Deborah Boden from the Cornwall World Heritage mining site and Gerry Takano from USA speaking on the topic: ‘Beyond Sentiment: Financing the Rehabilitation and Restoration of Historic Company Towns’. This will be followed by 4 concurrent sessions with 12 papers and 7 snapshots covering subjects as diverse as ‘Deepening Preservation of Historic Mining Regions: An Example from High-Arctic Svalbard’ and , ‘Hashima Island, Japan –a crucible for considering the heritage of industrial communities’ . Jane Lennon’s and Mike Pearson’s new book on remote pastoralism will also be launched on this day. The afternoon tour focussing on the Day 2 theme of Industrial Heritage will take participants to a range of mining sites around Broken Hill concluding with a BBQ dinner at the Silverton Hotel.
Day 4: Sun April 25 commences with optional attendance at the Anzac Day Dawn Service at 6.30 am. The theme for this day is Remote Pastoralism. The morning will include two difference excursion options to the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Synagogue and Mosque sites, and Clevedale Station or provide time for participants to guide themselves around central city heritage walk. The plenary speaker for this day is Simon Molesworth, the owner of Clevedale Station speaking on: ‘The challenge of the ephemeral: endeavouring to put principle in to practice when faced with the ephemeral nature of Outback Heritage’. The 4 afternoon sessions contain 9 papers and 6 snapshots including; ‘Cold War Towns of the Outback – cultural heritage of the future ’and Aboriginal Pastoral Stations of the Pilbara. The conference proceedings conclude with a final plenary paper from Prof Peter Spearritt speaking on: ‘Broken Hill for workers and tourist’. Sunset drinks at the Sculptural Symposium site will provide a stunning conclusion to the whole event.
This promises to be an inspiring and energising four days. There has been a considerable level of interest from overseas participants with many international presentations and registrations. It is now up to the local ICOMITES to show off their country and Broken Hill, in particular!!!
2. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting, Hobart, Sat-Sun 27-28 February
The next AI Executive meeting will be held in Hobart at the end of February. There are a number of opportunities for ICOMOS members to participate in events and meet the members of the Committee. We do need an indication of numbers for all events so please RSVP if you will be attending.
RSVP and queries: To Jane Harrington at jane.harrington@portarthur.org.au or (03) 6251 2330. Please RSVP by Monday 22 February.
Friday 26 February
3-5 pm, Visitor Centre, Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
As part of the Burra Charter development program, Australia ICOMOS is running a series of workshops in order to engage directly with members and practitioners about the range of tasks related to the Charter, the current guidelines and possible future guidelines. These workshops will supplement information gathered through the electronic surveys advertised in the e-news and other research. The workshop will include a report back on findings so far, as well as explore a range of issues related to the Charter and its guidelines.
Please come along with your thoughts and observations about such things as…
- what do you most appreciate about the ‘new’ Burra Charter?
- is there anything you would like to change about the Charter?
- are the existing guidelines useful or should they be changed?
- should we develop new guidelines and, if so, on what?
The venue is kindly provided by the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, one of Hobart’s significant heritage sites. Members and the public are welcome. Light refreshments will be available, and we anticipate a post meeting adjournment to a local watering hole.
Saturday 27 February
5.30-7.00pm, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG)
An opportunity to visit another of Hobart’s important heritage sites! This invitation is extended through TMAG to AI members to join the Executive Committee for a pre-dinner drink and chat. TMAG is currently undergoing a major redevelopment program and Australia ICOMOS Member, Alan Croker, is the heritage architect on the project consultant team. Alan has offered to provide members with an overview and update of the project and this is a chance to see ‘on the ground’ what has been happening.
Following Alan’s presentation and drinks, AI members are invited to join the Exec Committee for dinner at Blue Skies restaurant on the Hobart Waterfront.
3. Organiser needed – Australia ICOMOS Canberra Talks
Australia ICOMOS is looking for a member to take over the role of organiser for the very successful talk series held in Canberra. The talks are held every two months, and the organisation is very simple involving only a little time. Training will be provided!
Any queries or expressions of interest should be directed to Duncan Marshall at marsd@ozemail.com.au by 5 March.
Don’t be shy!
4. Erika Esau lecture, University of Melbourne
6.00 pm, Friday 19 March (drinks from 5.30) – Sisalkraft Theatre, Architecture Building
University of Melbourne (off Swanston St)
Sponsored by the Faculty of Architecture and Heritage Victoria’s professional development program, with refreshments provided by Australia ICOMOS
California and Australia have always had strong similarities and significant connections, most of all in terms of their architecture. Erika Esau’s lecture reports upon the research for her new book Images of the Pacific Rim: Australia and California, 1850-1935. She is concerned with exchanges between California and Australia, especially in the early years of the twentieth century. But the special relationship dates from the time of the gold rushes, when the first frame house in California was built of wood from houses brought from Tasmania. Esau has discovered much else about the travels of Australian architects to California, and about the means by which Californian developments were disseminated in Australia.
5. The Third Arte-Polis International Conference – abstracts due 22 February 2010
The Third Arte-Polis International Conference on CREATIVE COLLABORATION AND THE MAKING OF PLACE Learning from Shared Creative Experiences Bandung – Indonesia, 22-24 July 2010
REMINDER – Abstracts due 22 FEBRUARY 2010
Building on the successes of the first two Arte-Polis international conferences in 2006 and 2008, Institute of Technology Bandung is pleased to present Arte-Polis 3, an international conference with the theme “Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place: Learning from Shared Creative Experiences”. This biennial event is an initiative of the Architecture Program at ITB’s School of Architecture, Planning and
Policy Development in collaboration with other creative institutions, to be held on 22-24 July 2010 in Bandung, Indonesia’s city with a long heritage of creative culture, communities and collaborations.
The aim of Arte-Polis 3 is to bring together practitioners, academics, community leaders, local government officials, policy-makers and other professionals from diverse disciplines and regions around the world concerned with the quality of life and collaborative nature of creative communities in urban, rural and pastoral places. Its objective is to share and learn from international and local experiences regarding current issues, best practices and policy implications of creative collaborations on place-making.
Information concerning themes, keynote speakers and critical dates can be found at http://www.arte-polis.info/. The conference flier is also available for download.
For further information, contact:
Organizing Committee, Arte-Polis 3 International Conference
Attn. Dr.Eng. Arif Sarwo Wibowo Conference Convenor
Architecture Program – School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)
Lab.Tek IXB, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
Tel. (+62-22) 7620-6053 AND 250-4962
Fax (+62-22) 253-0705
E-mails: artepolis@ar.itb.ac.id AND artepolis_itb@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.arte-polis.info
6. Announcement – Professional Development Activities in Northern Tasmania in May 2010
The Association for Preservation Technology (Australia Chapter) in partnership with the National Trust of Australia (Tasmania) and the Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, is offering a 3-day course in advanced conservation techniques at Woolmers Estate on 19-21 May 2010 and a Symposium at Clarendon on Saturday 22 May 2010, titled After Macquarie – Conserving Heritage Places – Evidence, Fabric and Method.
For details please see http://aptaustralia.wordpress.com/ and http://www.nationaltrusttas.org.au/, and the attached flier.
Inquiries: aptiaustralia@yahoo.com.au
Bookings: (03) 63912230 (Woolmers) and (03) 6344 6233 (National Trust).
7. ACT Heritage Consultants’ Reports – capturing ‘Gray Literature’ for the ACT Heritage Library
Heritage consultants in the ACT might like to consider donating copies of their reports to the ACT Heritage Library. These reports form a large body of work on the heritage of the ACT but unfortunately, many are not publicly accessible and are in danger of being lost over time. They are “gray literature”. The ACT Heritage Library is keen to obtain copies of such reports, either electronically or in hard copy.
If you would like to contribute your reports or have any questions about the initiative, please contact Antoinette Buchanan at the ACT Heritage Library on act.heritage.library@act.gov.au or 02 6207 5163.
8. Port Arthur Historic Site’s Ticket of Leave E-News
The February issue of this newsletter is not online as yet. Click on the links below to read more on the articles in this month’s newsletter.
Lost voices sing again at Port Arthur
For the first time in nearly 150 years, singing can be heard coming from the chapel in Port Arthur’s Separate Prison.
Convicts held in the Separate Prison were required to spend their days and nights in absolute silence and isolation. The only time they were able to raise their voices and enjoy any sort of human contact was in the Chapel. Even then, they were boxed into separate cubicles so that the only person they could see was the preacher in his pulpit.
This emotional and immersive new visitor experience at the Port Arthur Historic Site recalling the lives and voices of those men features an extraordinary multi-channel audio installation that recreates the sounds of the sermons and the hymns of the Separate Prison Chapel.
Read more on the Separate Prison Chapel installation
Fascinating discoveries in this season’s Public Archaeology Program
Annita Waghorn, PAHSMA Conservation Project Officer, reports on a successful excavation and the discovery of some exciting artefacts, as well as fantastic interactions with visitors.
Read more about our 2010 Public Archaeology Program
Kids rule, but parents have fun too
This year the Summer Family Activities held at and around the Accountant’s House were slightly different than past offerings. Port Arthur Historic Site Education Officer, Sarah Stockwin, says that a more structured and educational menu of activities was offered, resulting in families being more engaged with the heritage of the Site.
Read more about our Summer Family Activities
Objects donated for Port Arthur collections
Recently the Police Historical Group, which operates a themed museum in Brisbane St Hobart, donated several items to the Authority. Michael Smith, who looks after PAHSMA’s collections, reports that two of the items in particular are very relevant to Port Arthur; an ‘in-door’ hat and a life preserver.
Read more about these fascinating items
Port Arthur harbour cruise secured
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority has secured its iconic harbour cruise service for the next decade. Following a comprehensive tendering process, Port Arthur Cruises has been awarded the contract and will continue to provide the service through until 2022.
Read more on the harbour cruise contract
New marketing campaign
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) has launched a striking new marketing campaign that aims to have a more direct and emotional impact on its target audiences, under the banner ‘Amazing stories, epic history’.
Central to the campaign is a new series of eight print advertisements, each focussing on a different historical figure from the Port Arthur Historic Sites. Each advertisement offers a quote by or about the character, and a tantalising snippet of their story, as well as highlighting the particular part of the Historic Sites and the visitor experience relevant to that character.
Read more about our emotional new campaign
New website on the way
The Port Arthur Historic Site website has served us well for many years now, but it is looking a bit tired and lacks the functionality required today, so its days are numbered.
Read more about the new website
Port Arthur Caravan Park opportunity
The Port Arthur Caravan Park is a popular destination for tourists and Tasmanians alike, with many families returning for their holidays year after year. Beautifully situated on absolute waterfront on a spit of land on Long Bay, it lies just a few hundred metres north of the Port Arthur Historic Site.
Not many people realise that the Caravan Park sits on land owned by the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority. After two decades, the current owners have decided to retire when the current lease expires this coming August.
Read more about the opportunity at the Port Arthur Caravan Park
Penitentiary conservation works
Visitors to the Port Arthur Historic Site over the next few months will notice some scaffolding around the Penitentiary building, to facilitate repairs to the iconic structure.
Work has started at the eastern end of the Penitentiary, and the repairs will be undertaken in stages, gradually continuing around the back and then the front of the building during 2010.
Big cruising year at Port Arthur
The 2009-2010 season has been the busiest yet in terms of cruise ships visiting the Port Arthur Historic Site.
Port Arthur has hosted four vessels thus far this season – Orion, Sun Princess, Athena and Pacific Dawn, and we are anticipating the Pacific Jewel in early March. From the Pacific Dawn alone, around 1700 passengers disembarked and experienced Port Arthur and the surrounding region.
Read more on the cruise season at Port Arthur
Next Port Arthur Talk
Women who boarded convict transports to begin the voyage to Australia often carried infants with them or watched as their children clamoured up the sides of ships docked in London or the Irish ports. These children of convict mothers posed a conundrum for policy makers. They were not prisoners, and there was no reason to punish them.
Professor Lucy Frost considers the experience of these children in Van Diemans Land, on Wednesday March 24, 5.30pm in the Junior Medical Officers Conference Room at the Port Arthur Historic Site. This is a free event and all are welcome.
More about our Port Arthur Talks program.
9. 2nd Historic Mortars Conference, 22-24th September 2010 – submission of papers, etc
Contributors whose paper has been selected for the 2nd Historic Mortars Conference 22-24 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, must submit their full paper by 30 April 2010. Iinstructions for authors are available on the conference website. All submitted papers will be published on a CD as conference proceedings and will be available online on the RILEM website. Moreover a special publication of selected papers is currently being considered. Authors are requested to stick to the deadline to allow time for the papers review. Delayed submission may not be included in the proceedings.
Registration is now open online on the conference website http://www.itam.cas.cz/HMC2010/. Please note that at least one of the authors is required to register and personally present the paper at the conference. Authors are requested to register before 31 August 2010 in order to be included in the conference program.
A book of abstracts will be published as part of conference proceedings.
10. Heritage 2010: 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
Heritage 2010: 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
23-26 June 2010, Évora, Portugal
Visit http://www.heritage2010.greenlines-institute.org/ for further information.
11. ICOM 2010 General Conference
ICOM 2010 General Conference
7-12 November 2010, Shanghai, China
Visit http://icom.museum/general-conference2010.html for further information.
12. Europa Nostra 2010 Annual Congress: European Cultural Heritage Summit
Europa Nostra 2010 Annual Congress: European Cultural Heritage Summit
8-13 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
Visit http://www.europanostra.org/istanbul/ for further information.
13. Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania, Various job vacancies
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority manages both the Coal Mines Historic Site and the Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania’s premier tourism and cultural heritage destination. Both sites are on the Tasmanian Heritage Register, the National Heritage List and included in the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Nomination. The Authority currently has three vacancies within the Conservation & Infrastructure Department, all of which provide significant and high level support to the conservation program:
Archaeology Manager—Provide strategic heritage and planning advice and is responsible for the management and protection the archaeological fabric, artefacts, collections and records at the Historic Sites.
Heritage Programs Manager— Provide strategic heritage and planning advice and is responsible for historical advice and research and the efficient and effective delivery of the Interpretation, Collections and Education programs.
These positions are permanent full time working 38 hrs per week. Classification Level is Professional Stream Band 3 with a commencing salary of $82,717 per annum. For further information about either position please contact Dr Jane Harrington, Director, Conservation & Infrastructure on (03) 6251 2330, mobile 0409 344598 or email jane.harrington@portarthur.org.au
Senior Conservation Project Officer— carry out and supervise capital and maintenance works relating to both the conservation of historic fabric and structures and the provision of site infrastructure.
This position is fixed term for up to 12 months full time (or part time negotiable) working up to 38 hrs per week. Classification Level is Professional Stream Band 2 with a commencing salary of $69,098 per annum (full time equivalent). For further information about the position please contact Jo Lyngcoln, Conservation Project manager on (03) 6251 2363, mobile 0428 141652 or email jo.lyngcoln@portarthur.org.au
All positions are based at the Port Arthur Historic Site, some 100 kms from Hobart. Intending applicants must obtain the appropriate information and application form. To obtain this and for information on how to apply, contact Philip Johnston, Human Resources Co-ordinator on (03) 6251 2357 or email recruitment@portarthur.org.au. This information can also be obtained from the www.jobs.tas.gov.au website after 17 February 2010.
Closing Date for all positions is Monday 1 March 2010.
14. Senior Adviser, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council
Senior Adviser, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council * $74,018 – $89,556 plus 9% super
Fixed term: Up to June 2011/ Fulltime
Do you want to be part of protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage and strengthening the role of Victoria’s Traditional Owners?
The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council was created under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic). It is the first all Aboriginal Council created under Victorian law and is made up of eleven Traditional Owners from around the State. The Council is responsible for:
- Providing strategic advice about the management and protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage;
- Appointing Aboriginal groups around Victoria to exercise cultural heritage responsibilities in their local areas; and
- Promoting public awareness and understanding of Aboriginal cultural heritage.
The Senior Advisor will be an important member of the Secretariat team responsible for providing high level research, advice and support to the Council.
An energetic contributor who is committed to empowering Aboriginal people and making a difference, the Senior Advisor will be suited to working in a small, dynamic team in a challenging environment.
To apply and access a position description and selection criteria visit www.careers.vic.gov.au and search via reference number DPCD/PACA/VC1510
Applications close Monday 22 February.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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