Outback and Beyond Pre- & Post-Conference Tours
Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting, Hobart, Sat-Sun 27-28 February
Master of Conservation of Monuments and Sites, Belgium
8th MONUBASIN Symposium – 2nd Circular
International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures – call for papers
Gardens of Spain tour
15th Workshop – Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
Link to recent DEWHA media release
ICOM-ASPAC Tokyo Conference News
Xth Pacific Arts Association International Symposium – Update & Scholarships opportunity
Tarisi Vunidilo appointed new Secretary General for the Pacific Islands Museums Association (PIMA)
Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania, Various job vacancies
Senior Adviser, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council
1. Outback and Beyond Pre- & Post-Conference Tours
Have you seen the colours, the landforms and sunsets of The Outback? The scenery is undeniably spectacular and has inspired explorers, travellers and artists for thousand of years. Have you experience the distant horizon disappearing into a shimmery haze or spectacular dawn hues when nature comes alive before the heat of the day? So why not join the conference pre- and post-tours, especially arranged for Australia ICOMOS. Sites have been chosen to complement the conference themes of historic towns, industrial heritage and remote pastoralism.
BUT numbers are strictly limited due to the capacity of the bus used for each tour and remote accommodation capacities. So you must BOOK early. A booking is confirmed by a paid deposit and will be on a ‘first-in’ basis.
PLEASE NOTE: These tours are organised separately to the Conference. Tours can only proceed with a sufficient number of registrations. A final decision will be made on Wednesday 25 March.
The cost for each tour is $450 per person, inclusive of GST.
The Tours Team: is Sue Jackson-Stepowski, Michael Queale and Diana Garder.
For further information and to download the Tour program/itinerary, visit http://www.aicomos.com/2010-outback-and-beyond/pre-and-post-tours/
A booking form is now also available at the above link.
2. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting, Hobart, Sat-Sun 27-28 February
The next AI Executive meeting will be held in Hobart at the end of February. There are a number of opportunities for ICOMOS members to participate in events and meet the members of the Committee. We do need an indication of numbers for all events so please RSVP if you will be attending.
RSVP and queries: To Jane Harrington at jane.harrington@portarthur.org.au or (03) 6251 2330. Please RSVP by Monday 22 February
Friday 26 February
3-5 pm, Visitor Centre, Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
As part of the Burra Charter development program, Australia ICOMOS is running a series of workshops in order to engage directly with members and practitioners about the range of tasks related to the Charter, the current guidelines and possible future guidelines. These workshops will supplement information gathered through the electronic surveys advertised in the e-news and other research. The workshop will include a report back on findings so far, as well as explore a range of issues related to the Charter and its guidelines.
Please come along with your thoughts and observations about such things as…
- what do you most appreciate about the ‘new’ Burra Charter?
- is there anything you would like to change about the Charter?
- are the existing guidelines useful or should they be changed?
- should we develop new guidelines and, if so, on what?
The venue is kindly provided by the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, one of Hobart’s significant heritage sites. Members and the public are welcome. Light refreshments will be available, and we anticipate a post meeting adjournment to a local watering hole.
Saturday 27 February
5.30-7.00pm, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG)
An opportunity to visit another of Hobart’s important heritage sites! This invitation is extended through TMAG to AI members to join the Executive Committee for a pre-dinner drink and chat. TMAG is currently undergoing a major redevelopment program and Australia ICOMOS Member, Alan Croker, is the heritage architect on the project consultant team. Alan has offered to provide members with an overview and update of the project and this is a chance to see ‘on the ground’ what has been happening.
Following Alan’s presentation and drinks, AI members are invited to join the Exec Committee for dinner at Blue Skies restaurant on the Hobart Waterfront.
3. Master of Conservation of Monuments and Sites, Belgium
The MCMS (Master of Conservation of Monuments and Sites) is a four-semester, research-based academic degree, spread over two years. The first year offers a general introduction to the field of the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites. It is primarily devoted to theoretical courses, seminars and project work. The second year consists mainly of the master’s thesis based on individual research and is not necessarily spent in Leuven.
It is an International and multi-disciplinary course so candidates should have an initial master’s degree in fields related to the built heritage or to cultural resource management, such as architecture, design, (construction) engineering, archaeology, (art) history, urban planning, or cultural studies.
See the attached brochure and visit http://www.asro.kuleuven.be/new/asro.aspx?culture=en&site=asro&tabid=379 for further information.
Please note that applications from prospective non-EU candidates must be submitted by 1 March 2010.
4. 8th MONUBASIN Symposium – 2nd Circular
The 2nd circular for the 8th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin has been released. To download it click here (2nd Circular)
Those who have submitted an abstract are reminded that the deadline for full papers is 28 February 2010. In order to write your paper, please follow the proposed guidelines (click here)
Registration is open and you can register online at the Symposium site http://monubasin8.ntua.gr.
5. International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures – call for papers
SHATIS’11 – International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures
16-17 June 2011
Abstract templates and other information can be found in the Conference website http://shatis11.lnec.pt
6. Gardens of Spain tour
Spain faces similar environmental challenges to us – affluence, urbanisation, high migration, consumption and scant water supplies. Its range of climates gives interesting parallels, worth a closer look – it’s also beautiful, lively and fun!
Enjoy a three-week tour of Barcelona, Madrid, Andalucia’s three cities: Cordoba, Seville and Granada and briefly a sojourn on Mallorca with expert guide, garden historian and landscape architect, Stuart Read. Stuart is the Chair of the Sydney & Northern NSW Branch of the Australian Garden History Society and on the Society’s National Management Committee. He won a Pratt Foundation – International Specialised Skills Institute overseas fellowship in 2005 and visited over 60 gardens and parks – old and new – in Spain, interviewing managers, designers and experts about how change is managed.
The tour is timed to avoid the crowds of summer, the madness of Easter parades in Seville yet catch Cordoba’s Patio Festival at its peak – entrees to private courtyards normally closed to the public. Museum contacts through the NSW Historic Houses Trust will ensure some special experiences.
If the cost seems too much, there’s a chance of reducing it by $2500 by changing 5* hotels for 3 1/2*s but please if you are interested, indicate your interest and book soon!
Info/Bookings: members@hht.net.au or ph (02) 8239 2266. Also see the attached flier and booking form.
7. 15th Workshop – Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
Urban Archaeology of Vienna is conducting a congress in Vienna on 15-17 November 2010.
Theme: In/Visble Towns – Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas
The call for papers will be opening shortly. The deadline for abstracts is 31 May 2010.
For further information, keep your eye on the website http://www.stadtarchaeologie.at/ (although please note they are currently experiencing some problems with it).
Alternatively, information can be obtained from:
Museen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie
Mag. Wolfgang Börner
Obere Augartenstraße 26-28, Zi. 2.11
A – 1020 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)1 4000 81176
Fax: +43 (0)1 4000 84747
Email: kongrarchae@ma07.wien.gv.at
8. Link to recent DEWHA media release
Company pays out over rock art damage
9. ICOM-ASPAC Tokyo Conference News
The ICOM-ASPAC General Conference was held at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo, Japan over December 7 – 9.
Under the main theme, “Rethinking of Museums’ Core Value and Regional Heritage in Asia-Pacific,” three sub-themes were discussed in separate sessions:
“Regional Heritage in Asia-Pacific”
“Network Building for Museum Information in Asia-Pacific”
“Human Resources Development for ‘Code of Ethics’ in Asia-Pacific”
More detailed information is available at http://www.kahaku.go.jp/english/icomaspac2009/ended/
10. Xth Pacific Arts Association International Symposium – Update & Scholarships opportunity
The date for the PAA International Symposium has changed to 9-11 August 2010. The theme for the meeting is “Pacific Art in the 21st century – Museums, New Global Communities and Future Trends”.
PAA has allocated funding to support Pacific Islanders presenting papers at the International Symposium in Rarotonga. To apply, please send a letter of request including your complete contact information (email and mailing address) and your abstract to PAA VP for North America, Christina Hellmich: chellmich@famsf.org. The application deadline is 30 March 2010. Awards will be granted on 15 April 2010.
More information on this event can be obtained from the symposium website: http://cook2010.blogspot.com/
11. Tarisi Vunidilo appointed new Secretary General for the Pacific Islands Museums Association (PIMA)
The Pacific Islands Museums Association (PIMA) has a new Secretary General. Tarisi Vunidilo, a graduate from the University of Waikato. Ms Vunidilo brings to the position valuable experience. She has occupied several important positions in the past at the Fiji Museum, Waikato Museum of Arts and History, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa, Creative New Zealand and other cultural organizations.
12. Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Port Arthur, Tasmania, Various job vacancies
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority manages both the Coal Mines Historic Site and the Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania’s premier tourism and cultural heritage destination. Both sites are on the Tasmanian Heritage Register, the National Heritage List and included in the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Nomination. The Authority currently has three vacancies within the Conservation & Infrastructure Department, all of which provide significant and high level support to the conservation program:
Archaeology Manager—Provide strategic heritage and planning advice and is responsible for the management and protection the archaeological fabric, artefacts, collections and records at the Historic Sites.
Heritage Programs Manager— Provide strategic heritage and planning advice and is responsible for historical advice and research and the efficient and effective delivery of the Interpretation, Collections and Education programs.
These positions are permanent full time working 38 hrs per week. Classification Level is Professional Stream Band 3 with a commencing salary of $82,717 per annum. For further information about either position please contact Dr Jane Harrington, Director, Conservation & Infrastructure on (03) 6251 2330, mobile 0409 344598 or email jane.harrington@portarthur.org.au
Senior Conservation Project Officer— carry out and supervise capital and maintenance works relating to both the conservation of historic fabric and structures and the provision of site infrastructure.
This position is fixed term for up to 12 months full time (or part time negotiable) working up to 38 hrs per week. Classification Level is Professional Stream Band 2 with a commencing salary of $69,098 per annum (full time equivalent). For further information about the position please contact Jo Lyngcoln, Conservation Project manager on (03) 6251 2363, mobile 0428 141652 or email jo.lyngcoln@portarthur.org.au
All positions are based at the Port Arthur Historic Site, some 100 kms from Hobart. Intending applicants must obtain the appropriate information and application form. To obtain this and for information on how to apply, contact Philip Johnston, Human Resources Co-ordinator on (03) 6251 2357 or email recruitment@portarthur.org.au. This information can also be obtained from the www.jobs.tas.gov.au website after 17 February 2010.
Closing Date for all positions is Monday 1 March 2010.
13. Senior Adviser, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council
Senior Adviser, Secretariat to the Aboriginal Heritage Council * $74,018 – $89,556 plus 9% super
Fixed term: Up to June 2011/ Fulltime
Do you want to be part of protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage and strengthening the role of Victoria’s Traditional Owners?
The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council was created under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic). It is the first all Aboriginal Council created under Victorian law and is made up of eleven Traditional Owners from around the State. The Council is responsible for:
- Providing strategic advice about the management and protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage;
- Appointing Aboriginal groups around Victoria to exercise cultural heritage responsibilities in their local areas; and
- Promoting public awareness and understanding of Aboriginal cultural heritage.
The Senior Advisor will be an important member of the Secretariat team responsible for providing high level research, advice and support to the Council.
An energetic contributor who is committed to empowering Aboriginal people and making a difference, the Senior Advisor will be suited to working in a small, dynamic team in a challenging environment.
To apply and access a position description and selection criteria visit www.careers.vic.gov.au and search via reference number DPCD/PACA/VC1510.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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