Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 420

  1. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee meetings for 2010 – CORRECTION
  2. Sydney Talk by Axel Mykleby of ICOMOS Norway
  3. Ray Tonkin Awarded Public Service Medal in Australia Day Honours
  5. Haiti Heritage Recovery Update – a message from ICOMOS International
  6. Heritage Council of Victoria Appointments 2010
  7. Expressions of Interest for volunteers at the Outback and Beyond – Broken Hill Conference April 22 – 25
  8. Melbourne Tram Heritage Study – EOI sought
  9. Course Announcement – ‘Management Planning for Cultural Heritage’
  10. UDIA2010 – Plibersek to address Opening Breakfast
  11. The State Bed Conference
  12. BEST EN Think Tank X: “Networking for Sustainable Tourism” 2010
  13. ANZMapS Conference: Mapping Climate, An Environment for Change, Adelaide, 7-9 April 2010 – registrations open
  14. Institute for Citizenship & Globalisation’s January bulletin available online


1. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee meetings for 2010 – CORRECTION

The Executive Committee meetings for this year are scheduled at the following times and places:

  • 27, 28 February 2010 EC Hobart
  • 29, 30 May 2010 EC Melbourne
  • 28, 29 August 2010 EC Sydney
  • 27, 28 November 2010 EC & AGM Canberra

If the meetings are happening in your area, please keep a look-out for members events associated with EC meetings, as often drinks or dinners are organized so that the EC and local ICOMOS members can get together. These are good events to attend if you are a new or young member of ICOMOS as it is a great way to meet other members.

The Executive Committee always has at least one meeting in Canberra, as AI is incorporated in the ACT. This enables the EC to meet our ACT members and also touch base with federal matters and meet those operating in federal sphere i.e. those involved in World Heritage management, government representatives, and key players formulating or implementing policy and legislation in federal ‘heritage’ arena.

Please note that there will be no AI EC meeting in conjunction with the Broken Hill ‘Outback & Beyond’ Conference in April 2010. The Broken Hill Conference program is very full, with lots of interesting speakers and events, pre-conference and post-conference tours

Meetings of International Scientific Committees will be held on the afternoon of Thursday 22 April (not Wednesday as previously stated), prior to the commencement of the conference. The Conference Welcome Reception is being held on the evening of Thursday 22 April.

All Australian AI members are encouraged to attend these ISC meetings and the conference. Please see the conference web site at for details.

Helen Wilson
Secretary, Australia ICOMOS


2. Sydney Talk by Axel Mykleby of ICOMOS Norway

Sydney Talk by Axel Mykleby of ICOMOS Norway at GML office 6.00pm, Tuesday 2 February

Axel Mykleby, a long standing member of the Executive committee of ICOMOS Norway and active in the international work of ICOMOS, will be in Sydney in early February. Axel has been persuaded to take a break from sightseeing to give a talk to Sydney Icomites and interested others about his thoughts on ‘new heritage’. Those of us who heard Prof Leo Schmidt at the 2009 ICOMOS Annual Conference may recognise a familiar theme… The title of the presentation will be:

‘Do we need copies to preserve memory?’ – a discussion on the reconstruction of historic places in Europe, with an emphasis on the resistance of Nordic architects to designing copies.

The talk will be preceded by drinks and nibblies at 5.30pm. Please RSVP to Peter Romey or Jane Vernon by COB Thursday 28 January to assist with catering.


3. Ray Tonkin Awarded Public Service Medal in Australia Day Honours

Congratulations to long term ICOMOS member and Convenor of the Outback and Beyond Broken Hill Conference!

An extract from the Victorian Public Sector news is included below:

Raymond William TONKIN PSM Heritage Victoria

For outstanding public service to the recognition, management and promotion of Victoria’s non-Indigenous cultural heritage.

Mr Tonkin has successfully managed Heritage Victoria for an unprecedented period and has been Executive Director of the Heritage Council and its predecessors.

He has skilfully balanced the requirements of government, a statutory authority and the general public, while at the same time has developed an outstanding state heritage protection system that has the most comprehensive listing in Australia.

He is acknowledged as a national leader in cultural heritage matters and is notable for his personal knowledge and expertise.



For those who were still on holidays last week we repeat the E-news message about the broken Hill conference. The organizing committee for Outback & Beyond is very pleased with the level of interest and the number of submitted papers We can confirm that Broken Hill will be a genuine international conference packed full of presentations and in an exotic location to boot.

Some of the confirmed international speakers are:

  • Sir Neil Cossons, former Chairman of English Heritage and a renowned international expert on industrial history and heritage
  • Deborah Boden, Co-ordinator of the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Sit
  • Gerald Takano, well known US architect with expertise in the management of historic towns
  • Balvinder Singh from India speaking on the need for integrated planning and management in historic towns
  • Catrini Pratihari Kubontubah from Indonesia speaking on disaster recovery in historic cities
  • Gina Jones from New Zealand speaking on the management of historic towns
  • Stephen Hughes from the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
  • Miles Oglethorpe from Historic Scotland speaking about Scottish coal mining

They will join other international speakers and a large number of outstanding Australians to provide an intriguing program in one of our most exotic locations.

The organizing committee has worked to keep the cost of the conference as low as possible:

Early Bird (up until 26 February) Registration

$475 for members

$575 for non members

Standard Registration

$575 for members

$675 for non members

Student Registration



The conference will be preceded by a magical tour from Adelaide via the Clare Valley and Burra, followed by a not-to-be-missed National Parks and Wildlife Service guided tour through Willandra and Mungo to Mildura. More details of these tours will follow.

Potential participants are advised to check out the website,

Inquiries can be directed to the conference organizer:

Bradley Hayden

ICOMOS 2010 Conference Secretariat

PO Box 5013


P – 02 6023 6300

F – 02 6023 6355


5. Haiti Heritage Recovery Update – a message from ICOMOS International

Message to Members of ICOMOS and to the international heritage community

ICOMOS would like to thank the hundreds of individual members, and its national and International Scientific Committees for the overwhelming response to our call to participate in a global action of solidarity to assess, rescue and recover the cultural heritage of Haiti in the aftermath of the terrible earthquake that devastated the country. Your response is proof of the vast professional resources of the ICOMOS network and of our unique strength as the leading heritage organization in the world. ICOMOS is also very grateful to the response by non-members and by the many institutions that have agreed and are still agreeing to be included in the development of a coordinated joint plan of assistance to be implemented as soon as the humanitarian relief operations are concluded, and our Haitian colleagues indicate that they are ready to receive us.

Many intense and passionate exchanges over the Internet have called for the immediate deployment of ICOMOS assistance teams to Haiti. They clearly manifest the generous determination of ICOMOS to help the Haitian people at this time of dire need. This solidarity has always been at the very soul of our organization. Nonetheless, ICOMOS has assessed the situation and considers it impractical, perhaps even insensitive, to send team that will further tax the scarce local ability to provide food, shelter, medical attention and other basic services, especially while our Haitian colleagues and all the Haitian nation are still struggling for sheer survival while dealing with personal tragedies, loss of family and the wholesale destruction of their homes. It is natural and necessary that these basic humanitarian needs be met first by the institutions and governments that are trying to handle this awesome responsibility under extremely difficult circumstances. At this time, our efforts are focused on planning and preparing the mobilization process and all its logistics, on the field work methodology, and on the composition and training of the international and multidisciplinary volunteer teams in order that they be ready to be deployed as soon as the go-ahead to do so is given. It is important that this work be centralized in ICOMOS to ensure uniformity in the field evaluations and avoid redundancy.

During the first week of this crisis, ICOMOS has been crafting a coordinated global response so that the right assistance will be provided in the right places, in the right way and at the right time, avoiding redundancy and waste. The avalanche of volunteer data has been classified, quantified and registered; the advice received has been carefully studied; a preliminary set of tasks for ICOMOS to undertake has been drawn up. Directly by the President and indirectly through third parties, ICOMOS has contacted the Haitian authorities and local members of the heritage community to inform them of our work and availability to help, with the understanding that we must rely on them to identify and establish priorities. We have initiated exchanges to ensure coordination with UNESCO, Blue Shield and the many affinity organizations that want to help. We have also begun to identify potential funding for the proposed work.

The ICOMOS National Committees of Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Norway, Panama, Peru, the Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the UK , USA and Venezuela have indicated their readiness to organize their volunteers who will be available to help in situ or remotely. Some have gone further, such as the National Committee of Kazakhstan which has a team of about twelve volunteers ready to travel immediately.

Organizing activities of the same intensity have been taking place in many of the 28 ICOMOS International Scientific Committee. ISCARSAH, the Committee on Architectural Structural has identified from among its members 20 Structural Engineers with seismic damage assessment experience, who are ready to travel to Haiti. The Committee on Documentation (ICOMOS-CIPA) has studied the data available on Haitian heritage inventories and sites, and identified the immediate documentation needs in case of catastrophes. They are also ready to mobilize when called. In this context, CyArk and the Kacyra Foundation in Palo Alto, California, have offered their laser scanning capabilities. The Committee on Vernacular Architecture has warned about the particular vulnerability of vernacular heritage structures being demolished unnecessarily during the clearing operations, and have offered their expertise by helping make in situ determinations of the rescue potential of individual structures. The Stone Committee has discussed its role in recovery at their meeting in Germany last week. The Committee on Intangible Heritage has offered assistance in identifying and rescuing the intangible traditions associated with specific sites. Since important historic urban districts in both Jacmel and Port-au-Prince have been devastated, the Historic Towns Committee will also play an important role in the reconstruction process. Likewise, a number of other Scientific Committees have expressed an ardent wish to help even in the uncertainty of what it is they could provide, such as those on Archaeological Heritage Management, Fortifications and Military Heritage, Cultural Landscapes, Rock Art and Legal/Administrative/Financial Affairs.

A number of universities in the United States, such as the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Texas in San Antonio have offered to organize and deploy volunteer teams of heritage conservation students and faculty to help in the assessment and recovery operations. The Savannah College of Art and Design has indicated its ability to deploy teams to Haiti immediately and at their own cost.

To coordinate this massive volunteer effort and manage the complex next stages in the most professional and effective manner, the President of ICOMOS has appointed an ICOMOS Haiti Heritage Recovery Steering Committee composed of eminent international experts in the field of heritage rescue and recovery and on Haitian heritage. The former Secretary-General and current President of ICOMOS Canada Dinu Bumbaru has kindly agreed to chair this Committee, which is composed of Rohit Jigyasu of India, Stephen J Kelley of the United Stated, Daniel Lefèvere of France, Kanefusa Masuda of Japan (conditional acceptance), Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy of Australia, Axel Mykelby of Norway, Esteban Prieto of the Dominican Republic, Samuel N Stokes of the United States, Tong Mingkang of China, and Rasool Vatandoust of Iran. The acceptance of a few additional appointees is still pending. Gustavo Araoz, President of ICOMOS, will also be part of the Steering Committee so that he may keep the ICOMOS Executive Committee and our full membership informed of our progress. The Steering Committee is identifying a number of key task forces where the active leadership contribution of the international and national committees and our affinity organizations will be imperative. For now, however, ICOMOS considers it crucial that the guidance and decisions during the initial stages of our work by be entirely entrusted to the Steering Committee, and not independently by our national and international committees. Once the medium and long term needs are identified, each Committee will be able to identify the assistance projects that they would like to sponsor individually or in groups.

Given that the clearing process is already beginning wit the use of heavy equipment, the first message of the Steering Committee is directed at the National Committees of countries whose governments are actively involved in the clearing operations, Each Committee is asked to communicate at once with their pertinent relief agencies and their embassies in Port au Prince urging that ALL KNOWN AND APPARENT HISTORIC AREAS AND BUILDINGS, COMMEMORATIVE MARKERS, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES, MUSEUMS, LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES BE CORDONED OFF AND PLACED OFF LIMITS FROM THE CLEARING OPERATIONS UNTIL THE ICOMOS FIELD ASSESSMENT FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL BUILDING’S RECONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED. This will help avoid the unnecessary loss of many cultural and historic resources. We also ask that you report your actions to the International Secretariat so that we may coordinate our activities with those of UNESCO.

The compassion, generosity and solidarity shown by ICOMOS members is something that makes us all proud. ICOMOS has the knowledge, the human resources and the will to help our Haitian colleagues in securing their heritage for many generations to come. Our intangible riches, however, are not matched by our financial ability to launch the ambitious rescue, assessment and recovery plan that will be required. For this reason, the Executive Committee of ICOMOS will continue to work in securing the necessary funding. This, however, must also be a global effort, with all National and International Committees helping in searching and securing donations, grants and subsidies within their own countries and donor communities.

Gustavo Araoz
ICOMOS President


6. Heritage Council of Victoria Appointments 2010

Expressions of interest for membership of the Heritage Council of Victoria are sought from individuals with recognised skills in one of each of the following areas:

  • Archaeology
  • Engineering or building construction

On this occasion, one full member and one alternate member are sought for each of the above skill areas. Members of the Heritage Council are appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Planning. Appointment will be from 1 July 2010 for three (3) years.

For further information, visit


7. Expressions of Interest for volunteers at the Outback and Beyond – Broken Hill Conference April 22 – 25

The Conference Committee is seeking expressions of interest for volunteers at the BH Conference. The Committee is offering 3 free registrations to interested volunteers. Tasks would include assistance with the following:

  • uploading Power Point presentations at break out and snapshot sessions – ie. volunteer must be computer literate and confident with these tasks
  • book selling during morning teas and lunchtime
  • general assistance with afternoon excursions
  • set up of the final night event “Drinks at the Sculptures”
  • and other possible tasks identified by the Committee

Expressions of interest should be emailed to Helen Lardner, by COB 12 Feb 2010. Please include in your expression of interest how you believe you can help us, including your knowledge of computers. Volunteers would need to pay their own travel and accommodation costs. There would be opportunities for the volunteers to hear the papers and go on the excursions. So this is a great opportunity for networking and attending the conference at a reduced cost.


8. Melbourne Tram Heritage Study – EOI sought

Heritage Victoria is seeking a contractor or contract team to undertake a Melbourne Metropolitan Tramway Heritage Study. A copy of the brief is attached. For copies of the contract or further information please contact Robyn Mullens, Senior Heritage Conservation Officer, on (03) 8644 8935.


9. Course Announcement – ‘Management Planning for Cultural Heritage’

WHITRAP (Shanghai) and ICCROM are pleased to announce the second training course on ‘Management Planning for Cultural Heritage’. The first course, held in 2008, achieved great success through active interchange between international, regional and Chinese experience (for more information visit Building upon that, the new course updates the curriculum with the integration of new development trends and concepts in conservation.

For further information, see the attached course announcement. Application forms can be downloaded from


10. UDIA2010 – Plibersek to address Opening Breakfast

Tanya Plibersek to Address Opening Congress Breakfast

Register now for the Opening Congress Breakfast hosted by Women in Development to hear The Hon Tanya Plibersek, Federal Minister for Housing, present on the exciting topic of Life After the Stimulus – What’s the Role of the Federal Government in Our Cities? The Opening Breakfast, starting at 7am on Tuesday 9 March, will also provide an invaluable networking opportunity and will set the scene for the two day National Congress.

For additional information on the Congress, please contact the Congress Secretariat or visit the Congress website:

Urban Development Institute of Australia Congress Secretariat

Conexion Event Management

Phone: + 61 2 9518 7722

Fax: + 61 2 9518 7222




11. The State Bed Conference

Fashion, Ritual, Furniture & Textiles: The Phenomenon of the State Bed Hopetoun, Scotland 22-23 April 2010

In addition to the attached notices (flier and booking form), further information about this conference can be obtained by contacting Dr Peter Burman, Visiting Professor of Cultural Management, Brandenburg University of Technology, Sielower Straße 14, 03046 Cottbus, Germany, at


12. BEST EN Think Tank X: “Networking for Sustainable Tourism” 2010

BEST Education Network Think Tank: “Networking for Sustainable Tourism” MODUL University, Vienna, June 27 – 30, 2010

BEST Education Network is an international consortium of educators and researchers committed to furthering the development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of sustainable tourism. Its signature event, the annual Think Tank, focuses on specific themes related to sustainability and seeks to provide cutting-edge insight to the topic at hand. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Executive Committee decided to focus on providing a platform for knowledge creation, expertise and encouraging an open exchange of ideas through building links and creating partnerships.

For further information, visit Both the call for papers and the program are available from this website.


13. ANZMapS Conference: Mapping Climate, An Environment for Change, Adelaide, 7-9 April 2010 – registrations open

MAPPING CLIMATE, AN ENVIRONMENT FOR CHANGE State Library of South Australia 7-9 April 2010

Mapping Climate: an Environment for Change is the second annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Map Society. ANZMapS was formed last year by the amalgamation of the Australian Map Circle and the New Zealand Map Society. Registrations for this conference are now open.

The conference will be opened by the Hon Dr John Bannon AO, the former South Australian Premier and a leading Australian historian.

Speakers will outline the latest mapping and data analysis technologies; explore the history of climate mapping including the seminal work of Mr Goyder, and outline the relevance of historical records for assessing climate variability today.

Further information is available within the PDFs listed below.

Conference Brochure

Program & List of Speakers

Registration Form

Enquiries regarding the conference should be sent to Dr Martin Woods:

The conference will be followed by a Workshop (a “closed session” meeting of professional map managers, curators and librarians) on Friday 9 April 1.30-4.30pm.

National & State Libraries Association Workshop: “Mastering Maps: Survival tactics for managing map collections”.

“Mastering Maps” is aimed at librarians, curators and others working with map collections in libraries and universities. The Workshop is sponsored by National & State Libraries Australasia’s (NSLA) “Reinventing Libraries” project. The Workshop will share information about challenges and approaches to acquisition, cataloguing and digitisation. Numbers are limited.

Workshop bookings and questions can be directed to: Maggie Patton or Dr Martin Woods


14. Institute for Citizenship & Globalisation’s January bulletin available online

Since the inception of The Institute of Citizenship and Globalisation, the institute has released the ICG Bulletin on a bi-monthly basis. The bulletins are available as pdf files. ICG Bulletin January issue is out now and available at:


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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