Broken Hill Conference – Photography Competition
Call for EOI for Co-opted members of the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – REMINDER
US ICOMOS Intern Program 2010
Link to DEWHA media releases
ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, October 2010 – call for abstracts
Gardens of Spain Tour – 22 April – 15 May 2010
Book reviewers needed
Final Report of the review of the EPBC Act available online
APT Conference 2010 – call for abstracts
The State Bed Conference
Portable Antiquities Conference: Archaeology, Collecting, Metal Detecting
Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory Annual Conference 2010 – first call for papers
Symposium reminder – Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age
Media Release – 200 Hectare Protected Zone around Centaur
1. Broken Hill Conference – Photography Competition
Broken Hill, the location of the Australia ICOMOS 2010 conference, is a recognised centre for artistic endeavour and so the Australia ICOMOS Executive and 2010 Conference Organising Committees are pleased to be holding a photography competition in association with the conference. The categories for the competition will centre on the three major conference themes. These are:
- Historic towns (individual image)
- Industrial heritage (individual image)
- Pastoralism (individual image)
- Photo Essay (up to six images on any of the three conference themes)
Entry is open to Australia ICOMOS members and conference delegates. The entries will be displayed at the conference venue throughout the conference. Voting in each category will be open to conference delegates and members of the general public.
Competition entries must be submitted by Monday 22 March 2010 at the latest. Further information, including the competition terms and conditions, are in the entry package, which can be downloaded from the conference website http://www.aicomos.com/2010-outback-and-beyond/ (click on “Call for Papers” from the menu).
2. Call for EOI for Co-opted members of the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – REMINDER
The Executive Committee is now calling for Expressions of Interest for two vacant positions on the EC for 2010.The period of co-option lasts until the 2010 AGM, at which time the co-optee can decide to stand for election to the EC through the usual nomination of committee members process.
The Criteria for this years co-opted positions are:
a) Full financial Member status
b) one position is available for a member based in Tasmania who would take on the task of State Representative
c) one position based in NSW (greater Sydney metropolitan area) who will take on the task of State Representative.
d) each of the positions will also take on the responsibility for another task, either:
- Publications Co-ordinator: ie. for general publications such as guidelines/brochures and annual report but EXCLUDING HE and the e-news.
- Working group Co-ordinator: responsible for helping the group convenor of each group develop a work program and goals for three new active working groups that have been developed to drive specific issues of interest to AI. This position will be a conduit between these working groups and the EC.
If you are interested in getting more actively involved in Australia ICOMOS this is an excellent way to do so. You will be working with an enthusiastic and friendly team of people and will have a lot of fun along the way.
Your time commitments would be: 4 x 1.5 day meetings per year; one of which will be associated with the AGM. The meetings are spread around the member states and usually associated with a professional/social event for members in that state. The schedule for 2010 is: February 27/28 – Hobart; May 29/30 – Melbourne; August 28/29 – Sydney; November 27/28 (and AGM) – ACT.
All Executive Committee members make a significant commitment to the organisation, giving up not only their time but also paying the first $300 of travel costs to each of these meetings. Any cost over and above this will be reimbursed.
State Reps play an important role as ‘the face of AI’ in each state. They organise occasional professional and social events for members and provide a general report to members on the highlights of the Exec meetings. They also bring forward issues of relevance to members in their state, where these are brought to their attention. These are vital roles in the organisation and are a great way to meet people and network. You will not have to invent your position from scratch as there are others on the EC who currently hold and who have held similar roles in the past.
Form of application
If you wish to submit an EOI please provide:
- a brief statement of no more than 500 words outlining which task you are interested in and why you believe you would be suited to the position
- a copy of your Curriculum Vitae
- a clear indication of whether you are based in Sydney or Hobart
The deadline for submission of EOIs is COB Friday 22 January 2010. EOIs should be submitted via email to the Secretariat Officer Georgia Meros at austisomos@deakin.edu.au. Successful applicants will be expected to attend the February 2010 meeting in Hobart.
If you have any specific queries regarding these positions please call Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy on 0425 215 012. We look forward to hearing from you!
3. US ICOMOS Intern Program 2010
Applications are now being invited for interns in this year’s US ICOMOS International Exchange Program. Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS. Nominations will be confirmed at the first meeting of the AI Executive Committee in 2010. We regret the awkward timing of the call and US ICOMOS is aware of the problem.
Applicants must be full members of Australia ICOMOS, have adequate experience and the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year.
More information about the program can be found at http://www.usicomos.org/intern/overview
If you are interested please contact Timothy Hubbard, the US Intern Coordinator on (03) 5568 2623 or 0419 353 195.
All interns return with very positive comments about the life-changing experience.
4. Link to DEWHA media releases
Ningaloo nominated for World Heritage List
Government assists purchase of historic table
5. ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, October 2010 – call for abstracts
ICOMOS Scientific Symposium, October 2010, Dublin, Ireland
Changing World, Changing Views of Heritage: The Impact of Global Change on Cultural Heritage
2010 Theme: Heritage and Social Change
Please refer to the attached notice for further information.
6. Gardens of Spain Tour – 22 April – 15 May 2010
Flower-bedecked balconies decorate white-washed facades along a labyrinth of narrow alleys in the old quarters of Cordoba, Sevilla and Granada. Fountains spray into mirrored pools in formal gardens designed for royalty. Spain’s spectacular gardens show a combination of influences from throughout the centuries.
Experienced tour leader and garden expert Stuart Read has visited and studied more than 60 of Spain’s most important gardens. He has selected the best of these, both public and privately owned, for a tour that will take you to Barcelona, Blanes, Zaragoza, Madrid, Cordoba, Sevilla, Granada and the island of Mallorca.
Download the complete itinerary
Find out more about the tour by attending a free illustrated talk by Stuart Read:
Friday 5 February, 6pm–7.30pm
Museum of Sydney, cnr Phillip and Bridge Sts, Sydney
Bookings essential as seating is limited tel (02) 8239 2266 to RSVP
7. Book reviewers needed
We have three more books in for review for Historic Environment. As usual, you get to keep the book in return for a review. The books are:
- Fantastic Dreaming: The Archaeology of an Aboriginal Mission, by Jane Lydon
- Cultural Diversity, Heritage and Human Rights, edited by Michele Langfield, William Logan and Mairead Nic Craith
- Museums in a Digital Age, edited by Ross Parry
Please contact Caitlin Allen by email caitlin.allen@bigpond.com.au if you are interested in reviewing any of these titles. Reviews are generally needed within 6-8 weeks of you receiving the book. Unsolicited book, conference and exhibition reviews are also welcome – contact Caitlin at the above email address if you would like to submit an unsolicited review.
8. Final Report of the review of the EPBC Act available online
The Final Report of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) – ‘The Australian Environment Act: Report of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999’ was released on 21 December 2009.
The Report addresses a broad range of issues across the entirety of the EPBC Act’s operation, and is available in PDF form on the Review website at http://www.environment.gov.au/epbc/review/index.html.
9. APT Conference 2010 – call for abstracts
APT Denver 2010
October 6-9
Sheraton Downtown Denver Hotel
The Association for Preservation Technology International is soliciting abstracts that feature new, cutting edge information for presentation at its annual conference in October in Denver, Colorado, USA. To be considered as an APT Conference presenter, you must submit an abstract that addresses one of the Conference Tracks. Submissions are due February 22.
Conference Theme and Tracks
APT Denver 2010 Conference theme is Layers Across Time-Preserving a Diverse Western Heritage. Abstracts are being solicited for paper presentations and panel discussions on the sub-themes of
- Materials-What We Use to Build
- Structures-What We Build
- Growth of the West-How our Built Environment Evolved
- Sustainability and Preservation-How we Maintain our Built Environment
Paper and panel presenters will be expected to register for the conference, but at a discounted registration rate.
Call for Abstracts
Click here for the Call for Abstracts.
Submission Form
Click here for the electronic Abstract Submission Form.
The deadline for submissions is Noon (US Central Time), February 22, 2010.
Conference Agenda
An agenda is on line at www.apti.org
Dana Saal, Conference Manager
217.528.2460 (direct)
217.529.9039 (office)
10. The State Bed Conference
Fashion, Ritual, Furniture & Textiles: The Phenomenon of the State Bed
Hopetoun, Scotland
22-23 April 2010
Please see attached notices (flier and booking form)for further information about this conference.
11. Portable Antiquities Conference: Archaeology, Collecting, Metal Detecting
The International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies and the Council for British Archaeology are organising and hosting a major conference titled Portable Antiquities: Archaeology, Collecting, Metal Detecting.
This will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 March 2010.
The call for abstracts has closed, but for general enquiries or to be kept informed with conference updates, contact Suzie Thomas suziethomas@britarch.ac.uk.
12. Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory Annual Conference 2010 – first call for papers
CHAT 2010: ‘North’: Northern Worlds in Contemporary & Historical Archaeology November 12-14, 2010, The University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Northern worlds have always suffered from stereotyping. Since the Enlightenment, ‘North’ played the role of frontier of geographic knowledge and wilderness of harrowing and sublime proportions. The last century saw its diversification as a space of untapped resources, from fur and gold to oil and gas. In other historical moments, north figured large as a relational concept in the formulation of identities and mentalities, especially by those farther south.
Drawing on the point of view that material culture can provide, CHAT North at the University of Aberdeen seeks to question and move beyond caricatures to explore, compare and reassess the diversity and significance of northern worlds.
Papers are invited that focus on the north broadly defined. Questions addressed by the conference may include, but are not limited to:
- How have changing perceptions of ‘north’ and ‘northern’ been articulated within historical and contemporary archaeology?
- To what extent has northern as a relational concept contributed to the formulation and negotiation of social and cultural identities?
- How has north been couched within colonial and post-colonial dialogues?
- To what degree has capitalism and industry reshaped landscapes of the north?
- What is the place of the north in relationships between modernity and aesthetics?
- What is the value of northern studies in historical and contemporary archaeology?
The organizing committee would like to invite papers on the broad theme of ‘North’. Please send a short title and abstract for paper and/or session proposals by 31 May 2010 to CHAT2010@abdn.ac.uk
A downloadable conference flyer for distribution and use within your academic networks will shortly be available at http://www.contemp-hist-arch.ac.uk/news.htm
More information, including details of conference venue and registration, will be available on the CHAT website at http://www.contemp-hist-arch.ac.uk
Please send any queries about the conference to the organizers at CHAT2010@abdn.ac.uk
13. Symposium reminder – Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age
The Graduate Program in Historic Preservation/School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with the R. Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (University of Leuven) are organizing an International Symposium on Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTDoc Heritage), March 26-27, 2010 in Philadelphia, USA.
Beginning in 2006 Robin Letelier brought his vision of an integrated graduate level course in heritage recording, documentation and information management to the Program in Historic Preservation at the University of Pennsylvania. Today that course curriculum, now under the direction of Mario Santana, represents the synthesis of principles and practices considered fundamental knowledge for all heritage professionals. This symposium, initially planned by Robin at UPenn, is dedicated to that vision and his tireless effort to promote heritage conservation through research, teaching, and public service.
Good decisions in heritage conservation are based on timely, relevant and accurate information about the conditions, materials and evolution of heritage buildings and landscapes. Therefore, documenting, recording and analyzing heritage places are an essential part of their conservation and management.
The rapid rise in new digital technologies has revolutionized the practice of recording the built heritage. Digital tools and media offer a myriad of new opportunities for collecting, analyzing and disseminating information about heritage sites. Issues regarding the proper, innovative and research-focused uses of digital media in heritage conservation are an urgent topic in the global heritage conservation field, and Penn, KU-Leuven and its partners have played a leading role in this area of cross-disciplinary research and practice. The SMARTdoc symposium offer a unique opportunity for educators, professionals, heritage institutions, and managers of heritage places to share, exchange, and explore new approaches, best practices, and research results in the area of heritage informatics.
More information about the symposium: http://www.smartdocheritage.org.
14. Media Release – 200 Hectare Protected Zone around Centaur
Minister for Climate Change & Water
Acting Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts
Acting Premier of Queensland
15 January 2010
The Acting Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Senator Penny Wong, has announced that the historic shipwreck AHS Centaur will receive additional protection under the Commonwealth Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976.
“Footage of the shipwreck site now confirms the final resting place of the Centaur, therefore a protected zone of 200 hectares has been placed around the shipwreck,” Senator Wong said.
“A protected zone around the Centaur and its surrounding debris field enhances the protection of this significant Australian historic shipwreck through controlling any activities inside the zone.
“Anyone who wishes to enter this protected zone must have a permit. The legal protection of the Centaur and its associated relics from damage, disturbance or removal is of paramount importance,” Senator Wong said.
Acting Queensland Premier, Paul Lucas, said: “For 60 years the greatest protection for the Centaur was anonymity.
“The Centaur and the Australians who perished are now at peace in the deep ocean and only the ocean and its ancient waters should have an impact on it now.”
The wreck location is approximately 30 miles due east of the southern tip of Moreton Island.
A plaque honouring the sacrifice of all those lost was placed on the Centaur’s foredeck, starboard side of No.1 hatch, earlier this week.
The Australian and Queensland governments jointly committed $4 million to the search and officers from the Department of Defence and the Department of Premier and Cabinet provided oversight and technical assistance to the project.
For more information about the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 go to www.heritage.gov.au.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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