The Australian Bungalow in Malta Working Group – call for Expressions of Interest
Protecting your possessions against bushfire – AICCM media release
Link to recent DEWHA media release
Second call for EOIs for two AI working groups
New book title – Heritage and beyond
Burra Charter Development Program – possible Charter refinements? – last chance to provide comments
ISC Members and Associates – please respond to questionnaire concerning Burra Charter
Call for EOI for Co-opted members to the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS
News from the ICOMOS Documentation Centre
Call for Expressions of Interest for CIAV Workshop in Sweden
NSW Heritage Council’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG) – call for Expressions of Interest
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
International Workshop (Germany): Social-Ecological Resilience of Cultural Landscapes – call for papers
Heritage 2010: 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development – abstracts deadline Situations Vacant
Senior Heritage Practitioner – Indigenous Aboriginal Culture
Interpretation Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
1) The Australian Bungalow in Malta Working Group – call for Expressions of Interest
Call for Expressions of Interest for a new project based Working Group – The Australian Bungalow in Malta Working Group
Dear member,
While in Malta at the Advisory Committee meeting I along with a number of other Australia ICOMOS people present had the opportunity to visit this cottage.
Some facts on the Australian bungalow in Ghammieri, Malta (courtesy of Sheridan Burke):
- 1890-1910 kit building
- Transported to Malta from Australia during the 1920s, mentions in Parliamentary debates and dispatches to and from Australia
- At Bugeja Technical School between 1928/29. Used train potential migrants in common building techniques they may encounter
- Boys Technical Institute, Hamrun (date?) bungalow vas built and dismantled (to roof level) within a hall measuring 8 by 32 metres by students with collection of tools and machinery that survives
- Moved outdoors to Government Experimental Farm, Ghammieri as Migrant’s Training Centre between 1929-1933. Painted.
- Land directly behind the bungalow for training agricultural methods, using imported Australian tools (since lost).
- Bungalow constructed in red and white deal; Corrugated iron sheeting used for roofing; Concrete slabs laid around bungalow beneath overhanging verandah.; Original down piping is circular additions in a square form; Original wooden stumps and termite caps replaced with limestone blocks; Paint scraps have revealed minimal paint layers have been added since it was originally painted
There are several steps that need to be undertaken:
- Task 1: Prepare a schedule of emergency maintenance works need to be prepared and funding needs to be sourced to ensure that the building is stabilised
- Task 2: Finalise the draft CMP prepared by volunteers but unfinished
- Task 3: Assess potential for listing on the National Heritage List and if appropriate prepare listing proposal.
- Task 4: Prepare estimates of cost for conservation works and secure funding.
This working group will need to liaise with Heritage Malta to ensure that proposals developed are appropriate. Heritage Malta and ICOMOS Malta have indicated in principle support for this project.
If you are interested in participating in this working group please send a brief 200 word bio to Georgia Meros at austicomos@deakin.edu.au by COB Thursday 17 December.
We really need a couple of keen and committed members who are willing to do a short burst of work to get this project underway before the building deteriorates to a point where it is not salvageable. Please consider devoting your time to this project.
Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy
President, Australia ICOMOS
2) Protecting your possessions against bushfire – AICCM media release
The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material has released an information sheet STORING COLLECTIONS IN HIGH BUSHFIRE RISK AREAS, aimed at assisting individuals and those working with cultural collections to reduce the risks of fire when storing their precious possessions. It is being distributed to arts and cultural heritage organizations, local councils, emergency service providers and the media.
For more details, the information sheet and press release can be found on AICCM’s website at www.aiccm.org.au.
Since Black Saturday, we all recognise that fires of a catastrophic degree can cause damage on a scale previously unimagined. However, stories have emerged that some treasures did survive, even paper items. While not a guarantee that items will not suffer damage, minimising risk through the storage methods recommended in the information sheet may offer some hope for items that have to be left behind on evacuation.
The AICCM website contains further information about the handling and care of salvaged items, particularly those damaged by fire or water. If you are affected by fires, you should retain damaged keepsakes that are still recognisable, even if damaged and dirty, as they may be salvageable.
Consult a conservator before you throw them away. Conservators can be contacted via the AICCM website or through state and national cultural institutions. The AICCM is the professional organisation for conservators in Australia.
Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (Inc.)
AICCM Secretariat
GPO Box 1638
Canberra ACT 2601
Tel: +61 (0) 3 9013 0933
Email: secretariat@aiccm.org.au
Web: www.aiccm.org.au
3) Link to recent DEWHA media release
Expressions of interest for grants to commemorate eminent Australians
4) Second call for EOIs for two AI working groups
Further call for Expressions of Interest from members for the following Reference Groups:
- Indigenous Heritage
- Pacific Heritage
We had a disappointing response to our previous call for members with relevant qualifications and experience to join these two Reference Groups.
The main terms of reference of these groups is to act as pool of ‘expert’ members who can be called upon (sometimes at short notice) to assist and provide advice if a relevant (Australian Indigenous heritage or Pacific heritage) issue arises in the work of the AI Executive Committee. This is most commonly related to requests for input regarding government policy, comment on draft legislations and or reviews and so forth. The work involved isn’t necessarily a regular or onerous task.
At this stage these groups are not envisaged as working groups or information exchange groups with a regular work load as such (not that this is discouraged). Although, it is possible that this might change if specific larger issues evolved that required sustained consideration.
If you are interested in getting involved in any of these groups please send a brief Expression of Interest of no more than 500 words including your name and contact details and an outline of your experience, qualifications and interest in the topic.
Please clearly indicate at the top of your EOI the Working Group you are interested in. Email EOIs to austicomos@deakin.edu.au no later than 5pm Monday 14 December 2009 as we would like to have these reference groups established for the new Year. If you responded to the previous call for EOI then you do not need to resubmit your EOI as it will be considered in this round.
5) New book title – Heritage and beyond
The notion of cultural heritage may be viewed from a number of standpoints. This publication is concerned less with the science and techniques of conservation than with the meaning of heritage and the contribution it can make to the progress of European society. It is firmly rooted in the principles of the Council of Europe – a political organisation committed to human rights, democracy and cultural diversity – and includes a range of articles that look at heritage in the context of the current challenges we all face. In particular, it shows how the Council of Europe’s framework convention can enhance and offer a fresh approach to the value of the cultural heritage for our society. As such, it provides further reasons for states to ratify this convention, which was opened for signature in Faro, Portugal, in 2005, and adopt its dynamic and forward-looking approach.
How and why did it seem appropriate at the start of this millenium to draw up a new roadmap for our heritage? How had the concept changed and what does this imply? How could the message transmitted by the Faro Convention foster the emergence of a new culture of development and greater territorial cohesion, leading to sustainable resource use and the involvement of everyone in the transmission of a heritage from which all of society would benefit?
This publication attempts to answer these questions, but also looks in depth at various themes introduced by the Faro Convention, such as the “holistic definition” of heritage, the concept of “heritage communities” and of a “common European heritage”, its different economic and social dimensions and the principle of shared responsibility. It also offers valuable insights into the relationships between the heritage, the knowledge society and the process of digitising cultural assets.
For further information or to order this title, visit http://book.coe.int/EN/ficheouvrage.php?PAGEID=36&lang=EN&produit_aliasid=2457
6) Burra Charter Development Program – possible Charter refinements? – last chance to provide comments
As part of the Burra Charter Development Program, one of the tasks being considered by the Working Group is the need for possible refinements to the Charter itself. It is 10 years since the Charter was adopted and we are keen to hear from practitioners and users about any issues or problems people may have encountered. Following the major review in the 1990s, it is not expected there are major issues but it seems possible there may be smaller problems.
Comments will be collated and considered by the Working Group prior to consultation with both the Executive Committee and wider membership.
Please send any comments to Duncan Marshall at marsd@ozemail.com.au by 11 December. It would be helpful if comments could be structured to:
- identify the relevant article/s (if the issue relates to a specific article)
- describe the issue briefly, and
- if possible, suggest a solution.
7) ISC Members and Associates – please respond to questionnaire concerning Burra Charter
Members of ISCs are strongly encouraged to respond to a request for input to the Burra Charter Review.
The short questionnaire is included below:
Use of Burra Charter in relation to ISC doctrine/charters
Please complete this short questionnaire for each ISC that you are on
- Which ISC(s) are you on? (What type of member are you?
- List any doctrine or charters prepared by your ISC – feel free to include a copy of this doctrine/charter in you reply.
- Is this doctrine or charter clear, and user friendly?
- Have you applied the doctrine or charter in Australia?
- If so, was it useful? (Explain what aspects were useful)
- Should the doctrine or charter be more widely used in Australian practice? Would you see benefits in the charter/doctrine being more widely used in Australia?
- Does it fill a gap in the Burra Charter, or provide other benefits? (Give details and say if it is a principle, concept, practice, language, tone, or other matter)
- Does it conflict with the Burra Charter in any way?
- Do you have any other comments? Eg in relation to the use of the Burra Charter for the types of places that are the subject of this ISC?
A few responses have been received but NOT MANY, especially considering the large amount of time on ISC activities at abroad and at home.
Input is needed about concepts and ideas that are ‘missing’ from the Burra charter, and/or about concepts and ideas that could be improved (in relation to the ISC subject).
Send comments to Meredith Walker heritagefutures@bigpond.com, or Sandy Blair Sandy Blair sandy.blair@anu.edu.au, by 7 January 2010.
Many thanks,
Meredith Walker and Sandy Blair
8) Call for EOI for Co-opted members to the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS
The Executive Committee is now calling for Expressions of Interest for two vacant positions on the EC for 2010.The period of co-option lasts until the 2010 AGM, at which time the co-optee can decide to stand for election to the EC through the usual nomination of committee members process.
The Criteria for this years co-opted positions are:
a) Full financial Member status
b) one position is available for a member based in Tasmania who would take on the task of State Representative
c) one position based in NSW (greater Sydney metropolitan area) who will take on the task of State Representative
d) each of the positions will also take on the responsibility for another task, either:
- Publications Co-ordinator: ie. for general publications such as guidelines/brochures and annual report but EXCLUDING HE and the e-news.
- Working group Co-ordinator: responsible for helping the group convenor of each group develop a work program and goals for three new active working groups that have been developed to drive specific issues of interest to AI. This position will be a conduit between these working groups and the EC.
If you are interested in getting more actively involved in Australia ICOMOS this is an excellent way to do so. You will be working with an enthusiastic and friendly team of people and will have a lot of fun along the way.
Your time commitments would be: 4 x 1.5 day meetings per year; one of which will be associated with the AGM. The meetings are spread around the member states and usually associated with a professional/social event for members in that state. The schedule for 2010 is: February 27/28 – Hobart; May 29/30 – Melbourne; August 28/29 – Sydney; November 27/28 (and AGM) – ACT.
All Executive Committee members make a significant commitment to the organisation, giving up not only their time but also paying the first $300 of travel costs to each of these meetings. Any cost over and above this will be reimbursed.
State Reps play an important role as ‘the face of AI’ in each state. They organise occasional professional and social events for members and provide a general report to members on the highlights of the Exec meetings. They also bring forward issues of relevance to members in their state, where these are brought to their attention. These are vital roles in the organisation and are a great way to meet people and network. You will not have to invent your position from scratch as there are others on the EC who currently hold and who have held similar roles in the past.
Form of application
If you wish to submit an EOI please provide:
- a brief statement of no more than 500 words outlining which task you are interested in and why you believe you would be suited to the position
- a copy of your Curriculum Vitae
- a clear indication of whether you are based in Sydney or Hobart
The deadline for submission of EOIs is COB Friday 22 January 2010. EOIs should be submitted via email to the Secretariat Officer Georgia Meros at austisomos@deakin.edu.au. Successful applicants will be expected to attend the February 2010 meeting in Hobart.
If you have any specific queries regarding these positions please call Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy on 0425 215 012. We look forward to hearing from you!
9) News from the ICOMOS Documentation Centre
- “Modern heritage properties (19th and 20th Centuries) on the World Heritage List” – A bibliography by the ICOMOS Documentation Centre: http://www.international.icomos.org/centre_documentation/bib/modernheritageproperties.pdf
- New records in the Documentation Centre database (April 2009 – September 2009): http://www.international.icomos.org/centre_documentation/last0909.pdf
- More news on publications and documentation in the cultural heritage field, in the Blog: http://icomosdocumentationcentre.blogspot.com/
10) Call for Expressions of Interest for CIAV Workshop in Sweden
Expressions of Interest for CIAV Workshop in Sweden
C I A V V E R N A D O C 2 0 1 0
The international documentation camp of vernacular architecture
Please see the attached notice for details. As there are only position for 2 ICOMOS members per country, Australia ICOMOS members interested in participating are asked to forward a brief EOI to austicomos@deakin.edu.au by Friday 11 December.
EOIs will be considered by a 2 person team headed by Miles Lewis, honorary member of CIAV, and an AI Exec Committee member tba. Prospective applicants are urged to pay close attention to the stated aims of the workshop and to note the requirement “Min one member in the “country group” is competent to teach the method in the home country and competent to arrange an international documenting camp in the home country”.
11) NSW Heritage Council’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG) – call for Expressions of Interest
Expressions of Interest are sought in the membership of the NSW Heritage Council’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG).
The Technical Advisory Group advises the Heritage Council of NSW, the Heritage Branch and the community on best practice in the conservation of materials in heritage items, buildings and sites.
New members are being sought for 2010-2012 across a wide variety of backgrounds, including: Heritage Architects, Materials Scientists, Tradespeople, Conservators, Academic Staff and Asset/Property Managers.
Closing Date: Monday 11th January 2010.
See the attached Expressions of Interest Notice for further information.
12) Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season
The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from COB Friday 18 December 2009 to Wednesday 13 January 2010 inclusive. The office will be reopen from Thursday 14 January 2010.
13) International Workshop (Germany): Social-Ecological Resilience of Cultural Landscapes – call for papers
Social -Ecological Resilience of Cultural Landscapes
15-16 June 2010, Berlin, Germany
For further information visit http://www.oekosystemleistungen.de/dateien/workshop_resilience_berlin.pdf
14) Heritage 2010: 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development – abstracts deadline
Heritage 2010: 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
23-26 June 2010, Évora, Portugal
The deadline for abstract submission is 31 December 2009.
For further information visit http://www.heritage2010.greenlines-institute.org/
15) Senior Heritage Practitioner – Indigenous Aboriginal Culture
Senior Heritage Practitioner – Indigenous Aboriginal Culture
- Work on the most prestigious projects
- Rapid Career Growth with Structured Career Progression
- Top Remuneration
The client seeking to fill this role has a team of Aboriginal heritage consultants within their larger Heritage Consultancy, and is now looking for an experienced practitioner to lead this team.
They seek an experienced indigenous archaeologist or anthropologist with staff management skills who would perhaps like to settle into a more structured environment.
You may be consulting on your own projects right now, maybe you are part of a partnership, perhaps you are part of a small team within a much larger organisation, or you may even have gone back to academia and miss the cut and thrust of commercial life. Whatever your background or current circumstances, if you now aspire to become an integral part of a well known business, then I urge you to contact me for a confidential discussion (no obligation!)
You would be working alongside some leading minds within the heritage and archaeological industry. If everything pans out, a partnership (with equity) in a well known business possibly awaits.
If you would like further information, please contact Michael Thomas from MACRO Recruitment on +61 3 9573 1509 (BH) or +61 4 070 580 97(AH).
16) Interpretation Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
Interpretation Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority manages both the Coal Mines
Historic Site and the Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania’s premier tourism and cultural heritage destination. Both sites are on the Tasmanian Heritage Register, the National Heritage List and included in the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Nomination.
The Authority is seeking to appoint an Interpretation Manager who will develop and manage interpretive programs for both sites, oversee the care and management of the Site’s collections, oversee the education program, provide strategic advice to senior management and contribute to the establishment of PAHSMA as a centre of excellence in the conservation and interpretation of cultural heritage places of international significance
The position is permanent full time working 38 hrs per week. Classification Level is Professional Stream Band 3 with a commencing salary of $77,210 per annum. The position is based at the Port Arthur Historic Site, some 100 kms from Hobart.
For further information about the position please contact Dr Jane Harrington, Director, Conservation & Infrastructure on (03) 6251 2330, mobile 0409 344598 or email jane.harrington@portarthur.org.au.
Intending applicants must obtain the appropriate information and application form. To obtain this and for information on how to apply, contact Philip Johnston, Human Resources Co-ordinator on (03) 6251 2357 or email recruitment@portarthur.org.au.
Closing Date: Monday 14 December 2009
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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