Australia ICOMOS 2010 Conference – call for papers
Australia ICOMOS 2010 Conference – change of date for notification of acceptance of papers
Burra Charter Workshop, Adelaide – change of date
Heritage in Queensland 2009 – 2010: initiatives, issues, directions
Australia ICOMOS AGM and associated events – please note time and venue
Streetwise Asia Fund – Update October 2009
Australia ICOMOS Victorian Scholarship – call for applications
Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management
Reform of Indigenous heritage protection laws
Link to Heritage South Australia’s E-newsletter
Link to recent DEWHA media release
INTO 13th International Conference of National Trusts – adoption of the Dublin Declaration
Preserving the Historic Road 2010 – call for papers
14th International Course on Wood Conservation Technology – ICWCT 2010 – course announcement
New book title on bricks and brickmakers
Archaeology Consultancies, Port Arthur Historic Site Summer Archaeology Program
Director, Strategy and Policy, Heritage Victoria
Position Vacant – Heritage Officer (P/T), Woollahra Municipal Council
Senior Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background), GML
Historian (Consulting Background), GML
1. Australia ICOMOS 2010 Conference – call for papers
22 – 25 April, 2010, Broken Hill, Australia
Australia ICOMOS, TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) and the City of Broken Hill are convening the annual Australia ICOMOS conference to be held in Broken Hill on 22 – 25 April 2010. The conference will be held at the Broken Hill Entertainment Centre in Blende Street, Broken Hill.
Papers are now sought, with applicants to submit abstracts related to the three Conference Themes:
Theme 1 – Management of Historic Towns – general management issues in addition to local, national and world heritage listing of historic towns and associated protective mechanisms
Theme 2 – Industrial Heritage – the management challenges of industrial infrastructure
Theme 3 – Remote Pastoralism – the changing cultural landscapes and the technology of pastoralism
Call for Papers – closing date Friday 30 October 2009
Abstracts for papers are requested in two categories:
- Abstract for 20 minute paper on themes outlined above
- Abstract for Snap Shot presentations, for a 6 minute presentation
Only contributions which are related to the three conference themes will be considered. For further information concerning contributions and to download the application forms for the submission of abstracts, visit http://www.aicomos.com/2010-conference/call-for-papers/
Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 4 December 2009.
Format of conference
The event will consist of three days of morning presentations with three afternoons of specially designed tours to cover each of the themes. In addition, a special welcome event will be held in the recently restored Sullys Emporium, now the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery. The conference will provide participants with a unique Australia outback experience, rare access to special heritage places and true country hospitality. The conference will also showcase Broken Hill’s success in inventing a new future and discuss the city’s application for National Heritage Listing.
Who should attend?
The conference will appeal to local government planners, architects, historians, landscape architects, archaeologists and others with a general interest in managing Australia’s unique heritage.
Registration and Lodgings
Please note that participants are required to pay for attendance to the conference. There are no free registrations provided for paper presenters – in this way, the conference fees can be kept to a minimum to make the conference affordable for as many people as possible.
Estimated conference fees are proposed as follows (please note they are still to be confirmed). All prices are GST inclusive:
- Early Bird ICOMOS Members $ 475 (payable by 26 February 2010)
- Standard ICOMOS Members $ 575
- Early Bird Non-ICOMOS-Members $ 575 (payable by 26 February 2010)
- Non-Members of ICOMOS $ 675
- Student $ 330
The above figures exclude accommodation, and the conference dinner (which will be reasonably priced). Tickets for the afternoon tours and social events can be separately purchased by accompanying persons.
Draft Program
Day 1 – Thursday 22 April – welcome drinks at Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery (formerly Sullys Emporium, an adapted heritage building, and winner of many heritage awards), in the main street of Broken Hill, Argent St.
Day 2 – Friday 23 April – Theme 1 Management of Historic Towns – plenary session, morning papers, guided bus tour of Broken Hill focusing on Theme 1. Conference dinner in the evening.
Day 3 – Saturday 24 April – Theme 2 Industrial Heritage Sites – plenary session, morning papers, guided bus tour of Broken Hill, Silverton and nearby area focusing on Theme 2. Evening meal at the Silverton Hotel.
Day 4 – Sunday 25 April, Anzac Day – (opportunity to attend the dawn service in Broken Hill), Theme 3 Remote Pastoralism- plenary session, morning papers, guided bus tour of Broken Hill focusing on Theme 3. Final sunset drinks at the Sculptures in the Living Desert..
Pre and Post Conference Tours
These are being developed and details will be released in late November.
Conference Organising Committee
Conference Convenor – Ray Tonkin
Helen Lardner
Timothy Hubbard
Sue Jackson Stepowski
Elizabeth Vines
Helen Wilson
(and input from many other advisors)
For further information about the conference visit http://www.aicomos.com/2010-conference/.
For further information about ICOMOS visit www.icomos.org/australia and for information about call for papers email bradley@ccem.com.au at Countrywide Conference & Event Management. Any general queries about the conference to be sent to stepowsk@tpg.com.au.
2. Australia ICOMOS 2010 Conference – change of date for notification of acceptance of papers
Please note that the date for notification of acceptance of papers and snapshots for the Broken Hill Conference will be brought forward to Friday 27 November 2009, to give speakers more time to prepare their papers. The other deadlines are the same. The deadline dates are as follows:
Deadline for submission of an abstract:
Friday 30 October 2009
Notification of successful papers and snapshots:
Friday 27 November 2009 (previously Friday 4 December)
Deadline for submission of full papers and revised snap-shot abstract:
Friday, 12 February 2010
Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentations:
Friday, 16 April 2010
Submissions to be sent to Bradley Hayden, Countrywide Conference & Event Management by Friday 30 October 2009.
Australia ICOMOS / TICCIH 2010 OUTBACK & BEYOND Conference
Broken Hill NSW Australia, 22-25 April 2010. http://www.aicomos.com/
3. Burra Charter Workshop, Adelaide – change of date
The date for the Burra Charter workshop in Adelaide has been changed – from November 12 to December 1, 2009.
As part of the Burra Charter development programme, Australia ICOMOS is running a series of workshops (hopefully at least one in each State and Territory) in order to engage directly with members about the range of tasks related to the Charter, the current guidelines and possible future guidelines. For example, these workshops will supplement information gathered through the electronic surveys and other research on the use and currency of the guidelines.
The workshop will be held at Mulloway Studio, Level 1, 16 Peel Street, Adelaide, commencing 5.30pm.
Please RSVP to Anthony Coupe (anthony.coupe@mulloway.com /(08) 8231 3131) by COB Friday 27 November.
4. Heritage in Queensland 2009 – 2010: initiatives, issues, directions
Australia ICOMOS in Queensland invites you to a special Forum & Social event
Date & Time: 26 November 2009, 1.15pm
Venue: Old Bishopsbourne St Francis Theological College
Please see the attached flier and registration form for further information regarding this event.
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for registration for this event is 2pm, Friday 20 November.
5. Australia ICOMOS AGM and associated events – please note time and venue
Time: 5pm
Venue: St John’s Church, 379 Halifax Street, Adelaide
Date: Friday 13 November
Australia ICOMOS will be holding its AGM in Adelaide on Friday 13 November – any members who have not received the official notice for this can contact the Secretariat austicomos@deakin.edu.au / (03) 9251 7131 to request a copy.
The AGM will be followed by an event at 6pm, which is open to ICOMOS members and other interested persons, at St John’s Church, 379 Halifax Street, Adelaide. St John’s, under the guidance of Father Christopher Myers, has a beautiful conserved building and a church community actively involved in the conservation of its heritage buildings (church hall and adjacent stone rectory). This event will be followed by drinks and nibblies at the Church, then dinner for interested parties in nearby Hutt St.
More details of the proposed event will be posted in forthcoming newsletters. We are proposing talks about World Heritage Listing, the process and application in Australia. Our International Vice President Kristal Buckley will be a key speaker.
Members, please register your interest in attending the AGM with the Secretariat (austicomos@deakin.edu.au / (03) 9251 7131) by COB 6 November.
Members and other interested persons, please register your interest in attending the event at St John’s and/or the dinner with the Secretariat (austicomos@deakin.edu.au / (03) 9251 7131) by COB 6 November.
Participation in the election of the Executive Committee and any voting at the AGM is open to financial Full Members of Australia ICOMOS.
Associates are welcome to attend the events and AGM but are not eligible to vote.
6) Streetwise Asia Fund – Update October 2009
Kuguita Gabaldon School Conservation project in the Philippines
Streetwise Asia has committed funding to support a second project in the Philippines following completion of its first conservation project in Champasak, Lao PDR late in 2008.
A school classroom building at Kuguita Elementary School on the Island of Camiguin in Southern Philippines has been selected, and documentation for a program of conservation is now complete with works due to commence in early December. The project was identified for Streetwise via Sydney architect Bruce Dawbin who has volunteered his expertise to work with the Philippines Heritage Conservation Society (HCS), an influential heritage resource and lobby group in the Philippines. The Philippines ICOMOS chapter is also supporting the project represented by renowned heritage architect, Augusto Villalon. The school building is one of the “Gabaldon Schools”, now widely recognised in the Philippines as an important group of approximately 3000 school buildings erected during the American period (1898 – 1946). Bruce has visited Kuguita on two occasions, and has negotiated the project with the school community on behalf of Streetwise.
Camiguin Island is a picturesque volcanic island located off the north coast of the island of Mindanao. The school name, Kuguita means “Octopus”. It is an area with a poor local community with limited educational opportunities. The school is not included in any maintenance program by the severely under-resourced Department of Education and no other source of funding is available for the conservation of this building. The building is unsafe for occupation in its present condition and will comprise three classrooms and essential facilities for the school following conservation.
Documentation and management of the project
Documentation for the conservation is the result of collaboration between Streetwise and Dominic Galicia Architects in Manila. Bruce Dawbin, on behalf of Streetwise has prepared a conservation plan for the building to guide the works, and will be involved in periodic inspections to ensure that high standards of building conservation are achieved.
ICOMOS Fundraising
The available Streetwise contribution of $11,000 was insufficient to undertake the extensive works required. The ICOMOS Annual Conference dinner raffle in July successfully raised an additional $3,200 for this worthwhile project, and ICOMOS members are sincerely thanked for their generosity.
AusAid Funding
The project requires more than $60,000 to undertake the work. Following extensive negotiations by Bruce Dawbin on behalf of Streetwise, funding of approximately $50,000 has been secured from AusAid, through the Australian Embassy in Manila, allowing the full project to proceed. This is a very exciting outcome as it has achieved one of the key Streetwise objectives – to partner with other funding agencies and be the catalyst for a conservation project to occur which otherwise would not have been achievable.
Bruce is to be congratulated for his success to date with this proposed project which has required considerable negotiation and technical skills, together with inputs of large amounts of personal time and resources. The project would not be possible without his commitment, dedication and determination. Thanks to all those ICOMOS members who have donated to this fund, either individually or through the conference raffle.
Elizabeth Vines, OAM Streetwise Asia Coordinator
Email: liz@mcdougallvines.com.au
7. Australia ICOMOS Victorian Scholarship – call for applications
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Name: Australia ICOMOS Victorian Scholarship
Value: $5,000 exclusive of GST
The Victorian Government’s strategy Victoria’s Heritage: Strengthening our communities articulates a broad vision for heritage conservation and interpretation. Victoria’s Heritage delivers programs and initiatives that provide a whole-of-government framework to recognise, protect, interpret and manage Victoria’s diverse heritage. The strategy’s Direction 6: Resourcing the community includes the action to provide increased opportunities for the training of heritage professionals.
The purpose of this scholarship, funded by Heritage Victoria and delivered through Australia ICOMOS, is to provide funding towards a recognised specialist heritage training course.
Eligibility criteria
Disciplines: archaeologists, architects, architectural historians, materials conservators, engineers, geographers, historians, horticulturalists, landscape architects, maritime archaeologists or planners practising in a heritage specialism.
Qualifications: applicants must have completed their undergraduate degree in a heritage related discipline.
Geographic areas: eligibility is limited to residents of Victoria.
Employment status: unrestricted, including employees of Heritage Victoria or the National Trust of Australia (Victoria).
Proposed training: recognised formal structured training course in heritage conservation or cultural heritage management. Preference is given to courses in Australia, although support for attendance at relevant overseas courses will be considered. The scholarship may be used as a contribution towards course fees and materials, travel and living costs. However, the scholarship is not intended as fee relief for students already enrolled in courses.
ICOMOS membership: eligibility would not be limited to Australia ICOMOS members, although successful scholars would be required to join ICOMOS (in the appropriate category).
Number of scholarships
One or more scholarships are being offered in 2009 to a total value of $5000 excluding GST. The scholarship will not be offered if there are no suitable candidates.
Selection committee
Chaired by ICOMOS with representation from the Victorian members of the Australia ICOMOS Executive and a nominee of the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria and the Chair of the Heritage Council of Victoria.
Selection criteria
- Evidence of a skills gap in that sector of the industry
- Extent of postgraduate experience, preference should be given to those less than 15-years out from their undergraduate degree
- Appropriateness of proposed course, preference should be given to individuals wishing to undertake Australian courses.
- Demonstrated commitment and financial contribution from the participant
- Referee report(s).
Form of application
Application is by letter, addressing the eligibility and selection criteria above, and is to contain list of referees with contact details. It must contain details of the proposed course, including date of commencement and length of course, course content and the name of the institution.
The letter should be addressed to:
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
CHCAP, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood, Victoria 3125
E-mail: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
Reporting requirement
On completion of the course the scholar would be required to provide Australia ICOMOS and Heritage Victoria with evidence that the scholar has attended and completed the course successfully, and a short written report (500 words) on what they have gained from undertaking the course. The scholar may be requested to present at a seminar. $500 would be withheld from the scholar until the evidence of successful completion of the training and the report was provided to ICOMOS.
Contact for enquiries
Natica Schmeder: (0431 91 51 96) or natica@dodo.com.au
Megan McDougall: (03) 8644 8915 or megan.mcdougall@dpcd.vic.gov.au
8. Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management
The tenth Summer School in Cultural Heritage Management will be held at the University of Canberra from 17–23 January 2010.
Enrolments are now open for this latest offering from Australia’s leading heritage conservation professional development programme.
For details go to: http://www.canberra.edu.au/faculties/arts-design/conservation-summer-schools
All enquiries to: David.Young@canberra.edu.au
9. Reform of Indigenous heritage protection laws
On 3 August 2009 the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts invited written submissions on proposed reforms to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984. The Australian Government is proposing to reform this Act to improve Indigenous heritage protection laws nationally. The Act could be substantially amended or replaced. The government has released a discussion paper that contains the proposed reforms.
For further information, visit http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage/laws/indigenous/lawreform/index.html
10. Link to Heritage South Australia’s E-newsletter
To view the October 2009 issue of Heritage South Australia’s E-newsletter, visit
11. Link to recent DEWHA media release
Heritage conservation supporting Australian jobs
12. INTO 13th International Conference of National Trusts – adoption of the Dublin Declaration
The INTO Congress and 13th International Conference of National Trusts was held in Ireland from 13 – 17 September 2009, hosted by An Taisce The National Trust for Ireland (ATNTI).
The major outcome of the Conference was the adoption of The Dublin Declaration on Climate Change. For further information about the conference, visit http://www.internationaltrusts.org/?page_id=24 .
The Dublin Declaration can be viewed at
13. Preserving the Historic Road 2010 – call for papers
Preserving the Historic Road 2010 has issued a call for paper abstracts for the 2010 conference, 9-12 September 2010 in Washington, DC. The call, information and submission details are now available at www.historicroads.org.
The deadline for paper abstracts is 31 January 2010.
The planning committee looks forward to your submissions.
14. 14th International Course on Wood Conservation Technology – ICWCT 2010 – course announcement
ICCROM is pleased to announce that the 14th International Course on Wood Conservation Technology – ICWCT 2010 will be held in Oslo, Norway from
24 May – 2 July 2010. This course is organised under the auspices of UNESCO by ICCROM,Riksantikvaren, NTNU, and NIKU.
The Wood course aims is to promote cultural understanding and research in the field of wood conservation, and to be a valuable resource for the work of the individual participants in their respective countries.
Application are invited from mid-career professionals with a minimum of three years work experience in wood conservation.
For further information, visit http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2010_05woodNor_en.shtml
Applications should reach ICCROM by 29 January 2010 to ensure inclusion in their selection process.
15. New book title on bricks and brickmakers
Limited signed copies of the title Turn of the First Clay – Our Brickmaking Heritage, by Allan M Hackett are now available.
Refer to the attached flier for further information.
16. Archaeology Consultancies, Port Arthur Historic Site Summer Archaeology Program
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) is offering two small consultancies in January 2010 in conjunction with its Summer Archaeology Program. The program runs from the 6-28 January 2010, at the Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania and will focus on the excavation of a convict-era sawpit and late nineteenth-century/early twentieth-century refuse deposit. The program will include artefact processing and cataloguing, as well as an extensive public program involving visitor participation in excavation activities.
The positions will be overseen by PAHSMA’s staff archaeologists, and will be required to work a six-day-week with Saturday off. Accommodation on site will be provided.
Please address expressions of interest or requests for further information to Annita Waghorn, PAHSMA Conservation Officer, Archaeology on (03) 6251 2337 or annita.waghorn@portarthur.org.au.
Collections Specialist
A Collections Specialist will be required from 5 – 28 January 2010 inclusive, with additional time allowed off-site for acquittal reporting.
The position will be responsible for managing the project’s historical archaeology lab, including the processing and accurate cataloguing of artefacts, and the training and supervision of volunteers in lab processes and recognition of historic-period material culture. Laboratory processing and cataloguing will be carried out in accordance with PAHSMA’s current Archaeology Procedures Manual, and will use the Port Arthur Historic Site Archaeological Artefact database. The position will be required to produce a technical report detailing work undertaken.
Minimum requirements include extensive experience in managing historical archaeological lab processes, a high level of skill in the identification and cataloguing of historic-period artefacts, competency with MS Access-format artefact databases, and experience in supervision and training of volunteers. The position must have the ability to work with minimal supervision and direction. A manual drivers licence is also preferred.
Archaeological Assistant
An archaeological assistant will be required from the 6-28 January 2010 inclusive. This position will assist PAHSMA staff archaeologists in the Summer Program’s excavation and public archaeology activities including the management of excavation activities, training and supervision of volunteers, the presentation of public archaeology activities, and the supervision of visitors participating in the excavation.
Minimum requirements include a thorough understanding and competency in stratigraphic excavation, field photography, and recording of excavation data using trench books, context sheets, and drawings, as well as experience in the supervision and training of volunteers. Other important requirements are experience and competency in conducting public archaeology programs, and an ability and willingness to supervise children and adult visitors in excavation situations. The position must have the ability to work with minimal supervision and direction. A manual Drivers Licence would be desirable.
17. Director, Strategy and Policy, Heritage Victoria
Director, Strategy and Policy – Heritage Victoria $89,668 – $119,995 plus 9% super – Full time / Ongoing
Heritage Victoria assists in identifying, protecting and interpreting Victoria’s most significant cultural heritage resources. It advises private owners, local and State government, industry and the general community on heritage matters. Heritage Victoria employs a multi-disciplinary team of dedicated heritage professionals.
Do you have broad heritage skills and experience? Do you have experience working with government bodies, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and industry groups at the highest levels to deliver improved heritage outcomes? Do you have sound people management skills? If so, this may be the role for you…
As Director, Strategy and Policy is responsible for the delivery of the policy, strategy and public programs within Heritage Victoria. You will lead the work of a diverse range of small specialist teams in the areas of public programs and grant delivery, strategic projects, local government heritage planning, information delivery and conservation.
To apply and access the position description visit www.careers.vic.gov.au and refer to position number DPCD/PLG/500543
Closing date for applications Friday 13 November 2009
18. Position Vacant – Heritage Officer (P/T), Woollahra Municipal Council
Heritage Officer – Part Time 21 hours per week – Pos No: PSHT
Woollahra has a rich and diverse history and natural setting that is represented in Victorian, Federation and inter-war buildings, precincts, settings and streetscapes. Council is seeking an enthusiastic and experienced person to join its heritage team in caring for this environmental heritage which has a local, regional and, in many instances, a nationally recognised level of heritage significance.
For further information and to download the position description, visit http://www.woollahra.nsw.gov.au/council/employment/positions_vacant
Closing date for applications Friday 13 November 2009
19. Senior Built Heritage Specialist (Architectural Background), GML

Leading Australian heritage consultancy, Godden Mackay Logan, is seeking a senior built heritage specialist to join our expanding team.
GML provides high level heritage advice on major development projects and undertakes benchmark projects for public sector clients. We offer innovative and responsible heritage consultancy and archaeology services of the highest quality. Our multi-disciplinary in-house team of consulting staff has expertise in built heritage, conservation planning, archaeology, industrial sites management and interpretation.
We are looking for a dynamic person, ideally with an architectural background and 5+ years heritage experience. Essential skills include excellent report writing skills, and extensive experience in providing heritage and conservation advice to private and public clients, and preparing heritage assessments, conservation management plans and heritage impact statements. Experience in working on large projects in multidisciplinary teams would also be an advantage.
GML has a friendly, supportive and flexible working environment. We offer an exciting range of local, interstate and international projects, and a strong team culture. You will work alongside colleagues who are leading experts in their fields.
This is a full time position based in our main office in inner Sydney. We also have a small office in Canberra.
An attractive salary and conditions will be negotiated. There are great opportunities for career development and advancement.
GML is an AS/NZL ISO 9001:2000 quality certified company.
For more information please contact Peter Romey, Partner, on (02) 9319 4811. Send your application to positions@gml.com.au by 4 November 2009.
20. Historian (Consulting Background), GML

Leading Australian heritage consultancy, Godden Mackay Logan, is seeking an Historian to join our team of heritage consultants.
GML provides heritage advice on major development projects and undertakes benchmark projects for public sector clients. We offer innovative and responsible heritage services of the highest quality. Our in-house team of consultants has expertise in Indigenous, non-Indigenous and industrial archaeology, built heritage, conservation planning and interpretation.
The Historian will be responsible for undertaking, supervising and managing the research and preparation of the historical context for a diverse range of heritage projects.
We are looking for a highly motivated, self-directed and forward-thinking person, with broad experience in a consulting or government role – ideally in the field of cultural heritage management. You will have a degree in history or a related discipline such as heritage conservation, a working knowledge of NSW and Commonwealth heritage legislation, and demonstrated familiarity with historical research in the context of heritage and interpretation.
Your experience will include field-based conservation and the preparation of history using both physical and documentary evidence. Importantly, you will have the ability to analyse and interpret physical evidence in the context of history and be able to assess the significance of heritage items. Excellent report writing skills and project management experience, including client interaction, supervision of consultant teams and working to agreed budgets and timetables is essential. Preferably, you will have some experience with proposal writing, the ability to manage and develop in-house reference collections, and an interest in mentoring junior staff. Commercial acumen and experience in working on large projects in multidisciplinary teams would also be an advantage, as would eligibility for membership of the Professional Historians Association.
GML provides a friendly, supportive and flexible working environment. We offer an exciting range of local, interstate and international projects and a strong team culture. You will work alongside colleagues who are leading experts in their fields.
This is a full time position based in our main office in inner Sydney. We also have a small office in Canberra.
An attractive salary and conditions will be negotiated. There are great opportunities for career development and advancement.
GML is an AS/NZL ISO 9001:2000 quality certified company.
For more information please contact Sharon Veale, Associate, on (02) 9319 4811. Send your application to positions@gml.com.au by 4 November 2009.
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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