NEW AICOMOS 2025 National Conference Our Shared Heritage | Victorian Goldfields Ballarat | 17-19 November 2025
The Australia ICOMOS 2025 National Conference Our Shared Heritage will be held in the Victorian Goldfields, Ballarat, from 17-19 November 2025.Conference themes will include locating diversity, equity and inclusion in Heritage Conservation, Sustainable Development and Cultural Tourism.
The conference will highlight Victoria’s Treaty process in a keynote address, as well as the Australia ICOMOS Strategic Plan 2025-2029.
A Call for Sponsors is now open – if you are interested in supporting this event, please contact Susan Fayad on
Further information about the conference will be made available in the new year.
NEW Caring for a Sunburnt Country Symposium Videos
The Keynote address and the Intangible Cultural Heritage presentation are now available to view via our website. Please follow this link.
NEW 2024 ICOMOS Annual General Assembly and associated Scientific Symposium
The 2024 ICOMOS Annual General Assembly and associated Scientific Symposium was hosted by ICOMOS Brazil from November 10 to 17, in Ouro Preto, a world heritage-listed colonial mining town in the mountains of Brazil.
Prof Richard Mackay AM, convenor of the 2023 General Assembly, ICOMOS board member and Regional Vice President Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy, Advisory Committee (AdCom) president elect Kerime Davis and ISC Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL) expert member Stephanie Johnston) travelled to Ouro Preto, while many other Australia ICOMOS members were able to participate online.
The General Assembly is the sovereign body of ICOMOS and all ICOMOS members are entitled to participate, however only voting members designated by their National Committee can vote online on the resolutions. Online voting subsequently saw the ICOMOS Charter on Intangible Cultural Heritage resolution successfully adopted, despite some opposition.The Advisory Committee composed of the Presidents of the National Committees and International Scientific Committees voted former Australia ICOMOS president Kerime Danis as their new President.
The Scientific Symposium on Revisiting the Venice Charter: Critical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges was open to everyone. Despite some programming challenges the Nature Cultures working group of the ISCCL presented two excellent sessions on Nature Cultures themes from all five ICOMOS regions, while the Burra Charter was referenced on numerous occasions as being a document which has successfully built on the Venice Charter legacy.
For those interested, the ICOMOS 2025 General Assembly will be held 10-20 October in Lumbini, Nepal, the birthplace of Gautam Buddah.
NEW AICOMOS 2025-2028 Strategic Plan
As introduced above by President Cailtin Allen, the 2025-2029 AICOMOS strategic plan is now available to view. Please follow this link.
NEW Scam emails using the title ICOMOS
ICOMOS headquarters have alerted us to recent scam email activity.
Several colleagues have received a scam email – from someone using this email <> pretending to be Teresa Patricio our International President.
The email reads:
Hello (name)
How are you? Please are you available to help the board with something today? If yes, Let me know so I can explain better.
Dear (name)
Thank you for your swift response. Please would you be able to process a wire transfer or make an online bank transfer to a Vendor on behalf of the board today and get reimbursed on Tuesday? Please let me know so I can send you the instructions/details to complete this request.
We have also been notified by ISC presidents of similar emails using their email addresses.
If you receive an email from the above-mentioned email address, or receive a similar looking email, please do not respond and do not participate in any financial transaction.
NEW AICOMOS Secretariat Office closure over the festive season
The Secretariat Office will be closed from Friday 20th December and reopen on Wednesday 8th January 2025.
ICOMOS Full International Membership: Electronic cards (E-cards)
You can now download your membership card from your profile in the ICOMOS International membership database. In order to do this, you must:
- have renewed your 2024/25 membership
- have uploaded a picture on your profile in the membership database.
ICOMOS_e-cards: How to upload a picture on your profile.
Please email the Secretariat ( if there are any problems.
The 2025 Physical Membership Cards will be mailed early 2025.
NEW Preserving Legacies Leadership Cohort Program 2025 | Applications close 3 Jan 2025
In partnership with ICOMOS, the Climate Heritage Network, and the National Geographic Society, Preserving Legacies is a global initiative that equips heritage custodians with climate heritage training, professional connections, and resources to implement climate adaptation actions that protect heritage places. In 2024, Preserving Legacies partnered with 20 remarkable heritage places worldwide, each a testament to resilience. With each cohort, we grow a dedicated community of practice committed to securing a sustainable future for heritage in every corner of the world.
You can nominate custodian individuals or organizations for a place of cultural significance to join a passionate cohort of individuals determined to protect cultural heritage against climate change.
For further information or to apply please follow this link.
NEW Notice: Draft Heritage Management Plan on Public Exhibition Submissions due 6 January 2025
The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (the Authority) has prepared a draft Heritage Management Plan in respect of the land it manages under the Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority Act 1987.
The Authority is responsible for three of the 11 sites that comprise the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Property:
- Port Arthur historic Site, Tasman Peninsula
- Coal Mines Historic Site, Tasman Peninsula
- Cascades Female Factory Historic Site, South Hobart
The draft Heritage Management Plan is the primary document to guide decision making about the conservation and management of the three sites.
The document is available for download or inspection at:
In addition, hardcopies of the Plan are available for inspection at the Cascades Female Factory, South Hobart and the Port Arthur Visitor Centre, 6973 Arthur Highway, Port Arthur.
NEW International Specialised Skills Institute 2025 Funding Fellowships Applications Now Open
2025 Applications for two more of ISS Fellowships have just opened. This is a fantastic opportunity to begin preparing your application, attend an information session, and familiarise yourself with the guidelines. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions—the ISS team is here to support you!
- George Alexander Foundation Fellowships: Applications are open until February 16, 2025. If you’re considering applying, join one of our online information sessions with CEO Dr. Katrina Jojkity for guidance. Dates and registration links are below.
- International VET Practitioner Fellowship: Applications are open and close 11:59pm March 2, 2025, with information sessions available.
- Mason Family Trust Fellowship: Applications are open and close 11:59pm March 2, 2025. Information sessions available below.
- Italian Australian Fellowship: Opening April 1, 2025, and closing 11:59pm May 31, 2025.
For further information, please visit the website: International Specialised Skills Institute | Funding Fellowships to upskill Australia
NEW Lotterywest Boorloo Heritage Festival (1-30 April 2025) Seeking Expressions of Interest to Deliver Events
Expressions of Interest from groups or individuals are now being accepted to deliver events that shine a light on Perth’s unique stories in April 2025.
Event registrations are open to a broad range of history and heritage groups, artists, authors, performers and community arts and cultural organisations to share stories about Perth’s history and heritage.
The team are also seeking Expressions of Interest from businesses or venues who may wish to participate in the festival by offering promotions, deals, offers or spaces to participants.
- All activities must take place in the City of Perth from 1 to 30 April 2025.
- Registrations are open until 15 November.
Head to the Lotterywest Boorloo Heritage Festival webpage for more information about how you can participate and register an Expression of Interest.
ICOMOS USA International Exchange Program | Applications close January 1st 2025
Since 1984, the United States Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS-USA) International Exchange Program (IEP) has worked with partners around the world to provide hands-on training opportunities for emerging cultural heritage professionals. The IEP sends participants from the United States to internship placements abroad and welcomes international participants to placements in the United States in order to expose the next generation of heritage professionals to global best practices of historic preservation and heritage conservation. This one of a kind cultural heritage internship emphasizes the cross-cultural exchange of ideas and practices, enabling hosts and interns to learn from one another and increase their impact in the heritage field. To date, more than 700 interns from over 100 countries have participated in the program.
World Heritage USA, in support of ICOMOS-USA, is seeking graduate students and emerging professionals specialized in historic preservation and heritage conservation to participate in an International Exchange Program (IEP) during the summer of 2025. Interns will be assigned to a 10-12 week, practical working internship, under professional supervision, with a public or private nonprofit heritage organization. These positions are for interns with an undergraduate degree in a preservation or conservation related field such as history, architecture, archaeology, conservation, art history, cultural resource management, or cultural tourism.
For further information and to apply directly please follow this link.
Please note – Previously applications were processed through Australia ICOMOS, but they now need to be made directly to US ICOMOS via the link on their website
Applications for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
Applications for the Advanced Master in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions are open up to January 20, 2025. This is the leading international course on conservation of heritage structures, winner of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage “Europa Nostra”, funded by the European Commission during 10 consecutive years, and a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Do not miss this opportunity to join the other 500 alumni from 75 countries that graduate in the last 17 years and be a part of this great worldwide network of experts!
This Master Course is organized by a Consortium of leading European Universities/Research Institutions in the field, composed by University of Minho (coordinating institution, Portugal), the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czechia), the University of Padua (Italy) and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czechia).
The course combines the most recent advances in research and development with practical applications. A significant number of scholarships, ranging from 4,000 to 13,000 Euro, are available to students of any nationality.
Please find full details on the MSc programme, as well as electronic application procedure, in the SAHC website
Visit also the SAHC blog and
Submissions – Historic Environment Special Issue Marking 50 years of Australia ICOMOS
2026 will be the 50th anniversary of the founding of Australia ICOMOS. Special Issue Editors, Prof Tracy Ireland and Dr Steve Brown, are seeking submissions that reflect on the past or the future, and on experiences, issues and prospects for heritage, for Australia ICOMOS and for the cultural sector, broadly conceived. We welcome abstracts of 300 words and a brief bio for the author(s). Submissions for non-traditional submissions, including photo-essays, visual or digital media, are also welcomed with the possibility of online presentations that might supplement the traditional hard copy journal.
Call for Papers | ICAHM 2025 Conference | San Pedro de Atacama Chile | Submissions due 10 Jan 2025
The scientific committee invites the submission of abstracts (100 to 300 words) on these topics. The languages of the conference are English and Spanish (with simultaneous translation provided throughout the event). Please submit abstracts electronically through the conference website.
- Strategies and Objectives for the Management of Archaeological Heritage.
Archaeology, Astronomy and Geoglyphs in Northern Chile and Surrounding Areas.
Climate Change, Integrity and Archaeological Sites Management.
Public Archaeology and Native Peoples.
Archaeological Heritage and Sustainable Tourism.
Processes of Plundering and Restitution of Archaeological and Anthropological Collections.
Archaeology and the Role of New Technologies In the Presentation and Interpretation of Archaeological Sites
For further information and to submit your abstract please visit:
NEW Updated Heritage Council of NSW heritage asset management guidelines for state agencies
The updated guidelines are on the Heritage NSW website:
Additionally, note that the current state-owned heritage management principles are also on the Heritage NSW website:
If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Secomb, Senior Heritage Officer at Heritage NSW via email or (02) 9873 8500.
NEW Fourth Annual Underground Space Engineering Conference Vancouver Canada 9-10 April 2025
The 4th Annual Underground Space Engineering conference is a place where you can seize an exclusive gateway to top-notch case studies and projects presented by industry experts. Gain firsthand knowledge on efficient project planning with a pivotal focus on capitalizing the revenue stream for underground development. Connect and network with numerous leads within the industry, ensuring you stay at the forefront of the evolving landscape of underground space engineering.
- Explore latest advancements in underground space engineering from rock reinforcement techniques to AI integration.
- Gaining insights on how to mitigate risks and increase the likelihood of project success.
- Integrating innovations in enhancing urban development and infrastructure management.
- Explore Best Practices for Groundwater Management in Tunnelling through innovative Waterproofing techniques.
- Addressing practical issues in underground space engineering such as long-term durability and seismic resilience.
For further information and to register, download the Pdf here.
NEW National Trust WA | Senior Manager Marketing and Community Engagement | Applications close 24 Jan 2025
This role leads the National Trust’s marketing and community engagement portfolio by developing strategic programs that promote opportunities for the community to value Western Australia’s heritage. A particular focus will be to drive community engagement through education, place activation, visitor engagement, membership, advocacy and heritage services linked to the National Trust Strategic Plan.
For further information and to apply follow this link:
WA Government Jobs | Senior Manager Marketing and Community Engagement
NEW National Trust WA | Property Management Support Officer | PT | Applications close 17 Jan 2025
This role provides support to the Asset Management Officer. As a result, a key part of this role involves the provision of support in the coordination and maintenance of the portfolio of National Trust places.
For further information and to apply follow this link:
WA Government Jobs | Property Management Support Officer
NEW Sydney Opera House – Conservation Council First Nations heritage expert (identified) EOI
Sydney Opera House Trust is seeking an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a First Nations heritage expert to join its Conservation Council (the Council). The ten-member Conservation Council – established in 1996 – provides specialist conservation and heritage advice to the Opera House Trust. The prescribed advice is guided by the Opera House’s Conservation Management Plan, Utzon Design Principles, Heritage Action Plan and other relevant principles. The council also monitors implementation of heritage and conservation matters, including policies, plans and heritage values. To be eligible for the position, candidates must have experience in First Nations heritage management and conservation, demonstrated knowledge of NSW and Commonwealth heritage frameworks, and a proven track record of providing advice on a similar committee or panel.
Apply here –
Questions –
EOI closes – 20 January 2025
