ICOMOS Annual General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (AGA2024) in Ouro Preto, Brazil 10-17 November 2024
Australian members of ICOMOS (and other attendees from Australia) are invited to let EC Member Stephanie Johnston know if you are attending the AGA2024 in Ouro Preto, Brazil in November. Stephanie and Kerime (Danis) will organise a hook up for Australians and partners who are attending. Please contact Stephanie on stephaniejohnston2@icloud.com and flavia.kiperman@elementadvisory.com.au for voting comms.
2024/2025 Membership Fees now overdue
Fees for the 2024-2025 membership year are now due. If you have any questions regarding your membership, please contact Rebecca Davies Secretariat Officer: austicomos@deakin.edu.au Prompt payment will assist with the financial workflow and budget preparations. Thanks to those who have already paid!
ICOMOS Full International Membership: Electronic cards (E-cards)
You can now download your membership card from your profile in the ICOMOS International membership database. In order to do this, you must:
- have renewed your 2024/25 membership
- have uploaded a picture on your profile in the membership database.
ICOMOS_e-cards: How to upload a picture on your profile.
Please email the Secretariat (austicomos@deakin.edu.au) if there are any problems.
NEW Call for contributions | Volume of Historic Environment on GA2023
Two volumes of the Australia ICOMOS journal Historic Environment are in preparation and near finalisation. These are special issues which comprise papers related to the ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GA2023). There is the opportunity for 2-3 papers to be added to these volumes. If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, particularly if it is an overview of a particular topic covered by presentations and sessions at GA2023 (such as cultural landscapes, intangible heritage, conflict, or a specific category of heritage or field of heritage conservation), email Steve Brown steveb.heritage@gmail.com. Steve is the editor of the special issues.
Proposals should comprise an abstract of 150-200 words submitted by 30 October 2024 and an ability and willingness to provide a full paper (5,000-6,000 words) by mid-December 2024.
NEW Call for contributions | LGBTQ+ heritage
Since 2021, the ICOMOS Heritage and Gender Joint Task Team has been dedicated to the inclusion of gender issues within heritage policies and practices. The team advocates for the importance of gender balance in fostering an inclusive and diverse future to better preserve people’s dignity and heritage.
The ICOMOS Heritage and Gender Joint Task Team invites you to share data on LGBTQ+ historic sites from around the world to contribute to a crowd-sourced database to support ongoing research on heritage and gender. The deadline for contributions is 15 October 2024.
The ICOMOS Heritage and Gender Joint Task Team is calling for data on global LGBTQ+ sites. The aim is to develop a crowd-sourced database to support ongoing research on heritage and gender.
Deadline: 15 October 2024
For queries, email: 𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗼𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿@𝗴𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺
Submissions to be provided via Google Form available here
Call for Papers | ICAHM 2025 Conference | San Pedro de Atacama Chile | Submissions due 10 January 2025
The scientific committee invites the submission of abstracts (100 to 300 words) on these topics. The languages of the conference are English and Spanish (with simultaneous translation provided throughout the event). Please submit abstracts electronically through the conference website.
- Strategies and Objectives for the Management of Archaeological Heritage.
Archaeology, Astronomy and Geoglyphs in Northern Chile and Surrounding Areas.
Climate Change, Integrity and Archaeological Sites Management.
Public Archaeology and Native Peoples.
Archaeological Heritage and Sustainable Tourism.
Processes of Plundering and Restitution of Archaeological and Anthropological Collections.
Archaeology and the Role of New Technologies In the Presentation and Interpretation of Archaeological Sites
For further information and to submit your abstract please visit: https://www.icahm2025.com/
2024 WA Heritage Awards nominations are now open
The awards are Western Australia’s premier heritage event which highlights best practice in adaptive reuse, conservation, interpretation, heritage tourism, and promotion.
The Heritage Awards are an opportunity to showcase the excellent work in revitalising heritage places, setting standards in interpretation, heritage tourism, conservation, and adaptive reuse.
There are seven categories open for nomination, covering the diverse range of work being undertaken in the heritage sector.
- Voluntary Individual Contribution
- Professional Contribution
- Contribution by an Organisation
- Interpretation Project
- Heritage Tourism
- Conservation or Adaptive Reuse of a Local Heritage Place
- Conservation or Adaptive Reuse of a State Registered Place
The new category ‘Conservation or Adaptive Reuse of a Local Heritage Place’ provides an opportunity to recognise outstanding work that has been undertaken on local heritage places. We would also encourage you to nominate any locally listed places you deem worthy for this category as well!
Nominations are completed and submitted online. Register or login to the WA Heritage Awards portal, to start a nomination.
For more information, visit the website, get in touch with the Awards Coordinator. Complete and lodge your submission by 11 October 2024.
Getty Conservation Institute | Conservation Guest Scholars Program | Applications due 1 October 2024
The Conservation Guest Scholars Program provides opportunities for established scholars or professionals who have attained distinction in the cultural heritage conservation field.
Recipients are in residence at the Getty Conservation Institute for either three or six months, in which they pursue their own projects free from work-related obligations, make use of research collections at the Getty Center and Getty Villa, and participate with other Getty scholars, fellows, and interns in the intellectual life of Getty.
Applications are welcome from researchers and practitioners of all nationalities working in conservation, historic preservation, heritage science, heritage studies, and related fields. Applicants should have at least seven years of professional experience and should have an established record of publications and other contributions to the field. Individuals from groups underrepresented across the field of cultural heritage conservation are encouraged to apply. Proposals for postdoctoral research or research that contributes to a PhD or other academic degree will not be considered.
For eligibility, terms, and how to apply, visit https://gty.art/GCIScholars. The application deadline is October 1, 2024.
For questions regarding the program or the application process, please contact: GCIScholars@getty.edu
Position Paper on the Review of the State Coastal Policy (SCP) | Development on Actively Mobile Landforms | SPO Tasmania | Submissions due 21 October 2024
The Premier, in consultation with the Minister for Parks and the Environment, have released a Position Paper on the Review of the State Coastal Policy (SCP) – Development on Actively Mobile Landforms (the Position Paper) for public comment for a 6 week consultation period.
To have your say and review the Position Paper, please visit the State Planning Office website
Outcome 1.4.2 of the SCP contains a self-regulating prohibition of all development and works on ‘actively mobile landforms’, other than for engineering or remediation works to protect land, property and human life. The Position Paper explores issues associated with the application of this provision and ways to address them by replacing the Outcome with a more sophisticated policy response that considers the type of development being proposed and to clarify what comprises an ‘actively mobile landform’.
Submissions on the Position Paper are invited until close of business Monday 21 October 2024.
Submissions can be sent to: yoursay.planning@dpac.tas.gov.au
FINAL Call for Papers for OPEN ACCESS BOOK by Springer-Nature: 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage – Vol. IV: Digitisation, Risk Prevention and Monitoring Methods | September 30 2024
This book will illustrate the advances and challenges in digital data acquisition/documentation of tangible objects and the modelling of acquired massive data sets into accurate 2D/3D architectural drawings/models through different innovative methodologies and systems – for monuments and sites such as Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM), and parametric/freeform surfaces. Additionally, it will address the processes of semantic annotation of digital models and the application of linked data approaches to embedding vital data (original materials and their conditions, structural analysis, etc.) and enrich the model with ancillary records/models/data that inform the modern multidisciplinary team required to assess and protect heritage at risk.
For further information please follow this link.
NEW Twentieth Century Heritage Society | Newcastle Walks | Roy Lumby | 5 October 2024
There’s much to discover in these delightful streetscapes, with architectural styles ranging across the 19th and 20th centuries. The city of Newcastle boasts one of the finest collections of commercial and civic buildings from the 1920s and 1930s in NSW, comparable to many in Sydney in their confidence and style.
The scale is comparable to those erected in state capitals such as Adelaide or Brisbane during the interwar period.
This walk will be followed by two walks on Sunday and one on Monday.
For further information and to book follow this link
NEW Everyday Heritage Symposium | University of Western Australia | 28 November 2024
This one-day symposium will explore the theme of Everyday Heritage and Difficult Legacies. Everyday life is commonly characterised as uncomplicated and routine. But some everyday lives are experienced in prisons and conflict zones, or shaped by colonisation, repression, or marginalisation. The symposium explores difficult and challenging forms of everyday heritage and history, with international keynote speakers Prof Laura McAtackney (University College Cork, Ireland) and Timo Ylimaunu (University of Oulu, Finland), and diverse perspectives from Western Australia and interstate, with speakers including Tracy Ireland, Jane Lydon, Denis Byrne, and Sharon Veale.
The flier for the Symposium can be accessed here.
The Symposium is a partnership event with the Australian Historical Association (AHA), the Congress of the Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (CHASS), and Business Events Perth (BEPerth). The Everyday Heritage Linkage Project is supported by the Australian Research Council and GML Heritage.
WHEN: 9:30am – 5:30pm Thursday 28 November 2024
WHERE: Austin Lecture Theatre, Faculty of Arts Building, University of Western Australia
TICKETS: $45 (Limited student bursaries available)
NEW Everyday Heritage Workshop | Freemantle Prision | 28 November 2024
Supported by the ARC Everyday Heritage Linkage Project and Fremantle Prison, this workshop will bring together heritage practitioners seeking to explore the role and relevance of everyday heritage and difficult legacies in their work. Primed by case study presentations, participants will discuss and contribute ideas, methods, and case examples that can inform the development and publication of heritage industry-focused guidance. The workshop will be relevant to heritage specialists working in the fields of heritage conservation and management, architecture, history, archaeology, and planning.
It is desirable that Workshop attendees will have attended the day-long Everyday Heritage Symposium on Thursday 28 November at the University of Western Australia (see separate E-News item).
The flier for the Workshop can be accessed here. The Everyday Heritage Linkage Project is supported by the Australian Research Council and GML Heritage.
WHEN: 11:30am – 3:30pm, Friday, 29 November 2024
WHERE: East Workshops, Fremantle Prison, Western Australia
TICKETS: $25 (Students $10), includes tour of Fremantle Prison (11:30am-12:30pm) & lunch (12:30-1:30pm)
REGISTER HERE (places limited to 30 participants)
NEW Henry Parkes Oration 2024 | MoAD | Defending Australia’s democracy against global challenges | Barrie Cassidy | 22 October 2024
The Henry Parkes Foundation and Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House (MoAD) invite you to attend the Henry Parkes Oration 2024.
This year’s oration will be delivered by Barrie Cassidy, Chair of the Board at Old Parliament House. Mr Cassidy is one of Australia’s most experienced political correspondents and analysts.
Event onsite from 5.30 pm, Livestream from 6pm
For further information and to register follow this link.
NEW Traditional Korean Gardens: Symbolism and Literature | Jill Matthews | NT Room Observatory Hill 30 September 2024
Interesting gardens surround royal tombs, the surviving palaces in Seoul and in Buddhist temples, rural scholarly retreats, and former Confucian academies throughout Korea. Western visitors often enjoy their elegant beauty but would have a far richer experience if they could understand the layers of symbolism and literary allusion and calligraphy embedded in these traditional gardens. Jill will describe and explain the several types of gardens with special emphasis on these embedded literary references and symbolic content.
Jill Matthews is a retired lawyer and a qualified Horticulturist and Landscape Designer who has travelled widely in Asia, especially India, Hong Kong and Japan. She now divides her time between her gardens in Sydney and Canberra. For many years she visited, researched and photographed traditional Korean gardens for her book Korean Gardens: Tradition, Symbolism and Resilience.
Bookings via the TAASA website
NEW Sydney Open Adaptive Reuse | various venues 3 November
Join us for Sydney Open Adaptive Reuse, where we explore a selection of heritage properties that have been masterfully adapted to create new spaces for work, life and play.
In this Sunday line-up, we open the doors to:
Enjoy drop-in talks and tours led by architects and industry experts as part of your Sydney Open experience and get access to buildings and spaces rarely open to the public.
The tickets will be released on the dates below:
Members pre-sale ticket launch: Monday 30 September
General ticket launch: Tuesday 1 October
Further information can be found here
NSCES meeting with guest speakers on the ICOMOS Responsible Practice Toolkit |Online | 5.30 pm | 30 September 2024
You are invited to the next online National Scientific Committee for Energy and Sustainability (NSCES) meeting.
The ICOMOS Responsible Practice Toolkit has been developed to guide members, ICOMOS Committees and ISCs to understand their personal and committee carbon footprint, and to encourage and explore models for responsible meetings and events.
Deirdre McDermott (ICOMOS Ireland, AdCom), Kerime Danis (Australia ICOMOS, NSCES, AdCom) and Renata Bornberg (ICOMOS Austria), members of the ICOMOS AdCom Sustainability and Communications Task Force (SCTF), will be presenting on the ICOMOS Responsible Practice Toolkit and explaining how this can be used throughout ICOMOS to assist with sustainability and reduce ICOMOS’ carbon footprint.
Please RSVP to: Helen Wilson + Rachel Jackson helenwilson@outlook.com.au + rachel.jackson@gml.com.au
Convenors of Australia ICOMOS NSCES National Scientific Committee on Energy and Sustainability
Sydney Screening: The Power of Utopia: Living with Le Corbusier in Chandigarh | Presented by GML Heritage | Chauvel Cinema | 9 October 2024
GML Heritage presents a special screening of the film ‘The Power of Utopia: Living with Le Corbusier in Chandigarh’ in Sydney’s Chauvel Cinema on Wednesday 9 October.
The construction of the Indian planned city of Chandigarh 70 years ago saw Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier complete his life’s work. Born in a time of unrest, resettlement and the Partition of India, Chandigarh stands for progress and the newly emerged democracy. His vision was to create a modern, humane and just city, built according to the “measure of man”, which allowed for a cultural life and harmonious interaction between people and nature. In this atmospheric and thoughtful documentary, four people from different walks of life, reflect on Le Corbusier’s legacy, the city they live in, his utopian urban concepts and the cultural differences between East and West. Join GML Heritage for a special screening of this award-winning documentary.
Wednesday 9 October
Doors open at 6.00pm.
Screening commences at 6.30pm.
Film runs 84mins. Tickets $25. Bookings via Humanitix.
Event link: https://www.gml.com.au/news/the-power-of-utopia-living-with-le-corbusier-in-chandigarh/
Lunchtime Talk: Maggolee Awards 2024 Presented by the Australia ICOMOS Young and Emerging Professionals Working Group | 11 October 2024
Maggolee Awards recognise Victorian local governments working in partnership with First Peoples to support self-determination, advance reconciliation, and strengthen shared decision making with First Peoples.
This spring, we are hosting 2024 winners who will share their journey on meaningful reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Join speakers from the City of Ballarat, Wyndham City Council and Federation University to learn about Peel to Prest (Yarrowee River History) and Mooroop Yarkeen (Australia’s largest Aboriginal designed and installed mural).
Dr David Waldron (Federation University)
Tegan Lang (Wyndham City, Coordinator Arts Culture & Events)
Shannen Mennen (Wadawurrung woman and Aboriginal Community and Industry Partnership Broker at Federation University)
When: 11 October 2024, 12:30pm AEST
Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/CVJYC
Location: Online, MSTeams (link will be circulated to registered attendees)
Culture in Emergencies in the Pacific Region | Zoom Webinar | 29 October 2024, 8am Paris, 6pm AEDT
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the 1954 Convention for the Protection of the Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and first Protocol, and the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the 1999 Second Protocol. The event is organised under auspices of the UNESCO Chair in International Law and Cultural Heritage and the new UNESCO-UNITWIN Network on Culture in Emergencies at UTS.
This webinar focuses on the Pacific region which as one of the lowest number of States Parties among the regions worldwide. While our region, its peoples and culture heritage are less impacted by armed conflict, relatively speaking; its cultures and cultural heritage faces threats from climate change and other disasters. This webinar emphasizes the importance of implementation and cooperation efforts under the 1954 Hague framework for culture in emergency situations more broadly.
The three panellists are leading contributors to the key themes of this webinar:
Ms Krista Pikkat, Director, Culture and Emergencies Entity, Culture Sector, UNESCO Paris
Dr Adi Meretui Ratunabuabua, Chair Blue Shield Pasifika
Professor Mat Trinca Talalin, Chair Blue Shield Australia and Professor of Museum Practice, Australian National University.
Moderator will be Ana Filipa Vrdoljak, UNESCO Chair of International Law and Cultural Heritage and co-coordinator UNESCO-UNITWIN Network on Culture in Emergencies, University of Technology Sydney.
Please register in advance for this webinar here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Antarctic Heritage Trust | Inspiring Explorers Expedition – 18-35 year olds | Applications close 7 October 2024
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of our Inspiring Explorers™ programme, Antarctic Heritage Trust is offering a rare opportunity: to walk in the footsteps of the early Antarctic explorers by stepping inside the historic bases the Trust cares for on the Icy continent. An Inspiring Explorers Expedition™ team will visit the Ross Sea region on a ship-based expedition, between 7 January 2025 – 4 February 2025, with Inspiring Explorers Expedition™ Partner Heritage Expeditions.
We’re looking for applicants with a range of skills and expertise, including interviewing, presenting, audio recording, and knowledge of heritage conservation. But really, what matters the most is you have a desire to step outside your comfort zone and develop an explorer mindset as you join an incredible team of people on this expedition.
The ship-based expedition will take place over four weeks, with the explorers departing New Zealand on January 7th, 2025, thanks to Heritage Expeditions.
Further information and how to apply can be found here.
Hardy Wilson’s Old Colonial Architecture 1924-2024 exhibition | Sydney University Library level 2 of Fisher Library
This new exhibition marks the 100th anniversary of Hardy Wilson’s influential work, considered by many to be the foundation of historical scholarship on architecture in Australia. Published in 1824, Hardy Wilson’s book Old Colonial Architecture in New South Wales and Tasmania was the first major publication dedicated to the documentation and conservation of Australian buildings.
In 1912, Wilson began a decade-long project to record the early colonial architecture of Australia, which would eventually culminate in the publication of Old Colonial Architecture in New South Wales and Tasmania in 1924.100 years on, this exhibition draws attention to the book’s creation, examines its enduring presence and influence in Australian architecture, and contextualises it in Wilson’s biography and wider body of published work.
This exhibition was curated by Associate Professor Cameron Logan (Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning) and Hector Abrahams and Olivia Salkeld (Hector Abrahams Architects) in collaboration with Rare Books and Special Collections.
Items from the Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections are featured, alongside items generously lent by Hector Abrahams, Zeny Edwards, Glenn Harper, Geoff and Melanie Lovell, Julie Cracknell and Peter Lonergan, Dr. Clive Lucas OBE, the National Trust of Australia (NSW), and the Schaeffer Fine Arts Library.
Further information can be found here.
Interpretation Australia Conference | The Power of Interpretation – Big Impact – Small Footprint | Brisbane | Oct 31- 1 Nov 2024
Natural and cultural interpretation becomes a potent force in a world where every action counts. This conference celebrates the art of understanding, translating, and reimagining the world around us. We will explore how interpretation shapes our lives and environment. But it’s not just about the bigger picture—it’s about impact. How can we make a difference without leaving a heavy footprint? How can we be innovative and engaging without causing impacts that will affect our shared future. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of interpretation, where small actions ripple outward, leaving lasting effects.
Register here
The 5th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings | Singapore / online | 7-8 October 2024
The EEHB 2024 Conference is your gateway to a world of innovation, sustainability, and preservation in the realm of historic buildings. This unique event brings together experts, scholars, professionals, and enthusiasts from around the globe, all with a shared passion for preserving our architectural heritage while embracing the demands of a sustainable future.
Join us in unlocking the secrets of sustainable preservation. Together, we will bridge the gap between heritage and innovation, ensuring that our cherished historic buildings continue to tell their stories for generations to come.
Let’s build a future that respects our history. Further information can be found here
Register here.
ICOMOS NZ AGM Weekend | Everyone’s Heritage | Dunedin 19-20 October 2024
This year’s ICOMOS ANZ AGM Conference invites you to celebrate our heritage, through sharing stories of your experience – be they work, leisure or study, that reflect on ideas of our shared cultural heritage(s) and how the many values of heritage contribute to this.
Opening address by the Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Paul Goldsmith & Papers – a mix of 20 minute presentations and shorter “quick fire” presentations
Venue: Toito Otago Settlers Museum – 31 Queens Gardens, Dunedin, CBD
Further information can be found here. For registration enquires, please contact: conferenceicomosnz@gmail.com
Garden History 44th Annual National Conference | WA Branch | Bunbury W.A | 18 to 20 October 2024
The Western Australia branch hosts the 44th Annual National Conference (18 to 20 October 2024) in the coastal city of Bunbury, about two hours’ drive south of Perth. (Non-AGHS members can Zoom into the lectures from around the world.) Visits during the conference include places of early settlement when the W.A. colony saw its future in the hands of Hesperus, God of the west wind.
Colonisation of the western sector of New Holland was considered a venture that offered trading opportunities with the large British populations in India, and after 1814, the British Cape colony on the southern tip of Africa. The initial settlement on the Swan River in 1829 was championed by Captain James Stirling, who had convinced the British Government to support the establishment of a colony by free settlers. The name he contemplated for the new colony was Hesperia from Hesperus, the Greek name for the god of the west wind. This was not adopted, with the name the Swan River Colony being used until it became officially Western Australia in 1832.
So come to Hesperia where the landscapes are varied and the horticulture, equally so. They offer you a chance to escape to the country, to explore the variety and history of this South West land. We earnestly appeal to you to come ‘Bunburying’ with us, to live another life in far WA for a few days, converse with friends and immerse yourselves in the gardens of this beautiful area of the South West corner of our continent.
More info, and bookings, here:
Register to attend the 3 day on-line lecture program for $150 here
ACAHUCH | 9th Annual Symposium | Keeping House | 6 November 2024
ACAHUCH is pleased to announce our ninth annual symposium titled “Keeping House: conserving, managing and interpreting house museums” on 6th November, 2024.
The symposium focuses on the fascinating world of house museums. Invited expert speakers drawn from academia, the museum and heritage sectors will tease out the significant contemporary issues and opportunities facing this unique genre of public / private cultural institution. Through an array of Australian and international exemplars, themed panels will explore innovative ways of interpreting the history, memories and stories that house museums harbour; challenges in conserving material fabric, house interiors and gardens; the maintenance of support, management and ownership; and house museums in the context of south-east Asia.
Registration link on Eventbrite is here.
More information can be found on ACAHUCH’s website here.
We look forward to you joining us.
Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference | UniSA Adelaide | 24-25 October 2024
Celebrate the rich tapestry of the past and collectively inspire the future of heritage engineering.
Immerse yourself in two-days of knowledge sharing and debate as we explore the preservation and advancement of heritage engineering at the Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference (AEHC 2024).
Organised by Engineering Heritage Australia, AEHC 2024 has become the premier gathering for heritage engineering enthusiasts. The conference attracts engineers, architects, historians and professionals from various disciplines to navigate the intersection of tradition and innovation in the engineering realm.
You’ll have ample opportunity to network and see prime examples of heritage engineering in the beautiful backdrop of South Australia.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a global community dedicated to the appreciation and progression of our engineering legacy.
To register follow this link.
10th biannual International Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Digital Heritage (EuroMed2024) | University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus | 2-4 Dec 2024
Celebrating its twentieth anniversary, this key conference on digital cultural heritage will bring together researchers, policymakers, professionals and practitioners from the multidisciplinary heritage domains to discuss the challenges facing and successes in cultural heritage today. EuroMed2024 focuses on the interdisciplinary and intersectoral research on digital cultural heritage and use of cutting-edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, mass digitalisation, documentation and presentation of heritage content.
Further information can be found on the conference website: EuroMed 2024 – 10th International Conference on Digital Heritage
The Uncovered Past Institute | Harrietville Vic | Chinese Mining Village Archaeological excavation – Chinese Mining Village Nov – Dec 2024
Join us to discover more about the Chinese miners who once lived and worked in the 19th century Harrietville Chinese Mining Village. For around fifty years from the early 1860s Harrietville was home to many of the thousands of Victoria’s Chinese gold miners. This will be the fifth season of archaeological excavation at the Chinese Mining Village, following on from the previous four seasons in October 2017, October 2019, October 2022 and January-February 2024. The largely undisturbed site includes mine workings, water races, building foundations, and gardens: a rare survivor of the heyday of Chinese gold mining in Victoria. The foundations of at least 19 buildings were discovered during a survey undertaken during Season One fieldwork in 2017. Huge quantities of food, liquor, medicines, utensils, ceramics and even coins were imported from China for the Chinese mining communities. Many fragments of these were discovered during the earlier excavation seasons, along with fragments of European tableware ceramics and glass bottles. Season Five research objectives will be to undertake more intensive excavations on hut site WC1, in order to determine its size, footprint and how it was constructed; and also to gain a greater understanding of the lifestyle of the Chinese miners.
For more information or to book in for Season 5 please visit: https://www.uncoveredpast.org.au/harrietville-chinese-mining-village-season-5-dig-with-us-novdec-2024
Kinchela Boys Home 100th Anniversary Gathering | 18-20 October 2024
2024 marks 100 years since the gates of Kinchela Boys Home (KBH) opened. At those gates, the spirits of the children who walked through the gates were left behind. To mark this 100th anniversary, the KBH Survivors, their descendants and families are honouring the spirits of those children and celebrating the past, present and future of the Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation (KBHAC) Community.
To recognise this important anniversary, a three-day gathering will take place from October 18th – 20th 2024. We would like to invite you to join KBHAC Survivors, their descendants and families in truth telling, cultural wellbeing, and ceremony which will take place across the Kinchela Boys Home site and the Macleay Valley, including Kempsey and South West Rocks.
Support Needed
There is important collective work to be done and KBHAC survivors and descendants are inviting you to walk alongside them, not just on “Sorry Day” or for this weekend, but in meaningful and sustained ways. This includes supporting their vision for transforming the Kinchela Boys Home Site into a national site of truth telling and healing through the creation of a living museum and healing centre. This anniversary event foregrounds the importance of connecting with each other, to empower one another and inspire each other through shared stories. This is an opportunity to join and support the KBHAC Community to witness, remember and grow. Many of the survivors of KBH have passed and the hope for the last generations of survivors is to have the former site that inflicted so much pain and suffering into a site of healing and truth telling. We are asking for your support in working to support their vision.
If you would like to provide sponsorship please email accounts@kbhac.org.au for a prospectus.
For further information please visit: www.kinchelaboyshome.org.au
International Course on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture | Getty | Al Ain UAE | Applications open for Jan – Feb 2025
We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the International Course On the Conservation of Earthen Architecture (EAC25). The third iteration of this month-long course will be held January 25 to February 23, 2025 in the World Heritage city of Al Ain, UAE, and in Nizwa, Oman. The course is organized by the Getty Conservation Institute in partnership with Department of Culture and Tourism–Abu Dhabi and the Oman Ministry of Heritage and Tourism.
Please find more information and application instructions on the course webpage: https://www.getty.edu/projects/international-course-conservation-earthen-architecture/eac-2025/.
NEW Integrating Natural and Cultural Approaches in Heritage Conservation: A Practice Note
During the first years of Covid, 2020–2023, a group of seven colleagues across three continents—working outside of institutional contexts—prepared a Practice Note on naturecultures. The Practice Note draws together the long-time work, experience, and thinking of the authors, all of whom work in the field of heritage conservation. It gives focus to the improved integration of nature and culture, and cultural heritage and natural heritage, in the work of caring for and safeguarding important places. By promoting awareness of diversity and mutual respect for multiple views and understandings, the Practice Note is concerned with working together, fostering dialogue, and creating long-lasting and equitable approaches to conservation.
The two publications – one an introduction to the Practice Note, the other the Practice Note itself – are available as free downloads from the journal PARKS STEWARDSHIP FORUM (Volume 40, Issue 3, 2024).
The publications are authored by Kristal Buckley, Steve Brown, Maya Ishizawa, Nora Mitchell, Jessica Brown, Leticia Leitão & Nicole Franceschini (collectively known as ‘Heritage Octopus Collective’). We encourage Australia ICOMOS members to use and share the Practice Note. We welcome your feedback
NEW Southern Tasmania Regional Land use strategy draft review
Early consultation is now open to inform the preparation of the draft reviewed Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy.
For information on how to participate, visit shapingtasmania.com.au
NSCES Heritage, energy and sustainability Reports – RELEASED
Two reports have just been released which are both important contributions to the heritage, energy and sustainability field:
Congratulations to Australia ICOMOS NSCES members Ruth Redden and Steven Barry and thanks to all who have been involved in these valuable reports.
NEW SITUATION VACANT | Conservation Project Officer (Cultural landscape and environment) | PAHSMA Port Arthur | FT | Applications close 4 October 2024
PAHSMA are seeking a Conservation Project Officer (Cultural Landscape and Environment) to work on cultural landscape and environments with significant heritage value, co-ordinate works programs and projects to deliver high level conservation, infrastructure, maintenance, safety, quality and efficiency outcomes for all our buildings, grounds and gardens, and our important Aboriginal cultural heritage.
For more information, please go to the jobs.tas.gov website
NEW SITUATION VACANT | Principal Heritage Advisor | Sydney Water | Paramatta | Applications due 9 October 2024
We are seeking a highly experienced heritage professional to lead the management of Sydney Water’s cultural heritage assets and heritage obligations.
Based within our Engineering and Technical Support business, the role works collaboratively across Sydney Water on activities and projects throughout our area of operations. In addition to supporting our growing capital investment program ($34 billion), the role leads strategic management of our heritage assets (dating back to 1888).
This is a unique opportunity to apply expert heritage advice that enables delivery of business strategies, priorities and goals. You should be skilled in managing internal and external stakeholder expectations, leading cultural heritage initiatives and balancing competing priorities in a high-volume work environment. As a technical principal, you will be required to support prevailing business needs and be expected to lead efficient outcomes.
For further information and to apply follow this link
NEW SITUATION VACANT | Sydney Water | Natural Assets & Heritage Team Manager | Paramatta | Applications due 9 October 2024
We are seeking an experienced professional to provide functional leadership of Sydney Water’s natural asset and cultural heritage management expertise.
This role holds project and program level oversight for a team of natural assets and heritage technical experts. The role is part of our Engineering and Technical Support business. This is a unique opportunity to provide expert technical support that enables delivery of business strategies, priorities and goals.
You should enjoy working with multiple stakeholders and technical experts, applying your professional judgement, ensuring statutory compliance and delivering outcomes within program and budget parameters. As a people leader, you will be required to effectively manage staff, contractors and specialist suppliers.
For further information and to apply follow this link
NEW TENDER SOUGHT | City of Ballarat | Full review of Ballarat Planning Scheme’s local heritage policy and provisions | Submissions close 17 October 2024
The City of Ballarat are seeking the services of a suitably qualified and experienced consultant or consultants to undertake a full review of Ballarat Planning Scheme’s local heritage policy and provisions (post PPF Translation) and to develop new Heritage Design Guidelines.
Documentation and further information can be found here: City of Ballarat | Home (eprocure.com.au)
NEW SITUATION WANTED | Kieran Davis | Heritage Professional – Relocated to Canberra
Kieran Davis is a skilled heritage professional with over a decade of experience working in the heritage industry for public and private organisations. He holds a Masters degree in Cultural Heritage and has worked as a culture and heritage advisor as well as running a heritage interpretation business specialising in digital cultural heritage for over six years. His experience includes extensive knowledge of conservation, property management, and interpretation. Kieran was based in Melbourne and has recently relocated to the ACT and is looking for opportunities in the heritage, museum and cultural sectors within the Canberra region.
Please contact Kieran via email (daviskieran85@gmail.com) if you would like to discuss any potential opportunities.
TENANT SOUGHT | Eryldene flat in Sydney
The accommodation comprises two charming rooms, bathroom, large linen cupboard, and shared use of the western loggia, kitchen and laundry which are also used for Eryldene activities. And the world renowned garden is all around, outside your window and at your doorstep for your enjoyment. https://www.eryldene.org.au/ Contact eryldene@eyldene.org.au to register your interest.
SITUATION VACANT | Edwards Heritage Consultant | Senior Heritage Consultant | Sydney | FT | Applications reviewed upon submission
An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced and self-motivated Senior Heritage Consultant to join EHC’s growing team on a full-time, permanent basis.
If you have 2-5 years’ experience in heritage management and conservation practice, with a background in architecture, planning, archaeology, or other similar and relevant fields, and keen to work in a small but dedicated and respected practice in northwest Sydney, undertaking some exciting and challenging projects – we’d love to hear from you!
You would need to be comfortable working both independently and closely within a small team to contribute positively to the work produced. You should have a passion for heritage management and conservation practice, have good ‘people skills’ and value building great relationships with our Clients and stakeholders, as well as being an all-round great fit within our team.
We are seeking someone with excellent written and verbal communication skills and a passion for heritage within the built environment. You’ll have experience in preparing complex heritage management documentation, a demonstrated ability to provide responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice, and a sound understanding of heritage legislation and the NSW heritage system generally.
Further information can be found here.
Introduce yourself by email at enquiry@edwardsheritage.com.au – you might like to send us some examples of your work that grabs our attention, together with a short CV.
SITUATION VACANT | Purcell | Senior Architect | Sydney | FT | Applications reviewed on submission
Purcell is an award-winning employee-owned architectural and heritage consultancy practice with a commitment to quality, innovation, and diversity. We have staff of approximately 280 talented architects, designers, heritage consultants and surveyors across 14 offices, in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. Winners of Architect Employer of the Year 2022.
Our Sydney Studio is looking for a Senior Architect to join the Practice on a full-time basis. We’re after a results driven, highly motivated individual to focus on the delivery of a mixture of projects. We are a progressive practice; where you will have the ability to identify opportunities and develop your career. It’s an entrepreneurial job, where you have ownership of your projects and the freedom to deliver results.
The role requires excellent communication, leadership and organisation capability and an individual who excels in a hands-on environment who is passionate about delivering a mixture of small to medium scale bespoke architectural and conservation projects in Australia, and across the Asia Pacific region.
The Studio has a wide range of projects including places of regeneration, infrastructure, and public buildings. This is an excellent opportunity to join a talented and close-knit team, work on exciting projects and help the studio move from strength to strength, with excellent opportunities for career progression, whilst working in a local studio.
Applicants should be skilled in the delivery of architectural projects through all AIA work stages, with the ability to successfully lead and manage a team. Excellent technical skills, as well as strong design skills, will be essential in this role. Key elements of the role include:
- Developing relationships with clients, new and existing.
- Leading and supporting proposals and bids for projects.
- Co-ordination of internal and external works packages and team members.
- Complete projects to a high standard, on time and to budget.
- Lead, produce, assist, and review the production of design and technical related information and reports, both written and graphic.
- Leading and supporting projects in conservation repair, refurbishment, alterations and additions, adaptive re-use and construction detailing.
- Occasional travel across the region, as well as remotely supporting colleagues in our Melbourne, Hobart, and Hong Kong studios.
Further information about the role, and details on how to apply, can be found on our website
SITUATION VACANT | Conservation Studio | Architect/Experienced Graduate of Architecture (Conservation / Heritage Experience) | Melbourne | FT | Applications reviewed upon submission
Conservation Studio Australia welcomes applicants seeking full-time employment in our specialist team of conservation architects, historians, and heritage consultants, in the position of experienced Heritage Consultant working in applied architectural conservation, universal access upgrade, and adaptation of heritage listed/registered buildings.
Applicants with comprehensive experience across all stages of architectural work are encouraged to apply, with the following minimum experience requirements:
Master level (formerly Bachelor) qualification in Architecture from an Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) accredited architectural qualification provider
minimum 5-7 years’ architectural experience
preferably 1-3 years’ experience working in Australia
preferably Registered Architect in Australia
For further information please follow this link to submit your application please send it to : contact@conservationstudio.com.au
