NEW Congratulations to Australia ICOMOS member Dr Caitlin D’Gluyas
Congratulations Caitlin on being awarded the Dr AM Hertzberg AO Fellowship at the State Library of NSW for your project: Archival Archaeology: A Spatial Reading of People and Things in Early Convict Parramatta.
Further information about the fellowship can be found here
Australia ICOMOS Bucket Hats for Sale!
Perfect for summer, our bucket hats are now available for purchase.
They come in two sizes – S/M or L/XL
Cost is $25 including postage. Please contact the secretariat: to purchase.
New Members Event – Walking tour with GJM Heritage 15 March 5.30 pm
Join GJM Heritage Director Jim Gard’ner for a walking tour through Melbourne’s CBD for members of Australia ICOMOS. The Post-World War II period was a time of unparalleled change for Melbourne’s CBD as the city became the Australian centre for banking, insurance and corporate headquarters. Gone were the low-rise masonry buildings of the pre-war period: modernism had arrived in Melbourne. This fascinating tour will take in some of the key buildings from this period and discuss their role in changing the face of Melbourne during the post-war years, as well as the challenges associated with the listing and adaptation of post-war heritage.
This walking tour includes low to moderate activity covering approximately 3km. The tour will conclude at 140 William Street, Melbourne, followed by drinks at the Mitre Tavern (please book separately).
PLEASE NOTE: Numbers are strictly limited. If you’re no longer able to attend, please let us know @ as soon as possible so your ticket can be reallocated. Register here
NEW Australia ICOMOS Networking Drinks 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm15 March 2024
Join the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee, fellow members and heritage professionals for networking drinks at Melbourne’s self-proclaimed “oldest building”.
Please register here *Drinks at bar prices.
ICOMOS Full International Membership: Electronic cards (E-cards)
You can now download your membership card from your profile in the ICOMOS International membership database. In order to do this, you must:
- have renewed your 23/24 membership
- have uploaded a picture on your profile in the membership database.
ICOMOS_e-cards: How to upload a picture on your profile.
Please email the Secretariat ( if there are any problems.
NEW The 40th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Brisbane, Australia 2-4 December 2024 Proposals due 5 April 2024
From spaces of isolation and independence, to archipelagos of connection and knowledge exchange, islands occupy a complex and evocative place in our terrestrial and imaginary worlds. At once utopian and dystopian—places of refuge and exile, extravagance and exploitation, paradises and prisons—islands contain contradictions and contested spatial histories. They provide distance from which to look back and reflect on one’s place in the world and the journeys that have brought us there. At the same time, they connote severance from the world as places of ostracization: petri dishes of extremism, claustrophobia, paranoia and self-isolation. More than physical spaces of geographic separation, islands also suggest those contrasts and positions that play out across political, social and cultural spheres. In architecture, such differences produce islands of practice—siloes of discourse and debate—historically visible in certain schools of practice and the work of independent practitioners and scholars. Islands are also shaped by architectural practices, from indigenous and colonial to modern and contemporary, from vernacular and regional to global and digital. Islands, therefore, emerge as both sites and subjects of critical historical research, and a lens or position through which to examine the past.
On the occasion of the 40th Annual SAHANZ Conference, the theme of islands also encourages delegates to challenge and critique the often-siloed nature of architectural history itself, and how the discipline might speak to a wider audience.
We invite proposals (500 words max.) for papers, paper sessions and roundtables that reflect upon the many possible interpretations of islands in architectural history: how islands have influenced the production and reception of architecture, and how architecture has contributed to the formation and transformation of island cultures, identities, and environments.
The 40th Annual SAHANZ Conference will be held in-person in Brisbane in early December 2024. At this stage, we intend to host the conference across central CBD venues at UQ and QUT. More details to come.
Please email proposals of no more than 500 words (PDF or word doc) by 5 April 2024 to Proposals will be peer reviewed with acceptances sent in early June.
NEW Aboriginal Community Representative to the ACT Heritage Council EOI’s close 25 March 2024
Minister Vassarotti, ACT Minister for Heritage, is seeking to appoint an Aboriginal Community Representative to the ACT Heritage Council. The Minister’s letter announcing this opportunity and seeking your assistance is attached.
An expression of interest (EOI) has been released today on the ACT Diversity site. Could you please distribute this information through your networks and encourage suitable applicants to consider this exciting opportunity. Attached is the EOI and text that you may wish to use in your newsletter or send to your distribution lists.
The role is open to public members who are able to engage with and represent the ACT Aboriginal community and want to contribute to the Council’s important work of recognition, management and conservation of the ACT’s natural, historical and cultural heritage. While not essential, expertise in Aboriginal culture and history would be of value to the Council.
The Expression of Interest closes on 25 March 2023.
To discuss this opportunity or for any queries please call Anne Miller on (02) 62073689 or email
NEW Winston Churchill Trust Fellowships applications Open 1st March 2024
A Churchill Fellowship is a life-changing opportunity to travel overseas to explore a topic or an issue you are passionate about. We encourage applications from all sectors of the community and in any field or topic of interest. To learn more about how you can become a Churchill Fellow, visit our website Applications for a fellowship open Friday 1 March 2024.
Chung Wah Society’s NT Chinese Museum presents The 9th CHINA Inc “no fuss” Conference – Call for papers
The 9th CHINA Inc. conference will be held in Darwin on 20 – 23 September 2024 in conjunction with the Chung Wah Society’s NT Chinese Museum.
Please refer to the attached flyer “Call for Papers”
In responding to the Call, please use the email address:
Rock Art Australia Strategic Grants EOI
Rock Art Australia (RAA) is a not for profit organisation dedicated to researching and protecting rock art across Australia by bringing science and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural knowledge together.
We promote the study of rock art and its context to understand the history of Australia and its significance in the global narrative of human origins.
Rock Art Australia (RAA) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) by suitable applicants to foster the development of innovative, high impact or pilot-scale research projects that align and effectively address relevant aspects of the following RAA priority areas:
Interpret and understand Australia’s rock art and the people and cultures that produced it.
• Reconstruct past climate and environments.
• Understand the production and composition of Australia’s rock art.
• Understand the durability and resilience of the rock art and how to conserve it. • Establish methodologies and treatments to protect and conserve rock art.
• Establish the antiquity of engraved and pigment art in Australia and understand its variability across space and time.
• Establish the chronology of human occupation in Australia in the context of archaeological and genetic data.
• Establish educational approaches to share and promote the research and cultural stories of rock art.
All project applications must follow the process set out in the Strategic Grant Guidelines, including the RAA Research and Engagement protocols. The application guidelines and form can be downloaded from
Further information can be found here
National Trust NSW Heritage Awards – Entries Close 6 March 2024
The National Trust (NSW) Heritage Awards is an annual celebration of outstanding practice in the field of heritage.
The Awards are New South Wales’ biggest and most anticipated celebration of outstanding practice in the field of heritage, recognising excellence in the conservation, protection, and interpretation of Aboriginal, built, natural and cultural heritage over the past year.
Returning to Pyrmont’s heritage-listed Doltone House on Friday 17 May 2024, a special 30th edition of the National Trust Heritage Awards will showcase the state’s rich and diverse heritage projects, innovations and achievements.
The awards are a signature event of the Australian Heritage Festival.
Enter Here
NEW Culture and Creativity seminar – Prehistoric Joy: Using Archaeology to Write a Personal Memoir about Family Violence 12.30-13.30 7 March 2024
Dr. Andrew Sneddon spent a career writing about other people – by delving into their archaeology, assessing the significance of their heritage places – before he turned his hand to writing about himself. Was it liberating? At first it felt that way. In his memoir (Prehistoric Joy), about growing up in a family beset by domestic violence and alcoholism, Andrew found himself writing in a new language where he was the boss, telling his story, in his own way, instead of having to accommodate a ‘multivocal past’ and competing academic opinions about how things should be interpreted. But during the editing process, and since Prehistoric Joy’s publication, he has entered a world of difficult conversations, where he has learned that his personal story intertwines with those of others and that no story is univocal. Andrew will talk about his memoir and the writing experience, drawing on his career as an archaeologist, while describing how it is that storytelling is at the heart of everything, that it has consequences, and carries with it responsibilities.
Date\Time: Thursday 7 March 2024, 12:30-13:30
Location: Building 1 Level A Room 1A21, University of Canberra (NB Room 1a21 is accessed from the foyer joining Building 1 and Mizzuna café);
or Zoom:
NEW National Archaeology week 19-25 May 2024
National Archaeology Week aims to increase public awareness of Australian archaeology and the work of Australian archaeologists both at home and abroad, and to promote the importance of protecting Australia’s unique archaeological heritage.
Held in the third week of May, this nationwide program of events and activities includes public lectures, seminars, exhibitions, demonstration excavations, displays, and other events designed to engage with the general public.
Further information can be found on the website
NEW Exhibition | Home Sweet Home: Botany and Mascot 1920-1960 | Mascot Library until 1 June 2024
For many Australians, whether born here or immigrants, the ‘Great Australian Dream’ was to own your own home. Homes and gardens became expressions of identity, as people decorated their homes and planted their gardens.
For most women, the home was their workplace until the 1960s. Cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, sewing, and raising children was regarded as ‘women’s work’. The burden of this unpaid domestic labour was relieved in the 1950s if people could afford to buy domestic appliances like electric washing machines, stoves, and refrigerators.
Home Sweet Home: Botany and Mascot 1920-1960 explores how our homes and domestic life have changed with new inventions and shifting attitudes to the role of women.
On display at Mascot Library, 2 Hatfield Street, Mascot until 1 June 2024
Open 10am-6pm Mon-Fri and 9am-12 noon Saturdays
Free entry & Free parking for 2 hours onsite.
NEW National Trust Vic – Como Approach Workshop Series – Architectural Glass with Bruce Hutton 1.00 – 5.00 pm 26 April 2024
Bruce Hutton founded Almond glass in 1994. He completed a Fine Arts Degree (Chisholm Institute of Technology) majoring in stained glass in 1988, he then went on to work in the industry both in Australia, England and South Africa. He completed a Postgraduate (Monash University) in 1996, focusing on the conservation and restoration techniques of stained glass.
This workshop will be mostly theory based and cover a history of glass and glazing, installation, decoration, maintenance and repair. A short house tour will also form a part of this workshop. All participants will receive digital certificates of completion at the conclusion of the workshop.
A minimum of 4 bookings are required in order for this event to go ahead.
Click here for further information.
NEW Australian Garden History Society (Sydney Branch) Walk & Talk Oatley Park Sydney 11.30 am 10 March 2024
Join the Australian Garden History Society’s Sydney Branch for a walking tour along the headland track of beautiful Oatley Park led by members of the Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society, following a talk by a local historian.
Venue: Oatley Park, starting and finishing at The Castle (near the swimming beach)… off Christensen Mallard Circuit.
The Park can be accessed off Oatley Park Road, or Douglas Haig Street, Oatley.
Cost: AGHS Members $20, Non-members $30, Students $5 – which includes light refreshments following the walk.
You may like to bring a picnic lunch, or try the cafes nearby in Oatley west*.
Book: at Trybooking. Bookings are essential.
National Trust Vic – Como Approach Workshop Series – Lime Mortars with Ray Wiltshire 1.00-5.00 PM 22 March 2024
Ray Wiltshire is a highly knowledgeable and skilled Heritage Plasterer with many years’ experience in the industry. He is also a regular trainer at the Longford Academy in Tasmania.
This workshop will be hands-on, allowing participants to repoint a section of wall at Barwon Grange. All participants with receive digital certificates of completion at the conclusion of the workshop.
Click here for further information and to book.
Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail 16-17 March 2024
Bathurst will celebrate its rich history, paying homage to the trades and traditions that have helped shape the region, at the return of the annual Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail in March 2024 at the iconic Bathurst Showground.
Rare and lost trades and crafts will be showcased over the weekend at Australia’s oldest inland European settlement. Traditional Aboriginal tool and weapon making, blacksmithing, saddlery, dry stone walling, whip cracking and making, glass artistry, lace making, tapestry, embroidery, carpentry and joinery, cigar box guitar making and violin making are among many unique talents to be demonstrated by local and guest artisans.
Further information can be found here
The Great Australian Stone Festival 15-26 March 2024
Australia’s inaugural international stone festival focused on dry stone walling, carving and masonry runs from 15-26 March 2024. The festival will take place at the Stone of Arc dry stone walling centre in Wellington NSW as well as prime locations around the town.
Further information can be found:
Princes Trust Australia Scholarships
Applications are now open for the prestigious 2024 Prince’s Trust Australia scholarships, which allow Australians to attend a range of amazing traditional building, architecture and urbanism summer schools (short 2 – 5 week courses held during the northern hemisphere summer) in countries around the world.
Scholarships available in 2024 include the following programmes:
Scotland: The King’s Foundation Summer School
Portugal: The Arcos de Valdevez Traditional Architecture Summer School
Belgium: The Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts
For further information click here.
Study Heritage Conservation at the School of Architecture, Design & Planning, University of Sydney
The School of Architecture, Design & Planning at The University of Sydney is currently enrolling new students in its heritage conservation program for commencement in Semester 1, 2024. Choose between 1 semester (Graduate Certificate), 2 semesters (Graduate Diploma) or 3 semesters full time (Masters), or tailor your part time study to fit in with your personal and professional commitments. The units are taught in a range of formats – intensive, weekly evening, weekly daytime – to enable a wide range of people, including existing professionals, to participate. The core of the program builds professionally relevant knowledge in heritage planning and management. In addition you will acquire deep specialist knowledge by selecting elective units focused on areas including First Nations Heritage, building conservation, sustainable development or community consultation. For more information, go to or contact Matt Devine on
Event Registration Open – Australian Heritage Festival Victoria
Registrations are now open for Australia’s biggest community driven Heritage Festival, presented by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
The 2024 Australian Heritage Festival will run from 18 April to 18 May in Victoria.
2024 Theme: Connections
Encouraging celebration of the rich and diverse stories of our nation, strengthening cultural and historical ties and forging new bonds. The 2024 theme acknowledges our link to people, places and the past, and the enduring connections that will shape the future of heritage.
Key Dates
1 February 2024 | Registrations close for inclusion in our Digital Program and Itineraries
1 March 2024 | Festival Program Launch
1 April 2024 | Final Registrations close for inclusion on the Australian Heritage Festival Website
Further information including the Event Organisers’ Kit and registration page can be found here.
For any questions or enquiries, please contact
The 2024 Australian Heritage Festival in Victoria is proudly supported by the Heritage Council of Victoria.
NEW Survey about Heritage Victoria’s general exemptions
In December 2022, Heritage Victoria released general permit exemptions under s. 92(1) of the Heritage Act 2017. General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register, and empower owner and managers to carry out everyday works and activities without further approval from Heritage Victoria.
Heritage Victoria is now reviewing the general exemptions and would like to know what you think of them. Your answers will inform potential changes to the general exemptions to improve their usefulness. The following survey should take about 2 to 5 minutes to complete and will help strengthen heritage regulation in Victoria.
Heritage Victoria is now reviewing the general exemptions and would like to know what you think of them. Your answers will inform potential changes to the general exemptions to improve their usefulness.
Please complete the survey to let us know your thoughts:
The survey will close on Wednesday 10th April 2024.
NEW Community consultation on our Heritage, People and Place Discussion Paper is now open – City of Melbourne
We have prepared a Discussion Paper to start a conversation about how we shape our next Heritage Strategy. We want to explore and test the ideas and topics in the paper with the diverse voices of the community, business and government.
The Discussion Paper explores taking a ‘people-centred’ approach, which aims to empower the community to help shape cultural heritage. The paper considers how this approach could be implemented through the following 5 Focus Areas:
- Reflecting Aboriginal heritage
- Heritage interpretation
- Heritage, urban change and the economy
- Heritage and climate change
- Innovative heritage planning and processes
Read our Discussion Paper to learn more about how we can better understand, communicate and interpret people’s heritage values, and share your feedback by completing the online survey.
Dates and registrations for community workshops will soon be shared on Participate Melbourne when available. Click ‘follow’ at the top of the Participate Melbourne page to receive updates, or contact
Community consultation on our Heritage, People and Place Discussion Paper is now open:
Consultation closes 19 March 2024.
Managing Mining Legacies ISO Standards
An International Meeting of TC82 Mining, its Sub-Committees and Working Groups was held 11-15 September 2023 near Bonn in Germany. Meetings were held over four days with the final day being a mine tour of RWE’s Hambach Mine. A delegation from Standards Australia participated in the meeting, comprised of Tania Laurencont as Head of Delegation, Darren Murphy, Corinne Unger and Peter Waggitt.
Further information can be found here.
Heritage Act (Vic) Amendments are in Effect
Amendments to the Heritage Act 2017 (Vic) and Heritage Regulations 2017 (Vic) came into effect on 1 February 2024.
The amendments provide for:
- New statutory applications including minor permit amendments, archaeological consent exemptions, archaeological consent amendments.
- Applications to exclude places and objects from the Victorian Heritage Register for a period of five years.
- Requests that the Heritage Council review a decision of the Executive Director on an application to exclude places and objects.
- General amendments that improve the operation of the Heritage Act.
- Online access to heritage documents, notices and hearings.
For more information about changes affecting Heritage Victoria please visit:
For more information about changes affecting the Heritage Council of Victoria please visit
Have your Say on the NSW Heritage Strategy – survey closes 31 March 2024
The NSW Government is developing a Heritage Strategy to set a new direction and vision for protecting heritage in the State.
You are invited to complete the survey which takes approx. 3 minutes to complete.
Your professional perspective will help to build our understanding of what is important to the community, key challenges facing heritage and opportunities to address them.
For any enquiries about the survey contact Heritage NSW phone 9873 8500 or email
Access the survey here and please feel free to share it with your networks!
ARC funded project – Heritage and Reconciliation – World Heritage survey
Members may wish to contribute to this survey being conducted by Professor Laurajane Smith, Dr Laura Mayer and colleagues.
This research project called Heritage and Reconciliation has been funded by the Australian Research Council, the project brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers from Indigenous Studies, Heritage Studies and Peace Studies. We are from The Australian National University; The University of Technology Sydney; The University of Tasmania; Takarangi Research (New Zealand), and the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (England). The project aims to understand the complex inter-relationship between heritage and reconciliation. It brings together Australian First Nation, Māori and Western intellectual traditions to focus on two case studies: the repatriation of Indigenous Ancestral Remains, and World Heritage in Australia and New Zealand.
Information about the project can be found here
Access Survey Here
NEW Seeking Opportunity – Ethiopian Collaborations
Bisrat Engida, an Australia ICOMOS member and recent graduate from the Deakin University dual masters degree is seeking cultural heritage professionals who are interested in collaborating to undertake cultural heritage projects or work with a practitioner with Ethiopian heritage experience. Bisrat is hoping to facilitate cultural exchange, research, and collaboration between the two countries.
For further information, please contact Bisrat at
SITUATION VACANT | Archaeologist/Heritage Consultant | GML Heritage | Melbourne | FT | Applications reviewed upon submission
We seek an Archaeologist/Heritage Consultant to join our expanding Melbourne-based Archaeology team. Expressions of interest from all suitably qualified and experienced candidates are encouraged. This role will feed your passion for historical and Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage. Technical proficiency in these areas coupled with your excellent communication and project management skills will help you deliver quality outcomes for heritage, clients, Traditional Owners, and community stakeholders.
- Plan, manage and deliver a range of archaeological work and projects including due diligence assessments, cultural heritage management plans, archaeological assessments and impact statements, Aboriginal cultural values assessments, investigation and research, site inspections/fieldwork and archaeological monitoring, GIS mapping and more.
- Collaborate with our consulting team across a range of heritage services and disciplines such as built heritage and interpretation to deliver projects.
- Manage and grow client relationships, including preparation of proposals and tenders.
Please apply via our Swag jobs board only, attaching your resume and a brief covering letter/note. Applications received via direct email may not be considered. Applications will remain open until this role is filled.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131