Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 1061



NEW ICOMOS GA2023 Virtual Registration Now Available
NEW ICOMOS GA2023 Video Series: Budj Bim, Cultural Landscape VIC
NEW 2023 News and Updates
NEW Spotlight on GA2023 Heritage Exposition
Book a pre or post GA tour to explore Australia!


NEW Comparing built heritage management systems in Australia and Germany survey
 Call for Expressions of Interest – ICOMOS Sustainability Goal Working Group
Call for Expressions of Interest to staff the Australia ICOMOS Booth at the GA
Call for Membership – ICOMOS International Scientific Council on Water & Heritage
ICOMOS Full International Membership: New electronic cards (E-cards)
Australia ICOMOS new membership category: Associate Institutional Membership


NEW The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC) and Routledge announce a new open research publishing partnership
European Association for Urban History (EAUH) Conference 2024: “Cities at the Boundaries” | University of Ostrava 4-7 September 2024 | Deadline for submissions 30 September 2023
Call for papers Special issue in Tourism Geographies| Historical Geographies of Tourism: Moments, Monuments and Methods
Nominations for the 2023 National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards are open for submission | Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 11 August 2023
Proposals invited from the Bureau of Human Resources Palau to conduct archaeological and ethnographic survey of Korro Rock Island Southern Lagoon, Phase II


NEW Getty Conservation Guest Scholars 2024-2025 | Applications close October 2, 2023
Australia ICOMOS President’s Award | Closes 31 August 2023
ICOMOS Student Competition 2023: 1960+ / Pleas for the Preservation of Postmodern Buildings | Closes 1 September 2023


National Trust ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2023 | Planning for Heritage | 14 October 2023
Australasian Urban History/Planning History (AUHPH) Group Postgraduate Symposium | Friday 22 September 2023 (Online event)


NEW Miles Lewis Fellowship Oration 2023 Dr Rosemary Hill (U Oxford UK) | ACAHUCH Collection | University of Melbourne | 6pm 4 October 2023 AEST
NEW Overgrowing Canberra with Dr Julian Raxworthy | National Library of Australia or Zoom | 5.30 pm 14 September 2023
NEW Friends of  Fernhill & Mulgoa Valley Colonial Gardens and their Conservation | Edmund Rice Retreat Mulgoa NSW | 24 Sept 2023 9am – 3pm
 Arches Project Presentation | Canberra | 17:00 & 18:30 AEST 28 August 2023
 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 Education workshop | Various sites WA | Various dates July & August 2023
International Festival of Luoghi Parlanti (Talking Places), The World in Florence | Hybrid | 21-23 November 2023, CEST


Launch of Connecting with Country Framework


SITUATION VACANT | Historian in Residence Program | Sunshine Coast Council, Queensland| EOI closes 16 August 2023
PAID INTERNSHIP in Strategic Heritage | Abrahams Architects | Sydney | Applications open until position filled
SITUATION VACANT General Manager Biodiversity & Heritage | NGH | Flexible Location | Applications open until position filled
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect | RBA Architects | Victoria | Applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant | Edwards Heritage Consultants (EHC) | Full-time | Sydney | Applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant | Trethowan | Full-time | Cremorne | Applications remain open until the position is successfully filled
SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist/Heritage Consultant | GML Heritage | Full-time/Part-time | Canberra | Applications remain open until the position is successfully filled



NEW ICOMOS GA2023 Virtual Registration Now Available

We are pleased to announce the launch of virtual registrations for the 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (GA2023) for colleagues who are unable to join us in person in Sydney.

To ensure that virtual content is accessible to all colleagues, GA2023 is offering a tiered registration pricing system based on the National Committee, or the country or territory in case there is no National Committee. 

There are three categories of country or territory:

  • Category 1 – lower middle income
  • Category 2 – upper middle income
  • Category 3 – high income

To check which registration category you are eligible for, please click here to view the ICOMOS categories. 

Information on how to access the virtual platform including personal login details will be circulated to all registered virtual delegates by 21 August 2023.

If you have any questions on the virtual registration component, please contact a member of the organising team at

Complete Virtual Registration Here


NEW ICOMOS GA2023 Video Series: Budj Bim, Cultural Landscape VIC

GA2023 Opal Patron, Art of Multimedia, is producing a series of short videos to showcase inspiring Australian cultural heritage properties which delegates may visit.

The GA2023 video series will offer a taste of some special Australian cultural places as their leaders share their delight in welcoming you to their World Heritage property to meet the team, exchange ideas, to see and learn what makes them unique.

In the sixth video of this series, we learn more about Budj Bim on Gunditjmara Country in Victoria. Hear from Denis Rose as he explains what makes this World Heritage place so special.

The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape is protected and cooperatively managed by Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation and Parks Victoria.

Additional footage courtesy of: Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation & Budj Bim Cultural Landscape Tourism.

NEW Latest GA2023 News and Updates

Click here to access the latest news and updates for the 21st Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS, which will be hosted in Sydney in August – September 2023. 


NEW Spotlight on GA2023 Heritage Exposition

Connect with heritage professionals, discover more about Australia’s World Heritage properties, and gain insights into local and international cultural heritage projects during the Heritage Exposition at Darling Harbour. 

This Australian-first specialist exhibition will be hosted from Tuesday 5 September – Saturday 9 September, at the International Convention Centre, Sydney.

Here’s what to expect: 

  • An impressive array of 40 exhibitors, providing unique insight into topical heritage issues through educational displays, and thought-provoking information sessions. International Scientific Committees, and many cultural heritage institutions, including Museums of History NSW, Sydney Opera House, the Australian Museum, and Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation.

  • Three themed discussion spaces will highlight different facets of Australia’s heritage:

  1. The Gadi Networking Lounge, sponsored by GML Heritage – a welcoming space for informal gatherings, sharing diverse perspectives and reflection.

  2. The Knowledge Cafe, sponsored by Extent Heritage – a space for new and emerging ideas and short talks.

  3. The Heritage Hub, a lounge sponsored by NGH in conjunction with Acciona – encouraging discussion on contemporary issues, including the intersection of heritage and sustainability. 

  • Opportunities to connect with the rich tapestry of cultural heritage – from viewing architectural drawings and detailed models of Sydney’s beloved landmarks, to embarking on a virtual reality journey to Antarctica. 

  • A fusion of Indigenous and delegate perspectives on heritage themes will culminate in a magnificent art piece, created throughout the week by Gadigal artist Dakota Dixon with support from Create NSW.

We invite you to share details of this exciting public event.

Click here to learn more


Book a pre or post GA tour to explore Australia!

Click here for further information



NEW Comparing built heritage management systems in Australia and Germany survey

The aim of this research is to investigate the interests and concerns of stakeholders involved in built heritage conservation, based on the four overarching principal themes listed below (Items 3 to 6). This survey is directed at heritage professionals, policy-makers, decision-makers, researchers and volunteers of built heritage. For the purposes of this study, we are defining built heritage as including individual and groups of historic buildings, monuments, sites and other places of significance.

This online survey should take between 30 to 40 minutes to complete. The research areas covered within the project are the following: 

  1. Screening question;
  2. Participant background information; 
  3. Regulatory and decision-making processes; 
  4. ESG values in heritage assessment standards;
  5. Private property and heritage conservation incentives; 
  6. Digitisation and built heritage conservation. 

Link to survey


Call for Expressions of Interest – ICOMOS Sustainability Goal Working Group | EOI by 14 August 2023

The Focal Point of ICOMOS for the Sustainable Development Goals is seeking names of people who would be interested in becoming an Australian representative to the Sustainable Development Goal Working Group (SDG WG).

The SDGWG acts as a platform for recognition and mainstreaming the effective contribution of cultural heritage as a driver and enabler of sustainable development in the process of implementing the United Nations Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Localizing / nationalizing actions for the SDGs will be quite important in this Decade of Action and the role of the national representatives will be key in this endeavour.

As part of this localizing agenda and further strengthening discussions with the International Committee, three designated Australian representatives will be identified to be part of a National SDG WG. Expressions of interest for these positions are welcomed from both emerging professionals and senior members of ICOMOS Australia alike. If you are interested, please supply only the following information:

  • Name;
  • Current Position
  • A half page expression of interest outlining your ability to contribute knowledge and time to the actions of the group; and your vision for what a National SDG WG would achieve;
  • Single page CV outlining relevant experience, aligned interests etc.

Respondents must make a commitment to devoting time and knowledge to contribute to the work of the working group and be available to attend monthly meetings of the SDGWG.

Please note that this call for desk reviews is strictly for internal use of ICOMOS members and should not be forwarded by email, or circulated in any way, or posted on a website or social media.

We are asking ICOMOS members to express their interest in membership of an Australian National SDG WG.

If you are interested, please write to and include the exact subject heading ‘EOI Australia ICOMOS SDG WG’ by Monday 14 August.


Call for Expressions of Interest to staff the Australia ICOMOS Booth at the GA

As part of the Heritage Exposition at the GA, Australia ICOMOS is hosting a booth. We are looking for volunteers to spend time talking to visitors at our stand.

If you can spare two hours or more during the Exposition (5 -9 September) please let us know. We need help from 8am – 5.30pm.

Please email Rebecca Davies, Secretariat Officer : with the dates and times you are available.


Call for Membership – ICOMOS International Scientific Council on Water & Heritage

ISCWater has finalised its membership criteria and is asking ICOMOS members to express their interest in expert membership of the ISC. ISCWater aims to progress the knowledge and experience about the World’s water heritage, to promote the conservation of this heritage and sustainably address water-related challenges of the present and future.

In line with our Mission Statement, the ISC wishes to:

  • create an international platform for interaction between ICOMOS, its International Scientific Committees, National Committees, Working Groups, and other heritage organisations, the water sector, governments, agencies, associated communities and NGOs – for networking, education and dialogue;
  • develop methodologies, training, policies and good design process, responding to traditional wisdom, to inform climate change mitigation and adaptation, and improve current and future water management and planning; and
  • generally, strengthen the role of water heritage in social engagement and policy-making.

We are asking ICOMOS members to express their interest in membership of the ISC!

If you are interested, read more at and please write to 

See section 8 of the attached membership criteria for information on how to apply.


ICOMOS Full International Membership: New electronic cards (E-cards)

From 2021 on, you can now download your membership card from your profile in the membership database. In order to do this, you must:

  • have renewed your membership (by informing your National Committee, or the International Secretariat if there is no National Committee in your country, and proceeding to the payment of your 2021 membership fee)
  • have uploaded a picture on your profile in the membership database.

ICOMOS_e-cards: How to upload a picture on your profile.

Please email the Secretariat ( if there are any problems.


Australia ICOMOS new membership category: Associate Institutional Membership

Australia ICOMOS has introduced a new membership category, known as Associate Institutional Membership. This new category aims to encourage diverse participation in Australia ICOMOS. 

Fees for the new membership category are minimal and Associate Institutional Members will receive many Member Benefits including discounts at some Australia ICOMOS functions and conferences (for three full attendees) as well as discounts on Australia ICOMOS publications and a subscription to the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment. 

The Associate Institutional Membership category is open to Indigenous Corporations registered with ORIC, charities, community groups and other organisations which can be approved at the discretion of the Executive Committee. It is open to organisations that accept the ICOMOS Ethical Principles and devote a substantial part of their activities to the conservation, protection, restoration, rehabilitation, enhancement or interpretation of cultural heritage. Details on how to apply for Associate Institutional Membership and a full list of benefits can be found on the Australia ICOMOS webpage.



NEW The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC) and Routledge announce a new open research publishing partnership

The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC), the independent international body supporting conservators and cultural heritage conservation professionals around the world, and leading Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) publisher Routledge, have partnered to launch a special open research publishing Collection – a first for the sector.

This special online Collection is hosted on Routledge Open Research, the world’s first open research publishing Platform specifically for the HSS community, which combines, articles, and other research outputs in one interdisciplinary venue. The publishing venue utilizes the publishing model, technology and knowledge pioneered by leading open research publisher F1000 to provide HSS scholars with a rapid and transparent publishing venue, whilst also giving authors the opportunity to increase the discoverability, accessibility and reach of their research.

The IIC Collection explores and shares research and perspectives of ‘conservation and leadership’ from different contexts, including changing contexts and emerging contexts, as well as visions for future leadership within the field of cultural heritage conservation.


European Association for Urban History (EAUH) Conference 2024: “Cities at the Boundaries” | University of Ostrava | 4-7 September 2024 | Deadline for submissions 30 September 2023

Main Session 3: Interrogating Historical Value: A Place for People and the Past in Urban Heritage Conservation.

How might urban historians push the boundaries of heritage conservation in cities across the world? Our purpose is to interweave history and heritage, both conceptually and practically, to address the enduring failure of conservation to centre historical, social and community perspectives.

Please follow the guidelines for paper submission published on the EAUH website ( Submissions should include a short bio. Please mark the paper for Session M3. For further details, please contact the session organisers: James Lesh, Deakin University (, Rebecca Madgin, University of Glasgow (, Tanja Vahtikari, Tampere University (


Call for papers Special issue in Tourism Geographies| Historical Geographies of Tourism: Moments, Monuments and Methods

The overarching question this special issue asks can be described as follows: what is the conceptual relationship between history, geography, and tourism research? While in broad terms they are interrelated, these connections tend to be assumed, and accepted but rarely critically examined or fully understood in tourism scholarship.

Tourism Geographies is a peer-reviewed journal which explores tourism and tourism-related areas of recreation and leisure studies from a geographic perspective. This journal brings together academic and applied research and regional traditions from around the world, including multi-disciplinary approaches from geography and related fields such as anthropology and other social sciences, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, and environmental science and management (see The 2022 Scopus Cite Score for the journal is 22.

For full details: 


Nominations for the 2023 National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards are open for submission

Please use the link below to find out more information and how to nominate. Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 11 August.


Proposals invited from the Bureau of Human Resources Palau to conduct archaeological and ethnographic survey of Korro Rock Island Southern Lagoon, Phase II

The public is hereby informed that the Bureau of Human Resources (BHR) of the Government of Palau will be soliciting and accepting sealed bids/proposals from interested businesses, qualified individuals, agencies, or institutions to conduct the archaeological and ethnographic survey of the Koror Rock Island Southern Lagoon, Phase II.

This will be a competitively negotiated contract. The services requested will be fully funded by the U.S. Historic Preservation Fund Grant. The specifications along with the evaluation criteria and all other requirements are being prepared and shall be made available on July 7, 2023. The solicitation and bidding periods shall continue for more than 30 days or for a minimum of 15 days as determined by the Procurement Officer. The specifications will also be made available on Palau Gov’s website Interested vendors may obtain copies of specifications by contacting Bureau of Human Resources.

Proposals or offers may be submitted at the National Treasury at the Finance Building in Koror or the Executive Building in Ngerulmud, Melekeok. For more information regarding this notice, please contact BHR by calling +680 767-2415/1126 or emailing



NEW Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2024-2025 | Applications close October 2, 2023

The Conservation Guest Scholars Program at Getty provides opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that contribute to the advancement of practice in the conservation field. The Program is intended for established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields.

Recipients are in residence at the Getty Conservation Institute for either three or six months, in which they pursue their own projects free from work-related obligations, make use of research collections at the Getty Center and Getty Villa, and participate with other Getty scholars, fellows, and interns in the intellectual life of Getty.

Applications are welcome from researchers and practitioners of all nationalities working in conservation, historic preservation, heritage science, heritage studies, and related fields. Applicants should have at least seven years of professional experience and should have an established record of publications and other contributions to the field. Proposals for postdoctoral research or research that contributes to a PhD or other academic degree will not be considered.

For eligibility, terms, and how to apply, visit The application deadline is October 2, 2023.

For questions regarding the program or the application process, please contact:


Australia ICOMOS President’s Award | Closes 31 August 2023

Nominations for the 2023 President’s Award are now open!

The Australia ICOMOS President’s Award recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or emerging career heritage practitioners. The award is open to Australia ICOMOS members and non-members.

There are two categories for the President’s Award:

1. A student / young / emerging heritage practitioner

2. A trainee / apprentice or emerging tradesperson.

Winners of each category will be awarded a certificate, a 1 year Associate membership of Australia ICOMOS and $1000 cash prize!

Any nominees conferred a judges commendation will also be awarded a certificate and gift voucher (max value $100).

Nomination Process

Please see links below for the nomination form and rules for nominees:

Australia ICOMOS Presidents Award 2023 – Information for Nominees

AICOMOS Presidents Award – Nomination Form 2023

Nominations close 31st August 2023. Questions? Contact the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email.


ICOMOS Student Competition 2023: 1960+ / Pleas for the Preservation of Postmodern Buildings | Closes 1 September 2023

The student competition 1960+ / Postmodernism will be focusing on the undogmatic creations of postmodernism. Students of architecture, interior design, urban planning, art history, restoration, archaeology, or other heritage-related disciplines are invited to use a postmodernist building of their own choice to either investigate its heritage qualities and values or to develop strategies for its (further) use, renovation or communication. The work is to be presented on an A1 poster (in German or English; work in groups of two is possible). The five to ten best works will be awarded prize money totalling 5000€.

Organisers of the competition: German National Committee of ICOMOS; Wüstenrot Foundation; Bauhaus University Weimar; Working Group Theory and Teaching of Monument Conservation; Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg; KIT
Submission: Poster
Deadline: 1 September 2023
Award ceremony: November 2023 in Stuttgart, Germany

More information on the competition task and the conditions of participation can be found here.



National Trust ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2023 | Planning for Heritage | 14 October 2023 | Canberra | Venue TBC

Join us for the 2023 ACT Region Heritage Symposium to explore the following questions and more:
• What role does planning have in managing and preserving our cultural heritage?
• In what ways can heritage facilitate positive outcomes?

For further information visit:


Australasian Urban History/Planning History (AUHPH) | Group Postgraduate Symposium | Friday 22 September 2023 (Online event)

We invite postgraduate researchers exploring topics related to urban and planning history in Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific nations to participate in a one-day online PhD Symposium to present and discuss their work. The symposium will provide a supportive and collegiate environment for students to receive thesis feedback and advice from academics working in the general field. We aim to foster connections, constructively critical discourse and build relationships among scholars working on city pasts in our region.



NEW Miles Lewis Fellowship Oration 2023 Dr Rosemary Hill (U Oxford UK) | ACAHUCH Collection| University of Melbourne 6pm 4 October 2023 AEST

Reflecting on the lives of Stonehenge, Hill’s oration as part of the Miles Lewis Fellowship will provide insight into one of the most recognisable megalithic structures in the world – its origin, its impact, and why?

Dr Hill is joining ACAHUCH in October 2023, supported by the Miles Lewis Fellowship at the Faculty of Architecure, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. Dr Hill is joining ACAHUCH in October 2023, supported by the Miles Lewis Fellowship at the Faculty of Architecure, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. The Miles Lewis Fellowship has been made possible by the generous support of the Vera Moore Foundation, in recognition of the esteemed career of Professor Miles Lewis AM.

Register Here

ACAHUCH Collection | Eventbrite


NEW Overgrowing Canberra with Dr Julian Raxworthy | National Library of Australia or Zoom | 5.30 pm 14 September 2023

In his lecture, Dr Julian Raxworthy will explore the intersection between landscape design and garden maintenance, the subject of his book Overgrown: practices between landscape architecture and gardening.

Crawling through hedges and scrambling down slopes around the world, Julian will discuss how gardeners and designers have used gardening as a creative practice and propose that private gardening might be the greatest public good we can provide in our cities to combat climate change.


Enquiries:  Nancy Clarke


NEW Friends of  Fernhill & Mulgoa Valley Colonial Gardens and their Conservation | Edmund Rice Retreat Mulgoa NSW | 24 Sept 2023 9am – 3pm

Five talks on ‘Colonial Gardens and Their Conservation’:

Colleen MorrisGarden design in Colonial NSW

Patricia BarkleyColonial gardens of the Mulgoa Valley

Stuart ReadNotable trees and plants of colonial gardens

Michael LehanyColonial garden ornaments and features

Dr. James BroadbentApproaches to conserving gardens

A joint discussion panel will follow.

Morning tea and a light lunch are included in the registration fee.

Price: $100 AUD for FFMV members and $120 for non-members

Refund PolicyNo refunds.



Arches Project Presentation | Canberra | 17:00 & 18:30 AEST 28 August 2023

Members of the Arches Project team will be delivering a presentation about the current status of the open-source Arches Heritage Data Management Platform on August 28, 2023 17:00 and 18:30 AEST in Canberra. The event will be hosted by GML Heritage and the Australian Institute of Architects at their office located at 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill ACT.  For further details and to register, please visit:


Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 Education workshop | Various sites WA | Various dates July & August 2023

The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 (the Act) was proclaimed on 1 July 2023. Education sessions are being held around the State, and they will continue to be scheduled over the coming weeks and months to support transition to the new system.

The Act is the State’s legislative instrument for the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage, replacing the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972.

It provides a modern framework for the recognition, protection, conservation, and preservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage while recognising the fundamental importance of Aboriginal cultural heritage to Aboriginal people.

Fact sheets and webinars have been prepared to provide an overview of the new Act.

Key guidelines to support the Act have been released following an extensive co-design process with stakeholders across Western Australia. 

A series of education workshops to support the implementation of the new legislation have been held. Watch a recording of an online educational workshop below. 

DPLH is now facilitating education workshops throughout the State to support the implementation of the new legislation. The workshops will provide an overview of the Act, along with guidelines and regulations, the commencement process and will provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions.

Register to attend.


International Festival of Luoghi Parlanti (Talking Places), The World in Florence | Hybrid | 21-23 November 2023, CEST

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the third edition of the International Festival of Luoghi Parlanti (Talking Places)The World in Florence, which will be held again this year in a hybrid format (in-person and remote), in Florence, from November 21st to 23rd, 2023.

The previous editions in 2021 and 2022 brought together over 140 speakers from 37 countries across 5 continents to share and compare their experiences and attend high-level interventions in the field of cultural and natural heritage.

Throughout our over thirty-year history, we have emphasized how cultural heritage is a powerful tool for uniting people worldwide and can strongly contribute to sustainable territorial development and peaceful coexistence. The issues of the contemporary world, such as the effects of climate change and war, make these activities of comparison more and more necessary, finding synergies between the world of theory and that of practice, in order to direct all activities towards more sustainable and ethical practices.

Therefore, Festival participants (universities, local administrations, cultural operators, and businesses) will be called upon to tell the story of their territories through a storytelling of their traditional knowledge and cultural, tangible, intangible, and natural heritage, making the Festival a place for exchanging and sharing good practices from all over the world, where they can interact with various categories of interlocutors.

We trust that you share the goals of the Festival and that you will want to participate and contribute to the knowledge and enhancement of your territory and its spirit. We invite you to download the participation call at



Launch of Connecting with Country Framework

This week, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully launched the NSW Government Architect’s Connecting with Country Framework.

The framework provides guidance for government, planners, designers and industry on how to respond to Country in the planning, design and delivery of built environment projects in NSW. It aims to help better recognise indigenous culture in planning and design, empower Aboriginal voices and learn from and work with Aboriginal communities to promote sustainability, resilience and community health.

The framework has been released in draft since 2020, and its finalisation has involved extensive engagement with Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal Consultants to ensure practical guidance and outcomes on designing with Country, and we would like to extend our thanks to all those involved in this process.

To hear more about the final framework, we encourage you to view this webinar.




SITUATION VACANT | Historian in Residence Program | Sunshine Coast Council, Queensland| EOI closes 16 August 2023

Sunshine Coast Council is calling for historians to apply for the Historian in Residence program, now in its third year. Historians can select from a list of topics or research their own topic that is identified as a gap in Sunshine Coast’s history. There are two positions available.


Go to council’s heritage website to download the guidelines and application form.

 For enquiries contact: or phone 5420 8600.


This program is supported by the Arts and Heritage Levy.


PAID INTERNSHIP in Strategic Heritage | Abrahams Architects | Sydney | Applications open until position filled

The 2023-2024 Hector Abrahams Architects annual paid internship in strategic heritage is open for applicants. The position is usually filled by students in their final year of masters of conservation at USyd, but all interested and qualified persons are welcome to apply to:

HAA have and pursue projects ranging from the conservation of heritage buildings, through new building and adaptive re-use, to strategic thinking and planning for a variety of institutional and community clients. It is a very interesting collection of problems to explore.

HAA is looking for an Intern to assist our strategic team with

  • Drafting Heritage Impact Statements and Assessments
  • Drafting Conservation Management Plans
  • Writing of other documentation as required under the general remit of strategic work
  • Site visits to conduct site analysis including material analysis, landscape analysis, and urban analysis
  • Assisting with mapping, mostly through Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop
  • Research, under the direction of a historian and strategic team leader

 Applicants should demonstrate that they have an understanding of NSW Significance Criteria, Burra Charter, heritage principles, appropriate research and communication skills and the ability to convey complex ideas in a concise and straightforward manner.

Applicants should have a Masters in Heritage Conservation (USyd) or comparable qualification or currently be undertaking this or a comparable course.

The salary for this position will be the award rate plus an additional amount to reflect the experience and quality of the successful candidate. This position will be available from 1 September 2023.

Please send us a letter of introduction, CV, sample writing to

Applications open until position is filled.


SITUATION VACANT | General Manager Biodiversity & Heritage | NGH | Flexible Location | Applications open until position filled

People and Capability System – Administration – Career – View Job – General Manager, Biodiversity and Heritage (


SITUATION VACANT | Conservation Architect | RBA Architects | Victoria | Applications reviewed upon submission

We are seeking an experienced Conservation Architect (five to seven years post-graduate experience) with a passion for built heritage and contemporary architecture to join our growing team. Working alongside our director and project architects, you’ll lead conservation and adaptive re-use projects of varying scales ensuring excellent outcomes for the heritage assets, broader site, and our clients.

The ideal candidate will have the confidence, tenacity and ability to design, document and deliver projects with exceptional outcomes. A detailed knowledge of current best practice conservation techniques, legislation and standards, and excellent management and interpersonal skills is essential to the role.

Take a look at our website and socials, and submit a CV along with a portfolio to Roger Beeston, Director —


SITUATION VACANT | Heritage Consultant | Edwards Heritage Consultants (EHC) | Full-time | Sydney | Applications reviewed upon submission

An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced and self-motivated Heritage Consultant to join our small, dedicated and respected practice on a full-time basis within the historic and adaptively re-used Windsor fire station in northwest Sydney, undertaking some exciting and challenging projects.

We are seeking someone with excellent written and verbal communication skills and a passion for heritage within the built environment. You’ll have experience in preparing complex heritage management documentation, a demonstrated ability to provide responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice, and a good understanding of heritage legislation and the NSW heritage system generally.

Reporting to the Director, you’ll work on a varied and exciting project portfolio, including undertaking and managing site inspections and other related fieldwork. Ideally, you will have 2-5 years experience in heritage management and conservation practice, with a background in architecture, planning, archaeology, or other similar and relevant fields.

The role will be supported by a small team of highly experienced heritage experts and is a fantastic position for the right person, with opportunities to develop new skills and professional development. 

Interested in this fantastic career opportunity and want to join our team? We’d love to hear from you! Send us an email and include your resume and a cover letter addressing the key requirements. If you wish to have a confidential discussion about the role or EHC, introduce yourself by email at All applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

Please check the job description here


SITUATION VACANT | Heritage Consultant | Trethowan | Full-time | Cremorne | Applications remain open until the position is successfully filled

Trethowan has an exciting full-time opening for a dynamic and experienced (2 years min) Heritage Consultant.

Working within our multidisciplined studio in Cremorne, the role will be involved in a wide range of projects at various stages of design, planning and works on site.

If this is something you would be interested in and would like to find out more or wish to submit an application (CV and covering letter outlining why you are suitable for the role) please email


SITUATION VACANT | Archaeologist/Heritage Consultant | GML Heritage | Full-time/Part-time | Canberra | Applications remain open until the position is successfully filled

GML Heritage seeks an experienced Archaeologist and heritage professional to join our Canberra consulting team. Expressions of interest from all suitably qualified and experienced candidates are encouraged, including those who require added flexibility – hybrid/remote working options and flexible working hours (e.g., part time, compressed hours etc) are possible. This role will feed your passion for Aboriginal heritage, cultural and historical heritage, and archaeology. Technical proficiency in these areas coupled with your mature communication and project management skills will help you deliver quality outcomes for heritage, clients, and community stakeholders. Experience in Aboriginal community consultation, historical archaeology, and Graphical Information System (GIS) mapping is highly desirable.

Click here for more information and to apply.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131



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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
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