NEW Latest GA2023 News and Updates
Click here to access the latest news and updates for the 21st Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS, which will be hosted in Sydney in August 2023.
Introducing the GA2023 Indigenous Heritage Program Co-chairs
Dr Diane Menzies ONZM & Dr Lyndon Ormond-Parker
Book a pre or post GA tour to explore Australia!
Click here for further information
SCAM emails
We have been made aware of some email approaches offering access to GA2023 delegate data and wanted to let you know that these are SCAMs! These emails only contain information that is publicly available, such as the name and dates of the event and the fact that we expect more than 1,000 delegates. The GA2023 information is secure.
No external party has access to the GA2023 registration data, nor would we make it available. Delegate information is only being used to run GA2023 and for no other purpose.
GA2023: Call for Delegate Video Submissions!
The GA2023 Delegate Video offers an opportunity to share your cultural heritage with the ICOMOS community. As part of the GA20323 video series, Opal Patron Art of Multimedia, will create a video featuring delegates from around the world. You are invited to showcase where you’re from and a heritage place that’s special to you, by submitting a photo or video and a short message. These will be compiled and edited as the final instalment of the GA2023 video series. Click here to find out more about how you can participate and when and where to upload your submission.
View information on the delegate video series submission here.
NEW Call for ICOMOS GA 2023 Voting Members – Submit EOI by 10 July
Expressions of interest to be an Australia ICOMOS voting member at the 2023 ICOMOS Annual General Assembly:
ICOMOS has advised all National Committees that the 2023 General Assembly (GA) will be taking place in Sydney Australia. As voting will again take place through the Eurovote online voting platform – the same used since 2020, allowing each member to participate and cast their vote directly – the Board has decided, in accordance with Article 26 of the Statutes, that proxy voting will not be permitted except in cases of emergency. Further details and the exact date and schedule will be confirmed closer to the date.
Australia ICOMOS has a long-standing policy for Voting at General Assemblies (available here and all currently financial AICOMOS Full international members will be eligible for the 20 votes allocated to Australia. The criteria for priority of selection for voting members from the 2011 policy are as follows:
1. Current financial Full International or Young & Emerging Professional member of Australia ICOMOS; and
2. Definitely planning to attend the GA and willing to stay for the entire GA program, willing to commit to staying for the sessions involving GA Business and Voting; and
3. Willing to attend meetings of the Australian delegation to discuss voting preferences while at the GA; and
4. Willing to be guided by the voting strategy determined by the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee on behalf of all the members of Australia ICOMOS; and
5. One or more of the following:
• Current/former members of the Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee
• Current/former Australian members of the ICOMOS International Executive Committee
• Australian Chairs/Presidents of ISCs
• Australian voting members of ISCs
I invite those members who are committed to taking on responsibility as a voting member for Australia ICOMOS at the 2023 General assembly to submit a short Expression of Interest (EOI) (maximum 500 words) that:
• addresses the criteria as outlined in the 2011 policy above, noting that the required attendance at any and all meetings will be required
PLEASE NOTE: Preference will be given to members who are currently active in ICOMOS and a minimum of two votes will be reserved for Young and Emerging Professionals. Please forward your EOI by 10 July to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – Calling for Mentors!
It’s here again! We need Australia ICOMOS members based in New South Wales to step up and join us as mentors for students from the University of Sydney. There may be a few students from VIC universities, but this will be extended to Victorian members if EOI is received from students studying at the University of Melbourne, Latrobe University and Deakin University.
This year we are part of a global effort to mentor students aiming for careers in cultural heritage as the triennial General Assembly (GA) of ICOMOS international will be held in Sydney between 31st August and 9th September where our mentees may have the opportunity to participate in and attend to a number of events associated with the GA 2023.
Our program has run since 2011 and has been enthusiastically received by both mentors and mentees. The pilot program commenced in the ACT in 2010.
We always have many more students than mentors apply – this restricts the size of the program, so we rely on the generosity of ICOMOS members so that as many students as possible can be paired. Please join if you can!
What is required?
- It is very easy to be a mentor. We ask mentors to meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between July and November. These meetings can be in-person or virtual, and allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests.
- We will be holding the program launch event in Sydney in the first week of August to tie up with the commencement of Semester 2.
- There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return.
- How do I get involved as a MENTOR?
- If you would like to be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to Rebecca Davies, the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Executive Officer, at ( by cob on Friday, 7 July 2023.
- Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience, interests and current practice. This will assist the Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees.
- Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many students and mentors as possible.
- Mentors in other States and Territories: we often have mentoring opportunities in other States and Territories (for students studying by distance through one of the participating Universities). So, if you are keen, but don’t live in NSW – please send us your EOI. We will see what’s possible!
- How do I get involved as a MENTEE?
- Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university. Please contact the person at your university as a first step.
- When do we start?
- We will be matching students and mentors and hosting the launch event by mid to end-July. ‘Save the date’ information will be provided shortly.
- We hope that members based in NSW will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support students and emerging professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.for the 2023 Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Team
Kerime Danis (NSW)
ICOMOS Full International Membership: New electronic cards (E-cards)
From 2021 on, you can now download your membership card from your profile in the membership database. In order to do this, you must:
- have renewed your membership (by informing your National Committee, or the International Secretariat if there is no National Committee in your country, and proceeding to the payment of your 2021 membership fee)
- have uploaded a picture on your profile in the membership database.
ICOMOS_e-cards: How to upload a picture on your profile.
Please email the Secretariat ( if there are any problems.
Australia ICOMOS new membership category: Associate Institutional Membership
Australia ICOMOS has introduced a new membership category, known as Associate Institutional Membership. This new category aims to encourage diverse participation in Australia ICOMOS.
Fees for the new membership category are minimal and Associate Institutional Members will receive many Member Benefits including discounts at some Australia ICOMOS functions and conferences (for three full attendees) as well as discounts on Australia ICOMOS publications and a subscription to the Australia ICOMOS refereed journal Historic Environment.
The Associate Institutional Membership category is open to Indigenous Corporations registered with ORIC, charities, community groups and other organisations which can be approved at the discretion of the Executive Committee. It is open to organisations that accept the ICOMOS Ethical Principles and devote a substantial part of their activities to the conservation, protection, restoration, rehabilitation, enhancement or interpretation of cultural heritage. Details on how to apply for Associate Institutional Membership and a full list of benefits can be found on the Australia ICOMOS webpage.
Australasian Urban History/Planning History (AUHPH) | Group Postgraduate Symposium | Friday 22 September 2023 (Online event) | Closes 3 July 2023
We invite postgraduate researchers exploring topics related to urban and planning history in Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific nations to participate in a one-day online PhD Symposium to present and discuss their work. The symposium will provide a supportive and collegiate environment for students to receive thesis feedback and advice from academics working in the general field. We aim to foster connections, constructively critical discourse and build relationships among scholars working on city pasts in our region.
PhD (and also MPhil and Masters by Research) students are invited to submit an abstract for a proposed presentation at the symposium. Please don’t hesitate to contact the symposium organisers if you are unsure if your proposed topic suits the aims. We encourage the submission of work from students at all stages of their candidature.
Web address:
Cultural Heritage as a Resource – Technologies for the Paradigm Shift in Archaeology, Conservation and Education | Vienna 15 – 17 November 2023 | Submissions close 30 June 2023
This year’s CHNT will be looking at how to change the way we perceive and handle upcoming challenges and crises while focusing on archaeology and cultural heritage as a resource. The need for technological foundations, resources and education to allow for a digital interaction with cultural heritage assets, raises questions about the impact on workflows, distribution of knowledge, ethics, the digital divide and authenticity. The International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies provides a platform for exchanging views on the Cultural Heritage protection agenda. The focus is primarily on interdisciplinary cooperation between experts with a strong interest in the
application of new technologies in the field of cultural heritage.
The CHNT Committee invites you to submit a contribution in the form of a long abstract that relate to a specific session (lecture of max. 20 minutes) or round table (short talks of about 5 to 10 minutes). In addition, you can participate in various panels and workshops. Please find further information online:
Australia ICOMOS President’s Award | Closes 31 August 2023
Nominations for the 2023 President’s Award are now open!
The Australia ICOMOS President’s Award recognises the important contribution made by the active engagement of younger and/or emerging career heritage practitioners. The award is open to Australia ICOMOS members and non-members.
There are two categories for the President’s Award:
1. A student / young / emerging heritage practitioner
2. A trainee / apprentice or emerging tradesperson.
Winners of each category will be awarded a certificate, a 1 year Associate membership of Australia ICOMOS and $1000 cash prize!
Any nominees conferred a judges commendation will also be awarded a certificate and gift voucher (max value $100).
Nomination Process
Please see links below for the nomination form and rules for nominees:
Australia ICOMOS Presidents Award 2023 – Information for Nominees
AICOMOS Presidents Award – Nomination Form 2023
Nominations close 31st August 2023. Questions? Contact the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by email.
ICOMOS Student Competition 2023: 1960+ / Pleas for the Preservation of Postmodern Buildings | Closes 1 September 2023
The student competition 1960+ / Postmodernism will be focusing on the undogmatic creations of postmodernism. Students of architecture, interior design, urban planning, art history, restoration, archaeology, or other heritage-related disciplines are invited to use a postmodernist building of their own choice to either investigate its heritage qualities and values or to develop strategies for its (further) use, renovation or communication. The work is to be presented on an A1 poster (in German or English; work in groups of two is possible). The five to ten best works will be awarded prize money totalling 5000€.
Organisers of the competition: |
German National Committee of ICOMOS; Wüstenrot Foundation; Bauhaus University Weimar; Working Group Theory and Teaching of Monument Conservation; Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg; KIT |
Submission: |
Poster |
Deadline: |
1 September 2023 |
Award ceremony: |
November 2023 in Stuttgart, Germany |
More information on the competition task and the conditions of participation can be found here.
REGISTER NOW Everyday Heritage Symposium – Museum of Sydney | Sydney | 19 July 2023
WHEN: Wednesday 19 July 2023
TIME: 10:00am – 5:15pm (lunch and afternoon tea included)
WHERE: Warrane Theatre, Museum of Sydney
TICKETS: $65 (Students $35)
The Everyday Heritage Linkage project explores how different heritage practices can produce different forms of heritage. This symposium will examine methods, tools and approaches that engage with ‘everyday heritage’, or the values associated with ordinary people and everyday life. It will be of interest to industry practitioners, academics, students and others wishing to learn more about contemporary approaches to heritage from international leaders in this field.
The Symposium’s Keynote Speaker is Professor Sian Jones, University of Stirling, UK, an internationally recognised leader in heritage studies who has written extensively on authenticity, social value and on the role of the past in the production of power and identity. Speakers and panellists will include leading Australian and international special guests who are working at the intersections of heritage practice and theory (Prof Stuart Jeffrey, Glasgow School of Art; Prof Denis Byrne, Western Sydney University; Chris Johnston, Heritage Specialist; Martina Tenzer, PhD Researcher, University of York; Dr Damian Lucas, Heritage NSW), as well as team members from the Everyday Heritage Project.
The Symposium is also an Australia ICOMOS event that promotes the ICOMOS 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium which will take place in Sydney (31 August – 9 September).
TICKETS ON SALE The Australia ICOMOS Jim Kerr Address | Fremantle | 20 July 2023
The 2023 Australia ICOMOS Jim Kerr Address will be given by Emerita Professor Dr Carmen Lawrence AO PhD at Fremantle Prison on the evening of Thursday 20 July 2023.
With an introduction on behalf of Australia ICOMOS by distinguished conservation architect and ICOMOS Member, Mr Philip Griffiths LFRAIA RIBA MICOMOS.
The Australia ICOMOS Jim Kerr Address is proudly sponsored by Urbis.
Link for booking tickets:
Australia ICOMOS ACT Chapter Public Lecture | Prof. Stuart Jeffrey | Canberra | 11 July 2023, 5:30-7pm
WHEN: Tuesday 11 July 2023
TIME: 5.30 – 7.00pm
WHERE: GML Heritage and Australian Institute of Architects, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill ACT
TITLE: Digital Methods, co-design, and community participation
The link is:
Stuart Jeffrey is Professor of Digital Heritage, School of Simulation and Visualisation, at The Glasgow School of Art, UK. Stuart has published extensively on diverse topics in archaeology and computer science, including notions of digital authenticity, creative response in heritage, medieval sculpted stones, archaeological informatics, visualisation techniques, digital preservation, natural language processing, and the use of social media in archaeology.
Australia ICOMOS ACT Chapter Public Lecture | Martina Tenzer | Canberra | 25 July 2023, 5:30-7pm
WHEN: Tuesday 25 July 2023
TIME: 5.30 – 7.00pm
WHERE: GML Heritage and Australian Institute of Architects, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill ACT
TITLE: Story mapping for planning: understanding the factors for rootedness and place-attachment for an inclusive and sustainable heritage management of cultural landscapes
The link is:
This talk presents the results of a study that reveals the patterns of hidden values in cultural landscapes and offers an innovative method for the collection, analysis and visualisation of individual “stories”, using remote survey methods combined with Artificial Intelligence to create deep maps of attachment. This dataset, integrated into the traditional heritage datasets and assessment framework, can provide the people-centred background or insider knowledge necessary to facilitate sustainable, inclusive and transparent heritage management practices.
Martina is a PhD researcher at the University of York (UK), Department of Archaeology, focusing on methods for analysis and visualisation of public perception in cultural landscapes. Martina holds degrees in Landscape Archaeology and Prehistory and Classical Archaeology. Martina’s research interests include Contemporary Archaeology; Historic Landscape Characterisation; landscapes of biodiversity and climate change impact; and Artificial Intelligence in heritage management.
International Festival of Luoghi Parlanti (Talking Places), The World in Florence | Hybrid | 21-23 November 2023, CEST
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the third edition of the International Festival of Luoghi Parlanti (Talking Places), The World in Florence, which will be held again this year in a hybrid format (in-person and remote), in Florence, from November 21st to 23rd, 2023.
The previous editions in 2021 and 2022 brought together over 140 speakers from 37 countries across 5 continents to share and compare their experiences and attend high-level interventions in the field of cultural and natural heritage.
Throughout our over thirty-year history, we have emphasized how cultural heritage is a powerful tool for uniting people worldwide and can strongly contribute to sustainable territorial development and peaceful coexistence. The issues of the contemporary world, such as the effects of climate change and war, make these activities of comparison more and more necessary, finding synergies between the world of theory and that of practice, in order to direct all activities towards more sustainable and ethical practices.
Therefore, Festival participants (universities, local administrations, cultural operators, and businesses) will be called upon to tell the story of their territories through a storytelling of their traditional knowledge and cultural, tangible, intangible, and natural heritage, making the Festival a place for exchanging and sharing good practices from all over the world, where they can interact with various categories of interlocutors.
We trust that you share the goals of the Festival and that you will want to participate and contribute to the knowledge and enhancement of your territory and its spirit. We invite you to download the participation call at
NEW Auditor General’s Report – NSW State Heritage Assets
This audit assessed how effectively the Department of Planning and Environment (Heritage NSW) is overseeing and administering heritage assets of state significance.
Heritage NSW does not have adequate oversight of state significant heritage assets, presenting risks to its ability to promote the objects of the Heritage Act.
Information gaps and weaknesses in quality assurance processes limit its capacity to effectively regulate activities affecting assets listed on the State Heritage Register.
Heritage NSW has adopted a focus on customer service and recently improved its timeliness in providing advice and making decisions about activities affecting listed assets. But Heritage NSW has not demonstrated how its customer-focused priorities will address known risks to its core regulatory responsibilities.
Listed assets owned by government entities are often of high heritage value. Heritage NSW could do more to promote effective heritage management among these entities.
Heritage and climate change – new Victorian guidance to assist in understanding the vulnerability of heritage places and objects to the impacts of climate change
The Heritage Council of Victoria, in partnership with Heritage Victoria, has just released new guidance to help owners and managers of heritage places and objects to consider the vulnerability of their place or object to the impacts of climate change.
The resources can be found on the Heritage Council’s website: Heritage and climate change. 
The Heritage Council would like to thank Heritage Victoria for their partnership and dedication to the project that has produced these resources. They would also like to acknowledge the work and expertise of Extent Heritage, Point Advisory, Carrig Conservation International and GML Heritage in their development of the different resources.
The Heritage Council would also like to thank the Anglican Parish of Warrnambool, Charter Hall, Forest, Fire and Regions (Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action), the National Trust (Victoria), Parks Victoria and the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne for providing information and images for use in the 10 case studies.
Difficult Conversations | 2023 | Ursula Frederick, Ashley Harrison, Tracy Ireland and Justin Magee | British Council
A new open access book edited by Ursula Frederick, Ashley Harrison, Tracy Ireland and Justin Magee brings together cultural heritage and creative arts perspectives to explore the role of culture and art in giving voice to often silenced social issues. The essays, poems and artwork contained within powerfully demonstrate, collectively and individually, how arts research can inspire us to think differently about injustice and inequality in our societies. They show how artists, performers, poets, curators and cultural researchers can all trigger meaningful, and potentially reparative, engagement with past trauma and conflicts and their lingering impacts in the present day. With a primary focus on the contexts of Australia and Northern Ireland, but including also discussions relating to Japan, Canada, Chile and attending to themes that are of global relevance, this volume, and the wider Difficult Conversations project of which it is part, present a diverse, eloquent and provocative statement on the potential of the arts and culture to encourage dialogue and to help build trust and understanding.
Click here to read more.
Historic Environment Vol 33 (1&2) 2021(2023) Intangible cultural heritage in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
NEW SITUATION VACANT Technical Lead or Principal – Heritage Archaeologist / Heritage Advisor | NGH VIC | Applications open until candidate found
Click here for further information
NEW SITUATION VACANT Senior Archaeologist & Heritage Advisor | NGH VIC | Applications open until position filled
Click here for further information
NEW SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant Mid to Senior | NGH | Multiple Roles NSW/ACT | Applications open until position filled
Click here for further information
NEW SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant Mid to Senior | NGH |QLD |Applications open until position filled
Click here for further information
NEW SITUATION VACANT General Manager Biodiversity & Heritage | NGH | Flexible Location | Applications open until position filled
People and Capability System – Administration – Career – View Job – General Manager, Biodiversity and Heritage (
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Carpenter | Port Arthur Historic Sites | Full -Time | Applications Close 3 July 2023
Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority is seeking a new carpenter for our Works Crew. The position will involve specialised carpentry and joinery trade skills and other support in conservation, maintenance and new works across our three sites (Port Arthur Historic Site, Coal Mines Historic Site and Cascades Female Factory). Details of the position can be found at
Antarctic Archaeology Opportunity | Archaeology Project | Antarctic Heritage Trust | EOI closes 3 July 2023
The Antarctic Heritage Trust (New Zealand) is seeking Expressions of Interest from qualified Archaeologists for project work relating to Antarctic Historic Expedition Bases in the Ross Sea Region. Submissions close 3 July 2023. Further information and contact details available at
SITUATION VACANT Aboriginal Heritage Team Leader | Extent Heritage | Full-time | Melbourne | Applications remain open until the position is successfully filled
Extent has an exciting opportunity for an experienced senior heritage advisor with specialist expertise in Aboriginal heritage. We are seeking a new Team Leader for our Victorian Aboriginal heritage team, based in our Melbourne office in Brunswick.
This is a great opportunity for an experienced practitioner who is ready to step up into a team leadership role and join our national management team. It is also an opportunity for an experienced team leader who is seeking a move into a specialist heritage consultancy that is run and owned by heritage professionals and is committed to high quality innovative research work.
We offer you the opportunity to pursue new research and contribute to shaping the methods and direction of Aboriginal heritage research within Extent and in heritage practice more broadly. We also offer the opportunity to work on some of the most significant, high-profile projects in Victoria.
This is a great opportunity to work with and mentor some of the most experienced Aboriginal heritage practitioners in Australia. You will have a talented and highly motivated team ready to work with you, including the support of highly respected senior professionals in the Victorian team.
Aboriginal heritage management has always been a core part of our Victorian operations and we have led the way on so many fronts. We see this as a key long-term appointment within our firm and we will be offering an extremely attractive salary package to the right candidate.
To be considered for this exciting opportunity, please provide your CV (a maximum of two pages), the details of two referees, and a cover letter addressing the selection criteria.
Click here for more information and to apply.
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Architect | RBA Architects | Victoria | Applications reviewed upon submission
We are seeking an experienced Conservation Architect (five to seven years post-graduate experience) with a passion for built heritage and contemporary architecture to join our growing team. Working alongside our director and project architects, you’ll lead conservation and adaptive re-use projects of varying scales ensuring excellent outcomes for the heritage assets, broader site, and our clients.
The ideal candidate will have the confidence, tenacity and ability to design, document and deliver projects with exceptional outcomes. A detailed knowledge of current best practice conservation techniques, legislation and standards, and excellent management and interpersonal skills is essential to the role.
Take a look at our website and socials, and submit a CV along with a portfolio to Roger Beeston, Director —
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant | Edwards Heritage Consultants (EHC) | Full-time | Sydney | Applications reviewed upon submission
An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced and self-motivated Heritage Consultant to join our small, dedicated and respected practice on a full-time basis within the historic and adaptively re-used Windsor fire station in northwest Sydney, undertaking some exciting and challenging projects.
We are seeking someone with excellent written and verbal communication skills and a passion for heritage within the built environment. You’ll have experience in preparing complex heritage management documentation, a demonstrated ability to provide responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice, and a good understanding of heritage legislation and the NSW heritage system generally.
Reporting to the Director, you’ll work on a varied and exciting project portfolio, including undertaking and managing site inspections and other related fieldwork. Ideally, you will have 2-5 years experience in heritage management and conservation practice, with a background in architecture, planning, archaeology, or other similar and relevant fields.
The role will be supported by a small team of highly experienced heritage experts and is a fantastic position for the right person, with opportunities to develop new skills and professional development.
Interested in this fantastic career opportunity and want to join our team? We’d love to hear from you! Send us an email and include your resume and a cover letter addressing the key requirements. If you wish to have a confidential discussion about the role or EHC, introduce yourself by email at All applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
Please check the job description here
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant | Trethowan | Full-time | Cremorne | Applications remain open until the position is successfully filled
Trethowan has an exciting full-time opening for a dynamic and experienced (2 years min) Heritage Consultant.
Working within our multidisciplined studio in Cremorne, the role will be involved in a wide range of projects at various stages of design, planning and works on site.
If this is something you would be interested in and would like to find out more or wish to submit an application (CV and covering letter outlining why you are suitable for the role) please email
SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist/Heritage Consultant | GML Heritage | Full-time/Part-time | Canberra | Applications remain open until the position is successfully filled
GML Heritage seeks an experienced Archaeologist and heritage professional to join our Canberra consulting team. Expressions of interest from all suitably qualified and experienced candidates are encouraged, including those who require added flexibility – hybrid/remote working options and flexible working hours (e.g., part time, compressed hours etc) are possible. This role will feed your passion for Aboriginal heritage, cultural and historical heritage, and archaeology. Technical proficiency in these areas coupled with your mature communication and project management skills will help you deliver quality outcomes for heritage, clients, and community stakeholders. Experience in Aboriginal community consultation, historical archaeology, and Graphical Information System (GIS) mapping is highly desirable.
Click here for more information and to apply.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131