NEW Latest GA2023 News and Updates
NEW A Sustainable GA2023
NEW GA2023 Youth Forum Applications are open!
ICOMOS GA2023 sponsorship opportunities
NEW South Australia ICOMOS | Christmas Drinks and Workshop | 7 December 2022
NEW Australia ICOMOS Emerging Professionals (ACT) | Christmas Drink | Canberra | 7 December, 5.30-7pm
Australia ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Network NSW | networking event | Millers Point | 10 November, 6pm
REMINDER Australia ICOMOS secretariat: reduced hours
Jim Kerr Address Working Group | call for Expressions of Interest
2022 WHIPIC online lecture and webinar series | Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention | 25 August to 3 November
NEW Greater Blue Mountains Area National Heritage Assessment | consultation period closes 16 November
NEW George Proudman Fellowship | heritage stonemasonry | applications close 11 November
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2023-2024 | applications close 1 November 2022
NEW Flood recovery resources | Heritage Victoria
NEW Remembering and Re-storying | Nathan “Mudyi” Sentance | First Nations Speaker Series | Sydney | 2 November, 6-7pm
NEW Heritage and Place in Parkville | 6th Annual International Symposium of ACAHUCH | Melbourne + online | 4 November
NEW The Modern House is History | panel discussion | Sydney | 5 November, 1-2.20pm
NEW Connecting People and Place | Everyday Heritage workshop | Canberra | 9 November, 10am-4pm
NEW Connecting Digital Archives, People and Place | Everyday Heritage symposium | Canberra | 10 November, 3.30-6pm
NEW Drawing for Architecture | Open House Hobart workshop | Hobart | 11 November, 10am-3pm
Boorloo Heritage Festival 2023 | City of Perth | request for proposal | submissions close 30 November
‘Introducing Mortars: materials, mixes and methods’ | Heritage Council of Victoria seminar by David Young | East Melbourne | 23 November, 3-5pm
Sydney Open | Sydney Living Museums | 5 + 6 November
NEW Cambridge Heritage Centre Research Bulletin
NEW SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Project Officer | Liverpool City Council | Sydney
NEW SITUATION VACANT Graduate Archaeologist (Heritage, NSW) | Biosis | Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Albury and Gosford | closes 7 November
NEW SITUATION VACANT Associate Director | Urbis | Melbourne | closes 18 November
NEW Latest GA2023 News and Updates
Click here to access the latest news and updates for the 21st Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS, which will be hosted in Sydney in August 2023.
NEW A Sustainable GA2023
We are committed to making GA2023 environmentally and socially sustainable and to creating opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-owned businesses and employment. Consumption, conference paper handouts and giveaways will be minimised. The conference program and abstracts will be available on the GA2023 app and website.
Our main venue, ICC Sydney, was Gold certified by the internationally recognised LEED© green building program in 2017 and is also EarthCheck Silver certified. Food and wine are locally sourced and uneaten food is donated to charity partners to feed those in need. ICC recycling stations allow for pre-sorting of waste, with off-site recycling and organic waste processing producing fertiliser and green energy.
You can help to reduce the GA2023 carbon footprint……
Please fly Qantas and purchase airline carbon offsets – Qantas is proud to be the Official Airline Partner of ICOMOS GA2023. Through their Fly Carbon Neutral Program, Qantas customers are able to support accredited projects that offset their carbon footprint and make a positive impact on our planet. Tick-the-box to Fly Carbon Neutral when booking your flight and when you use cash to fly carbon neutral, Qantas will match your contributions dollar for dollar. GA2023 registered delegates and travel partners can also access discounted Qantas fares on eligible flights via the GA2023 booking portal by entering the password GA2023.
Reusable water bottles and water stations will be provided, but please bring your own reusable cups for hot beverages.
Following GA2023, EarthCheck, our ICOMOS GA2023 Sustainability Patron, will prepare an energy post-audit report. Unavoidable consumption will be offset by purchasing carbon offsets from social and environmental enterprises.
Further details are available in our Sustainability Guide and Aboriginal Procurement Policy. We look forward to seeing you and working together to make ICOMOS events sustainable into the future.
Helen Wilson ICOMOS GA2023 Sustainability Focal Point
NEW GA2023 Youth Forum Applications are open!
The GA2023 Youth Forum will be held on Cockatoo Island / Wareamah – part of the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage property, over three days from Friday 1 to Sunday 3 September 2023, with generous support from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust.
This event will welcome emerging heritage professionals from across the world to share skills and experiences, debate contemporary heritage issues, discuss innovative practices, and pose outcomes for the future of heritage.
We’re thrilled to announce Round 1 for Expressions of Interest are now open. Below you will find more information on the application process and timelines.
To submit your Youth Forum EOI, please refer to the application requirements:
ICOMOS GA2023 sponsorship opportunities
Australia ICOMOS is exceedingly grateful to the Strategic Partners and Corporate Patrons whose support makes it possible to host the 21st Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (‘GA2023’) in Sydney, Australia next year.
GA2023 has strong support from the Australian and NSW Governments, the City of Sydney, and many other Strategic Partners. GA2023 events will occur at iconic venues including Sydney Opera House, Hyde Park Barracks, Luna Park, The Australian Museum and Cockatoo Island / Wareamah.
Generous GA2023 Corporate Patrons are also providing much-needed financial support and participating in the GA2023 program. GA2023 Corporate Patrons not only have the opportunity to contribute to one of the most significant heritage events ever staged in Australia, they also benefit through creation of an impactful national and international profile, while contributing directly to a legacy for Australia’s cultural heritage and the communities who value and care for it. Networking and workshop opportunities, unique activations and initiatives and participation in the GA2023 Heritage Exposition are available.
ICOMOS Members and E-News subscribers who may be interested in pursuing GA2023 Corporate Patron opportunities are invited to contact the GA2023 team or seek a GA2023 Prospectus here.
NEW South Australia ICOMOS | Christmas Drinks and Workshop | 7 December 2022
South Australian members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to a workshop on Conserving SA’s Vernacular Heritage at State Heritage Place, Knights Cottage, followed by Christmas drinks at Stirling Hotel.
Date: 7 December
Workshop: 3-5pm, 46 Gould Rd, Stirling
Drinks: 6pm, 54 Mount Barker Rd, Stirling
Click here for the event flyer.
To book, contact Kirsty Nield:, 0456 774 237
NEW Australia ICOMOS Emerging Professionals (ACT) | Christmas Drink | Canberra | 7 December, 5.30-7pm
ACT emerging heritage professionals are invited to come for a Christmas drink to meet other professionals in a non-formal setting with special guests Tracy Ireland (Australia ICOMOS President) and Duncan Marshall (former Australia ICOMOS Vice President).
Wednesday 7th December, 5.30pm
Two Blind Mice, Curtin
All enquiries can be forwarded to Lily Black (0478 137 729,
Australia ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Network NSW | networking event | Millers Point | 10 November, 6pm
All are welcome to our first casual networking event for emerging heritage professionals on Thursday 10th of November 2022, at 6pm at the Hero of Waterloo Hotel, Millers Point. With special guest Jane Alexander, Advocacy Manager of the National Trust NSW.
For additional information, contact Lauren Schutz at 0435 383 598 or
REMINDER Australia ICOMOS secretariat: reduced hours
The Australia ICOMOS secretariat is currently operating at reduced hours. Emails sent to the secretariat inbox will be responded to as soon as possible. For the next couple of months, the e-news will be released fortnightly on Fridays rather than weekly. Thanks for your patience during this time.
Jim Kerr Address Working Group | call for Expressions of Interest
The Jim Kerr Address pays respect to Jim’s legacy by perpetuating open inquiry into the understanding of place and the constant review of progress in conservation philosophy and practice. The Jim Kerr Address is held on 18 April each year – the same day as the ICOMOS International Day on Monuments and Sites – in order to raise public awareness concerning the diversity of the world’s heritage and the efforts that are required to protect and conserve it, as well as to draw attention to its vulnerability.
In accordance with AI’s strategic planning, we are calling for AI members to submit their Expressions of Interest for a new JKA Working Group which will seek to move this significant event to a national platform. We are seeking representatives from each state, to contribute to and assist with the organisation of the event going forward. The intention is to look at holding the event in various locations throughout Australia.
In the first instance, please provide your EOI in the form of email to Kylie Christian outlining your interest in a maximum of 250 words or less.
2022 WHIPIC online lecture and webinar series | Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention | 25 August to 3 November
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, the WHIPIC will hold 2 Webinars and 3 Lectures between 25 August and 3 November under the theme of ‘Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention’. Throughout the programs, there will be presentations and discussions centred on often overlooked areas in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and the role heritage interpretation can play to rectify those gaps, while also reflecting on the past 50 years of the Convention.
Click here for more information and to view the program.
NEW Greater Blue Mountains Area National Heritage Assessment | consultation period closes 16 November
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has launched the public consultation for the Greater Blue Mountains Area National Heritage assessment: additional values and areas. The consultation period runs until 16 November 2022.
DCCEEW is seeking comments on the heritage assessment primarily via email and an online Have Your Say survey. This link takes you to the Have Your Say survey. You are welcome to participate in the survey and share your comments on adding additional values and areas to the Greater Blue Mountains Area National Heritage listing by emailing
If you have any questions please also email
NEW George Proudman Fellowship | heritage stonemasonry | applications close 11 November
The George Proudman Fellowship (GPF) is sponsored by the stone industry and the NSW Government. The successful Fellow is awarded up to $12,000 towards individual skills enhancement for the benefit of heritage stonemasonry in Australia. The GPF provides opportunities for a stonemason to travel overseas to gain experience that may not be readily available in Australia.
Applications close 11 November 2022.
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2023-2024 | applications close 1 November 2022
The Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program provides opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to the field of conservation. Guest Scholar grants are for established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields.
Applications are welcome from researchers and practitioners of all nationalities working in conservation, historic preservation, heritage science, heritage studies, and related fields. Applicants should have at least seven years’ experience and should have an established record of publications and other contributions to the field. Proposals for postdoctoral research or research that contributes to a PhD or other academic degree will not be considered.
For eligibility, terms, and how to apply, visit The application deadline is November 1, 2022.
For questions regarding the program or the application process, please contact:
NEW Flood recovery resources | Heritage Victoria
Victorian floods – have you seen any damaged heritage?
Heritage Victoria extends our thoughts to all who are impacted by the flooding event underway.
We have a dedicated team that can quickly respond to weather events and other disasters as they occur. This helps ensure better recovery outcomes for Victoria’s significant heritage. The team is analysing flood mapping data to identify potentially impacted heritage sites. The next few weeks will see more inundations and we will continue to analyse data as it comes to hand.
There are a lot of key community buildings out there that are vital to the operation of large and small regional towns. Many of these places, like Court Houses, Post Office and Town Halls, are listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. Timber bridges are also at particular risk. During this flood, and any that follow, Heritage Victoria would be grateful if you could let us know if you see anything that may be of concern. Please send any information you have about impacted sites to our Emergency and Bushfire Recovery team at:
We have also updated our disaster preparedness and recovery resources list to highlight flood resources. You can access it here: If you are a regular visitor to the Heritage Victoria website, you may need to clear your browser history to see the update.
Please remember that your safety is of paramount importance and that floodwaters are dangerous. Please adhere to warnings and evacuation messages from Vic Emergency and Vic Traffic and stay safe out there.
NEW Remembering and Re-storying | Nathan “Mudyi” Sentance | First Nations Speaker Series | Sydney | 2 November, 6-7pm
How do we get audiences to engage with uncomfortable histories, especially histories related to the ongoing impact of settler colonialism?
Wiradjuri librarian and museum educator Nathan “Mudyi” Sentance has been asking this question for over a decade. Join him on Wednesday 2 November for the First Nations Speaker Series as he discusses how he has worked to create more space in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums for First Nations representation and truth telling.
Listen to his journey to examine new ways to get audiences to engage in uncomfortable histories and how instead of guilt or anger, audiences learning brutal histories were inspired to action.
Date: Wednesday 2 November, 6pm-7pm
Location: Museum of Sydney, corner Bridge and Phillip streets, Sydney
Register here for this free talk. This talk will also be streamed online.
The First Nations Speaker Series is a collaboration between GML Heritage, Sydney Living Museums and the Research Centre for Deep History at the Australian National University.
NEW Heritage and Place in Parkville | 6th Annual International Symposium of ACAHUCH | Melbourne + online | 4 November
The values ascribed to streets and landscapes, buildings and places shift over time. Access, interpretation and display have become crucial components in recognising and enacting conservation.
The landscape of Quor-nóng/Royal Park has been inhabited by First Peoples for millennia. Following colonisation, Royal Park was reserved as a public park with neighbourhoods and institutions constructed on its edges. Park Life seeks to interrogate the impact of institutions such as the university, hospitals, a prison, a major park and a zoo, as well as local precincts. Parkville is a suburb of diverse building types surrounding Royal Park, and home to major Melbourne institutions including the symposium host, the University of Melbourne. Parkville has played a pivotal role in Australian understandings of heritage, memory, commemoration, and dwelling.
In 1972, South Parkville was declared Melbourne’s first historic area by the National Trust. This one-day symposium strives to examine how global and national understandings of heritage have been reflected in all parts of Parkville, and what different meanings Parkville has come to take on since that time.
Further information on the ACAHUCH site here.
NEW The Modern House is History | panel discussion | Sydney | 5 November, 1-2.20pm
This year marks fifty years since the publication of Jennifer Taylor’s landmark book An Australian Identity: Houses for Sydney 1953-63. The book is an optimistic account of the postwar, architect-designed house and its project home cousin. In it Taylor contends that Sydney is home to a culturally distinctive, regionally derived domestic architecture. But more than that, she also claims that the kinds of houses featured in the book could play a crucial part in addressing the city’s housing needs.
To celebrate the anniversary please join us for a panel discussion that will explore legacy of Taylor’s book and the status of the buildings she documented. Architects, critics and historians will respond to the following questions: Can we still view the architect-designed modern house as Taylor did? If not, how should we understand them? And what do the answers to these questions tell us about what we should do to protect and preserve them?
Speakers: Richard Leplastrier AO, Catherine Lassen and Cameron Logan
This event is presented by Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning, at the University of Sydney in association with Sydney Living Museums and Sydney Open 2022.
NEW Connecting People and Place | Everyday Heritage workshop | Canberra | 9 November, 10am-4pm
This free, full-day workshop will explore how we can use digital tools to connect people and place over time.
The everyday lives of people in the past can be glimpsed through online sources such as Trove’s digitised newspapers and the records of national and state archives. This workshop will help you find, capture, enrich, and share data from these sources to build new online narratives that highlight everyday experiences and contextualise them within time and space.
WHEN: Wednesday 9 November 2022
WHERE: University of Canberra
TIME: 10am – 4pm
REGISTRATION: Please email to book your space
COST: Free
Click here for more information.
NEW Connecting Digital Archives, People and Place | Everyday Heritage symposium | Canberra | 10 November, 3.30-6pm
The Australian Research Council funded Everyday Heritage Linkage project is a collaboration between the universities of Canberra, Tasmania, Western Australia, and New South Wales and Partner Organisation GML Heritage.
As part of this project, the ‘Everyday Heritage Symposium: Connecting Digital Archives, People and Place’ will take place from 1530-1800 (followed by drinks) on Thursday 10 November at the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, McCoy Circuit, Acton, ACT.
This symposium will explore the concept of ‘everyday heritage’ and how professionals, academics and communities engage with the values of everyday lived experience. The symposium will provide opportunities to engage with current heritage thinking and discuss a range of methods and tools that can make ordinary people from the past visible and create value around everyday experiences and places in the present.
The event is free. Registration is essential via the link on the Everyday Heritage website:
NEW Drawing for Architecture | Open House Hobart workshop | Hobart | 11 November, 10am-3pm
Join Prince’s Trust Australia and INTBAU Australia as part of Open House Hobart for an exciting one-day workshop introducing students to the art of architectural drawing.
Taught by Alexander Dowthwaite, this workshop will introduce students to traditional methods of architectural drawing with a focus on cultivating the “art of seeing”, or understanding the composition of heritage buildings through drawing.
Through a “pencil-and-paper” approach, students will gain an appreciation of the design patterns that underly Australia’s architectural heritage and learn to decode the meanings behind the composition of our historic buildings and places.
Where: 1/19a Hunter Street, Hobart
When: Friday the 11th of November, 10AM – 3PM (lunch provided)
What you will learn: Architectural sketching, drafting and composition
Price: $15 (lunch included)
Tickets: Tickets can be purchased here.
Boorloo Heritage Festival 2023 | City of Perth | request for proposal | submissions close 30 November
The City of Perth will host Boorloo Heritage Festival for the month of April 2023. Boorloo is the Whadjuk Nyoongar name for the area known as Perth and the City of Perth recognises the Whadjuk Nyoongar peoples as the traditional owners of the land.
Boorloo Heritage Festival celebrates the city’s unique natural, built and cultural heritage. It aims to celebrate our rich cultural diversity and inspire a sense of pride and belonging to a shared cultural heritage.
The City of Perth is seeking submissions for events and activities throughout its neighbourhoods for Boorloo Heritage Festival, celebrating our natural, built, and cultural heritage.
Click here for more information.
‘Introducing Mortars: materials, mixes and methods’ | Heritage Council of Victoria seminar by David Young | East Melbourne | 23 November, 3-5pm
The Technical Guide Mortars: materials, mixes and methods by David Young OAM is an essential resource for anyone wishing to repair older stone or brick buildings in Australia.
The Heritage Council of Victoria is pleased to offer a two-hour in-person seminar, delivered by David Young, to all those involved in the conservation and repair of historic buildings, including specifiers and doers!
The Seminar will introduce the key elements of the technical guide:
- what we’ve learnt in recent decades about lime mortars and how they were made
- why we should continue to specify and use lime mortars
- understanding what makes a good sand
- the importance of producing compatible mortar mixes, and
- the key aspects of repointing mortar joints in older stone and brick buildings.
There will be ample opportunities for questions. Attendees on the day will receive a hard copy of the Technical Guide.
Date: Wednesday, 23 November 2022
Time: 3:00 to 5:00 pm
Location: Hughes Room, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 250–290 Spring Street, East Melbourne
If you wish to attend please email
Places are strictly limited. The seminar will not be recorded.
Sydney Open | Sydney Living Museums | 5 + 6 November

On Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 November, go behind the scenes at more than 50 of the most significant and inspiring buildings and spaces across the CBD and Greater Sydney.
Explore some of the newest and most innovative buildings in the city, such as the impressive Quay Quarter Tower, and rediscover heritage gems, including Government House and the Anzac Memorial. Join a guided Focus Tour to learn the secrets and stories of buildings and spaces across the CBD, in Parramatta and beyond.
Sydney Open is presented by Sydney Living Museums.
Tickets will be released 28 September. Click here to book.
NEW Cambridge Heritage Centre Research Bulletin
Click here for the latest Cambridge Heritage Research Bulletin.
NEW SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Project Officer | Liverpool City Council | Sydney | closes 6 November
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Senior Heritage Project Officer to join Liverpool City Council’s City Design and Public Domain team. This role is ideal for an experienced and skilled Heritage Architect or Heritage Planner looking to gain experience working in one of the largest, most diverse, and fastest growing Local Government Area’s in metropolitan Sydney.
NEW SITUATION VACANT Graduate Archaeologist (Heritage, NSW) | Biosis | Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Albury and Gosford | closes 7 November
Biosis knows our people are our greatest asset and want more great people to join our Heritage Team across NSW. We have a number of exciting opportunities for Graduate Archaeologists to join our Heritage team on a full time 12-month contract. There is an opportunity to extend this for the right candidate.
The Graduate Archaeologist is a developing technical professional in the early stages of their career, usually a recent university graduate but we are open to those with some experience under their belt. We are looking for Grads with an interest in either Aboriginal or Historical Archaeology, but you don’t have to specialise in either.
We offer all our graduates a structured training and development program from day one as well as the opportunity to be mentored from experienced experts in the team. We want you to grow your career with us and we give you the right balance or space and structure to do just that.
To be considered for this role, please forward your CV and cover letter which demonstrate these required skills and attributes to :
- Appropriate tertiary qualifications in Archaeology or an equivalent discipline.
- An ability to work on site, away from home and in remote locations if necessary.
- A current drivers licence
- Competency with the Microsoft Office suite or similar packages.
- Interpersonal and relationship building skills.
- Australian citizenship/residency, or a valid work permit.
- Previous working experience is desirable, but not essential (particularly within a consulting environment).
For more information, contact Mitchelle Lebani on 03 8686 4863.
Applications will close at 5pm on Monday 7 November 2022.
Biosis encourages people from all backgrounds to apply, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
NEW SITUATION VACANT Associate Director | Urbis | Melbourne | closes 18 November
We are seeking a suitably qualified Associate Director with a strong client focus, excellent communication skills and the ability to deliver technical excellence to join our Melbourne practice as part of the wider national heritage team. We are looking for someone with a passion for built heritage who is wanting to develop their career. As a key member of the management team, you will have the opportunity to work across a diverse range of projects, contributing to reports and providing advice to our clients.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Elizabeth Gralton
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131