Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 1039


NEW ICOMOS GA2023 sponsorship opportunities 
NEW ICOMOS GA2023 | Scientific Symposium | abstract submission extended to 30 September 2022
General Assembly and Scientific Symposium: ICOMOS Contacts


REMINDER Australia ICOMOS secretariat: reduced hours
NEW Jim Kerr Address Working Group | call for Expressions of Interest


NEW ICAHM Annual Meeting | The World Heritage Convention at 50 | call for papers extended to 29 September
NEW CIHCLM International Congress on Luso-Brazilian Construction History | Portugal | 4-7 September 2023 | call for abstracts closes 31 December
Big Stuff 2022 | Working together? Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technology heritage | Seixal, Portugual | 28-29 September
2022 WHIPIC online lecture and webinar series | Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention | 25 August to 3 November
ICOMOS CIF Symposium and AGM | Advancing Education for Architectural Conservation | Florence | 26-27 September


NEW 2022 WA Heritage Awards | nominations close 12 October
NEW 2023 Rolex Awards for Enterprise | applications close 17 October 2022
Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2023-2024 | applications close 1 November 2022


NEW The Architecture of an Icon | panel discussion on the architecture of the Bondi Pavilion | Sydney | 25 September, 1.30pm
NEW Working with Dymphna and Manning at Manning Clark House | talk by Dr Roslyn Russell | Canberra | 26 September, 12pm
NEW Sydney Open | Sydney Living Museums | 5 + 6 November 
NEW Geelong CBD Walk | National Trust Geelong & Region Branch | 2 + 9 October 
NEW WHIPIC survey | Concepts and Definitions of Heritage Interpretation and Heritage Presentation | 19 September – 4 October
Heritage walks in Orange | 20th Century Heritage Society NSW | 1-3 October


NEW SITUATION VACANT: Built Heritage Consultant | Biosis | Sydney | closes 3 October
EOI SOUGHT: Historical Sources Project: Greenough on Yamatji Country | National Trust WA | submissions close 23 September



NEW ICOMOS GA2023 sponsorship opportunities 

Australia ICOMOS is exceedingly grateful to the Strategic Partners and Corporate Patrons whose support makes it possible to host the 21st Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (‘GA2023’) in Sydney, Australia next year.

GA2023 has strong support from the Australian and NSW Governments, the City of Sydney, and many other Strategic Partners. GA2023 events will occur at iconic venues including Sydney Opera House, Hyde Park Barracks, Luna Park, The Australian Museum and Cockatoo Island / Wareamah.

Generous GA2023 Corporate Patrons are also providing much-needed financial support and participating in the GA2023 program. GA2023 Corporate Patrons not only have the opportunity to contribute to one of the most significant heritage events ever staged in Australia, they also benefit through creation of an impactful national and international profile, while contributing directly to a legacy for Australia’s cultural heritage and the communities who value and care for it. Networking and workshop opportunities, unique activations and initiatives and participation in the GA2023 Heritage Exposition are available.

ICOMOS Members and E-News subscribers who may be interested in pursuing GA2023 Corporate Patron opportunities are invited to contact the GA2023 team or seek a GA2023 Prospectus here.


NEW ICOMOS GA2023 | Scientific Symposium | abstract submission extended to 30 September 2022

The call for abstracts for each of the four Themes and five Programs of the GA2023 Scientific Symposium has been extended by one week. The closing date is now Friday 30 September. Submit your abstract for a session, paper, or poster through the GA2023 Abstract Submission Portal. For information on abstract formats and the submission process, go to Don’t delay!

You are encouraged not to submit your abstract at the last minute (in case you have any issues in using the Portal), but rather submit it at least one day in advance of the closing day/time.


General Assembly and Scientific Symposium: ICOMOS Contacts

With just one year to go before the 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS is hosted in Sydney, planning and preparations are in full swing. Australia ICOMOS and the GA2023 team are pleased to provide the following contacts to assist in directing GA2023 enquiries to the best person:

GA2023 Convenor: Richard Mackay
Professional Conference Organisers: Arinex
General Enquiries:
Functions and Protocol:
Gala Dinner:
Grants and Reporting: Richard Mackay
Greater Blue Mountains Visit: Fiona Leslie
Heritage Exposition: Michael Queale
Heritage Lecture: Caroline Butler-Bowdon
International Scientific Committees: Ian Kelly
Social Media: Jaq Anderson
Opening Ceremony:
Side Events: Kylie Christian
Scientific Symposium: Steve Brown
Sustainability: Helen Wilson
Pre- and Post- Tours:
Welcomes to Country: Richard Mackay
Youth Forum: Michelle Bashta



REMINDER Australia ICOMOS secretariat: reduced hours

The Australia ICOMOS secretariat is currently operating at reduced hours. Emails sent to the secretariat inbox will be responded to as soon as possible. For the next couple of months, the e-news will be released fortnightly on Fridays rather than weekly. Thanks for your patience during this time.


NEW Jim Kerr Address Working Group | call for Expressions of Interest

The Jim Kerr Address pays respect to Jim’s legacy by perpetuating open inquiry into the understanding of place and the constant review of progress in conservation philosophy and practice. The Jim Kerr Address is held on 18 April each year – the same day as the ICOMOS International Day on Monuments and Sites – in order to raise public awareness concerning the diversity of the world’s heritage and the efforts that are required to protect and conserve it, as well as to draw attention to its vulnerability.

In accordance with AI’s strategic planning, we are calling for AI members to submit their Expressions of Interest for a new JKA Working Group which will seek to move this significant event to a national platform. We are seeking representatives from each state, to contribute to and assist with the organisation of the event going forward. The intention is to look at holding the event in various locations throughout Australia.

In the first instance, please provide your EOI in the form of email to Kylie Christian outlining your interest in a maximum of 250 words or less.



NEW ICAHM Annual Meeting | The World Heritage Convention at 50 | call for papers extended to 29 September

The World Heritage Convention at 50: Evolution and influence on Archaeological Heritage Management since 1972

The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) is happy to announce that the 2022 ICAHM Annual Meeting will be organized in Ireland at the Royal Irish Academy close cooperation with Irish partners: Royal Irish Academy, ICOMOS Ireland, National Monuments Service and the Historic Environment Division.

Conference Themes:

  • Key Issues in World Heritage Policies and Management
  • Re-visiting Notions of Integrity
  • Climate Change and Integrity
  • Exploring Concepts of Authenticity

The call for papers has been extended to 29 September. Click here for more details.


NEW CIHCLM International Congress on Luso-Brazilian Construction History | Portugal | 4-7 September 2023 | call for abstracts closes 31 December

The next CIHCLB International Congress on Luso-Brazilian Construction History will take place on September 4-7, 2023 in Guimarães, Portugal. The Special Theme of the Congress is Changing Environments.

Abstracts should be submitted according to the template available on the congress website by December 31, 2022. The authors should select one of the following topics:

  • Materials and construction techniques
  • Organization of construction activity and society
  • Dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge
  • The study of the history of construction
  • Changing environments.

Click here for abstract submission.

Further information about the congress can be found on the website and queries can be sent to the secretariat through the email


Big Stuff 2022 | Working together? Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technology heritage | Seixal, Portugual | 28-29 September

Big Stuff 2022 will be hosted on 28-29 September in Seixal in Portugal (across the Tagus River from Lisbon) with the theme of “Working together? Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technology heritage”. The conference will be set in and around the Seixal Ecomuseum (Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal) and the amazing Vale de Milhaços Gunpowder Factory with its operating steam equipment, water cooling fountain and beautiful forest setting. 
With pre- and post-visit tours on 27 and 30 September we would love to see you in person.  
If you cannot travel at this time, you can also join us online 

To register: 

To view the program: 

See you in Portugal (or online) in September! 
Big Stuff 2022 Organising Committee 


2022 WHIPIC online lecture and webinar series | Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention | 25 August to 3 November

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, the WHIPIC will hold 2 Webinars and 3 Lectures between 25 August and 3 November under the theme of ‘Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention’. Throughout the programs, there will be presentations and discussions centered on often overlooked areas in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and the role heritage interpretation can play to rectify those gaps, while also reflecting on the past 50 years of the Convention.

Click here for more information and to view the program.


ICOMOS CIF Symposium and AGM | Advancing Education for Architectural Conservation | Florence | 26-27 September

The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Education and Training (CIF) researches and promotes international cooperation in the field of education and training for the understanding, protection, conservation and management of built heritage, historic sites and cultural landscapes. 

The ICOMOS CIF 2022 Symposium will focus on education and training for the conservation of architectural and archaeological heritage, at all levels, understanding also the issues of professional competence and accreditation. It also intends to promote intergenerational engagement, bringing together very experienced professionals as well as emerging ones and students. The Symposium will include presentations by leading architectural conservation educators and architectural and archaeological conservation professionals and a round table.

Click here to for more information and view the program.

You can register to attend the event here.



NEW 2022 WA Heritage Awards | nominations close 12 October

Western Australia is celebrating 30-years of the WA Heritage Awards. The Western Australian Heritage Awards recognise outstanding commitment and contribution to heritage conservation, adaptive reuse, interpretation, tourism and promotion in Western Australia.

Nominate a heritage champion by 12 October 2022.


NEW 2023 Rolex Awards for Enterprise | applications close 17 October 2022

Australia ICOMOS members and E-News subscribers may be interested in the Rolex Awards for Enterprise – a philanthropic program of Rolex SA of Geneva which aims to encourage a spirit of enterprise and individuals around the world by supporting outstanding endeavours which advance human knowledge and well-being.

The awards provide funding support to implement or scale up significant projects and activities in a range of areas including the environment, science and health, applied technology, cultural heritage, and exploration. Proposals must expand knowledge of our world improve the quality of life on the planet or contribute to the betterment of humankind.

More information is available here.


Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2023-2024 | applications close 1 November 2022

The Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program provides opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to the field of conservation. Guest Scholar grants are for established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields. 

Applications are welcome from researchers and practitioners of all nationalities working in conservation, historic preservation, heritage science, heritage studies, and related fields. Applicants should have at least seven years’ experience and should have an established record of publications and other contributions to the field. Proposals for postdoctoral research or research that contributes to a PhD or other academic degree will not be considered.

For eligibility, terms, and how to apply, visit The application deadline is November 1, 2022.

For questions regarding the program or the application process, please contact:



NEW The Architecture of an Icon | panel discussion on the architecture of the Bondi Pavilion | Sydney | 25 September, 1.30pm

Hear insights about the process and context of Bondi Pavilion’s sparkling renewal and its role in community and creative life from a panel of speakers including leading architect, Peter Tonkin of Tonkin Zulaikha Greer and Bondi Story Room designer Jeff Mimery, Creative Director of Grumpy Sailor as they aim to answer the question “How do you restore a beloved 100-year-old community arts centre and bring it into the 21st century?” ⁠

When: Sunday 25 September, 1.30pm-3pm ⁠
⁠Where: Seagull Room, Bondi Pavilion⁠
⁠Cost: Free, though bookings are essential! ⁠
⁠Register here.


NEW Working with Dymphna and Manning at Manning Clark House | talk by Dr Roslyn Russell | Canberra | 26 September, 12pm

Roslyn Russell is a historian and museum consultant and current Chair of the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Committee. She holds Bachelor and Master’s Honours degrees in History, and a doctorate in English Literature, and is the author, co-author and editor of books on Australian history, notably Ever, Manning: Selected Letters of Manning Clark 1938-1991. Ros worked as a research assistant for Manning Clark from 1982 to 1986 and assisted with the publication of his autobiographical works from 1987 to his death in 1991. She also assisted Dymphna Clark in her publication in of the translation of Austrian botanist Baron Charles von Hügel’s New Holland Journal. She is a former Committee member of Manning Clark House.

Booking essential
All tickets $10.00 (includes light lunch)


NEW Sydney Open | Sydney Living Museums | 5 + 6 November 

On Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 November, go behind the scenes at more than 50 of the most significant and inspiring buildings and spaces across the CBD and Greater Sydney.

Explore some of the newest and most innovative buildings in the city, such as the impressive Quay Quarter Tower, and rediscover heritage gems, including Government House and the Anzac Memorial. Join a guided Focus Tour to learn the secrets and stories of buildings and spaces across the CBD, in Parramatta and beyond.

Sydney Open is presented by Sydney Living Museums.

Tickets will be released 28 September. Click here to book.


NEW Geelong CBD Walk | National Trust Geelong & Region Branch | 2 + 9 October, 9.45am 

After successful CBD Walks highlighting Geelong’s many 20th-century buildings during UNESCO Design Week last March, you may book to join Geelong National Trust Branch guides for Walks from 9.45 on Sunday mornings on 2 or 9 October. The Walks take 2 hours from 10 am-12pm.

Busy streets constrain group numbers to 40 people per tour, and almost half the tickets are already sold, so be quick – see Trybooking.

The Walks are of interest to all including architecture and design students.

Attendees should dress for the weather and follow Department of Health Guidelines at the time. All streets are paved and marshals will ensure safety.

An informative map will be supplied at the meeting place (9.45 am) in Johnstone Park, and a booklet will be available to purchase on each day.

The NT Branch, assisted by a City of Greater Geelong COVID-19 community recovery grant, has bought two portable microphones and an Eftpos terminal to aid this and future events.

When – Sundays October 2 and 9, from 9.45 am to 12 pm

Where – Meet at / return to the Johnstone Park Rotunda, 24-28 Gheringhap St, near the Railway Station. There are many cafes and restaurants nearby.

Ticketing link – Trybooking 

Cost – Adults $10, Student concession $6

Further information – Geelong and Region Branch of the National Trust


NEW WHIPIC survey | Concepts and Definitions of Heritage Interpretation and Heritage Presentation | 19 September – 4 October

The International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites (WHIPIC) under the auspices of UNESCO is currently conducting a survey to collect opinions on Heritage Interpretation and Heritage Presentation from experts worldwide.

Click here for more details.


Heritage walks in Orange | 20th Century Heritage Society NSW | 1-3 October

Join us as we enjoy three informative and relaxing walks around the streetscapes of Orange. The walks will be led by heritage architect Dr Roy Lumby.

  • Saturday 1st October – Robertson Park and surrounds
  • Sunday 2nd October – Institutions, commerce, dwellings
  • Monday 3rd October – Cook Park and Summer Street

Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.



NEW SITUATION VACANT: Built Heritage Consultant | Biosis | Sydney | closes 3 October

Biosis has an opportunity for an emerging built heritage consultant to join their growing team of Built Heritage professionals. This is the perfect opportunity to step up or across into a greenfield role and shape the built heritage offering at Biosis, working alongside recognised industry experts and within an organisation soon to be celebrating its 40th anniversary.

The successful candidate will get the chance to be part of a developing a portfolio of significant work, influence decisions about projects, engage with clients, build networks and put their stamp on the role. You’ll have established project support and admin teams to work with and opportunities to work in multi-disciplinary teams alongside ecologist, archaeologist, environmental approvals and GIS experts.

Click here for more information.


EOI SOUGHT: Historical Sources Project: Greenough on Yamatji Country | National Trust WA | submissions close 23 September

The National Trust seeks a suitably qualified historian to undertake a historical sources project at Greenough, a significant heritage precinct on Yamatji Country.

This project will review existing histories of Greenough to reframe them in a contemporary context.  It will result in the preparation of a highly accessible history to support new interpretation and visitor engagement at Greenough and will contribute to a better understanding of the diverse heritage values of the broader cultural landscape of Greenough.

Click here for more information.

Submissions close 5pm Friday 23 September 2022.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Elizabeth Gralton
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
