NEW Australia ICOMOS secretariat: reduced hours
NEW Call for Expressions of Interest | Australia ICOMOS Proxy Nominee on the Blue Shield Australia Committee | closes 21 September, 5pm AEST
GA2023 Super Early Bird extended until 10 September!
General Assembly and Scientific Symposium: ICOMOS Contacts
ICOMOS GA2023 | Scientific Symposium | call for abstracts now open | closes 23 September
NEW Big Stuff 2022 | Working together? Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technology heritage | Seixal, Portugual | 28-29 September
2022 WHIPIC online lecture and webinar series | Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention | 25 August to 3 November
ASHA Conference | The archaeology of interaction | Russell, Bay of Islands, Aotearoa New Zealand | 26-30 September
ICOMOS CIF Symposium and AGM | Advancing Education for Architectural Conservation | Florence | 26-27 September
NEW Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2023-2024 | applications close 1 November 2022
NEW Call for projects tackling climate and justice challenges with crowdsourcing solutions | applications close 30 September
2022 Interpretation Australia National Awards for Excellence | submissions close 16 September
National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards | open for submission | nominations close 9 September
NEW ICOMOS-UK | Lecture on Iran’s vernacular architecture | Associate Professor Mohammad Talebian | 8 September, 6pm BST
NEW Values in Cities: Urban Heritage in Twentieth-Century Australia | seminar with Dr James Lesh | Deakin University, Melbourne + online | 21 September, 11am – 12pm AEST
Heritage walks in Orange | 20th Century Heritage Society NSW | 1-3 October
Discount for ICOMOS members! | Heritage CPD for non-heritage architects | Australian Institute of Architects webinar series | September
NEW EOI SOUGHT: Historical Sources Project: Greenough on Yamatji Country | National Trust WA | submissions close 23 September
SITUATION VACANT: Historian | Sue Hodges Productions | Melbourne / Australia-wide | applications reviewed upon submission
NEW Australia ICOMOS secretariat: reduced hours
Dear Australia ICOMOS members,
I’m moving to WA next week to take up a new role. While I will continue to work for Australia ICOMOS, the secretariat hours will be reduced for at least the next month. Emails sent to the secretariat inbox will be responded to as soon as possible – I thank you in advance for your patience during this time. For the next couple of months, the e-news will be released fortnightly rather than weekly. You will be updated about new arrangements for the secretariat as when they are finalised.
I look forward to hopefully meeting some WA members in the not-too-distant future!
Best wishes,
NEW Call for Expressions of Interest | Australia ICOMOS Proxy Nominee on the Blue Shield Australia Committee | closes 21 September, 5pm AEST
Blue Shield is an international organisation working to protect the world’s cultural heritage threatened by armed conflict and disasters.
Blue Shield Australia (BSA) is one of the national committees of the international Blue Shield.
The BSA committee comprises nominees from the following Australian peak industry organisations:
- ICA: the International Council on Archives, represented in Australia by the Australian Society of Archivists (ASA)
- ICOM: the International Council of Museums, represented in Australia by ICOM Australia
- ICOMOS: International Council on Monuments and Sites, represented in Australia by Australia ICOMOS
- IFLA: the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, represented in Australia by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
These four organisations work together to advocate for the protection of cultural heritage in crisis. For more information, visit the Blue Shield Australia website.
BSA is chaired for 2-year terms on rotation by the above organisations. The Chair is currently ASA.
The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee refreshes its nominees on external committees every two to three years. However, as the ICOMOS Proxy Nominee position has recently been vacated mid term, Expressions of Interest are now invited from Australia ICOMOS Full International Members to fulfil the role of Australia ICOMOS Proxy Nominee for the BSA Committee for the 2022-2023 term. The ICOMOS Nominee and Proxy are required to attend BSA Committee meetings and otherwise contribute to the BSA Committee’s activities. Detailed information is available in the BSA Committee Member Responsibilities 20201-04-14_RATIFIED document.
Expressions of interest should:
- Be of no more than 2 pages in length (plus attachments if appropriate of up to 3 pages)
- State the reason why the applicant seeks appointment to the role
- Confirm a commitment to the active participation in the BSA Committee for the 2021-2023 term
- Demonstrate experience in relation to the protection of cultural heritage threatened by armed conflict and natural disasters in their professional practice and advocacy roles
- Be sent by email to Catherine Forbes by COB (AEST) Wednesday 21 September 2022 – please note: this deadline needs to be strictly adhered to.
The next meeting of the BSA Committee will be held in October, and it is hoped that we can appoint a person to the role before then.
AUXILIARY NOTE: Other Australia ICOMOS members are invited and encouraged to contribute to BSA activities by the means described in the final section on page 6 of the BSA Committee Member Responsibilities 20201-04-14_RATIFIED document – this is something that members could do as interested individuals and it is not on behalf of Australia ICOMOS.
GA2023 Super Early Bird extended until 10 September!
Don’t miss the opportunity to get the very best registration deal for this major global cultural heritage event.
Super early bird registration has been extended until 10 September 2022!
Why register early? Super early bird registration includes:
- a $200+ discount on standard registration
- 1 complimentary Gala Dinner ticket – exclusive super early bird offer saving an extra $80!
General Assembly and Scientific Symposium: ICOMOS Contacts
With just one year to go before the 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS is hosted in Sydney, planning and preparations are in full swing. Australia ICOMOS and the GA2023 team are pleased to provide the following contacts to assist in directing GA2023 enquiries to the best person:
GA2023 Convenor: Richard Mackay rmackay@icomosga2023.org
Professional Conference Organisers: Arinex enquiries@icomosga2023.org
General Enquiries: enquiries@icomosga2023.org
Functions and Protocol: edwina.jans@homemail.com.au
Gala Dinner: enquiries@icomosga2023.org
Grants and Reporting: Richard Mackay rmackay@icomosga2023.org
Greater Blue Mountains Visit: Fiona Leslie fiona.leslie@mtsheritage.com.au
Heritage Exposition: Michael Queale architectqueale@gmail.com
Heritage Lecture: Caroline Butler-Bowdon caroline.butler-bowdon@planning.nsw.gov.au
International Scientific Committees: Ian Kelly kellyi48@yahoo.com
Social Media: Jaq Anderson jaq.f.anderson@gmail.com
Opening Ceremony: enquiries@icomosga2023.org
Registration: enquiries@icomosga2023.org
Side Events: Kylie Christian kylie.christian@mottmac.com
Scientific Symposium: Steve Brown steveb.heritage@gmail.com
Sustainability: Helen Wilson helenwilson@outlook.com.au
Pre- and Post- Tours: enquiries@icomosga2023.org
Welcomes to Country: Richard Mackay rmackay@icomosga2023.org
Youth Forum: Michelle Bashta mbashta@icomosga2023.org
ICOMOS GA2023 | Scientific Symposium | call for abstracts now open | closes 23 September
The call for abstracts for each of the four Themes and five Programs of the GA2023 Scientific Symposium is now open!
Submit your abstract for a session, paper, or poster through the GA2023 Abstract Submission Portal here. The call for abstracts will close on 23 September. Don’t delay! You can win a free ticket to the GA2023 Gala Dinner if you submit an abstract before 15 August 2022.
The link for here is: https://icomosga2023.org/abstracts/
NEW Big Stuff 2022 | Working together? Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technology heritage | Seixal, Portugual | 28-29 September
Big Stuff 2022 will be hosted on 28-29 September in Seixal in Portugal (across the Tagus River from Lisbon) with the theme of “Working together? Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technology heritage”. The conference will be set in and around the Seixal Ecomuseum (Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal) and the amazing Vale de Milhaços Gunpowder Factory with its operating steam equipment, water cooling fountain and beautiful forest setting.
With pre- and post-visit tours on 27 and 30 September we would love to see you in person.
If you cannot travel at this time, you can also join us online
To register: https://sites.google.com/fct.unl.pt/big-stuff-2022/conference/registration
To view the program: https://sites.google.com/fct.unl.pt/big-stuff-2022/conference/programme
See you in Portugal (or online) in September!
Big Stuff 2022 Organising Committee
2022 WHIPIC online lecture and webinar series | Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention | 25 August to 3 November
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, the WHIPIC will hold 2 Webinars and 3 Lectures between 25 August and 3 November under the theme of ‘Bridging the Gap: 50 Years of the World Heritage Convention’. Throughout the programs, there will be presentations and discussions centered on often overlooked areas in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and the role heritage interpretation can play to rectify those gaps, while also reflecting on the past 50 years of the Convention.
Click here for more information and to view the program.
ASHA Conference | The archaeology of interaction | Russell, Bay of Islands, Aotearoa New Zealand | 26-30 September
Early Bird Registration and Call for Papers
The Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (ASHA) is pleased to announce that this year’s annual conference will be held in Kororāreka / Russell, in New Zealand’s Bay of Islands, from the 26th to the 30th of September. The conference theme is ‘the archaeology of interaction’ and we encourage posters and papers that explore this theme in New Zealand and Australian historical archaeology. Submissions outside this theme are also welcome.
We invite offers of papers in the following sessions as well as general papers:
- Papers in memory of Associate Professor Ian Smith and Dr Angela Middleton
- Quickfire presentations
- Buildings archaeology
- People and things: material culture studies
- Interdisciplinary dialogues
You are invited to submit paper and poster abstracts by 25 August 2022. More details about the conference and submission instructions can be found on the ASHA website: https://asha.org.au/2022-asha-conference/
Early bird registration closes on 25 August. You can register to attend the event here: https://asha.org.au/civicrm/event/register/?reset=1&id=3
ICOMOS CIF Symposium and AGM | Advancing Education for Architectural Conservation | Florence | 26-27 September
The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Education and Training (CIF) researches and promotes international cooperation in the field of education and training for the understanding, protection, conservation and management of built heritage, historic sites and cultural landscapes.
The ICOMOS CIF 2022 Symposium will focus on education and training for the conservation of architectural and archaeological heritage, at all levels, understanding also the issues of professional competence and accreditation. It also intends to promote intergenerational engagement, bringing together very experienced professionals as well as emerging ones and students. The Symposium will include presentations by leading architectural conservation educators and architectural and archaeological conservation professionals and a round table.
Click here to for more information and view the program.
You can register to attend the event here.
NEW Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program 2023-2024 | applications close 1 November 2022
The Getty Conservation Guest Scholars Program provides opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to the field of conservation. Guest Scholar grants are for established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields.
Applications are welcome from researchers and practitioners of all nationalities working in conservation, historic preservation, heritage science, heritage studies, and related fields. Applicants should have at least seven years’ experience and should have an established record of publications and other contributions to the field. Proposals for postdoctoral research or research that contributes to a PhD or other academic degree will not be considered.
For eligibility, terms, and how to apply, visit https://gty.art/GCIScholars. The application deadline is November 1, 2022.
For questions regarding the program or the application process, please contact: GCIScholars@getty.edu
NEW Call for projects tackling climate and justice challenges with crowdsourcing solutions | applications close 30 September
Crowd4SDG is an EU-funded research project exploring how citizen science can track progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how grassroots innovation can help achieve such progress.
Its partners have launched a call for projects aiming to tackle climate change and justice, using crowdsourcing as a way to gather information or stimulate actions. Individuals or teams can propose projects at the scale of a community, region, country or even global.
Participants will learn and gain experience in product and service development, project management, pitching, and prototyping and receive a certificate. Additionally, the best teams will have a chance to travel to Geneva in Switzerland to present their ideas and projects to experts working on the SDGs!
For more information on the EU project organizing this call, please go to: https://crowd4sdg.eu/ or apply directly here.
The deadline is 30 September 2022, midnight CEST.
2022 Interpretation Australia National Awards for Excellence | submissions close 16 September
The Interpretation Australia National Awards for Excellence were established in 2008 to recognise and reward outstanding achievements in the field of interpretation. This year, we have included a range of new categories that reflect the growth and change within the industry. The awards submission period will close on 16 September 2022 so don’t delay and enter now.
For further information and to download the submission templates please visit: https://interpretationaustralia.asn.au/ia-awards/
National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards | open for submission | nominations close 9 September
Nominations for the 2022 National Trust of Australia (ACT) Heritage Awards are now open for submission.
Use the link below to find out more information and a copy of the nomination form. Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 9 September 2022.
NEW ICOMOS-UK | Lecture on Iran’s vernacular architecture | Associate Professor Mohammad Talebian | 8 September, 6pm BST
Join ICOMOS-UK for a keynote lecture by Associate Professor Mohammad Talebian from the University of Teheran on Iran’s vernacular architecture.
With her age-old history stretching ten-thousand years, the land of Persia boasts a unique geographical and climatic diversity. It owes this to the Alborz and Zagros mountain ranges. Over the centuries this climatic and geographical diversity has contributed to a distinctive cultural and vernacular architectural diversity in Iran.
The first half of the lecture will focus on the wide-ranging vernacular architecture in Iran in a variety of geographical and climatic settings including the hot and arid (arid and semi-arid), hot and moist, cold and temperate, and moist climatic regions.
In the second half, using Hawraman/Uramanat Cultural and Natural Landscape as an example, Professor Talebian will delve into the significance and values of this World Heritage site including its intangible cultural heritage, the way local communities take pride in their identity, traditions and way of life, and the challenges faced in the protection and management of this exceptional landscape.
Click here for more details and to register.
NEW Values in Cities: Urban Heritage in Twentieth-Century Australia | seminar with Dr James Lesh | Deakin University, Melbourne + online | 21 September, 11am – 12pm AEST
Across the twentieth century, heritage and ideas of value and significance had increasing power to shape cities and places. Sites and areas found valuable by professionals and communities were conserved. Places perceived to lack value became subject to modernisation, redevelopment, and renewal. From the 1970s, alongside strengthened activism and legislation, with the innovative Burra Charter (1979), the values-based model emerged for managing the aesthetic, historic, scientific, and social significance of historic environments. Values thus transitioned from an implicit to an overt component of urban, architectural, and planning conservation. In this presentation, James Lesh traces the Australian heritage movement and its role both in celebrating the Australian nation and in reconciling settler colonialism for the twentieth century.
Dr James Lesh is an urban historian and Lecturer in Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies. His research explores the theory and practice of heritage conservation in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Before joining Deakin University, he had previous appointments at the University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, and King’s College London.
Zoom link: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/86200233311?pwd=M3B4cDNSM2JuVkxpY29tbkZGYkZOQT09&from=addon
Heritage walks in Orange | 20th Century Heritage Society NSW | 1-3 October
Join us as we enjoy three informative and relaxing walks around the streetscapes of Orange. The walks will be led by heritage architect Dr Roy Lumby.
- Saturday 1st October – Robertson Park and surrounds
- Sunday 2nd October – Institutions, commerce, dwellings
- Monday 3rd October – Cook Park and Summer Street
Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Discount for ICOMOS members! | Heritage HIIT Series: CPD for non-heritage architects | Australian Institute of Architects webinar series | September
The Australian Institute of Architects has developed a four-part seminar program to provide non-heritage specialist architects key skills and knowledge for navigating the statutory and philosophical frameworks relating to heritage throughout Australia. As friends of the Institute, we would like to offer ICOMOS members a special offer of 5% off the Non Member price of the 8 point Formal CPD or 2 point standalone sessions by using the code FRIEND5 when prompted at the checkout.
Heritage HIIT 04: Showcasing Heritage – Design Case Studies Thursday 15 September
We look at a series of in-progress and recently completed case studies from across Australia to demonstrate how real-world refurbishment and adaptive reuse projects for places of heritage significance have addressed issues of climate change, sustainability, equity of access, fire code compliance and seismic considerations. It will also explore key policy and design principles for approaching new development in heritage conservation areas.
Speakers: Alice Hampson, Melissa Hughes, George Phillips, Mat Hinds, David Brown, Dimmity Walker
NEW EOI SOUGHT: Historical Sources Project: Greenough on Yamatji Country | National Trust WA | submissions close 23 September
The National Trust seeks a suitably qualified historian to undertake a historical sources project at Greenough, a significant heritage precinct on Yamatji Country.
This project will review existing histories of Greenough to reframe them in a contemporary context. It will result in the preparation of a highly accessible history to support new interpretation and visitor engagement at Greenough and will contribute to a better understanding of the diverse heritage values of the broader cultural landscape of Greenough.
Click here for more information.
Submissions close 5pm Friday 23 September 2022.
SITUATION VACANT: Historian | Sue Hodges Productions | Melbourne / Australia-wide | applications reviewed upon submission
SHP is seeking a Graduate Historian with exceptional research skills to join our team. We specialise in heritage interpretation but work across the whole heritage sector for a wide range of corporate, community and government clients.
The position
We are looking for an historian who is interested in working in heritage interpretation and developing their career in the field. They should have:
- Excellent historical research skills with experience in working with a wide variety of sources and repositories.
- Experience or interest in heritage interpretation.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Excellent attention to detail in recording sources and references, particularly footnoting and bibliographic skills.
- The ability to understand or learn how research fits into the bigger picture of heritage interpretation projects.
- An interest in creative work.
- The ability to work as part of a team and follow project briefs and guidelines.
We are based in Melbourne but will consider applicants from around Australia. Applicants with full time availability are preferred but part-time applicants will also be considered.
Please contact Nicola Henriksson on 0499 246 620 or nicola@shp.net.au for more information, including a Position Description. You can apply by forwarding your CV and response to the above Selection Criteria to Sue Hodges (sue@shp.net.au) and Nicola Henriksson (nicola@shp.net.au).
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Elizabeth Gralton
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au