Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 1029


Australia ICOMOS 2022-23 membership renewal
ICOMOS GA2023 | Conference Coordinator/Assistant wanted (18-month contract) | applications close 31 July
ICOMOS GA2023 | Scientific Symposium | call for abstracts now open | closes 23 September
ICOMOS-ICAHM Conference | Universal Access to open air archaeological sites | Xanten, Germany + online | 11-12 August
ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2022 | Heritage and Healing: How Heritage Helps | Canberra | 13 August
Art Deco Festival | Leeton, NSW | 8-10 July
National Trust | Past and Future Cities Forum – Reimagining Parramatta | 28 July
Deadline Extended | Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions | 13th International Conference | call for abstracts closes 31 July 
New issue: Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin


Australia ICOMOS Membership – be ready for GA2023 Registration!


Queensland Heritage Council Appointments | Expressions of Interest close 11 July


ACAHUCH | Parklife Symposium | Heritage and Place in Parkville | University of Melbourne | 4 November | call for abstracts closes 25 July



Australian Garden History Society webinar | ‘Is The Pen Mightier Than The Trowel in Garden History?’ | 10 July, 5-6.30 om AEST
University of Minho online seminar | ‘Recent advances on structural analysis of unreinforced masonry buildings’ | 14 July, 2:15-4.30pm UTC 
UNSW Edge webinars | Art & Cultural Heritage Law – Australian & International Perspectives | July
Disaster Risk Management Planning for Cultural Heritage | Flinders University, Adelaide | 26-28 July


SITUATIONS VACANT: Graduate and senior roles | Everick Heritage | Brisbane and Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT: Archaeologist | Navin Officer Heritage Consultants | Sydney or Canberra | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT: Heritage Consultant (Built Heritage) | GML Heritage | Melbourne | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT: Graduate Architect  I  Design 5 – Architects  I  Chippendale NSW | applications reviewed upon submission




Australia ICOMOS 2022-23 membership renewal

By now, you should have received a renewal email for your 2022-23 Australia ICOMOS membership. We look forward to your continued membership and support of Australia ICOMOS. The Executive Committee has voted to raise fees in line with the Consumer Price Index, so you might notice a small increase to your membership fee this year – the first increase in 5 years.

Payment options are outlined in the renewal email. If you did not receive your renewal notice, try checking your junk mail, or make sure that your email address is up to date by logging in to the members section of the Australia ICOMOS website and checking your profile. If you have any queries, please contact the secretariat officer.


ICOMOS GA2023 | Conference Coordinator/Assistant wanted (18-month contract) | applications close 31 July

We are looking for an enthusiastic, proactive and efficient coordinator to join the ICOMOS GA2023 organising team at Arinex to assist with the management of the 21st Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS.

The General Assembly will occur between 31 August and 9 September 2023 within an exciting ten-day program of site visits, workshops, lectures, expert meetings and social gatherings. Venues include the World Heritage listed Sydney Opera House, Cockatoo Island, Hyde Park Barracks, and Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area – among a wide variety of other Aboriginal and historic cultural heritage places.

This role would involve joining the team at Arinex – the GA2023 Professional Conference Organisers – and will help deliver the planning milestones and activity relating to the event.

Duties would include (but are not limited to):

  • Engaging with key GA 2023 organisers, and other stakeholders across the cultural heritage sector
  • Liaison with ICOMOS members nationally and internationally
  • Managing speaker and delegate enquiries
  • Program administration and speaker liaison
  • Attending strategic planning meetings, preparing agendas, meeting packs and action notes
  • Marketing tasks – website updates, preparing EDMs, creative content and social media strategy
  • Assisting with preparation and management of social functions, pre and post-conference tours, side events and other program components
  • Other duties as required

The position would be based in Sydney and involves a 20-30 hour working week. There would be flexibility with working hours and schedule for the right candidate, but we ask for a full commitment for the duration of the contract to ensure consistency in the planning team throughout.

Applications should be submitted to by 31 July.

For enquiries or an informal discussion about the role, please contact Amy Buttery, Senior Project Manager for ICOMOS GA2023 at


ICOMOS GA2023 | Scientific Symposium | call for abstracts now open | closes 23 September

The call for abstracts for each of the four Themes and five Programs of the GA2023 Scientific Symposium is now open!

Submit your abstract for a session, paper, or poster through the GA2023 Abstract Submission Portal here.  The call for abstracts will close on 23 September. Don’t delay! You can win a free ticket to the GA2023 Gala Dinner if you submit an abstract before 15 August 2022.

The link for here is:


ICOMOS-ICAHM Conference | Universal Access to open air archaeological sites | Xanten, Germany + online | 11-12 August

What if archaeological sites and parks were accessible to as many people as possible? This question seems obvious, but it is not yet in practice, as you may already know through your practice! It is now recognized that everyone should have access to culture, regardless of their social status, cultural background, or mobility possibilities. It is also believed that the process of inclusion brings added value to the institutions that work to implement it. However, for a large part of the population, such as people with disabilities, seniors and young families, it remains extremely difficult to access certain cultural experiences, especially those in open-air archaeological sites, and this all over the world.

The LVR-Archaeological Parc Xanten / LVR-RömerMuseum will host a conference of the ICOMOS/ICAHM working group on accessibility to UNESCO world heritage sites, organized by ArchaeoConcept, from the 11th to the 12th of August 2022. The colloquium will take place in Xanten (Germany) as well as online – with the title “Universal Access to Open-air archaeological sites”. The event is primarily aimed at professionals from the cultural heritage (ICOMOS/ICAHM). However, it is also essential to us that professional audiences from the fields of tourism, nature conservation, and disability participate. The aim is (1) to discuss the definition of handicap and universal access, and the issues of access to archaeological sites and parks, (2) to overview the existing methods for analysing the situation at cultural heritage facilities. Each session, consisting of four presentations of half an hour, will be followed by a group discussion. These first issues will then be pursued by (3) case studies from throughout the world.

Not only have we invited managers of archaeological sites to this conference, but also managers of nature parks and people who work directly with universal accessibility. Among them, we are honoured to welcome people with different disabilities to talk about their experiences as well. We look forward to your presence at the conference in person or by visio.

Click here for the registration form.

More information can be found here.


ACT Region Heritage Symposium 2022 | Heritage and Healing: How Heritage Helps | Canberra | 13 August

Registrations are now open for the ACT Region Heritage Symposium which is to be held on Saturday 13 August 2022 at Llewellyn Hall, ANU. 

In this year’s Symposium, a series of papers and vignettes will explore the following questions:

  • What role could heritage have in enhancing our wellbeing and enriching our lives?
  • How have our heritage and its intangible values given us a sense of place, of a continuity from the past to present?
  • How can cultural engagement contribute to healing? 

Further details, including a preliminary program, are provided in the attached flyer.

Registrations can be made through trybooking at the following link: 


Art Deco Festival | Leeton, NSW | 8-10 July

Just a few days to go: Australia’s largest art deco festival returns to Leeton in 2022. 
Prepare to treat your senses to the fashion, cars and music of the 1920s and 30s. All set within the landscape of the town’s evocative art deco buildings. Of course, you’ll be savouring Leeton’s famous food and wine too.
You’ll need to book ahead for some of the events – they’re bound to be popular: Explore Art Deco Festival Leeton 2022


National Trust | Past and Future Cities Forum – Reimagining Parramatta | 28 July

This Forum brings together renowned experts to understand our past and to reimagine our urban future.

The National Trust has long argued for the history of our cities to play a meaningful role in their future. Using Parramatta as a case study, this Forum will highlight issues that affect all rapidly developing urban areas across the state.

Our speakers and panellists will outline and debate the key issues facing the integration of urban design, planning and heritage places. They will ask how good cities are made, why heritage should be integrated into city planning, and discuss what happens when it all goes wrong.

Click here for more information and to register.


Deadline Extended | Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions | 13th International Conference | call for abstracts closes 31 July 

due to the high number of requests received, the deadline for abstract submission to the 13th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC2023) has been extended to July 31, 2022.
Full instructions for authors can be found in the template available at:
The submission of abstracts should be carried out using the conference website:
Note that the proceedings will be published as part of the RILEM Bookseries. It is indexed in SCOPUS, Google Scholar and SpringerLink. As usual, selected papers will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage. If you have any questions, please write to the Conference Secretariat (
We would like to thank you for your contribution to the SAHC 2023 conference and we look forward to welcoming you in Kyoto in September 2023.


New issue: Cambridge Heritage Research Centre bulletin

Click here for the latest issue: CHRC Heritage Bulletin – 5 July 2022



Australia ICOMOS Membership – be ready for GA2023 Registration!

Australia ICOMOS members will receive a significant discount on the registration fees for GA2023 – the 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS, which will be hosted in Sydney in August/September next year. (Full time students will also be entitled to a separate discount).

‘Super early bird registration’ for GA2023, which includes both discount a complimentary Gala Dinner – will open soon in late June or early July and will be available for a limited time only.

In order to help prospective new members who would like to take advantage of this opportunity, an extra special batch of membership applications will be reviewed and assessed out of session during July.

To take advantage of this offer, membership applications need to be received no later than Monday 18 July.

Details of eligibility, the application process, Nomination Forms and the online link are on the Membership page of the Australia ICOMOS website.

And . . . existing members are encouraged to renew and be sure that membership dues are fully paid up to enjoy these benefits too! 



Queensland Heritage Council Appointments | Expressions of Interest close 11 July

The Queensland Department of Environment and Science has kindly invited Australia ICOMOS to nominate suitable members for their consideration for appointment to the Queensland Heritage Council.

The Executive Committee has decided to call an Expression of Interest for interested ICOMOS members, to assist in the process. If you are interested in nominating for a position on the Queensland Heritage Council, can you please provide the following for consideration:

  • Current CV
  • Suitability statement, including:
    • Experience, including previous roles on boards
    • Heritage skills and knowledge – area of skill and depth of experience
    • Particular reason/ interest of nominee in joining the Council
  • Completion of the Personal Particulars Form

Background material in relation to the Heritage Council and the requirements of nominees is found below:

All submissions need to be sent by email to the Australia ICOMOS secretariat by COB, 11 July, 2022. We will then short list nominees, based upon the EOI material submitted. Short listed nominations will then be forwarded to the Department of Environment and Science for consideration by 20 July 2022, supported by Australia ICOMOS.

Please note: members can alternately nominate for a Heritage Council position directly through the normal application process.



ACAHUCH | Park Life Symposium | Heritage and Place in Parkville | University of Melbourne | 4 November | call for abstracts closes 25 July

Park Life considers evolutions in urban and cultural heritage through a focus on a single Melbourne suburb : Parkville.

The values ascribed to streets and landscapes, buildings and places shift over time. Access, interpretation and display have become crucial components in recognising and enacting conservation. The landscape of Quor-nóng/Royal Park has been inhabited by First Peoples for millennia.

Following colonisation, Royal Park was reserved as a public park with neighbourhoods and institutions constructed on its edges. Park Life seeks to interrogate the impact of institutions such as the university, hospitals, a prison, a major park and a zoo, as well as local precincts. Parkville is a suburb of diverse building types surrounding Royal Park, and home to major Melbourne institutions including the symposium host, the University of Melbourne. Parkville has played a pivotal role in Australian understandings of heritage, memory, commemoration, and dwelling.

In 1972, South Parkville was declared Melbourne’s first historic area by the National Trust. This one-day symposium strives to examine how global and national understandings of heritage have been reflected in all parts of Parkville, and what different meanings Parkville has come to take on since that time.

We invite:
•  research on Parkville and its built and natural landscapes
•  social and historical examinations of the life of Parkville
•  critical approaches to the heritage of Parkville

•  Parkville as Wurundjeri Country
•  Architecture and Planning of Parkville
•  Quor-nóng / Royal Park and Landscapes of Parkville

•  Organisations and Individuals shaping Parkville
•  Activism and Engagement from Parkville
•  Parkville in the life of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Asia-Pacific regions  

•  Designating and Conserving Parkville
•  Remembering and Interpreting Parkville
•  Walking and Experiencing Parkville

Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words accompanied by 1 key image, a short bio outlining current professional engagement / research activities and affiliation. Submit your abstract by 25 July 2022 to Successful applicants will be invited to present a 15-minute paper. Applications from early career researchers and PhD students are strongly encouraged.

Selected papers from the symposium will be published in an edited collection. To be considered for inclusion in this book,  submit your full paper (up to 4500 words, excluding footnotes and references) by 6 February 2023.

• Professor Emeritus Miles Lewis AM
• Associate Professor Shawana Andrews

The symposium will be held (in a COVID-19 safe manner) at the University of Melbourne’s Glyn Davis (MSD) Building, and involve a walking tour of Parkville. A $50 / $25 fee covering catering costs will apply for those attending in-person. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, these arrangements are subject to change.

•  Mon 25 July 2022                      Final date for submission of Abstracts
•  Tue 06 September 2022           Notification of successful Abstracts
•  Fri 04 November 2022              Park Life Symposium at University of Melbourne
•  Mon 06 February 2023             Final papers due for Publication consideration

The symposium team is David Nichols, Catherine Townsend, Hannah Lewi and Theo Blankley. Enquiries | ACAHUCH Coordinator :



Community War Memorials Fund | NSW Office for Veterans Affairs | applications close 25 July

Is there a community war memorial in your local area in need of repair or restoration?

The NSW Government’s Community War Memorials Fund provides grants of up to $10,000 for the conservation of local war memorials, including specialist heritage advice and physical work.

Grant applications are open to local councils and community organisations, including memorial trusts, veteran groups and local councils.

Applications for the current round close on 25 July 2022.

For further info and to apply, visit . 

Recent successful grant projects include:



Australian Garden History Society webinar | ‘Is The Pen Mightier Than The Trowel in Garden History?’ | 10 July, 5-6.30 om AEST

Please join us for this webinar on 10 July, where you’ll hear some lively discussion about writing, history and gardening. You’ll also be supporting the Nina Crone Writing Fund, which supports emerging authors who write about preserving our environmental and cultural landscape heritage.


  • Clive Blazey The Diggers Club and Foundation
  • Julian Raxworthy, University of Canberra
  • Jennifer Stackhouse, gardening writer and editor.

Ticket price:  $10 AGHS members,  $15 non members,  $5 Students



University of Minho online seminar | ‘Recent advances on structural analysis of unreinforced masonry buildings’ | 14 July, 2:15-4.30pm UTC 

The Department of Civil Engineering and the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering at University of Minho are organizing an Online Seminar on Recent advances in structural analysis of Masonry Buildings, which will take place Thursday, July 14 at 2:15 pm (UTC London). Structural masonry is one of the oldest constructive systems, present in impressive historical buildings and in the majority of existing housing across the world. Unreinforced masonry is also a competitive and sustainable technology in modern low to medium rise buildings. This workshop aims at providing recent advances on numerical and experimental analysis, as well as, an insight on the standards for seismic based design and assessment of new and existing masonry buildings.

Click here to register.


UNSW Edge webinars | Art & Cultural Heritage Law – Australian & International Perspectives | July

This series is aimed at anyone working for cultural, arts and heritage organisations, in art galleries and museums, and in the visual arts, as well as legal practitioners practising in this area of law.

International and domestic experts will address and discuss key issues in the following:

  • art and cultural heritage law
  • challenges of compliance in heritage law
  • climate change and heritage values
  • digital restitution
  • how the law can redress colonial takings of heritage
  • Indigenous cultural and artistic expressions
  • systems to resolve disputes over cultural ownership 

More details can be found on our course registration page here.


Disaster Risk Management Planning for Cultural Heritage | Flinders University, Adelaide | 26-28 July

We would like to invite you to a 3-day long train workshop on ‘Introduction to Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage’ (DRM4Heritage) delivered by the Joint Scientific Committee of Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS New Zealand on Risk Preparedness (ANZCORP) and Flinders University. First one ever of this kind in Australia, this course will take place at Flinders University, Bedford Park Campus (Adelaide), Alere Centre between 26-27th of July and will be followed by a field trip to the SA State Library in Adelaide CBD on the 28th of July.

The workshop will introduce the participants to the process of identifying and managing disaster risks to heritage places, including their landscape settings, archaeology, interiors, collections and movable heritage. The workshop will include two days of lectures and workshops and one day in the field to put theory into practice. It will be delivered on campus at Flinders University, but will also be available via a dedicated Teams/Zoom link.

The course takes a multi-hazard approach and will engage multiple areas of expertise ranging from emergency management, emergency response, cultural heritage management, policy and strategic planning for disaster and include reflections from Indigenous Traditional Owners from different parts of Australia.

More information about the course, the provisional programme and fee structure can be found under these links: or on our Flinders course page that has a link for enrolment

This course is partly funded from Flinders University DVCR Research Support Fund and Deep Pasts, Heritage and Environments Research Theme. The fee is set to be a contribution towards the participation costs for the Indigenous Traditional Owners from across Australia and beyond whose communities are at a severe risk of natural disasters. Depending on availability we are open to consider requests from Indigenous participants for travel and fee bursaries.  Fee-waivers might be offered to Emergency services professionals who cannot fund the course otherwise.  


  • $350 – 3 days participation in person
  • $200 – 2 day workshop online
  • $100 – Flinders student concession rate
  • $125 – 3 course workshop dinner in Adelaide CBD
  • Fee-waivers are offered for professional and volunteer members of Emergency services and Indigenous participants.

If you have any questions or further queries about this course (including about bursaries to cover the participation fees or concessions) please email:, or



NEW SITUATION VACANT: Heritage Carpenter | Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority | Port Arthur, Tasmania | closes 11 July

PAHSMA is seeking a full-time Heritage Carpenter.

Click here for more information and to apply.

Applications close 11 July.


NEW SITUATION VACANT: Senior Environment Officer (Heritage) | Transport for NSW | NSW | closes 14 July

Transport for NSW is seeking to appoint a Senior Environment Officer (Heritage) to join our team in a fixed term role till 30th May 2025. In this role you will provide high quality professional heritage advice and support to internal stakeholders on heritage management on a project basis. This is a design focused role, where you will be required to critically review architectural interventions in a heritage context. A background in architecture or related experience is desirable. The role will provide support to the delivery of projects including the Transport Access Program, More Trains More Services and Digital Systems. 

Click here to apply. 

Applications close 14th July.

For any queries contact Namrita


NEW SITUATION VACANT: Administration Assistant | Eryldene Historic House and Garden | Gordon, NSW | applications reviewed upon submission

Eryldene is looking for a proactive and experienced administration assistant to support the work of the Trust one-two days a week. The work involves maintaining Eryldene membership, donation and volunteer records and contact lists; supporting events and venue hire; and conservation and maintenance administration, all with support and expert guidance from Trustees. Experience in office administration using Microsoft / Office 365 applications, working with volunteers and in independent work environments is important. The role offers the flexibility to work partly from home, but attendance at the Eryldene office on Fridays is required.  This is a contract position for 12 months, annually renewable, for Immediate start. Visit the Eryldene website for an introduction to our activities.

Please provide a short letter indicating relevant experience and interest in the work, with a CV to. Any questions should be similarly addressed.


SITUATION VACANT: Asset Management Support Officer | National Trust WA | Perth | closes 8 July

The National Trust’s management team is looking for a motivated person with a keen interest in built heritage. The successful applicant will assist the National Trust’s conservation architects and property management team in managing the proactive and reactive needs of the diverse collection of assets in the National Trust’s portfolio.

Click here for more information.

Applications close: 5.00pm WST Friday 8 July 2022


SITUATION VACANT: Senior Heritage Consultant/Architect | NBRS | North Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission

NBRS manages heritage sites of Local, State and Commonwealth levels of significance across a wide range of projects. We work across Australia and Internationally out of our Melbourne and Sydney Studios.

In this role you will report to the Heritage Practice Lead and will be involved in all areas of heritage management and conservation practice. The role involves direct client and consultant liaison, assessment of heritage issues and provision of written advice.

You will have the opportunity to work independently as well as collaborating on larger, more complex projects. You will be involved in heritage assessments, nominations and studies; heritage impact statements; conservation management plans; conservation works schedules and interpretation plans.

Click here for more details and to apply.


SITUATION VACANT: Senior Heritage Consultant | NBRS | Melbourne | applications reviewed upon submission

NBRS manages heritage sites of Local, State and Commonwealth levels of significance across a wide range of projects. We work across Australia and Internationally out of our Melbourne and Sydney Studios.

In this role you will report to the Heritage Practice Lead and will be involved in all areas of heritage management and conservation practice. The role involves direct client and consultant liaison, assessment of heritage issues and provision of written advice.

You will have the opportunity to work independently as well as collaborating on larger, more complex projects. You will be involved in heritage assessments, nominations and studies; heritage impact statements; conservation management plans; conservation works schedules and interpretation plans.

Click here for more details and to apply


SITUATION VACANT: Secretary General | Great Spa Towns of Europe World Heritage Site | closes 1 July

The Great Spa Towns of Europe was inscribed on the World Heritage list in 2021 as a transnational serial site comprising 11 famous spa towns in 7 European countries.  The Great Spa Towns of Europe are now looking for a Secretary General to lead the project. 

This wide-ranging post requires an exceptional person with leadership qualities to deliver and develop the property management plan. This post needs a person with at least 10 years’ experience in the cultural heritage field at all levels who will be the spokesperson and figurehead of the property. The post-holder will work closely with and take direction from the 11 Mayors of the spa towns and 11 site managers, so proven diplomatic, communication and motivational skills are a must.

The working language of the project is English and availability for extensive European travel is vital. Administrative, communication and financial management support is provided. This exciting and challenging role requires a self-employed or independent consultant to be available for an average of 4 days per week for an initial contract period of three years.

Interviews will be held in Františkovy Lázně in the Czech Republic on the 6th & 7th of September 2022 with the post commencing in early 2023.

Click here for more information.


SITUATIONS VACANT: Graduate and senior roles | Everick Heritage | Brisbane and Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission

Everick Heritage is seeking to expand its team of historic and Indigenous professionals in Brisbane, Qld and Sydney, NSW. As a specialist heritage practice we offer a full range of historic and indigenous heritage services across Australia to both the private and government sectors. We are currently recruiting for Graduate and Senior roles. To further view what Everick Heritage and Foundation undertake please look at the webpage. To apply please send in your details and CV through either Linkedin or Everick Heritage | Work For Us.

The ideal candidate would have the following skills or working towards these skills:
Essential Skills / Competencies

  • A degree in archaeology, cultural heritage management, or anthropology.
  • Enrolled and working towards an Honours degree
  • A strong understanding of heritage legislations
  • Ability to meet all quality standards associated with reporting
  • Ability and willingness to travel as required, including working remotely in the field.
  • Ability to work independently in the field
  • Comprehension of the methods and ethics of the heritage consulting practice
  • Ability to take instruction from senior staff and provide assistance wherever possible
  • To assist in office duties relating to the heritage consulting practice such as entering resources into the database
  • To participate in any relevant training programs when required
  • Current manual C-Class Drivers Licence – Essential with the willingness to upgrade their licence to drive a manual when required
  • White Card (OHS Construction)
  • First Aid Certificate
  • Four Wheel Drive training
  • Proficient using GIS software and site recording programs

Please refer to the advertisements on LinkedIn for full role description


SITUATION VACANT: Archaeologist | Navin Officer Heritage Consultants | Sydney or Canberra | applications reviewed upon submission

Looking for a change to a supportive close-knit team passionate about heritage before profit?

Navin Officer Heritage Consultants has been operating for over 20 years.  Our project portfolio spans a broad geographic area outside the Sydney Basin with current projects on the north coast, south coast, central and far western NSW.  We are urgently looking for an experienced archaeologist to join our team (either in our Sydney or our Canberra Office).  If you would like to meet and talk to us about this opportunity please contact either Sue (0425215012) or Nicky (0421274470).


SITUATION VACANT: Heritage Consultant (Built Heritage) | GML Heritage | Melbourne | applications reviewed upon submission

GML Heritage seeks an experienced heritage specialist with a strong architectural background to join our Melbourne built heritage team.

  • Partner with experienced consultants across a range of built heritage services – heritage assessments, conservation management plans, heritage impact statements etc.
  • Field project inquiries, prepare proposals and tenders, conduct research, manage projects, author reports, build, and manage client relationships, and contribute to a broad range of heritage projects.
  • Work in the field, site inspections, client, and other stakeholder meetings.
  • 6-month initial fixed term contract with view to permanency.
  • Offices based in Carlton, but flexible working arrangements available.

About You

  • Greater than 3-5 years’ experience in a built heritage consulting environment.
  • Tertiary qualifications (ideally with Honours, or Masters level) in architecture, planning, cultural heritage or an affiliated discipline.
  • A holistic geographical approach to built heritage and site development, contemplating landscape, and archaeological factors.
  • Architectural/urban/master planning experience well regarded.
  • Demonstrated experience in preparing quality heritage advice.
  • Excel in a multi-disciplinary team environment and deftly manage budgetary and time constraints
  • Detailed knowledge of Victorian state and local government statutory requirements

How to Apply
If you are an enthusiastic heritage specialist who enjoys working as part of a dynamic multi-disciplinary team we would love to hear from you. Go to our website at to apply. Please include a concise cover letter specifically addressing the criteria outlined above and your resume.


SITUATION VACANT: Graduate Architect  I  Design 5 – Architects  I  Chippendale NSW | applications reviewed upon submission

Design 5 is an inner-city architecture studio specialising in built heritage conservation, adaptive reuse and associated new work, with a broad range of interesting and challenging projects, primarily in NSW, from new structures in significant contexts, to detailed conservation work.

We are seeking an architecture graduate, with a minimum of 2 years experience and an interest in conservation and adaptive reuse to join our team on a full time basis.

The role includes:

  • assisting with design and documentation including DAs and construction
  • liaising with clients and consultants
  • preparation of reports including Heritage Impact Assessments and CMPs
  • archival research

Key attributes:

  • Training in architecture with design and documentation skills
  • Interest in conservation and adaptive reuse
  • Competence with Microsoft Word and familiarity with InDesign
  • Competence with CAD / Vectorworks or similar – optional
  • Good research and communication skills including technical report writing
  • Confident attitude, highly motivated and willingness to contribute positively to the culture of the practice

An attractive salary package will be offered commensurate with level of experience.  Our practice has a strong culture of fostering involvement through training and mentoring.

Please forward your CV by email to Design 5.




Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Elizabeth Gralton
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
