NEW ITEM: ICOMOS EPWG | Journeys to Authenticity Survey: Mapping the meaning of Authenticity | survey closes 31 January
NEW ITEM: Victorian Government Living Heritage Grants Program | applications open 1 February to 31 March
NEW ITEM: Ngā Pūtahitanga / Crossings: A Joint Conference of SAHANZ and the Australasian UHPH Group | call for abstracts | deadline 28 February
NEW ITEM: Change Over Time journal | call for abstracts | deadline 11 March
HAVE YOUR SAY on the Parliamentary Inquiry into Victorian heritage protections | Submissions close 31 January
Call for Abstracts – 5th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism | deadline 30 January 2022
The Big Stuff 2022 conference (Portugal) is calling for contributions | deadline 5 February 2022
International Conference on Ba Chua Xu Festival | Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture / online | 12 February
Pacific Preservation Summit | Guam | May 24-26 2022
Longford Academy Summer School CANCELLED
Call for nominations | UNESCO Australian Memory of the World register
Nominate a significant heritage place for listing | nominations close 9 February 2022
International Course on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture | Getty Conservation Institute | UAE and Oman, 22 October – 19 November 2022 | deadline 15 February 2022
Australian Heritage Festival | 1 April – 31 May 2022 | Event registration now open | deadline 25 March 2022
NEW SITUATION VACANT: Heritage Officer, Living Heritage Program | Heritage Victoria, DELWP | Melbourne | deadline 3 February
NEW SITUATION VACANT: Graduate Heritage Consultant | Lovell Chen | Melbourne | deadline 9 February
SITUATION VACANT: Heritage Consultant | Urbis | Brisbane | deadline 31 January
SITUATION VACANT: Conservation Officer (Advice) | ACT Heritage | Canberra | deadline 28 January
SITUATION VACANT: Senior Level Built Heritage Consultant | Conrad Gargett | Brisbane | deadline 31 January
SITUATION VACANT: Senior Heritage Consultant | Heritage 21 | Alexandria, NSW | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT: Archaeologist positions | GML Heritage | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT: Senior Heritage Advisor (Aboriginal Archaeology) | Mott MacDonald | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT: Heritage Consultant, Edwards Heritage Consultants (EHC) | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission
NEW ITEM: ICOMOS EPWG | Journeys to Authenticity Survey: Mapping the meaning of Authenticity | Survey closes 31 January
Australia ICOMOS members are invited to contribute to the following survey regarding the concept of authenticity in heritage practice. This survey is part of the initial phase of the Journeys to Authenticity project, a five-year scientific effort coordinated by ICOMOS EPWG with the support of the Advisory Committee, leading to the 30th Anniversary of the Nara Document and its possible revision in 2024. The project aims to explore different understandings of Authenticity and ways to apply them while assessing the values of heritage properties and potential threats to them.
Please complete the survey via this link by 31 January 2022.
NEW ITEM: Victorian Government Living Heritage Grants Program | Applications open 1 February to 31 March
Safeguarding and reactivating our heritage
Applications for Round 7 of the Victorian Government’s competitive community Living Heritage Grants Program will open on 1 February 2022 and close on 31 March 2022.
Eligible applicants may apply for an amount between $20,000 and $200,000 per project, to fund conservation works to ‘at risk’ places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Places and objects must be publicly accessible, and a significant community benefit anticipated.
Complete the eligibility check to find out if you can apply, and read the 2022 Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions at
Eligible applicants are required to contact the Living Heritage team by 15 March 2022 with a detailed proposal before applying.
To apply, follow the link to the online application portal on our website (accessible from 1 February 2022).
For more information, please visit our website: or email:
NEW ITEM: Ngā Pūtahitanga / Crossings: A Joint Conference of SAHANZ and the Australasian UHPH Group | Call for abstracts | deadline 28 February
Ngā Pūtahitanga / Crossings: A Joint Conference of SAHANZ and the Australasian UHPH Group, hosted by the School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland, 24-27 November 2022.
This joint conference serves as the 39th annual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) and the 16th conference of the Australasian Urban History / Planning History (UHPH) Group. The conference will explore matters of common interest to both groups. We seek papers that examine historical moments demonstrating overlap, collaboration, tension or dispute between built environment disciplines, including architecture, planning, urban design, landscape architecture and heritage conservation.
For more information, visit the conference website.
Deadline for abstract submission is 28 February 2022.
NEW ITEM: Change Over Time journal | Call for abstracts | deadline 11 March
Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for our forthcoming issue on Material Matters.
This issue of Change Over Time examines the rise of material studies and its enduring influence on how we perceive, understand, interpret, and ultimately conserve our historic built environments. The topic is of particular relevance today as we debate the embodied values of our built heritage and justify the retention of existing buildings and places in the context of social equity, environmental justice, and climate change.
Please click here to find our complete call for abstracts.
Abstracts of 200-300 words are due 11 March 2022.
HAVE YOUR SAY on the Parliamentary Inquiry into Victorian heritage protections | Submissions close 31 January
In 2020, the Planning and Environment Committee of the Legislative Council established a Parliamentary Inquiry into the adequacy of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Victorian Planning Framework. Heritage protection is a key area of investigation.
Find out more about the Parliamentary Inquiry and how to make an individual submission here. Submissions to the Inquiry close on 31 January.
Call for Abstracts – 5th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism | deadline 30 January 2022
The organising committee of the 5th International Conference on Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA 2022) is inviting participation in this recently emerged platform of exchanging ideas and research studies. The ICCAUA 2022 conference will be held online at Alanya HEP University/Alanya/Turkey, on 11-13 May 2022. For this year’s conference, we will focus on Architecture and Technology, Sustainability and Urban Design, Heritage and Cultural Landscapes, Habitat Studies and Infra Habitation and Civil engineering.
Please see the extended topics of the conference.
Deadline for abstract submission is 30 January 2022.
The Big Stuff 2022 conference (Portugal) is calling for contributions | deadline 5 February 2022
The Big Stuff 2022 conference will be hosted in Seixal in Portugal (near Lisbon) and online, with a focus on the Seixal Ecomuseum (Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal) and the amazing Vale de Milhaços Gunpowder Factory.
We are currently calling for abstracts on the theme “Working together? Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technology heritage”.
Abstracts are invited that address the safeguarding and conservation of industrial and technological heritage from different perspectives, such as:
i) In-situ industrial heritage conservation processes;
ii) Experiences and methodologies for operational conservation of industrial objects;
ii) Agents and processes for safeguarding and conservation;
iii) Training of professionals in conservation of industrial and technological heritage.
Abstracts are due by 5th February 2022 and can be submitted here.
For more information, contact details, and registration visit the Big Stuff 2022 website.
International Conference on Ba Chua Xu Festival | Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture / online | 12 February | call for papers
Ba Chua Xu Festival in Sam Mountain in Chau Doc, An Giang province, a traditional festival in the system of Worshipping the Mother Goddess of ethnic communities in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, has been preserved and practiced for generations. The aim of this conference is to identify the value of the worship of Goddess Sam Mountain in the context of Goddess worship in Vietnam; comparing the similarities and differences among forms of Goddess worship in the world; placing Ba Chua Xu Festival in Sam mountain in the context of international integration with the issue of preserving and promoting the intangible cultural values of Vietnamese ethnic community, meeting the requirements of sustainable national development.
Conference organisers, Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture in collaboration with An Giang Provincial People’s Committee, are now calling for papers.
Date: 12 February 2022
Venue: Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and online
Click here for more information.
Pacific Preservation Summit | Guam | May 24-26 2022
Join the Guam Preservation Trust in 2022 as they bring together heritage preservation professionals, advocates, and communities to the 2nd Pacific Preservation Summit and collaborate and learn from each other on how to protect the heritage of our past with the advances in technology.
Click here to register for free.
Interested in presenting? Click here.
For more information, visit the summit website or contact the Guam Preservation Trust at
Longford Academy Summer School CANCELLED
Sadly, the coronavirus situation means that the Longford Academy has reluctantly decided to cancel the Summer School planned for February 6–12 2022. However, we are very encouraged by the high level of interest and so the Academy is investigating the possibility of running the course in October/November 2022 in addition to the normal scheduled Summer School in February 2023.
Coronavirus permitting, the Academy will also be running the usual Autumn Program this May (9–14).
All enquiries and requests for further information should be made to
Call for nominations | UNESCO Australian Memory of the World register
Many organisations hold documentary heritage that meets the criteria for inscription on the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register. Does yours? Why not nominate it in this round and build our register of significant documentary heritage?
The UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register currently stands at 78 inscriptions of significant documentary heritage that reflect the experience of our nation and capture its memory.
Check our website – – to see the current entries on the UNESCO Australian Memory of the World Register. This demonstrates the scope and nature of the documentary heritage that has been inscribed since the Register was established 20 years ago.
The website also gives you guidance – under ‘Nominate’ – about the nomination process – see You can download a copy of the nomination form that sets out the nomination process and the criteria for inscription.
You can use the Contact Us form on the website to ask any questions about nominating to the Australian Register –
Nominate a significant heritage place for listing | nominations close 9 February 2022
The Australian Government is inviting Australians to nominate the sites they would like to see added to the National Heritage List and Commonwealth Heritage List.
National Heritage List
The National Heritage List includes 119 exceptional cultural, historic and natural places that contribute to Australia’s national identity. National heritage defines the critical moments in our development as a nation and reflects the richness of Australia’s natural heritage, as well as the achievements, sorrows, and joys in the lives of Australians.
Commonwealth Heritage List
The Commonwealth Heritage List (CHL) contains nearly 400 places of Indigenous, historic, and natural value. The Australian Government acts as a custodian of heritage on Commonwealth Land and works together with Commonwealth agencies and local communities to celebrate and protect the places that are important to us.
To find out more or to nominate a place, visit:
Nominations are open until 9 February 2022.
International Course on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture | Getty Conservation Institute | UAE and Oman, 22 October – 19 November 2022 | deadline 15 February 2022
The Getty Conservation Institute, in partnership with the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi, would like to announce the launch of the second International Course on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture (EAC) held in Al Ain, UAE and Nizwa, Oman.
The new dates are 22 October – 19 November 2022. Applications can be found on our website and submitted by 15 February 2022.
Australian Heritage Festival | 1 April – 31 May 2022 | Event registration now open | deadline 25 March 2022
The Australian Heritage Festival is Australia’s largest annual community-driven heritage festival. Returning 1 April – 31 May 2022 with the new theme Curiosity, the festival is set to bring heritage to life! Join the celebrations and invite your community to explore our nation’s natural, cultural, Indigenous, living and built heritage.
Each year thousands of event organisers and volunteers from across the country host fascinating real-time or online heritage events for their local communities in the form of heritage walks, talks, exhibitions, demonstrations, fairs, lunches, open days and so much more… and we want you to be part of the celebrations in 2022!
The National Trust invites local councils, community groups, galleries & museums, historical & literature societies, libraries and heritage enthusiasts to register events that fall within the festival dates and align with the theme.
To get started, visit the ‘event organisers’ webpage for more information including downloads, toolkits and checklists. This outlines the registration criteria and what support you will receive from the National Trust. When you have your event organised, you’re ready to register your event.
NEW SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Living Heritage Program | Heritage Victoria, DELWP | Melbourne | deadline 3 February
The position will support the administration of a competitive grants program providing support to owners and managers of ‘at risk’ State listed heritage places across Victoria. The position will ensure the timely delivery of projects in accordance with statutory processes under the Heritage Act 2017 and manage contracts and relationships with a range of external stakeholders.
Specialist/Technical Expertise/Qualifications
A relevant tertiary qualification and experience in heritage conservation is required.
This is a fixed term position until 30 June 2022.
To be considered for this position, your application should include a supporting statement demonstrating that you meet the Key Selection Criteria detailed in the position description, including the Specialist/Technical Expertise/Qualifications and capabilities sections.
For further information and to apply please refer to the position description available here: Heritage Officer, Living Heritage Program –
Applications close at midnight on Thursday, 3 February 2022.
NEW SITUATION VACANT Graduate Heritage Consultant | Lovell Chen | Melbourne | deadline 9 February
We are looking for a highly motivated recent graduate who is passionate about all things heritage to join our busy East Melbourne office.
You will join a dynamic team of experienced professionals, and contribute to the range of cultural heritage management services we deliver, including report preparation — ranging from appraisals of heritage significance to conservation management plans.
A diversity of inputs is expected in this role. Skills in research and heritage place description are essential, and you will be expected to have, or develop, knowledge of heritage planning and state heritage controls.
The position has excellent potential for career development and provides an opportunity to grow your skills within a collaborative and supportive environment.
For more information, visit the Lovell Chen Careers webpage.
Applications close at 4pm on Wednesday 9 February 2022.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant | Urbis | Brisbane | deadline 31 January
The continued growth of Urbis in Brisbane means we are looking for a motivated and energised professional Heritage Consultant to join our national team. We are looking for a lateral thinker and outstanding communicator seeking an opportunity to be involved in city-shaping projects for a diverse range of private and public-sector clients.
For more information, visit the Urbis website.
Applications close 31 January 2022.
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Officer (Advice) | ACT Heritage | Canberra | deadline 28 January
We are looking for an experienced Conservation Officer to join ACT Heritage and contribute to the conservation and management of the ACT’s rich heritage. Working in the Approvals and Advice team, you will support ACT Heritage and the ACT Heritage Council through preparation of advice on a range of Heritage Act 2004 applications, referrals and queries, relating to proposed development and conservation works, primarily at built and historic heritage places and objects.
Closing Date: 28 January 2022
SITUATION VACANT Senior Level Built Heritage Consultant | Conrad Gargett | Brisbane | deadline 31 January
Conrad Gargett is a multi-disciplinary practice with a focus on integrating architecture, landscape, interior and urban design. We are committed to delivering outstanding project outcomes with highly skilled staff, innovation through analysis and research, leading edge software application and a thorough design management system. We have studios in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ethiopia, Melbourne, Sydney and Townsville (refer our website
An opportunity exists for an experienced Built Heritage Consultant / Conservation Architect / Architectural Historian to join the team in the Brisbane Office to support the heritage consultancy team working with private, corporate and government clients, and providing heritage consultancy advice in house to other architectural teams.
More information can be found here.
To apply for this position, email a cover letter and CV to, using ‘Senior Heritage Consultant, Brisbane’ as the subject line.
Applications close 31 January 2022.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Consultant | Heritage 21 | Alexandria NSW | applications reviewed upon submission
Heritage 21 is seeking the right candidate to join their team. We are a specialist firm of dedicated heritage practitioners operating throughout NSW and the ACT. Located in Alexandria, the firm assists clients with heritage projects within the private, public and government sectors through the heritage approval process at both State and Local government levels.
Our in-house heritage staff have expertise in built heritage, urban planning, history, research, and architecture. The perfect candidate will need to have the ability to take on a variety of tasks, from managing projects, preparing cultural heritage assessments, report writing and mentoring junior staff. The successful applicant will work closely with the other team leader and will report to the Studio Manager.
If you are self-motivated, have a passion for heritage and attention to detail, then PLEASE APPLY for this position by sending us your confidential CV to
More information can be found at Careers – Heritage 21.
SITUATION VACANT Archaeologist positions | GML Heritage | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission
Work with us on our exciting archaeological projects in 2022 and contribute to significant research and public archaeology outcomes.
About the roles
We have a range of opportunities for archaeologists of all levels of experience and technical expertise. We are also interested in hearing from archaeologists with specialist skills. We can offer roles to suit your availability and preferences. A range of contracts are on offer, including casual, temporary, full-time, part-time and ongoing.
At a minimum you will have a degree in archaeology or a related discipline, a passion for Australian archaeology, and a desire to work on large-scale high profile archaeology projects.
We are particularly keen to hear from field and project archaeologist who are looking for excellent contracts.
About the projects
GML will commence several archaeological projects in Parramatta, Sydney and Western Sydney in 2022. The works are components of large-scale, significant projects.
The sites have potential for significant archaeology associated with convict and early colonial settlement, and nineteenth domestic, commercial and industrial archaeology. There is also potential for significant Aboriginal archaeology.
The archaeological projects are starting in March 2022, ongoing throughout the year and into 2023.
There will be several intakes of archaeologists over this time.
Go to our website and click on the news link for more information about how to express your interest in field and project roles.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor (Aboriginal Archaeology) | Mott MacDonald | Sydney | applications reviewed on submission
Mott MacDonald is a global engineering, management and development consultancy focused on improving society by considering social outcomes in all we do. We are wholly independent, employee-owned company that offers a range of opportunities to work with expert practitioners on expansive and challenging construction projects.
Due to our growing presence in the environment and sustainability market and recent large project wins, we have an exciting opportunity for a Senior Heritage Advisor (Aboriginal Archaeology) to join our growing team. This position can be a part time or fulltime role. You will be joining a diverse team of consultants who are passionate about what they do, with a proven track record guiding our clients, and leading delivery of critical infrastructure projects.
For more information see the job advertisement on the Mott MacDonald website: Senior Heritage Advisor (Aboriginal Archaeology) – Mott MacDonald
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Consultant | Edwards Heritage Consultants (EHC) | Sydney | applications reviewed upon submission
An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced and self-motivated Heritage Consultant to join EHC’s growing team on a full-time, permanent basis.
About EHC
Established in 2008, Edwards Heritage Consultants Pty Ltd (‘EHC’) is a respected and leading heritage consultancy, having built a strong reputation in delivering high quality and successful outcomes with an extensive range of heritage services.
Based in the northwest of Sydney, EHC has a diverse and impressive portfolio of over 650 different clients, working closely with private property owners, local Councils, Government agencies, corporate organisations, institutional and ecclesiastical groups. We also work closely with Architects, Planners, Developers and other owners and custodians of some pretty amazing heritage places.
Our experienced and dedicated team think outside the square and are experts in providing a practical and balanced approach to our work, proactively identifying, assessing and managing heritage, on a variety of projects ranging in complexity and significance.
We prepare heritage advice and impact assessments, conservation management documentation, interpretation strategies and plans, photographic archival recordings, heritage studies, expert evidence in Land and Environment Court appeals, architectural and building conservation advice, as well as a range of heritage advisory services to Local Councils, including referrals to statutory applications, strategic advice, grant administration and policy development.
Our core focus is in built heritage conservation, inclusive of heritage buildings and structures, landscapes and moveable objects. However, our team is expanding and we are also looking to incorporate archaeological services and expertise.
About the Role
If you have 2-5 years’ experience in heritage management and conservation practice, with a background in architecture, planning, archaeology, or other similar and relevant fields, and keen to work in a small but dedicated and respected practice in northwest Sydney, undertaking some exciting and challenging projects – we’d love to hear from you!
You would need to be comfortable working closely within a small team as well as working independently when needed. You should have a passion for heritage management and conservation practice, have good ‘people skills’ and value building great relationships with our Clients and stakeholders, as well as being an all-round great fit within our team.
You should have experience in preparing complex heritage management documentation, a demonstrated ability to provide responsible, rational and creative expert heritage advice, and a good understanding of heritage legislation and the NSW heritage system generally.
You should also be willing to be involved in the full spectrum of office and project tasks, including general admin and have good time management skills.
If you have slightly more experience, but this sounds like you, don’t be shy – we’d still love to hear from you!
Introduce yourself by email – you might like to send us some examples of your work that grabs our attention, together with a short CV.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Elizabeth Gralton
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131