Heritage Resources

Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts Online
Twentieth century heritage: marking the recent past
The heritage of European universities
Book on Indigenous heritage urges developers to “ask first”
Free Resources for Conservation Professionals
First Study of Cultural Heritage Losses in USA on September 11, 2001
20th Century Architecture in Wollongong

Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts Online

The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), in association with the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC), is bringing Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA) online as a free service to the international conservation community. As of June 8, 2002, AATA Online will offer all 36 volumes of Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts and its predecessor, IIC Abstracts, published between 1955 and the present. By year end, abstracts from the 20 AATA special supplements and almost 2,000 abstracts published between 1932 and 1955 by the Fogg Art Museum and the Freer Gallery of Art will be included as well. Ultimately, more than 100,000 abstracts of worldwide information resources related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage will be accessible in AATA Online. New abstracts will be added quarterly, as we continue to work with subject editors and volunteer abstractors to expand the breadth, depth, and currency of coverage.

Go to AATA Online.

Twentieth century heritage: marking the recent past

This informative and thought provoking publication examines the nature of twentieth century heritage, and challenges the orthodoxy of the way heritage is viewed. It argues that modern heritage, particularly places dating from after the Second World War, should be a part of the legacy of our cultural heritage.

The book outlines how changes in Australian society impacted on the built environment during the twentieth century. The influence of the modern movement – the impact of the car on our society – and the influence of European culture are just a few of the topics discussed. Tangible reminders of those influences are still with us – the service station – the humble fibro cottage – the ubiquitous cream brick house – the tall buildings – through to the ever-increasing coffee shop culture. These are just a few structures that have left an impact on our landscape: places that form an integral part of people’s lives and their identities.

Case studies, with full colour photographs, are included from a nationwide palette of diverse examples.

A useful comprehensive reading list, with Australian references to published and unpublished works on twentieth century heritage, makes this publication an important contribution to the body of work on twentieth century heritage.

The heritage of European universities

This book sets out to explore of the university heritage in its rich variety, both material and intellectual, and how it is transmitted in the various countries of Europe and in different periods. The aim of this publication, gathering authors representing 15 institutions, is to raise awareness of the key role of universities to the cultural heritage of Europe as well as to encourage universities to cooperate at European level to define a common approach to their common problems and lacks with regard to their heritage.

Book on Indigenous heritage urges developers to “ask first”

Unintended damage to Indigenous heritage places as a result of planning and development decisions should be greatly reduced with the help of a new publication, Ask First: A guide to respecting Indigenous heritage places and values.

Australian Heritage Commission Chairman, Tom Harley, said that the book, which was developed by the AHC and launched on 4 June, would provide an invaluable tool for developers, managers, planners and workers who want to protect special Indigenous places.

“Ask First helps guide people through the consultation process with Indigenous communities,” Mr Harley said.

“It provides clear suggestions for industry groups looking to establish a dialogue with Indigenous communities to achieve a positive outcome for all involved.

“The emphasis on Indigenous involvement, consultation and reaching negotiated agreements is consistent with Government’s approach to reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage protection. The reconciliation process is about bringing people together so that they can talk honestly and

openly and with understanding.

“This publication recognizes that Indigenous people are the primary source of information about the significance of Indigenous areas and objects and decisions that affect that significance must be made in consultation with Indigenous people.”

Mr Harley said the launch of Ask First, was the culmination of a three-year consultation process. This involved a wide range of people including heritage professionals, researchers, Indigenous individuals and organisations, the mining and agricultural industries as well as State, Territory, Commonwealth and local

government agencies.

“The Commission has a commitment to producing guidelines that help Australians protect different aspects of their heritage places,” he said.

“This publication will complement other heritage guidelines including the Burra Charter, which focuses on built heritage and the Australian Natural Heritage Charter.”

Further information: http://www.ahc.gov.au/infores/publications/indigenousheritage/index.html

Free Resources for Conservation Professionals

The Board of the Conservation Information Network is pleased to announce a new Web site for the Conservation Information Network (CIN) at www.bcin.ca. The new site, created on behalf of CIN by the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN), will become accessible on May 1, 2002. The BCIN Bibliographic Database will be offered free of charge on the new site.

BCIN currently contains over 190,000 bibliographic records on conservation, contributed by the following:

  • Canadian Conservation Institute Library
  • Getty Conservation Institute
  • International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)
  • International Council of Museums (ICOM)
  • International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
  • National Archives of Canada
  • Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education (SCMRE)

BCIN will include the first 34 volumes of Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA) published between 1955 and 1997.

In a related development, the entire body of AATA abstracts, published from 1955 to the present, will be available in a new free online service, AATA Online. Offered by the Getty Conservation Institute, in association with the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC),

AATA Online will go live on June 8, 2002 at www.getty.edu/conservation. The site will be updated on a quarterly basis.

In the coming months, the CIN Board will actively explore ways to enhance access and integration of the conservation resources represented in the BCIN and AATA databases so as to provide the best and widest possible service to the field.

The Canadian Heritage Information Network is also undertaking a major redevelopment of its Web site at www.chin.gc.ca. In addition to featuring an engaging new look and user-friendly navigational tools, the Web site will focus on skills required for creating and managing digital content. As with the new

Conservation Information Network site, the new CHIN site will be launched on May 1, 2002, and all CHIN online resources will be offered free of charge.

Canadian Heritage Information Network

First Study of Cultural Heritage Losses in USA on September 11, 2001

Although the United States suffered incalculable personal and economic losses on September 11, 2001, little has been written about the destruction of America’s cultural and historical legacy – until now. Heritage Preservation, the leading non-profit advocate for the proper care of cultural heritage in the USA, has just published Cataclysm and Challenge, a 26-page report offering the first comprehensive study of what was lost – both in Lower Manhattan and at the Pentagon — on that day. The report also highlights findings obtained from a survey – conducted in the months immediately following September 11 – of 122 museums, libraries, archives and other collecting institutions in Lower Manhattan. It reveals significant lessons that may help protect cultural heritage from future disasters.

For more information click here

20th Century Architecture in Wollongong

Written by Robert Irving, generously illustrated with photographs by Patrick Grant.