
Heritage Strategies Guide (2004)
Update on New Australian Commonwealth Heritage Legislation

Heritage Strategies Guide

(2 May 2004)

As part of the implementation of the amended Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC), the Department of Environment and Heritage has developed a guide to assist Commonwealth agencies in preparing their Heritage Strategies. Australia ICOMOS is currently reviewing the guideline.

Update on New Australian Commonwealth Heritage Legislation

The lengthy process to develop the new Australian Commonwealth heritage legislation seems to have reached its final stage. The package of three revised Bills was introduced into the Parliament by the Government in mid 2002. The first set of Bills lapsed with the last Federal election. The revised Bills were passed by the House of Representatives at the end of that year amidst some little controversy, because of the restrictions imposed on the parliamentary process by the Government.

The Bills are currently before the Senate but the key negotiations are happening behind the scenes. The Government is seeking the support of other parties in order to achieve the numbers for passage in that chamber. It seems possible the Bills may be passed during May.

Australia ICOMOS, along with other heritage and environment groups, have been promoting improvements to the Bills. However, at the end of the day we are seeking passage of the Bills, and do not wish to see them fail.

Kristal Buckley, Sharon Sullivan and Duncan Marshall have been working on this matter for Australia ICOMOS.