Australia ICOMOS has a range of Institutional/Corporate members, which are organisations that devote all or a substantial part of their activities to the conservation, protection, restoration, rehabilitation, enhancement or animation of historical monuments, buildings and sites and/or other items of cultural heritage significance. Institutional/Corporate members agree to abide by the Ethical Principles for ICOMOS Members and to practice within the terms of the Burra Charter, however Australia ICOMOS does not endorse them in any way.
Click on the links below for links to Australia ICOMOS’ Institutional/Corporate members’ websites.
- Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority
- ARTLAB Australia
- Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage, University of Melbourne
- Brisbane City Council
- City of Adelaide
- City of Gold Coast (Office of the City Architect, Heritage Unit)
- City of Sydney
- City of Whittlesea
- City Plan Heritage
- Colgan Industries P/L
- Heritage Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & the Environment
- Maitland City Council
- Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
- Museums of History NSW
- Parks Victoria
- Place Management NSW
- Port Arthur Historic Site
- State Heritage Unit, SA Dept for Environment & Water
- Swanbury Penglase
- Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
- Working Heritage