[UPDATED ITEM] POSTPONED Caring For Country Webinar 2: “Climate Change Adaptation for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage”
[NEW ITEM] DISCOVER SLM: TALK SERIES, online, every Tuesday @12pm: next talk Tuesday 24 August
[NEW ITEM] Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards 2021 – nominations close Friday 3 September
[NEW ITEM] International Wood Committee (IIWC) “Minimal Intervention Challenge” – submissions due 20 September
[NEW ITEM] Update on the NSW Heritage Act Review
[NEW ITEM] New publication on Hobart’s Theatre Royal & the Hedberg
[NEW ITEM] WHIPIC Online Lecture Series: “Speaking with a Changing World: communicating the heritage of the world” – watch online
[NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
Port Arthur Talk, 24 August 2021
ISSI Heritage Illuminate session, 26 August, Zoom
AICCM Agents of Change series: #6: POLLUTANTS – 31 August, 7-8.30pm AEST
WEBINAR: The Cultural Value of the Night Sky, 15 September, 6pm AEST
CHNT conference, 2-4 November 2021, Vienna – call for submissions: deadline 20 August
International Iconic Houses Conference, online, five weekly modules starting 2 September
City of Stirling (WA) Design Review Panel – EOI close 27 August
Develop Professional Skills with ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: Registrations Open
REB&CG and WHEA draft World Heritage Strategy Plan – submissions invited and close 24 September
SITUATION VACANT Manager, Statutory Approvals, Heritage Victoria, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 22 August]
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Public Works Advisory | Department of Regional NSW, Sydney [DEADLINE: 22 August]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, Public Works Advisory | Department of Regional NSW, Sydney [DEADLINE: 22 August]
SITUATION VACANT Property Management and Leasing Officer, National Trust of Western Australia, Perth [DEADLINE: 26 August]
SITUATION VACANT Secretariat Officer, Australia ICOMOS, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 29 August]
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
SITUATION VACANT Senior / Principal Cultural Heritage Specialist, AECOM, Brisbane [Applications reviewed upon submission]
1. [UPDATED ITEM] POSTPONED Caring For Country Webinar 2: “Climate Change Adaptation for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage”
This webinar has been postponed until further notice.
2. [NEW ITEM] DISCOVER SLM: TALK SERIES, online, every Tuesday @12pm: next talk Tuesday 24 August
Join Sydney Living Museums’ curatorial team as they take you behind-the-scenes and discuss their current research in this free online talk series.
Each week a different curator will tackle subjects ranging from architecture to cookery.
3. [NEW ITEM] Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards 2021 – nominations close Friday 3 September
Now in their 28th year, the Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards celebrate the wonderful achievements of the Victorian museum and gallery sector. We recognise that 2021 has been another year of upheaval and change and unfortunately because of the ongoing uncertainty our awards ceremony will again be a free online event. Please do join us to celebrate our sector’s resilience in times of uncertainty that has been 2021 and recognise the amazing work carried out by individuals and organisations even through these challenging times.
Objectives of the Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards
The Victorian Museums and Galleries Awards recognise outstanding achievements and service in the museum, gallery, and collecting sector. This prestigious event celebrates organisations and individuals whose passion and work build a strong Victorian museum and gallery industry. The objectives of the Awards are to:
- Raise awareness of museums and galleries as effective vehicles for engagement with ideas and communities
- Reward and encourage best practice by individuals and organisations
- Celebrate the value of museums and galleries to local and wider community groups
For more information visit the AMaGA Victoria website.
Nominations close 5pm, Friday 3 September.
4. [NEW ITEM] International Wood Committee (IIWC) “Minimal Intervention Challenge” – submissions due 20 September
Wooden heritage is especially rich and diverse in examples that spread through every culture and latitude. Due to the specific characteristics of wood, its conservation involves specific approaches that might differ from those accepted in the conservation of heritage built with other materials, such as disassembling. The appropriateness of approaches in wooden heritage conservation is a constant discussion in meetings and Symposia. However, it is widely accepted that interventions should, as stated in the 2017 IIWC Principles, follow the minimal intervention criteria. In this context, the IIWC is launching a challenge to the community of wooden heritage conservation.
The aim is to have each one of us thinking in the concept of “minimal intervention”, with the desired output of having a number of definitions of the concept related to different cases and situations of wooden heritage conservation. For that, each one of those that are willing to participate would prepare a short presentation, in which to explain the approach to the concept of minimal intervention in that case.
The examples might be a part of a repair, disassembling, reconstruction, change of use, relocation, temporary and evolving heritage, and so forth. It can focus on tangible and/or intangible aspects.
The case can be a project in which you have worked, but it can also be any case that you might consider of interest to showcase a specific definition or approach.
The format is Pecha-Kucha, which means 15 slides that last 20 seconds each, this is 5 minutes.
The presentations should include the context of the case, the condition of the wooden heritage, the research carried out, the approach to its conservation, and finally the conservation process. It is requested that all presentations include in the last slide, the definition of ‘minimal intervention’ adapted to the specific case, which should be written in a few words. Please follow this template: TEMPLATE_IIWC_MIC (PPT file).
Submissions should be sent to this email address by 20 September.
5. [NEW ITEM] Update on the NSW Heritage Act Review
Australia ICOMOS members, especially those based in NSW, will be aware of the current Legislative Council Standing Committee on Social Issues undertaking a review of the Heritage Act 1977, at the request of the Minister, Don Harwin MLC.
A Discussion Paper was released in May, and public submissions invited in response. Around 300 submissions were received from a broad range of stakeholders, including heritage organisations, developers, property owners, community organisations and heritage consulting firms. Australia ICOMOS prepared a submission that raised a number of concerns about the proposed changes, and also proposed that there were a number of issues about the administration of heritage processes that warranted consideration despite their not being addressed in the Discussion Paper. In essence, the legislation does not need major change, but rather the administration of the Act needs substantial improvement.
The Legislative Council Standing Committee is currently conducting hearings from some of those who provided submissions, including Australia ICOMOS (the transcript of our evidence is at this link. If you have any queries about the process, please contact Bruce Dawbin by email or Peter Romey by email, or refer to the Legislative Council website.
Thanks to Peter Romey and other NSW members for their efforts in preparing the Australia ICOMOS response.
6. [NEW ITEM] New publication on Hobart’s Theatre Royal & the Hedberg
Peter Freeman OAM, author, and conservation architect, has created this publication as a celebration of the new ‘Hedberg Performing Arts Centre’, which will revitalise Tasmania’s cultural life and renew Hobart’s venerable Theatre Royal and celebrate the longevity of Hobart’s Wapping.
7. [NEW ITEM] WHIPIC Online Lecture Series: “Speaking with a Changing World: communicating the heritage of the world” – watch online
WHIPIC’s 2021 Online Lecture Series continues. The latest lecture, “Speaking with a Changing World: communicating the heritage of the world” presented by Dr Mike Robinson, can be viewed online here.
WHIPIC = The International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO
8. [NEW ISSUE] The Best in Heritage news update
Click here to read the latest news from The Best in Heritage.
Port Arthur Talk, 24 August 2021
A Legacy of Madness? Pentonville Prison to Port Arthur
presented by Honey Dower
Honey Dower is close to finishing her PhD on health and madness during the Pentonville Prison Experiment at the University of Tasmania (UTAS). After gaining a BA (Hons) at the UTAS, she completed her MA in History at the Australian National University. As a historian, her research interests include health in institutions, crime and punishment, and historical criminology. She is passionate about public-facing history, dark and difficult histories, and education in the heritage and public history industries.
In 1842, an experimental prison discipline was instituted at the new Pentonville Prison, London. This system called “separate treatment” confined prisoners in silence to their cells for 22 hours a day – comparable to the type of “solitary confinement” used in prisons today. Although the Pentonville Prison Experiment (1842-9) was soon plagued with claims of mental and physical illness, its subjects were nevertheless transported to the Australian colonies, namely Van Diemen’s Land. Through the lobbying of an ex-warder from Pentonville and an ambitious ship surgeon-superintendent, a “model prison” was proposed for the Port Arthur penal settlement. This prison intended to mimic Pentonville Prison in every way – despite the objections that this system made inmates “mad”. This talk surveys the complex legacy of “separate treatment” and traces this discipline from the controversial Pentonville Prison to Port Arthur itself, where this prison system was in action until the closure of the settlement in 1877 – some twenty-eight years after the London-based experiment ended.
When: 24 August, 12pm
Where: 1830 Restaurant & Bar, Visitor Centre, Port Arthur Historic Site
RSVP NOTE: Attendance by booking only. For bookings phone 1800 659 101 between 10am and 4pm or email Port Arthur Reservations
Physical distancing requirements will be observed at all times.
Download the “A Legacy of Madness? Pentonville Prison to Port Arthur” talk flyer.
ISSI Heritage Illuminate session, 26 August, Zoom
ISS Institute’s Illuminate sessions are back! We will be holding our first Illuminate session online, focusing on our heritage Fellowships.
When: 26 August, 2:30-4pm
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free BUT please register
For more information and to register, visit this link.
AICCM Agents of Change series: #6: POLLUTANTS – 31 August, 7-8.30pm AEST
Agents of Change: 10 Agents Over 10 Months
The AICCM Preventive Special Interest Group is hosting a series of online forums. Following on from the successful 2019 conference Managing Risks to Collections, 10 AGENTS OVER 10 MONTHS will explore and expand the traditional 10 Agents of Deterioration to encompass relevant and topical themes – such as the climate change, bushfires, repatriation, and COVID.
The series will run from March to December covering one Agent per month, and has been developed to enable our Conservation community to continue to share knowledge, insights and experiences virtually through talks, presentations, workshops, panel discussions and hybrid events throughout 2021.
31 August 2021
>> more information | registration
Speakers: David Thickett, Jean Tétreault & Lisa Addison
WEBINAR: The Cultural Value of the Night Sky, 15 September, 6pm AEST
15 September, 6pm
Prof Clive Ruggles | University of Leicester
Should cultural heritage sites be lit at night for tourists? What is the value of the night sky for cultures present and past? Prof Ruggles explores these questions from an archeoastronomy perspective.
Clive is Emeritus Professor of Archaeoastronomy in the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester, UK. He has worked in many parts of the world and published numerous books, papers and articles including the 3-volume Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy (2014), for which he was editor-in-chief. He has ongoing fieldwork and analysis projects in Hawai‘i, Peru and Europe and from 2008 to 2018 was a leading figure in a joint initiative by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the International Astronomical Union to recognise, protect, and promote the world’s most important astronomical heritage sites. He was awarded the Royal Astronomical Society’s new Agnes Mary Clerke Medal in 2017 for a “lifetime of distinguished work in the overlapping areas of archaeology, astronomy and the history of science”.
>> Register here
CHNT conference, 2-4 November 2021, Vienna – call for submissions: deadline 20 August
International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
Hybrid CHNT 26, 2021
The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age
2-4 November 2021
Vienna, Austria
After 25 years, the organization of the “International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies” is under new management. From 2021 onwards, the conference will be organized by the newly founded association CHNT – ICOMOS Austria, a branch of ICOMOS Austria, in cooperation with the Municipal Department for Cultural Affairs. With a heartfelt thank you to the Museen der Stadt Wien – Urban Archaeology Vienna for making the conference possible the last 25 years.
Call for submissions: papers, short papers, posters, apps and science slam
Submissions can be made according to the themes found in the 2021 program.
- Submission information for Papers, Short papers, Posters
- Submission information for AppAward
- Submission information for Science Slam
Deadline for submissions: 20 August
International Iconic Houses Conference, online, five weekly modules starting 2 September
How did progressive architecture develop in The Netherlands in the past hundred years and what have the residents of ‘normal houses’ gained from the wild experiments that the architects have sometimes carried out?
In September, Pioneers of the Dutch Modern House will put the strongest examples of innovative, avant-garde residential architecture in the spotlight for you in five online modules. In total, twenty modern house museums of The Netherlands will be featured. Leading authorities on architecture will present a series of thematic videos about the Dutch reinvention of the house in the 20th century. These films will complement the live streamed keynote lectures on the same themes.
The five modules can be joined live online by house museum professionals/volunteers, owners of modern homes, architects, preservationists, and architecture lovers, on the five Thursdays in September: 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 September.
The package of recorded lectures together with the video series can be purchased later as modules through our webshop to watch on demand.
City of Stirling (WA) Design Review Panel – EOI close 27 August
If you are enthusiastic about shaping and influencing design, with a background in urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, planning, heritage and/or sustainability and environmental design – we invite you to nominate for the City of Stirling’s Design Review Panel.
The Design Review Panel membership will include up to 15 suitably qualified professionals to act in a consultative capacity to the City, reviewing and providing independent, impartial, expert design advice on a variety of development proposals and strategic instruments.
More information on the Panel and the nomination process is available on the City of Stirling website.
Nominations close 5.00pm, Friday 27 August 2021.
Develop Professional Skills with ACAHUCH MicroCerts in Urban and Cultural Heritage: Registrations Open
Drawing upon the world-leading research, teaching and industry expertise within the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH), these online microcredential offerings are designed for professionals of diverse backgrounds seeking to expand their applied skills in Urban and Cultural Heritage.
Upcoming microcerts include:
Statutory Heritage (starts 15 September 2021)
Gain a solid grounding in heritage laws, policies and processes from leading heritage practitioners. This course is designed for professionals in both the government and private sectors seeking the fundamentals of local, state and national heritage governance.
New Approaches to Heritage Significance (November 2021)
Learn cutting-edge techniques for assessing the cultural significance of heritage places. This course is designed for experienced and emerging professionals to foster practical skills to address recognised challenges in the field.
Each MicroCert is taught fully online over 3 weeks (30 hours) + 1 week for assessment and is relevant to professionals from a wide range of sectors with an interest and/or involvement in urban and cultural heritage.
Designed with contributions from leading Australian architects and planners, state and local authorities, heritage bodies, community groups and other leading urban and cultural heritage organisations, microcredentials are awarded through information-rich digital certificates and can be shared with prospective employers and accrediting bodies digitally and via social media, such as LinkedIn.
Each offering provides you flexibility to upskill, expand your knowledge or begin a pathway to further study.
Register for an information session or contact the learner support team for more details.
REB&CG and WHEA draft World Heritage Strategy Plan – submissions invited and close 24 September
Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) World Heritage Environs Area (WHEA) draft World Heritage Strategy Plan (Strategy Plan).
The draft Strategy Plan and proposed planning scheme amendments are now available for anyone to view and respond to at the Engage Victoria website.
What is the World Heritage Strategy Plan?
As a place included in both the Victorian Heritage Register and the World Heritage List, the REB&CG must have Strategy Plan in accordance with the Heritage Act 2017 (the Heritage Act).
The Strategy Plan sets out strategies for the appropriate use of the WHEA, an area around the REB&CG. The WHEA acts as a ‘buffer zone’ to protect the world heritage values of the site. Areas within the WHEA are subject to height and set-back controls within the planning schemes of the City of Melbourne and City of Yarra.
The Strategy Plan forms part of the World Heritage Management Plan for the REB&CG and was completed in 2013. These plans must be reviewed every seven years, a draft Strategy Plan has been prepared to replace the 2013 Strategy Plan.
In addition to the draft Strategy Plan, draft planning scheme amendments have been exhibited to give effect to the Strategy Plan in the City of Melbourne and City of Yarra. These planning scheme amendments are also available for public comment and are supported by an Explanatory Report.
Making a submission
Information on how to make a submission to the Heritage Council is available at this link.
The draft Strategy Plan will be publicly advertised until 14 September 2021.
Any submission in relation to the draft Strategy Plan and/or proposed planning scheme amendments must be made on or before 14 September 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Manager, Statutory Approvals, Heritage Victoria, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 22 August]
Salary: $124,033 – $165,983 + super
- Do you have a strong understanding of heritage, the Heritage Act 2017 and the Burra Charter?
- Do you want to be part of a team responsible for Victoria’s most important heritage places and objects such as the Flinders Street Railway Station, Federation Square, the Eureka Flag and the wreck of the Loch Ard?
- Use your influence and negotiation skills to achieve positive heritage outcomes.
Location: Melbourne / Flexible
The Manager, Statutory Approvals will manage and lead a multi-disciplinary team responsible for the delivery of key statutory functions under the Heritage Act 2017. This will include the assessment of permits and permit exemption applications in respect to changes to heritage places and objects included on the Victorian Heritage Register, as well as management of consents and other processes pertaining to historical archaeological sites and maritime heritage sites. The role will have delegated decision-making responsibilities and provides specialist high level advice and direction to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria, the department and key stakeholders.
Specialist/Technical Expertise/Qualifications
- A tertiary qualification in planning, architecture, heritage or other related discipline
- An understanding of the philosophical and practical issues related to the conservation and management of heritage
This is an ongoing position.
To be considered for this position, your application should include a supporting statement demonstrating that you meet the Key Selection Criteria detailed in the position description, including the Specialist/Technical Expertise/Qualifications and Capabilities sections.
For further information please refer to Careers at VicGov website.
Applications close at midnight on 22 August 2021.
For further information please contact Steven Avery at Heritage Victoria on 0437 321 719 or email Steven.
SITUATION VACANT Heritage Officer, Public Works Advisory | Department of Regional NSW, Sydney [DEADLINE: 22 August]
We are currently seeking a Heritage Officer to join Public Works Advisory (PWA) within the Department of Regional NSW (DRNSW). The Heritage Officer is part of the Heritage, Environment & Planning team (HEP) and supports and assists the team in a range of business and heritage advisory tasks to enable delivery of annual programs of heritage conservation projects for public assets, working with internal and external clients and partners within government.
The role will assist senior staff to deliver heritage conservation advisory services, project planning, construction documentation and presentation, conservation management documents, procurement and management of consultant services, client, site and team meetings, photographic recording of construction works and development consent applications as well as updating databases and HAMS. The role will also support HEP business administration including project finance monitoring, reporting and records management.
For further information please refer to the iworkforNSW website.
Applications close at 11.55pm on 22 August 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Officer, Public Works Advisory | Department of Regional NSW, Sydney [DEADLINE: 22 August]
We are currently seeking a Senior Heritage Officer to join Public Works Advisory (PWA) within the Department of Regional NSW (DRNSW). In the role of Senior Heritage Officer, you will be part of the Heritage, Environment & Planning team (HEP). You will manage heritage projects and provide support to project leaders within HEP, and contribute to delivering programs, to government sector clients, in an effective and responsive manner.
The Senior Heritage Officer will also provide built heritage conservation services including managing procurement of consultants and coordinating heritage design and advisory services to clients, delivering advice and documentation for heritage works, and heritage quality assurance to PWA across a range of projects in infrastructure and assets. You will attend site meetings and complete minutes and undertake photographic recording of site works in progress. You will be required to prepare heritage management plans, heritage impact statements and other heritage documents for statutory compliance and manage project financials and reporting within HEP.
For further information please refer to the iworkforNSW website.
Applications close at 11.55pm on 22 August 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Property Management and Leasing Officer, National Trust of Western Australia, Perth [DEADLINE: 26 August]
The National Trust of Western Australia is seeking a Property Management and Leasing Officer to join our team at our head office in The Old Observatory, West Perth. We are keen to find an experienced property manager, desirably with an interest in heritage places.
More information can be found at this link.
Applications close Thursday 26 August 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Secretariat Officer, Australia ICOMOS, Melbourne [DEADLINE: 29 August]
Australia ICOMOS is a non-government, not-for-profit, membership-based organisation of cultural heritage professionals, whose mission is to lead cultural heritage conservation in Australia by raising standards, encouraging debate, and generating innovative ideas. It is the Australian National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), one of the advisory bodies to UNESCO on World Heritage.
Australia ICOMOS is managed by an Executive Committee of fifteen members—all Executive Committee (EC) activities and other projects/activities are undertaken by members on a voluntary basis.
About the Role
The Secretariat Officer will be employed by Australia ICOMOS to support the activities of the Executive Committee and to provide member services. This is achieved by ensuring that all administrative and associated tasks are completed in a professional and timely manner.
The Secretariat Officer is the public face of Australia ICOMOS and often the first point of contact for prospective new members, purchasers of publications, or interested members of the public. It is essential that the Secretariat Officer reflects the professional and ethical standards that Australia ICOMOS is dedicated to uphold.
This role will be rewarding, varied and you will be required to:
- Respond to all incoming matters (including but not limited to general and specific queries, publication orders, membership applications, etc) in a timely manner, or refer on as appropriate
- Collate newsletter items, create and publish the weekly newsletter
- Coordinate all tasks associated with the journal published by the organisation
- Provide some administrative support for events, including conferences in the years that these are held (note that professional conference organisers are usually engaged)
- Maintain the integrity of the membership database and manage the yearly renewal cycle
- Provide administrative support to the Executive Committee in relation to various programs that the organisation runs on an annual basis
- Provide administrative support to the Executive Committee in relation to various governance matters, including the organisation’s statutory reporting requirements
- Provide various reports to Executive Committee meetings (held quarterly)
- Manage website content
- Undertake bookkeeping, preparation of quarterly BASs and facilitate the annual financial audit
- Other tasks as directed
About You
You will be a high-performing individual with prior experience in an administration / clerical role supporting Executive Committees. You will play a key role in contributing to the success of Australia ICOMOS and should be comfortable working autonomously as this role is largely self-managing. You will be working 20 – 25 hours per week.
Skills and qualifications (Selection Criteria)
- Previous administration and clerical experience; experience in and understanding of the not-for-profit landscape would be advantageous
- Sound knowledge of contemporary operational accounting and book-keeping practices is essential
- Demonstrated proficiency in a broad range of Microsoft Office products and other software applications
- Experience with web content management
- A Diploma or Certificate IV in Business Administration is desirable, but not mandatory
- Ability to work effectively with limited supervision, with the capacity to collaborate with others where required
- Excellent interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills
- Highly-developed organisation and time management skills, including the ability to take responsibility for tasks, to work to deadlines and to manage multiple / competing programs of work
- Demonstrated ability to learn new software applications quickly and on the job
- Flexibility to respond efficiently to changing priorities
- Ability to take direction and report to managers
- Ability to liaise with stakeholders from a variety of settings, both internal and external
- Sound judgement and problem-solving skills
- Excellent attention to detail and good record-keeping
What we offer
- Flexible working conditions for the right candidate, including the ability to work from home some of the time and change work hours
- The opportunity to work for Australia’s peak heritage body as part of an international organisation
- The position is hosted at Deakin University and co-located with a great group of people
For enquiries relating to the role, please contact Michael Queale via email using the subject line Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Officer.
Applying for the role
- You will need to submit:
1) a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining how you meet the requirements of this role (Selection Criteria)
2) an up-to-date resume (maximum of 2 pages) - Please address your application to Ms Helen Lardner, President, Australia ICOMOS. Applications should be emailed to Australia ICOMOS no later than 29 August 2021
Download the AICOMOS Secretariat Officer PD_August 2021.
SITUATION VACANT Senior Heritage Advisor, Extent Heritage, Melbourne [Applications reviewed upon submission]
About Extent Heritage
Extent Heritage is one of Australia’s largest heritage and archaeological consultancies, servicing Australia and the Asia Pacific since 1998. We specialise in the provision of archaeological, built heritage, heritage management and interpretation services to a diverse range of clients in the private and public sectors. With teams based in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Hobart, Extent Heritage provides a single point of service for heritage assessment and management requirements across the country.
About the role
An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced and self-motivated Senior Heritage Advisor to join Extent Heritage’s Heritage Places growing team in our Melbourne office on a full-time, permanent basis.
The core business of our Heritage Places team is built heritage conservation, inclusive of heritage buildings and structures, landscapes and objects. The team works with a wide range of clients, including local and state government, architects, planners, developers and owners of heritage places to proactively identify, assess and manage heritage. This client base presents staff with many unique and diverse project opportunities.
The Heritage Places team prepare heritage advice and impact assessments, heritage studies, referrals to council statutory planning teams, architectural and building conservation, photographic archival recordings, strategic advice and policy, and conservation management documentation. The team also develops interpretation strategies and plans.
Applications are submitted via the ‘APPLY’ link on and will be reviewed upon submission.
SITUATION VACANT Senior / Principal Cultural Heritage Specialist, AECOM, Brisbane [Applications reviewed upon submission]
AECOM’s multidisciplinary team of dedicated heritage specialists has an exciting opportunity for a Senior to Principal Archaeologist / Cultural Heritage Specialist to join the team in Brisbane. This role will see you join a team of heritage specialists with experience in both Aboriginal and historical heritage, focused on delivering high quality work for diverse heritage projects around Australia in the Defence, renewables, infrastructure, and other sectors. We offer clients expertise in heritage management, impact assessments, excavation/salvage, and community consultation.
Reporting to the Cultural Heritage Team Lead, you will utilise your well-developed technical expertise to carry out cultural heritage assessments for a range of clients and stakeholders. You will undertake desktop assessments and complete field surveys to identify, document and assess heritage values under State and Commonwealth legislation and produce high quality reporting tailored to our client’s needs and expectations.
As a highly experienced Heritage Specialist, with significant background working within consulting or another commercial environment, you will lead and manage a range of projects, mentor our less experienced team members and assist the Team Lead in setting and implementing our business strategy. This role presents an excellent opportunity for a current Senior Specialist to take the next step in their career, or a seasoned professional who is looking to expand their experience working in a global organisation.
For more information, visit this link.
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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros
Secretariat Executive Officer
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131