Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 439

  1. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting, 29-30 May 2010, Melbourne
  2. Successful completion of Streetwise Asia School Restoration Project in the Philippines
  3. Fund Raising for Streetwise Asia Fund Philippines School Restoration project No 2 – 2010 – 2011
  4. International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures (SHATIS’11) – abstract deadline extension
  5. GCI Bulletin – available online
  6. Special Intensive Course on Architectural Finishes, 5-23 July 2010, Melbourne
  7. News from ICCROM
  8. Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTdoc) – news
  9. Sue Rosen talks to Radio National about her book Australia’s Oldest House
  10. News from World Monuments Fund
  11. SITUATION VACANT Experienced architect, Hocking Planning & Architecture
  12. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Cultural Heritage Policy and Planning, DECCW, NSW


1. Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee Meeting, 29-30 May 2010, Melbourne

A very successful Executive Committee meeting was held in Melbourne last weekend with an extremely full agenda. The Australia ICOMOS Strategic Plan 2010-2015 is progressing. Once it is finalised it will be released on the members-only section of the website.

ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites
We have recently had the celebrations for ICOMOS’ International Day for Monuments and Sites and again AI, often in partnership with our colleagues in the National Trust, managed an impressive line-up of events related to the theme of ‘Heritage of Agriculture’. The theme for International Day of Monuments and Sites for 2011 is ‘Water’ and there was much discussion on possible 2011 events to address this theme.

AI Annual Conference
The Broken Hill ‘Outback and Beyond’ conference was a great success, and we received very good feedback and ideas from registrants. AI President Susan McIntyre Tamwoy said ‘The conference organising committee continued AI’s successful record in fantastic conferences that provide the perfect mix of intellectual stimulus and relaxed opportunities to network with colleagues.’ Abstracts of papers are available on the conference website (follow this link) and a selection of keynote and other papers will be published in Historic Environment in due course.

A vote of thanks was made to the conference organizing committee of Ray Tonkin (Convenor), Liz Vines, Tim Hubbard, Helen Lardner, Susan Jackson-Stepowski and Helen Wilson. Australia ICOMOS’ sincere thanks go to Countrywide Conference & Event Management in Albury for their wonderful organizational work carried out with calm and grace under pressure. We would also like to thank Georgia Meros at the Secretariat for all her fantastic work on the conference website, Caitlin Allen for organizing the photographic competition at the conference and many, many other people for their wonderful work behind the scenes. The Broken Hill conference report and budget is due to be finalized in the next few months.

Several concepts for future conferences are currently being researched: the first of these will hopefully be announced quite soon -look out for this in the e-news.

Australia ICOMOS website
The new AI website has been officially launched so check it out! We have received congratulations and accolades from national committees around the world. Our thanks go once again to Georgia Meros at the Secretariat for all her work getting the website together, and also to Go4, our website consultants. Stage 2 of the website development will involve developing the resources for members in the members log-in section.

Burra Charter Review
A workshop was held at Heritage Victoria on Friday 28 May 2010 to get feedback from Burra Charter users and further workshops are planned in Brisbane and Sydney. Workshops have already been completed in Adelaide, Hobart, Canberra and Cairns.

National Scientific Committees
Following a meeting of ISCs convened in association with the Broken Hill conference, it is proposed that Australia ICOMOS trial selected National Scientific Committees (NSCs). The first of these to be established will be an NSC combining the Australian Members of the Cultural Routes & Cultural Landscapes ISCs. This combined committee has been operating very successfully informally as an NSC in Australia for a number of years. Additional members of this NSC will be invited via an EOI once relevant criteria have been agreed.

Australia Bungalow in Malta
The Australia Bungalow in Malta working group is progressing well. Photographs have been taken showing the current condition of the bungalow. An AI member noted following a recent visit to the bungalow in Malta ’The bungalow is in poor condition, but is quite retrievable and capable of conservation’. The working group will look at possible stabilization works and funding avenues.

Helen Wilson
Secretary Australia ICOMOS


2. Successful completion of Streetwise Asia School Restoration Project in the Philippines

Successful completion and opening of Streetwise Asia School Restoration Project in the Philippines (in association with AusAID and Philippines Department of Education)

The Kuguita Elementary School restoration project, a landmark Gabaldon-type schoolhouse on Camiguin Island in the Southern Philippines (which was previously abandoned due to poor condition), was opened by the Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Rod Smith, last Thursday May 27 2010. ICOMOS Members and Streetwise representatives Liz Vines and Bruce Dawbin, (who has volunteered his architectural services to the project) were in attendance.

The opening was very moving. The headmaster was in tears, wondering how he deserved such help from Australia, the project being fully funded by Streetwise and AusAID. Local officials talked passionately about the importance of the heritage of this school, which was constructed in 1922 and incorporates the special local detailing of hardwood windows with capiz shell “glazing”. A year six student stood in front of the crowd proudly stating that the restored building was now in good hands, and would be well loved. The associated upgraded toilets were a necessary addition to the overall school facilities.

What was most satisfying was that the Streetwise contribution of $12,000 (much of which was contributed by ICOMOS members!) generated a new and different commitment of AusAID funding (of approximately $70,000) which was sufficient to transform a derelict building of three large classrooms into an architectural gem. The design of the building relies on traditional Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) elements of cross ventilation and raised floor level to capture breezes and achieve a comfortable room temperature in a hot tropical climate, without airconditioning (which would not be affordable by the school). Bruce and Liz were able to see first hand that all the money was well spent (there are no admin costs associated with the Streetwise fund) and resulted in AusAID now resolving to broaden its education aid to conservation of school buildings rather than just construction of new classrooms.

Kuguita Elementary School is one of the “Gabaldon Schools”, now widely recognised in the Philippines for their heritage value as an important group of approximately 3000 school buildings erected during the American colonial period (1898 – 1946). Many are in a poor condition (or empty due to neglect) and are under appreciated for their potential resource as restored school buildings or adaptive reuse for other community uses. The Philippines Education Department has previously initiated a program to undertake maintenance work on the Gabaldon Schools, but with over 3,000 in existence, many are in poor condition or derelict and the task is overwhelming. The AusAID and Streetwise commitment has put funding possibilities on a new level. AusAID have indicated their interest in continuing their participation in the Gabaldon Restoration Program together with DepEd and the Heritage Conservation Society.

Streetwise is committing to one more school project, with the aim to raise another $12,000 to ensure that the same high standard of conservation is achieved in future AusAID projects. If the cost of conserving and upgrading a building can match the cost of a new transportable classroom complex of equal area, this conservation approach has huge potential. There is no comparison between a Gabaldon School, (with its high ceilings, timber windows and elegant detailing) and a transportable classroom, but classroom provision is the bottom line consideration of AusAID and Philippines DepEd.

The Kuguita project has resulted in some new and important partnerships being generated between Streetwise, AusAID, the Philippines Department of Education, Philippines ICOMOS and the Philippines Heritage Conservation Society all of whom in some way were involved in the project.

In visiting other possible future schools for Streetwise support, both Liz and Bruce were deeply affected by the lack of provisions for basic education. Classrooms with 40 – 50 children are common, and one typical primary school visited had 800 students, with one computer and no printer! We have so much that we take for granted in our Australian education system. There may be possibilities for assistance via Streetwise with the provision of basic equipment such as second hand lap tops, which would transform a teacher’s capacity.

For more information on the Kuguita project, see the Philippine Enquirer article of 22 May. Alternatively, email Liz Vines if you are interested in further information or helping in any way with the Streetwise fund project.


3. Fund Raising for Streetwise Asia Fund Philippines School Restoration project No 2 – 2010 – 2011

Given the success of the Kuguita project (see above), the Streetwise Asia fund has made a commitment to assist another school in the Philippines, to ensure that the momentum and enthusiasm of AusAID in this arena of assistance is not lost. Liz Vines has taken up the challenge to raise another $12,000 to allow for a second project to be undertaken, and Bruce Dawbin is also committed to continuing involvement. Fund raising has commenced with the proceeds of the gold coin donation at the ICOMOS annual conference which generated $340 at the door of the Trades Hall Dinner – many thanks to all who donated!

The task would be a simple one if 24 ICOMOS members or their associated practices donated $500 at this time of the financial year, when individuals and businesses often assess what donations have been made for good causes. Smaller donation amounts would also be welcome. All required Tax Office auditing standards are followed by Streetwise through their umbrella fund organisation Australind, which allows for all donations to be tax deductible.

Liz plans to contact previous donors and other ICOMOS members in the hope that such generosity will be forthcoming.

All donations can be made directly by sending a cheque to

Australind Children’s Fund – Streetwise Asia
RMD 95 Back Valley
via Victor Harbor SA 5211

Receipts are issued by Australind so that tax deductions can be made in the donors’ tax returns.

Please email Liz Vines or call 0419 816 525 if you plan to make a donation so that she can include this information in her target funding.


4. International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures (SHATIS’11) – abstract deadline extension

SHATIS’11 – International conference on structural health assessment of timber structures
16-17 June 2011

Please note that the abstract deadline has been extended to 15 June 2010.

Abstract templates and other information can be found at the Conference website.


5. GCI Bulletin – available online

To view the June 2010 issue of the GCI bulletin, click here.


6. Special Intensive Course on Architectural Finishes, 5-23 July 2010, Melbourne

Sponsored by the Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne Foundation and being held at the University of Melbourne (Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning), this course deals with the investigation and conservation of applied, decorative and painted architectural finishes.

For further information, see the Architectural Finishes flyer.


7. News from ICCROM

To view the June 2010 news from ICCROM, click here.


8. Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTdoc) – news

Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTdoc)

November 19-20, 2010
The School of Design/University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)

Submitting a poster – the only requirement is to contribute with a two page abstract describing your poster contents. It should be submitted to the Poster Submission System. The poster submission deadline is 24 June 2010.

Your poster should address the why, when and how of heritage information (in that order of importance) for preservation of the entire spectrum of the built environment. It should clearly provide and illustrate:

  • Why: need(s) or issue(s) addressed
  • Where or Context: Site or application background
  • When: Method or tools used to address the why and when
  • Effectiveness: results and assessment of the approach
  • Lessons learned

Students can register for free before and others enjoy of a reduced rate of 70 US dollars. Please take advantage of the early bird rates before 30 July 2010.

Selected papers will be published in the new journal “Change Over Time” published by the University of Pennsylvania Press. It is a semi-annual journal focused on publishing original, peer-reviewed research papers and review articles on the history, theory, and praxis of conservation and the built environment:

Featured Abstracts
Click here to read the following and other abstracts:

  • Catherine C. Lavoie
    The Historic American Buildings Survey; the Nation¹s Database of Information on Historic Architecture
  • Glenn Boornazian
    The Use of a New User Friendly GIS Architectural Conservation Software for the Development of a Conservation Assessment, Treatment and Documentation Program at the Cloister of St Trophime, Arles, France
  • Michael Jansen
    The Bamiyan Conservation project


9. Sue Rosen talks to Radio National about her book Australia’s Oldest House

Sue Rosen has featured on ABC Radio National’s ‘By Design’ program, talking to Alan Saunders about her latest book, Australia’s Oldest House, published by Halstead Press.

Sue’s interview can be downloaded at ABC’s ‘By Design’ website. Alternatively, listen to this Saturday’s repeat at 9 am.

In Australia’s Oldest House, Sue looks at the 30 year debate over the age of Experiment Farm Cottage at Parramatta.

For enquiries, please contact, Dorothy Griffiths, on 0407 107 026.


10. News from World Monuments Fund

Partnership Announced in Kyoto
In early May WMF announced its partnership with local organizations in Kyoto to work towards saving the machiya–historic wooden merchants’ townhouses–in this ancient Japanese city. Our efforts are focused on building sustainable stewardship in Kyoto, including conserving a machiya for use as a community resource centre.

Palace in Ghana Restored
The deteriorating Wa Naa’s Palace in Ghana originally came to WMF’s attention when it was successfully nominated to the 2008 Watch. Following a decade of minimal maintenance, large sections of the earthen structure had collapsed. WMF has been working with the local community to renew its tradition of annual restoration, which also has helped strengthen local social cohesion. It looks like this remarkable structure will have a bright future.

Bringing Preservation to Brooklyn
At the Williamsburg High School of Preservation and Design (WHSAD) in Brooklyn, NY, WMF is running “Preservation in Practice (PIP),” a program that features preservation professionals–architects, conservators, advocates, and public officials–talking to students about their practices and career paths, and providing professional development to high school faculty. The program includes internships that provide students with real-world experiences to enhance their preservation training.

WMF’s Digital Archives Expand
For over a year, WMF has been digitizing its archives, some 45 years’ worth of printed material and photographs. Some of the most recent additions to the archive – which can be found in the “Dig Deeper” section of the website – include a conservation manual for the Jesuit Guaraní Missions of South America and the proceedings from the May 2008 meeting on the conservation and sustainable development of Italy’s Tuff Towns.


11. SITUATION VACANT Experienced architect, Hocking Planning & Architecture

Hocking Planning & Architecture (HP&A) is a highly credentialed award winning heritage practice, that is seeking an experienced architect with proven skills and capability in contract documentation and administration for medium and large scaled heritage projects. Contract package negotiable. Please contact Ian Hocking, Director, on 0417 949 975 or email Ian, or Yen Nee Goh, Director, on 0422 276 840 or email Yen Nee.


12. SITUATION VACANT Manager, Cultural Heritage Policy and Planning, DECCW, NSW

Manager, Cultural Heritage Policy and Planning
Department of Environment, Climate Change & Water, NSW – Culture and Heritage Division

Environment Officer Class 13
Sydney Southern Suburbs, Hurstville

Permanent Full-time

Ref: DECCW 135-10

Salary Package: $128,276 p.a
Salary Start: $108,524 p.a
Salary End: $116,245 p.a

Salary Notes: Salary package includes base salary, annual leave loading and employer contributions to superannuation scheme.

Job description

Develop policies, technical standards, frameworks for culture and heritage across the State; recommend conservation priorities including acquisition proposals for areas of cultural significance and coordinate the Heritage Assets Maintenance Program.

Selection Criteria

  1. Knowledge of legislation: National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Heritage Act 1977, government policy and the mechanics of government including policy development processes and the functions and policies of other heritage and land management agencies
  2. Knowledge of best practice in cultural heritage identification, assessment and conservation and the range of conservation options available to achieve cultural heritage conservation outcomes including regulatory and non regulatory options
  3. Knowledge of current Aboriginal Heritage and Historic Heritage issues and trends and the environments of the state, and of land uses and other processes that threaten natural and cultural values
  4. Leadership, performance management and supervisory skills and an ability to balance competing demands and to set priorities for Unit programs
  5. Experience at a senior level in policy development assessment and implementation providing advice to Executive and Ministerial levels and working in a high volume environment and coordinating programs across a decentralised organisation
  6. High level communication skills including experience in negotiation, conflict resolution, liaison and problem solving in the area of conservation assessment
  7. Experience in financial, contract and human resource management

Please note that electronic applications must be MS Office 2003 compatible.

For further information about the role, contact: Russell Couch, (02) 9585 6690 or 0418 214 427,  or email Russell.

For an information package contact Marija Zelic (02) 9585 6168 or click here.

Send applications (marked confidential) to:

Recruitment Officer
Department Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW
Personnel Services Section
PO Box 1967
Hurstville NSW 1481
Fax: (02) 9585 6116
or via e-mail


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail Australia ICOMOS Secretariat.
Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


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