Editorial Introduction (vol 26 no 2)
Jane Harrington, Anita Smith & Kristal Buckley
Part 1 – Australia and the Global Dialogue in 2012
Marking Four Decades of World Heritage – The view from Australia (vol 26 no 2)
Jane Harrington & Kristal Buckley
Politics Before Lunch? A morning’s work by the World Heritage Committee (vol 26 no 2)
Greg Terrill
The World Heritage Convention at 40: Challenges for the work of ICOMOS (vol 26 no 2)
Kristal Buckley
Beautiful One Day: Assessing the World Heritage aesthetic values of the Great Barrier Reef (vol 26 no 2)
Chris Johnston & Anita Smith
Part 2 – Commentaries and Vignettes
40 Years of the World Heritage Convention – Heritage in crisis? (vol 26 no 2)
Michael Queale
The future of the World Heritage List (vol 26 no 2)
Duncan Marshall
World Heritage in Fremantle (vol 26 no 2)
Brad Pettitt
Norfolk Island and community consultation (vol 26 no 2)
Jean Rice
Victorian Goldfields World Heritage Nomination: Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park (vol 26 no 2)
David Bannear
Community aspirations for the World Heritage Listing of the Budj Bim Lava Flow (vol 26 no 2)
Denis Rose
The case for World Heritage Listing of the Mount Lofty Ranges Agrarian Landscape (vol 26 no 2)
Stephanie Johnston
From the City of Brasilia to the Architectural and Urban Work of Le Corbusier – To the centenary of Canberra (vol 26 no 2)
Sheridan Burke
Kokoda World Heritage (vol 26 no 2)
Kokoda Initiative Partners
The Australian World Heritage Advisory Committee (vol 26 no 2)
Richard Mackay
Celebrating 40 years of World Heritage – The Cairns Communique (vol 26 no 2)
Andrew Mclean