Intangible Cultural Heritage – A New Field of Endeavour
Celestina Sagazio
Notes on Contributors (v 22 no 3)
National Trust Intangible Cultural Heritage Symposium – Welcome from The Minister for Planning
The Hon. Justin Madden MLC
Protecting Intangible Heritage Values Through the World Heritage Convention
Olwen Beazley
Managing Intangible Cultural Heritage – competing global and local values
Jane Harrington
Intangible Heritage of Indigenous Australians – a Victorian example
Heather Builth
The Unbearable Lightness of a Bag of Wind
Robert Pascoe
Shimoni Caves Contested Meaning
Herman Kiriama
‘Will these glasses help’ – Holocaust Videotestimony and the Transfer of Intangible Heritage
Pam Maclean
Australian Children’s Folklore – Playing with Intangible Heritage
Kate Darian-Smith