Appointment of Editorial Board for Historical Environment
International Day for Monuments and Sites: VICOMITES Members’ event – visit to the Murtoa Stick Shed, 16 April 2011
International Day for Monuments and Sites WA event – Sunday 10 April
International Day for Monuments and Sites Queensland event for AICOMOS members – Monday 18 April 2011
Deakin University’s Australian Heritage Week Breakfast, Thursday 14 April
In Memoriam: SUN Fuxi, vice president of IICC Xi’an Center
Japan ICOMOS reports on disaster affected cultural property assessment
Museums and Collections Conversation Series 2011
Kevin Borland Kindergarten open day, Sunday 3 April
Longford Academy Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques, May 2011 at Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Tasmania
Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia – call for abstracts
New history and heritage website
Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
Invitation to Australia ICOMOS members to contribute to 20th Century ISC thematic study
CHASS welcomes new Executive Director – Angela Magarry
Heritage Address 2011
Institute for Archaeologists annual conference, 13-15 April 2011, Reading, UK
News from ICOMOS International
Call for Applications for WA Regional Heritage Advisers
SITUATION VACANT Associate Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage), Getty Conservation Institute
SITUATION VACANT Conservation Scientist, Rathgen Research Laboratory, Berlin
1. Appointment of Editorial Board for Historical Environment
Australia ICOMOS is pleased to announce the appointment of the Editorial Board for Historic Environment (HE), the refereed journal of the organisation. The appointment of the Board is an important initiative for maintaining the integrity and academic status of Historic Environment, and we are very gratified that we have been able to attract an extremely eminent group of Australian and international ICOMOS members to join the Board. The Board will comprise:
The role of the Board will be, when requested by the Editor and the Editorial Committee, to provide comment on the relevance of proposed themes for upcoming volumes of HE, advice about the selection of papers for publication, refereeing or recommendations for referees for individual papers, and to contribute to the formulation of policies and guidelines for the future direction of the journal.
Peter Romey
Convenor, Historic Environment Editorial Committee
2. International Day for Monuments and Sites: VICOMITES Members’ event – visit to the Murtoa Stick Shed, 16 April 2011
Martin Zweep, Heritage Victoria has kindly organised an opportunity for members to visit the Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store, more commonly referred to as the Murtoa Stick Shed, where essential repairs are nearing completion. Martin will explain what works that have been undertaken and why.
The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store, originally the No.1 Murtoa Shed, is located within the Murtoa Grain Terminal, adjacent to the grain elevator tower and railway line. The shed is 280m long, 60m wide and 19m high at the ridge with a capacity of 3.4 million bushels. The hipped corrugated iron roof of the shed is supported on approximately 600 unmilled hardwood poles set in a concrete slab floor and braced with iron tie rods. These poles are the reason for use of the term “stick shed”. With its vast gabled interior and the long rows of poles the space has been likened to the nave of a cathedral.
The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store is architectural significance as a rare surviving example of the ‘stick shed’ building type, a long horizontal bulk wheat storage shed constructed of timber and corrugated iron. The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store is the earliest and only remaining of three large sheds of this type built in Victoria during the early 1940s.
The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store is of historical and scientific (technical) significance for its association with an important change in the mid twentieth century from storage and transport of grain in bags to the storage and transport of loose grain in bulk. The Marmalake/Murtoa Grain Store is of historical significance for its associations with the combined impact of the Second World War and Australia’s remote geographic location on Victoria’s wheat trade, and particularly the resulting requirement for emergency bulk storage.
More detail about the building, including the full Statement of Significance, is available from here.
It will be a rare opportunity to see inside this magnificent structure.
The visit will be followed by afternoon tea at 3.30pm at the Murtoa Mechanics Institute, prepared by the Ladies Committee, at $5 per head.
People will have to make their own transport arrangements. Partners and children welcome.
Please RSVP to Megan McDougall by email by COB Friday 8 April. Please advise if you need a lift, or are able to offer a lift to other members.
3. International Day for Monuments and Sites WA event – Sunday 10 April
Susac Lime Supply has been manufacturing lime in the traditional manner for decades and is now the only company in Western Australia making lime in this way.
Australia ICOMOS members have the opportunity to see the ‘Lime cycle’ demonstrated simply and clearly at this historic site.
When: Sunday 10 April, 2.00 – 4.00pm, followed by a ‘cleansing ale’ at the Ocean View Tavern, Wanneroo Rd.
Where: Karoborup Rd, Carabooda
No RSVP necessary
See the 2011 International Day for Monuments and Sites WA event flier for further information.
4. International Day for Monuments and Sites Queensland event for AICOMOS members – Monday 18 April 2011
In recognition of the 2011 International Day for Monuments and Sites celebrating the Heritage of Water, Queensland members of Australia ICOMOS are invited to visit the 2010 National Heritage Award winning offices of Riddel Architecture. Designed in 1953 by Karl Langer, West’s Furniture Showroom was an influential landmark of modern design in its day that had almost been lost through neglect and detrimental change. Following the conservation work, the building was fitted out as the office premises of Riddel Architecture, who now occupy this architectural gem. Robert Riddel has kindly offered to open his office for AICOMOS members for this event. We can gather around the reconstructed goldfish pond surrounding the former Showroom and have a chat over a glass of wine. Peter Marquis-Kyle will show some pictures and give a short talk on the cultural heritage of water. Expect to hear about deluges, dams, damp, drought, distress, distraction, and lighthouses.
When: 5.30 to 6.30pm, Monday 18 April 2011
Where: Offices of Riddel Architecture, 620 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley
Who: This event is for Australia ICOMOS members only and places will be limited, so please RSVP by email to Ruth Woods by COB Friday 15 April 2011 to finalise numbers for catering
Cost: Donation at the door to cover wine/juice/nibbles. Any profits made will be donated to the Queensland Premier’s flood and cyclone appeal
5. Deakin University’s Australian Heritage Week Breakfast, Thursday 14 April
Museums Studies and Cultural Heritage Alumni, Researchers, Students & Friends are invited to mark the start of Australia’s first National Heritage Week: Thursday 14 April 2011
Deakin University has a proud record of Museums Studies and Cultural Heritage teaching and research for more than forty and ten years respectively.
To launch this important new event on Australia’s heritage calendar, we welcome our graduates, students, former research and teaching colleagues to join us, catch up and re-connect with the current program.
Professor Bill Logan will speak briefly about the developing international dialogue on Cultural Heritage & Human Rights.
Date & time: 8.30 – 9.30am, Thursday 14 April – a light breakfast will be provided
Location: Blue Room, Building B, level 2 (B2.20) on the Burwood campus (a map is on the back). Car parking is available on the Burwood campus – please plan to arrive a little early to find a spot.
Please join us if you can – if you can’t make it, we would still love to hear from you. Send a quick email about your current whereabouts and interests.
RSVP by email to Kristal Buckley by COB Monday 11 April.
Download the Deakin Heritage Week flier.
6. In Memoriam: SUN Fuxi, vice president of IICC Xi’an Center
SUN Fuxi, vice director-in-general of Xi’an Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, executive vice president of Xi’an ICOMOS International Conservation Center, director of Xi’an Institute of Cultural Heritage Conservation and Archaeology, professor and doctoral supervisor at Northwest University of China, has left us on 28 March 2011.
SUN Fuxi has started working for cultural heritage conservation since 1986, completed numerous projects in cultural heritage conservation, research and education. His career is especially notable for his successful museum and archaeological park projects, which has made Xi’an one model of large-scale archaeological site interpretation and presentation for professionals of the whole country.
For those of us who had chance to work with him and have met him either on the occasion of the 15th General Assembly of ICOMOS in Xi’an 2005 or later conferences and professional exchanges, he will be remembered for generous spirit and his dedication to the cultural heritage field.
With the passing of Fuxi, we are losing a colleague who had an exceptional knowledge in Chinese history and a rich experience in cultural heritage management; IICC is losing a dedicated leader with a long term vision. And ICOMOS is losing a friend and a hard-working professional who has been essential in establishing the Xi’an Center as a unique platform for international exchange and in ensuring its continuous development on the right track. Yet we know his spirit will shine on our path and continue inspiring us to move forward in our common cause of cultural heritage conservation. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and colleagues.
ICOMOS CHINA Secretariat
29 March 2011
7. Japan ICOMOS reports on disaster affected cultural property assessment
Click on the links below to read the following reports:
- Japan ICOMOS report – Damages of National Properties Caused by Earthquake
- Japan ICOMOS report – Flash Report on the Situation of Damage on Cultural Properties and Buildings, Scenery and Historic Sites
8. Museums and Collections Conversation Series 2011
The Australian National University’s Research School of Humanities and the Arts, and the Museum of Australian Democracy are presenting a conversation, “Museum or Heritage Place?” on Tuesday 5 April from 12.30 to 1.45pm.
For further information, see the Museums and Collections Conversation flier.
9. Kevin Borland Kindergarten open day, Sunday 3 April
Following the City of Port Phillip’s takeover of the Lady Forster Kindergarten site, the significant Kevin Borland Kindergarten building is to be demolished. The kindergarten is holding an open day to farewell a much loved building. This is likely to be the last time that this significant kindergarten will be open to the public.
Lady Forster Kindergarten was established in 1924 by the Free Kindergarten Association. In 1968 the original building was replaced to a design by Kevin Borland, developing his work at Preshil School and building on the Commonwealth Department of Health designs for the Lady Gowrie Kindergartens around Australia. The kindergarten building provides light filled and inspirational spaces designed for the children. The building and grounds remain in near original condition.
Date and time: 11am – 2.30pm, Sunday 3 April 2011
Click here to download a copy of the invitation for this event.
10. Longford Academy Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques, May 2011 at Woolmers and Brickendon Estates, Tasmania
Second ‘Longford Academy’ (LA2) Course in Advanced Conservation Techniques
16–20 May 2011
Woolmers Estate, Tasmania
Applications are now invited for the second Longford Academy in Advanced Conservation Techniques to be held at the World Heritage inscribed Woolmers and Brickendon Estates in Northern Tasmania.
This year the collaborative learning model will be focused on the conservation challenges posed by significant buildings housing collections.
See the APT LA2 Short Course 2011 – Registration form for further information.
11. Architecture @ the Edge: International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia – call for abstracts
Architecture @ the Edge – 2011 International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia
School of Architecture and Building
Deakin University Australia
18 – 20 September 2011
The 2011 conference aims to bring people together to bridge the interdisciplinary divide of academia and professionals in architecture, urban design, urban and regional planning, landscape architecture, urban ecology and other relevant disciplines. The conference will propagate key debates about thinking and practice in design, culture, social, landscape, built and managed environments and the peculiarity of architecture @ the Edge. The conference will also discuss how Australasian practice and research engages with and embraces the global changes in practice and research activities, while maintaining its cultural relevance and environmental adaptability.
Call for abstracts – key dates
30 April 2011 – Abstract submission deadline
10 May 2011 – Response to authors
30 June 2011 – Full paper submission deadline
15 July 2011 – Notification of the acceptance of the full paper
31 July 2011 – Revised paper submission deadline
For more information and submission of abstracts, please visit the conference website.
12. New history and heritage website
Co-editors Brian Dickey and Susan Marsden have great pleasure in announcing a new Australian history website, recently launched in Adelaide on the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Professional Historians Association (South Australia). The SA 175/Celebrating South Australia website has been created by the Professional Historians Association (SA) [PHA (SA)] to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the establishment of South Australia in 2011. It comprises many hundreds of entries written by members of the PHA (SA) over more than 30 years. Many of these entries and images have never appeared in public before, while others are reproduced because the original item is now out of print or not otherwise digitised. Some entries are newly-written. All are focussed on the history and heritage of South Australia. They vary in length from paragraph entries to substantial essays, chapters and reports, and they include ‘On this day’ entries for every day of the year.
This has been a great collaborative undertaking of two years in the making, and further articles and images will be uploaded as members provide them.
13. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
To download the March 2011 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, click here.
14. Invitation to Australia ICOMOS members to contribute to 20th Century ISC thematic study
Invitation to Australia ICOMOS members to participate in national email discussion on
Dear colleagues,
As you may already know, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C) is currently developing a thematic study to assist in assessing the significance of 20th century heritage places. A small expert meeting will be held in Los Angeles in May, organised by Susan Macdonald and sponsored by the Getty Conservation Institute, and I would appreciate receiving comments and input on this topic over the next few weeks, as I prepare for attending the workshop.
We will be looking at the Australian thematic framework & relevant 20th century examples, the English Heritage post war listing framework, the TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) framework, Docomomo reports and a range of LA historic studies, leading to a brainstorming on how ISC20C might develop an international 20th century thematic framework. Of course, it will have national, state and local applications too. Dr Susan Marsden, who is the co-author of the South Australian studies, will be providing a keynote paper in Los Angeles and Helen Lardner has already provided input on the work of TICCIH in this area. The presidents of the UIA (International Union of Architects) and Docomomo will be attending.
Whilst I am aware of a range of related projects and research in Australia, I would be pleased to receive your inputs/views, information about current work or research in this specific area, and invite you to indicate if you are interested in providing input/comment on the historic themes project via participation in a small email group circulation (unmoderated) on this topic over the next few weeks, and perhaps in the longer term.
Sheridan Burke
President, ICOMOS ISC Twentieth Century Heritage
email Sheridan
15. CHASS welcomes new Executive Director – Angela Magarry
The Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Angela Magarry as Executive Director. Angela has a strong background in advocacy, policy and government relations with senior level experience in government, and non-government sectors. For the past five years Angela has been Director, Policy and Analysis for Universities Australia managing policy development in relation to teaching, research and international education dimensions for higher education.
‘I’m looking forward to meeting with member organisations to promote the valuable work of CHASS to government and the broader community, and am particularly keen to interact with members across the broader membership,’ Ms Magarry said.
Ms Magarry commenced her appointment on Monday 31 January 2011.
16. Heritage Address 2011
‘Grand Designs Australia’ presenter Peter Maddison will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Heritage Address, which will also launch the Australian Heritage Week in Victoria.
The Heritage Address, hosted by the Heritage Council of Victoria, will be held on Wednesday 13 April from 6.00 pm at Treasury Theatre, Lower Plaza, 1 Macarthur St, Melbourne.
Peter will speak on “Iconography and what makes Good Design” asking himself some difficult questions about which architectural icons have influenced his past, his practice’s work and its approach to heritage projects. He will also reflect on some of his experiences with ‘Grand Designs Australia’, now filming Series 2.
See the 2011 Heritage Address flier for further information.
Bookings essential – email your RSVP to this address.
17. Institute for Archaeologists annual conference, 13-15 April 2011, Reading, UK
The Institute for Archaeologists annual conference has become established as the premier archaeological conference in the UK, attracting over 400 participants. With its combination of keynote addresses, wide-ranging sessions, workshops, displays, poster sessions and other events, it is a vital forum for discussing topical professional issues, as well as providing updates on current research.
The theme for the 2011 conference is ‘Understanding significance’. The conference will offer a stream of topical lectures updating delegates on current issues, policy and best practice, and new techniques and developments in the profession. They will focus on understanding significance as the key to assessing, managing and explaining the historic environment.
For further information, visit the conference website.
18. News from ICOMOS International
Click here to read the latest news from ICOMOS International.
- General Assemblies
- Advisory Committee meetings
- Programmes and activities
- Committees and Membership
- Policy
- Administration and Finances
19. Call for Applications for WA Regional Heritage Advisers
The Heritage Council of Western Australia is seeking experienced heritage professionals who can assist local governments and their communities across regional WA.
Individuals are invited to apply for the role of Regional Heritage Adviser (RHA) in one or more of the seven defined regions around the State, or to nominate to be on a panel for future ad hoc work with local government.
Heritage professionals with specialist skills are invited to nominate in areas of buildings conservation, heritage architecture, archaeology and heritage tourism. Specialists may either apply as a RHA or panel member.
A briefing on the request and contract will be given at 10.00am on Thursday 7 April at the Heritage Council offices in East Perth. Attendance is not compulsory but is recommended for any interested parties.
The tender documentation can be found on the Tenders WA website by searching the reference HCWA201100103.
For further information please contact Callum Crofton on (08) 9220 4151 or email Callum. Tender applications close Friday 29 April, 2.30pm Perth time.
20. SITUATION VACANT Associate Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects, and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI’s Field Projects Department is seeking an Associate Project Specialist to fill a two-year, limited-term position For information on this opportunity, consult the Associate Project Specialist – GCI leaflet.
Applications close 15 April 2011.
21. SITUATION VACANT Senior Project Specialist (Built/20th century heritage), Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), located at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites. The Institute serves the conservation community through scientific research, education and training, model field projects, and the dissemination of the results of both its own work and the work of others in the field.
The GCI Field Projects Department is seeking a Senior Project Specialist (Built/20thcentury heritage). For information on this opportunity, consult the Senior Project Specialist – GCI leaflet.
Applications close 15 April 2011.
22. SITUATION VACANT Conservation Scientist, Rathgen Research Laboratory, Berlin
Conservation Scientist
Job reference: RF 1-2011
Tentatively limited term 3 years
available immediately
The Rathgen Research Laboratory, which forms part of the National Museums Berlin, is currently seeking to fill the above position in order to develop and implement a cross-institutional IPM (Integrated Pest Management) – Program. The position is graded at grade 13 TVöD (Collective Agreement for the German public service). The grading is provisional, as the grading agreement under the collective agreement has so far not been finalised.
The task is to develop and implement in close cooperation with the Ethnological Museum and the Rathgen Research Laboratory with the National Museums Berlin a sustainable IPM concept, which eventually shall be be applied at the other institutions with the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz. IPM is composed of three components: the continuous monitoring, the specific actions against infestations if needed and subsequent changes within the close environment as a preventive measure.
For further information click on the this link: Conservation Scientist, Rathgen Research Laboratory
If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158
Email: austicomos@deakin.edu.au
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