Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 417

  1. Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season – REMINDER
  2. Call for EOI for Co-opted members of the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – REMINDER
  3. Link to recent DEWHA media release
  4. US ICOMOS Intern Program 2010
  5. Symposium announcement – Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age
  6. Invitation and Call for Papers – National/International: Arts and politics in houses and interiors of the 20th century
  7. ISC Members and Associates – please respond to questionnaire concerning Burra Charter
  8. Histories of Home Subject Specialist Network (SSN) Conference – call for papers
  9. News from the ICOMOS Documentation Centre
  10. Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter
  11. The Archival Platform’s December newsletter– available online
  12. UNITAR 2010: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites – call for applications
  13. The Third Arte-Polis International Conference – call for papers
  14. Heritage Planner, Heritage Victoria
  15. Head of the ICOMOS Documentation Centre, ICOMOS International, Paris


1) Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season – REMINDER

The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from COB Friday 18 December 2009 to Wednesday 13 January 2010 inclusive. The office will reopen from Thursday 14 January 2010.


2) Call for EOI for Co-opted members of the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – REMINDER

The Executive Committee is now calling for Expressions of Interest for two vacant positions on the EC for 2010.The period of co-option lasts until the 2010 AGM, at which time the co-optee can decide to stand for election to the EC through the usual nomination of committee members process.

The Criteria for this years co-opted positions are:

a) Full financial Member status

b) one position is available for a member based in Tasmania who would take on the task of State Representative

c) one position based in NSW (greater Sydney metropolitan area) who will take on the task of State Representative.

d) each of the positions will also take on the responsibility for another task, either:

  • Publications Co-ordinator: ie. for general publications such as guidelines/brochures and annual report but EXCLUDING HE and the e-news.
  • Working group Co-ordinator: responsible for helping the group convenor of each group develop a work program and goals for three new active working groups that have been developed to drive specific issues of interest to AI. This position will be a conduit between these working groups and the EC.

If you are interested in getting more actively involved in Australia ICOMOS this is an excellent way to do so. You will be working with an enthusiastic and friendly team of people and will have a lot of fun along the way.

Your time commitments would be: 4 x 1.5 day meetings per year; one of which will be associated with the AGM. The meetings are spread around the member states and usually associated with a professional/social event for members in that state. The schedule for 2010 is: February 27/28 – Hobart; May 29/30 – Melbourne; August 28/29 – Sydney; November 27/28 (and AGM) – ACT.

All Executive Committee members make a significant commitment to the organisation, giving up not only their time but also paying the first $300 of travel costs to each of these meetings. Any cost over and above this will be reimbursed.

State Reps play an important role as ‘the face of AI’ in each state. They organise occasional professional and social events for members and provide a general report to members on the highlights of the Exec meetings. They also bring forward issues of relevance to members in their state, where these are brought to their attention. These are vital roles in the organisation and are a great way to meet people and network. You will not have to invent your position from scratch as there are others on the EC who currently hold and who have held similar roles in the past.

Form of application

If you wish to submit an EOI please provide:

  1. a brief statement of no more than 500 words outlining which task you are interested in and why you believe you would be suited to the positio
  2. a copy of your Curriculum Vitae
  3. a clear indication of whether you are based in Sydney or Hobart

The deadline for submission of EOIs is COB Friday 22 January 2010. EOIs should be submitted via email to the Secretariat Officer Georgia Meros at Successful applicants will be expected to attend the February 2010 meeting in Hobart.

If you have any specific queries regarding these positions please call Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy on 0425 215 012. We look forward to hearing from you!


3) Link to recent DEWHA media release

Tarkine emergency listed for national heritage


4) US ICOMOS Intern Program 2010

Applications are now being invited for interns in this year’s US ICOMOS International Exchange Program. Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS. Nominations will be confirmed at the first meeting of the AI Executive Committee in 2010. We regret the awkward timing of the call and US ICOMOS is aware of the problem.

Applicants must be full members of Australia ICOMOS, have adequate experience and the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year.

More information about the program can be found at

If you are interested please contact Timothy Hubbard, the US Intern Coordinator on (03) 5568 2623 or 0419 353 195. He will be available on these numbers throughout the Christmas/New Year break.

All interns return with very positive comments about the life-changing experience.


5) Symposium announcement – Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age

The Graduate Program in Historic Preservation/School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with the R. Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (University of Leuven) are organizing an International Symposium on Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTDoc Heritage), March 26-27, 2010 in Philadelphia, USA.

Beginning in 2006 Robin Letelier brought his vision of an integrated graduate level course in heritage recording, documentation and information management to the Program in Historic Preservation at the University of Pennsylvania. Today that course curriculum, now under the direction of Mario Santana, represents the synthesis of principles and practices considered fundamental knowledge for all heritage professionals. This symposium, initially planned by Robin at UPenn, is dedicated to that vision and his tireless effort to promote heritage conservation through research, teaching, and public service.

Good decisions in heritage conservation are based on timely, relevant and accurate information about the conditions, materials and evolution of heritage buildings and landscapes. Therefore, documenting, recording and analyzing heritage places are an essential part of their conservation and management.

The rapid rise in new digital technologies has revolutionized the practice of recording the built heritage. Digital tools and media offer a myriad of new opportunities for collecting, analyzing and disseminating information about heritage sites. Issues regarding the proper, innovative and research-focused uses of digital media in heritage conservation are an urgent topic in the global heritage conservation field, and Penn, KU-Leuven and its partners have played a leading role in this area of cross-disciplinary research and practice. The SMARTdoc symposium offer a unique opportunity for educators, professionals, heritage institutions, and managers of heritage places to share, exchange, and explore new approaches, best practices, and research results in the area of heritage informatics.

More information about the symposium:


6) Invitation and Call for Papers – National/International: Arts and politics in houses and interiors of the 20th century

Brno, Czech Republic, 21–24 April 2010, at the Moravian Gallery (Moravske galerie), in cooperation with the international ICOM Committees for Decorative Arts (ICDAD) and Historic House Museums (DEMHIST).

  • Is modernism an “international” phenomenon? Are there national monuments in an international style? Were there “national” styles in the 20th century, at all? Ten years after, facing globalisation, it is time to ask questions about two of the most important currents in the past century: nationalism and modernism. By tracing types of houses and rooms, the conference will address the villa as a form and means of social and political representation.
  • A main focus will be on the relationships of central European architecture to Vienna, Berlin, Paris, London and Glasgow. The Villa Tugendhat and the Jurkovic House in Brno, and Josef Hoffmann’s birthplace in Brtnice, set prominent examples for an opposition of “national” and “international” styles created or chosen by architects or owners. Do these styles of architecture and interior design mix at random in this region, or is the choice significant for the client and the architect or designer?
  • The conference will investigate the historical and theoretical implications as well as the outcome of these choices. By contrast, examples for housing and gardening from western, northern and central Europe, as well as from outside Europe, shall complement the Moravian experience.

Preliminary programme

  • Two working days of lectures and contributions by invited speakers and other leading professionals – museum curators, historians and art historians, architects, designers, and theoreticians from European countries, America and Asia, to be presented in Czech and English. Simultaneous translation to and from Czech and English will be provided.
  • Visits to houses in Brno (the Reissig House – arch. Leopold Bauer, architect Dusan Jurkovic’s own house, Villa Stiassny – arch. Ernest Wiesner, Tugendhat Villa – arch. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe)

Post-conference tours

  • Luhacovice Spa, Dusan Jurkovic, 1901–1903, “New Slavonic metropolis”; Zlin – “Bata town” (worker’s housing – arch. Frantisek Lydie Gahura, Bata Headquarters – arch. Vladimir Karfik)
  • Brtnice – Josef Hoffmann Birthplace; Libodrice – Adolf Bauer House (arch. Josef Gocar); Prague – Villa Müller (arch. Adolf Loos)

The conference is intended for museum professionals, academic teachers and students, free-lance curators, historians, designers, art and design theoreticians, journalists, etc.

The Moravian Gallery in Brno, the second largest art museum in the Czech Republic, is exceptional for the wide range of artistic disciplines it covers. It is the only institution in the country collecting visual art that is concerned with painting, drawing, graphic art and sculpture – from the past and the present – as well as photography, applied art, graphic design and architecture.

More detailed information and the application form will be available as of January 2010 at, and

The conference is made possible by funds from the EU Culture Programme 2007–2013. Project title: Architecture and Interior Design in Central Europe in the early twentieth century. Josef Hoffmann and Dusan Jurkovic. A joint project of the Moravian Gallery in Brno, MAK–Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art, Vienna, the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava and ICOM–ICDAD.

Contact address

National – International – Conference

Katerina Tlachova

Moravian Gallery in Brno

Husova 18

CZ-662 26 Brno

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 532 169 128
Fax: +420 532 169 181



7) ISC Members and Associates – please respond to questionnaire concerning Burra Charter

Members of ISCs are strongly encouraged to respond to a request for input to the Burra Charter Review.

The short questionnaire is included below:

Use of Burra Charter in relation to ISC doctrine/charters


Please complete this short questionnaire for each ISC that you are on

  1. Which ISC(s) are you on? (What type of member are you?)
  2. List any doctrine or charters prepared by your ISC – feel free to include a copy of this doctrine/charter in you reply.
  3. Is this doctrine or charter clear, and user friendly?
  4. Have you applied the doctrine or charter in Australia?
  5. If so, was it useful? (Explain what aspects were useful)
  6. Should the doctrine or charter be more widely used in Australian practice? Would you see benefits in the charter/doctrine being more widely used in Australia?
  7. Does it fill a gap in the Burra Charter, or provide other benefits? (Give details and say if it is a principle, concept, practice, language, tone, or other matter)
  8. Does it conflict with the Burra Charter in any way?
  9. Do you have any other comments? Eg in relation to the use of the Burra Charter for the types of places that are the subject of this ISC?

A few responses have been received but NOT MANY, especially considering the large amount of time on ISC activities at abroad and at home.

Input is needed about concepts and ideas that are ‘missing’ from the Burra charter, and/or about concepts and ideas that could be improved (in relation to the ISC subject).

Send comments to Meredith Walker, or Sandy Blair Sandy Blair, by 7 January 2010.

Many thanks,

Meredith Walker and Sandy Blair


8) Histories of Home Subject Specialist Network (SSN) Conference – call for papers



Friday 21 May 2010, British Library, London


The Histories of Home Subject Specialist Network (SSN) invites papers for its second annual conference, to be held in London at the British Library on Friday 21 May 2010.

The conference will examine migrants’ homes across the globe from early civilisations to the present. We are particularly interested in the material aspects of setting up home in another country, such as room layouts, furnishings and other possessions and how these are adapted, integrated or negotiated between host nation and place of origin.

For further information, please see the attached notice.


9) News from the ICOMOS Documentation Centre


10) Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter

To view the December 2009 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, visit


11) The Archival Platform’s December newsletter– available online

The Archival Platform is a networking, advocacy and research initiative in the archive and heritage sector in South Africa.

The Archival Platform’s December newsletter is now on their website, and you can subscribe online:

Submissions of relevant comments, blogs, news and resources very welcome.


12) UNITAR 2010: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites – call for applications

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Seventh Session in its Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, to take place between 18-23 April 2010, in Hiroshima, Japan. Entitled Conservation for Peace: World Heritage Conservation Monitoring, the Session will focus on issues surrounding the monitoring of World Heritage Sites, as required by the World Heritage Convention.

The Series aims to facilitate a further utilization of the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention through providing both support to national policy-making and planning, as well as information exchange on best practices and case-studies. Newly developed “values-based management” methodologies are applied to all aspects of natural and cultural heritage management.

Specifically, the workshop will:

  • Review the basics of the World Heritage regime and its implications
  • for peace, incorporating current trends and updates;
  • Elucidate the underlying principles of “values-based heritage management”, with a particular focus on Conservation Monitoring;
  • Review the basics of World Heritage management planning;
  • Examine leading policies and strategies, identifying best practices and lessons learned;
  • Create long-term management plans for sites;
  • Create or contribute to a manual for site managers on World Heritage management planning;
  • Enhance long-term peer learning and exchange among the participants.

Study tours to two World Heritage sites in Hiroshima –the Atomic Bomb (Genbaku) Dome and the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine – will provide additional case studies and learning opportunities.

Twenty participants will be selected from actual or potential heritage site managers; natural/cultural conservation specialists and trainers; and decision makers and government officials within national world heritage administrations, i.e. Ministries of Environment, Culture, Forestry or Tourism, as well as national academic institutions, think-tanks and civil society. Kindly submit the names of suitable candidates to participate in the training workshop for final selection by an ad hoc selection committee.

On-line applications are encouraged at:

In principle participants and/or their ministries/organizations are required to provide their own travel funding to and from Hiroshima. Accommodation, meals, study tours and tuition fees will be covered by UNITAR for the duration of the Session.

There are a limited number of UNITAR scholarships which also cover travel costs, given in priority to participants from Least Developed Countries as defined by the United Nations.

The number of places being limited, those wishing to apply should do so as soon as possible and no later than 19 February 2010.

For further information, please refer to the two attached notices (Instructions for case study and letter of motivation, and 2010 infonote) and the website at

Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Berin McKenzie at


13) The Third Arte-Polis International Conference – call for papers

The Third Arte-Polis International Conference on CREATIVE COLLABORATION AND THE MAKING OF PLACE Learning from Shared Creative Experiences Bandung – Indonesia, 22-24 July 2010

1st Announcement – Call for Papers – Abstracts due 22 FEBRUARY 2010

Building on the successes of the first two Arte-Polis international conferences in 2006 and 2008, Institute of Technology Bandung is pleased to present Arte-Polis 3, an international conference with the theme “Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place: Learning from Shared Creative Experiences”. This biennial event is an initiative of the Architecture Program at ITB’s School of Architecture, Planning and

Policy Development in collaboration with other creative institutions, to be held on 22-24 July 2010 in Bandung, Indonesia’s city with a long heritage of creative culture, communities and collaborations.

The aim of Arte-Polis 3 is to bring together practitioners, academics, community leaders, local government officials, policy-makers and other professionals from diverse disciplines and regions around the world concerned with the quality of life and collaborative nature of creative communities in urban, rural and pastoral places. Its objective is to share and learn from international and local experiences regarding current issues, best practices and policy implications of creative collaborations on place-making.

Information concerning themes, keynote speakers and critical dates can be found at The conference flier is also available for download.

For further information, contact:

Organizing Committee, Arte-Polis 3 International Conference

Attn. Dr.Eng. Arif Sarwo Wibowo Conference Convenor

Architecture Program – School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)

Lab.Tek IXB, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA

Tel. (+62-22) 7620-6053 AND 250-4962

Fax (+62-22) 253-0705

E-mails: AND



14) Heritage Planner, Heritage Victoria

Heritage Planner

  • $63,358 – $71,887 plus 9% super
  • Ongoing / Fixed term: 3 days per week (job share arrangement)

Do you have an understanding of the philosophical and practical issues related to the conservation of cultural heritage places? Are you a team player with sound analytical problem solving skills? Do you have a keen eye for details? If so, this may be the role for you.

As Heritage Planner you will work with local government and the community to provide heritage advice and assistance for the protection of heritage places through the planning system and under the Heritage Act 1995.

To apply and access the position description visit and refer to position number DPCD/PLG/500985

Closing date for applications is Wednesday 23 December 2009.


15) Head of the ICOMOS Documentation Centre, ICOMOS International, Paris

ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites) is an association of over 9000 cultural heritage professionals present in over 100 countries throughout the world, working for the conservation and protection of monuments and sites – the only global non-government organisation of its kind. It benefits from the cross-disciplinary exchange of its members – architects, archaeologists, art historians, engineers, historians, planners, who foster improved heritage conservation standards and techniques for all forms of cultural properties: buildings, historic towns, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, etc. ICOMOS is officially recognized as an advisory body to UNESCO, actively contributing to the World Heritage Committee and taking part in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.

The ICOMOS International Secretariat and its specialized Documentation Centre are located in Paris (France). The Documentation Centre specializes in the conservation of architectural and archaeological heritage; and the restoration and management of historic monuments and sites. Its collections include approximately 30,000 monographs and 600 periodicals (200 current). It also holds all the original nomination files for cultural properties proposed for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is open to ICOMOS members and the general public. In 2012, ICOMOS will move to new premises in Charenton (Paris) together with the Mediathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine of France.

The Head of the Documentation Centre reports to the Director of the ICOMOS International Secretariat, and the Executive Committee of ICOMOS.

The Head of the Documentation Centre is responsible, among other, for:

  • Contributing to and implementing the strategy established for the Documentation Centre by the Executive Committee and its Documentation and Publications working group
  • Cataloguing and indexing of books and journal articles
  • Updating the bibliographic database and the website of the Documentation Centre
  • Managing the periodicals collection
  • Welcoming and assisting visitors in the reading room
  • Responding to information requests (by email, telephone, fax)
  • Establishing and monitoring the Centre’s budget (in cooperation with the ICOMOS accountant
  • Reporting to the ICOMOS bodies and funders on the Centre’s activities
  • Managing the sale of ICOMOS publications and ensuring their legal deposit
  • Managing the publications exchange programme with other organizations
  • Managing the ICOMOS Open Access Repository
  • Communicating the Centre’s news and work, in particular through the ICOMOS newsletters
  • Recruit and supervise interns and volunteers for the Centre
  • Liaising with the other Secretariat units, in particular the World Heritage Unit – and provide support when needed.
  • Collaborating with other libraries and Documentation Centre’s at the international level

The candidate must have the following knowledge and skills:

  • A University degree in librarianship and/or documentation, or an equivalent qualification in information management
  • Computer literacy, excellent command of bibliographic database software, knowledge of Open Access Repositories
  • Ability to create and maintain web pages (knowledge of HTML, Dreamweaver)
  • Excellent knowledge of ICOMOS’ working languages: English and French. Knowledge of another ICOMOS official language (Spanish, Russian) or other languages will be considered an advantage
  • Interpersonal/Communication skills and ability to deal with the public, team spirit, initiative, ability to work independently and to deadlines.
  • 2 or 3 years work experience is considered an advantage
  • Knowledge of cultural heritage conservation, art history and related fields is considered an advantage

1-year-renewable contract, with starting date 1 March 2010

French work permit required

A letter of application, detailed curriculum vitae and two references (if available) should be sent by email to, by 20 January 2010.

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in Paris

Contact for queries and applications: Gaia Jungeblodt, Director of the ICOMOS International Secretariat – / Tel. + 33 (0)1 45 67 67 70.

For further information on ICOMOS, please consult


If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158


This email message is intended only for the addressee(s) and contains information which may be confidential and/or copyright. If you are not the intended recipient please do not read, save, forward, disclose, or copy the contents of this email. If this email has been sent to you in error, please notify the sender by reply email and delete this email and any copies or links to this email completely and immediately from your system. No representation is made that this email is free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient.


1) Australia ICOMOS Secretariat Office closure for the holiday season – REMINDER










The Australia ICOMOS office will be closed from COB Friday 18 December 2009 to Wednesday 13 January 2010 inclusive. The office will reopen from Thursday 14 January 2010.

2) Call for EOI for Co-opted members of the Executive Committee of Australia ICOMOS – REMINDER



The Executive Committee is now calling for Expressions of Interest for two vacant positions on the EC for 2010.The period of co-option lasts until the 2010 AGM, at which time the co-optee can decide to stand for election to the EC through the usual nomination of committee members process.

The Criteria for this years co-opted positions are:


a) Full financial Member status

b) one position is available for a member based in Tasmania who would take on the task of State Representative

c) one position based in NSW (greater Sydney metropolitan area) who will take on the task of State Representative.

d) each of the positions will also take on the responsibility for another task, either:


§ Publications Co-ordinator: ie. for general publications such as guidelines/brochures and annual report but EXCLUDING HE and the e-news.

§ Working group Co-ordinator: responsible for helping the group convenor of each group develop a work program and goals for three new active working groups that have been developed to drive specific issues of interest to AI.  This position will be a conduit between these working groups and the EC.


If you are interested in getting more actively involved in Australia ICOMOS this is an excellent way to do so.  You will be working with an enthusiastic and friendly team of people and will have a lot of fun along the way.


Your time commitments would be: 4 x 1.5 day meetings per year; one of which will be associated with the AGM. The meetings are spread around the member states and usually associated with a professional/social event for members in that state.  The schedule for 2010 is: February 27/28 – Hobart; May 29/30 – Melbourne; August 28/29 – Sydney; November 27/28 (and AGM) – ACT.


All Executive Committee members make a significant commitment to the organisation, giving up not only their time but also paying the first $300 of travel costs to each of these meetings.  Any cost over and above this will be reimbursed.


State Reps play an important role as ‘the face of AI’ in each state.  They organise occasional professional and social events for members and provide a general report to members on the highlights of the Exec meetings.  They also bring forward issues of relevance to members in their state, where these are brought to their attention. These are vital roles in the organisation and are a great way to meet people and network. You will not have to invent your position from scratch as there are others on the EC who currently hold and who have held similar roles in the past.


Form of application

If you wish to submit an EOI please provide:

1.         a brief statement of no more than 500 words outlining which task you are interested in and why you believe you would be suited to the position

2.         a copy of your Curriculum Vitae

3.         a clear indication of whether you are based in Sydney or Hobart


The deadline for submission of EOIs is COB Friday 22 January 2010.  EOIs should be submitted via email to the Secretariat Officer Georgia Meros at Successful applicants will be expected to attend the February 2010 meeting in Hobart.


If you have any specific queries regarding these positions please call Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy on 0425 215 012. We look forward to hearing from you!


3) Link to recent DEWHA media release


Tarkine emergency listed for national heritage


4) US ICOMOS Intern Program 2010


Applications are now being invited for interns in this year’s US ICOMOS International Exchange Program. Applications must be made by nomination through Australia ICOMOS. Nominations will be confirmed at the first meeting of the AI Executive Committee in 2010. We regret the awkward timing of the call and US ICOMOS is aware of the problem.


Applicants must be full members of Australia ICOMOS, have adequate experience and the clear opportunity to travel in the middle of the year.


More information about the program can be found at


If you are interested please contact Timothy Hubbard, the US Intern Coordinator on (03) 5568 2623 or 0419 353 195.  He will be available on these numbers throughout the Christmas/New Year break.


All interns return with very positive comments about the life-changing experience.


5) Symposium announcement – Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age


The Graduate Program in Historic Preservation/School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with the R. Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (University of Leuven) are organizing an International Symposium on Heritage Recording and Information Management in the Digital Age (SMARTDoc Heritage), March 26-27, 2010 in Philadelphia, USA.


Beginning in 2006 Robin Letelier brought his vision of an integrated graduate level course in heritage recording, documentation and information management to the Program in Historic Preservation at the University of Pennsylvania.  Today that course curriculum, now under the direction of Mario Santana, represents the synthesis of principles and practices considered fundamental knowledge for all heritage professionals. This symposium, initially planned by Robin at UPenn, is dedicated to that vision and his tireless effort to promote heritage conservation through research, teaching, and public service.


Good decisions in heritage conservation are based on timely, relevant and accurate information about the conditions, materials and evolution of heritage buildings and landscapes. Therefore, documenting, recording and analyzing heritage places are an essential part of their conservation and management.


The rapid rise in new digital technologies has revolutionized the practice of recording the built heritage.  Digital tools and media offer a myriad of new opportunities for collecting, analyzing and disseminating information about heritage sites. Issues regarding the proper, innovative and research-focused uses of digital media in heritage conservation are an urgent topic in the global heritage conservation field, and Penn, KU-Leuven and its partners have played a leading role in this area of cross-disciplinary research and practice.  The SMARTdoc symposium offer a unique opportunity for educators, professionals, heritage institutions, and managers of heritage places to share, exchange, and explore new approaches, best practices, and research results in the area of heritage informatics.


More information about the symposium:


6) Invitation and Call for Papers – National/International: Arts and politics in houses and interiors of the 20th century


Brno, Czech Republic, 21–24 April 2010, at the Moravian Gallery (Moravske galerie), in cooperation with the international ICOM Committees for Decorative Arts (ICDAD) and Historic House Museums (DEMHIST).


§ Is modernism an “international” phenomenon? Are there national monuments in an international style? Were there “national” styles in the 20th century, at all? Ten years after, facing globalisation, it is time to ask questions about two of the most important currents in the past century: nationalism and modernism. By tracing types of houses and rooms, the conference will address the villa as a form and means of social and political representation.

§ A main focus will be on the relationships of central European architecture to Vienna, Berlin, Paris, London and Glasgow. The Villa Tugendhat and the Jurkovic House in Brno, and Josef Hoffmann’s birthplace in Brtnice, set prominent examples for an opposition of “national” and “international” styles created or chosen by architects or owners. Do these styles of architecture and interior design mix at random in this region, or is the choice significant for the client and the architect or designer?

§ The conference will investigate the historical and theoretical implications as well as the outcome of these choices. By contrast, examples for housing and gardening from western, northern and central Europe, as well as from outside Europe, shall complement the Moravian experience.


Preliminary programme

§ Two working days of lectures and contributions by invited speakers and other leading professionals – museum curators, historians and art historians, architects, designers, and theoreticians from European countries, America and Asia, to be presented in Czech and English. Simultaneous translation to and from Czech and English will be provided.

§ Visits to houses in Brno (the Reissig House – arch. Leopold Bauer, architect Dusan Jurkovic’s own house, Villa Stiassny – arch. Ernest Wiesner, Tugendhat Villa – arch. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe)


Post-conference tours

§ Luhacovice Spa, Dusan Jurkovic, 1901–1903, “New Slavonic metropolis”; Zlin – “Bata town” (worker’s housing – arch. Frantisek Lydie Gahura, Bata Headquarters – arch. Vladimir Karfik)

§ Brtnice – Josef Hoffmann Birthplace; Libodrice – Adolf Bauer House (arch. Josef Gocar); Prague – Villa Müller (arch. Adolf Loos)


The conference is intended for museum professionals, academic teachers and students, free-lance curators, historians, designers, art and design theoreticians, journalists, etc.


The Moravian Gallery in Brno, the second largest art museum in the Czech Republic, is exceptional for the wide range of artistic disciplines it covers. It is the only institution in the country collecting visual art that is concerned with painting, drawing, graphic art and sculpture – from the past and the present – as well as photography, applied art, graphic design and architecture.


More detailed information and the application form will be available as of January 2010 at, and


The conference is made possible by funds from the EU Culture Programme 2007–2013. Project title: Architecture and Interior Design in Central Europe in the early twentieth century. Josef Hoffmann and Dusan Jurkovic. A joint project of the Moravian Gallery in Brno, MAK–Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art, Vienna, the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava and ICOM–ICDAD.


Contact address

National – International – Conference

Katerina Tlachova

Moravian Gallery in Brno

Husova 18

CZ-662 26 Brno

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 532 169 128

Fax: +420 532 169 181



7) ISC Members and Associates – please respond to questionnaire concerning Burra Charter


Members of ISCs are strongly encouraged to respond to a request for input to the Burra Charter Review.


The short questionnaire is included below:


Use of Burra Charter in relation to ISC doctrine/charters



Please complete this short questionnaire for each ISC that you are on


1.         Which ISC(s) are you on? (What type of member are you?)

2.         List any doctrine or charters prepared by your ISC – feel free to include a copy of this doctrine/charter in you reply.

3.         Is this doctrine or charter clear, and user friendly?

4.         Have you applied the doctrine or charter in Australia?

5.         If so, was it useful? (Explain what aspects were useful)

6.         Should the doctrine or charter be more widely used in Australian practice? Would you see benefits in the charter/doctrine being more widely used in Australia?

7.         Does it fill a gap in the Burra Charter, or provide other benefits? (Give details and say if it is a principle, concept, practice, language, tone, or other matter)

8.         Does it conflict with the Burra Charter in any way?

9.         Do you have any other comments? Eg in relation to the use of the Burra Charter for the types of places that are the subject of this ISC?


A few responses have been received but NOT MANY, especially considering the large amount of time on ISC activities at abroad and at home.


Input is needed about concepts and ideas that are ‘missing’ from the Burra charter, and/or about concepts and ideas that could be improved (in relation to the ISC subject).


Send comments to Meredith Walker, or Sandy Blair Sandy Blair, by 7 January 2010.


Many thanks,

Meredith Walker and Sandy Blair


8) Histories of Home Subject Specialist Network (SSN) Conference – call for papers




Friday 21 May 2010, British Library, London




The Histories of Home Subject Specialist Network (SSN) invites papers for its second annual conference, to be held in London at the British Library on Friday 21 May 2010.


The conference will examine migrants’ homes across the globe from early civilisations to the present. We are particularly interested in the material aspects of setting up home in another country, such as room layouts, furnishings and other possessions and how these are adapted, integrated or negotiated between host nation and place of origin.


For further information, please see the attached notice.


9) News from the ICOMOS Documentation Centre


§ Nouvelle publication sur l’architecture en terre: “Bâtir en terre: Du grain de sable à l’architecture” (

§ IFLA Newsletter, n° 85 (Competitions issue – November 2009)  (

§ ‘Preservation vs. Development’: An interview with the ICOMOS President Gustavo Araoz on TV (

§ Modern heritage properties (19th and 20th Centuries) on the World Heritage List (

§ Conserving architecture: Planned conservation of XX Century Architectural Heritage (

§ Conservation Perspectives: The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter, Vol. 24, 2 (

§ ICCROM Newsletter n° 35 – October 2009 – Special edition (

§ INORA, the International Newsletter on Rock Art, n° 55, 2009 (

§ Museum International n° 243: ICCROM Commemorating Excellence – available (

§ “Earth, Wind, Water, Fire – Environmental challenges to Urban World Heritage” (

§ ‘Conserving the authentic: essays in honour of Jukka Jokilehto’: An ICCROM publication (

§ CIPA: Proceedings of the 22nd CIPA Symposium, 11-15 October 2009, Kyoto, Japan (

§ ICOMOS France: Petit traité des Grands Sites: Réfléchir et agir sur les hauts lieux de notre patrimoine (

§ Nouvelle publication: Pierre et patrimoine: connaissance et conservation (

§ Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium ‘Finding the spirit of place’ (Quebec 2008) – available online (



10) Link to Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter


To view the December 2009 issue of Heritage Tasmania’s E-newsletter, visit


11) The Archival Platform’s December newsletter– available online


The Archival Platform is a networking, advocacy and research initiative in the archive and heritage sector in South Africa.


The Archival Platform’s December newsletter is now on their website, and you can subscribe online:


Submissions of relevant comments, blogs, news and resources very welcome.


12) UNITAR 2010: Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites – call for applications


The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Seventh Session in its Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, to take place between 18-23 April 2010, in Hiroshima, Japan. Entitled Conservation for Peace: World Heritage Conservation Monitoring, the Session will focus on issues surrounding the monitoring of World Heritage Sites, as required by the World Heritage Convention.


The Series aims to facilitate a further utilization of the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention through providing both support to national policy-making and planning, as well as information exchange on best practices and case-studies. Newly developed “values-based management” methodologies are applied to all aspects of natural and cultural heritage management.


Specifically, the workshop will:


§ Review the basics of the World Heritage regime and its implications

§ for peace, incorporating current trends and updates;

§ Elucidate the underlying principles of “values-based heritage

§ management”, with a particular focus on Conservation Monitoring;

§ Review the basics of World Heritage management planning;

§ Examine leading policies and strategies, identifying best practices

§ and lessons learned;

§ Create long-term management plans for sites;

§ Create or contribute to a manual for site managers on World Heritage

§ management planning;

§ Enhance long-term peer learning and exchange among the participants.


Study tours to two World Heritage sites in Hiroshima –the Atomic Bomb (

Genbaku) Dome and the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine – will provide additional case studies and learning opportunities.


Twenty participants will be selected from actual or potential heritage site managers; natural/cultural conservation specialists and trainers; and decision makers and government officials within national world heritage administrations, i.e. Ministries of Environment, Culture, Forestry or Tourism, as well as national academic institutions, think-tanks and civil society. Kindly submit the names of suitable candidates to participate in the training workshop for final selection by an ad hoc selection committee.


On-line applications are encouraged at:


In principle participants and/or their ministries/organizations are required to provide their own travel funding to and from Hiroshima. Accommodation, meals, study tours and tuition fees will be covered by UNITAR for the duration of the Session.


There are a limited number of UNITAR scholarships which also cover travel costs, given in priority to participants from Least Developed Countries as defined by the United Nations.


The number of places being limited, those wishing to apply should do so as soon as possible and no later than 19 February 2010.


For further information, please refer to the two attached notices (Instructions for case study and letter of motivation, and 2010 infonote) and the website at


Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Berin McKenzie at


13) The Third Arte-Polis International Conference – call for papers


The Third Arte-Polis  International Conference on CREATIVE COLLABORATION AND THE MAKING OF PLACE Learning from Shared Creative Experiences Bandung – Indonesia,  22-24 July 2010


1st Announcement – Call for Papers – Abstracts due 22 FEBRUARY 2010


Building on the successes of the first two  Arte-Polis international conferences in 2006 and 2008,  Institute of Technology Bandung is pleased to present  Arte-Polis 3, an international conference with the theme “Creative Collaboration and the Making of Place:  Learning from Shared Creative Experiences”.  This biennial event is an initiative of the Architecture Program  at ITB’s School of Architecture, Planning and

Policy Development   in collaboration with other creative institutions, to

be held on  22-24 July 2010 in Bandung, Indonesia’s city with a long heritage of creative culture, communities and collaborations.


The aim of Arte-Polis 3 is to bring together practitioners, academics, community leaders, local government officials, policy-makers and other professionals from diverse disciplines and regions around the world concerned with the quality of life and collaborative nature of creative communities in urban, rural and pastoral places.  Its objective is to share and learn from international and local experiences regarding current issues, best practices and policy implications of creative collaborations on place-making.


Information concerning themes, keynote speakers and critical dates can be found at The conference flier is also available for download.


For further information, contact:

Organizing Committee, Arte-Polis 3 International Conference

Attn. Dr.Eng. Arif Sarwo Wibowo Conference Convenor

Architecture Program – School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)

Lab.Tek IXB, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA

Tel. (+62-22) 7620-6053 AND 250-4962

Fax (+62-22) 253-0705

E-mails: AND



14) Heritage Planner, Heritage Victoria


Heritage Planner


§ $63,358 – $71,887 plus 9% super

§ Ongoing / Fixed term: 3 days per week (job share arrangement)


Do you have an understanding of the philosophical and practical issues related to the conservation of cultural heritage places?  Are you a team player with sound analytical problem solving skills?  Do you have a keen eye for details?  If so, this may be the role for you.


As Heritage Planner you will work with local government and the community to provide heritage advice and assistance for the protection of heritage places through the planning system and under the Heritage Act 1995.


To apply and access the position description visit

and refer to position number DPCD/PLG/500985


Closing date for applications is Wednesday 23 December 2009


15) Head of the ICOMOS Documentation Centre, ICOMOS International, Paris


ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites) is an association of over 9000 cultural heritage professionals present in over 100 countries throughout the world, working for the conservation and protection of monuments and sites – the only global non-government organisation of its kind. It benefits from the cross-disciplinary exchange of its members – architects, archaeologists, art historians, engineers, historians, planners, who foster improved heritage conservation standards and techniques for all forms of cultural properties: buildings, historic towns, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, etc. ICOMOS is officially recognized as an advisory body to UNESCO, actively contributing to the World Heritage Committee and taking part in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.


The ICOMOS International Secretariat and its specialized Documentation Centre are located in Paris (France). The Documentation Centre specializes in the conservation of architectural and archaeological heritage; and the restoration and management of historic monuments and sites. Its collections include approximately 30,000 monographs and 600 periodicals (200 current). It also holds all the original nomination files for cultural properties proposed for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is open to ICOMOS members and the general public. In 2012, ICOMOS will move to new premises in Charenton (Paris) together with the Mediathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine of France.


The Head of the Documentation Centre reports to the Director of the ICOMOS International Secretariat, and the Executive Committee of ICOMOS.


The Head of the Documentation Centre is responsible, among other, for:

§ Contributing to and implementing the strategy established for the Documentation Centre by the Executive Committee and its Documentation and Publications working group

§ Cataloguing and indexing of books and journal articles

§ Updating the bibliographic database and the website of the Documentation Centre

§ Managing the periodicals collection

§ Welcoming and assisting visitors in the reading room

§ Responding to information requests (by email, telephone, fax)

§ Establishing and monitoring the Centre’s budget (in cooperation with the ICOMOS accountant)

§ Reporting to the ICOMOS bodies and funders on the Centre’s activities

§ Managing the sale of ICOMOS publications and ensuring their legal deposit

§ Managing the publications exchange programme with other organizations

§ Managing the ICOMOS Open Access Repository

§ Communicating the Centre’s news and work, in particular through the ICOMOS newsletters

§ Recruit and supervise interns and volunteers for the Centre

§ Liaising with the other Secretariat units, in particular the World Heritage Unit – and provide support when needed.

§ Collaborating with other libraries and Documentation Centre’s at the international level


The candidate must have the following knowledge and skills:

§ A University degree in librarianship and/or documentation, or an equivalent qualification in information management

§ Computer literacy, excellent command of bibliographic database software, knowledge of Open Access Repositories

§ Ability to create and maintain web pages (knowledge of HTML, Dreamweaver)

§ Excellent knowledge of ICOMOS’ working languages: English and French. Knowledge of another ICOMOS official language (Spanish, Russian) or other languages will be considered an advantage

§ Interpersonal/Communication skills and ability to deal with the public, team spirit, initiative, ability to work independently and to deadlines.

§ 2 or 3 years work experience is considered an advantage

§ Knowledge of cultural heritage conservation, art history and related fields is considered an advantage


1-year-renewable contract, with starting date 1 March 2010

French work permit required


A letter of application, detailed curriculum vitae and two references (if available) should be sent by email to, by 20 January 2010.

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in Paris.


Contact for queries and applications: Gaia Jungeblodt, Director of the ICOMOS International Secretariat – / Tel. + 33 (0)1 45 67 67 70.

For further information on ICOMOS, please consult