Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 1075


Save the Date! Australia ICOMOS 2024 National Symposium and AGM October 25th & 26th in Perth, WA


NEW Our Executive Committee Welcomes Erica Smits
NEW International Day of Monuments and Sites 18 April 2024: Disasters & Conflicts Through the Lens of the Venice Charter
Expression of Interest for Burra Charter Series – Ongoing Production Working Group & Production Team
Australia ICOMOS Bucket Hats for Sale!


NEW Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for Mentors!
ICOMOS Full International Membership: New electronic cards (E-cards)
Moran Award for History of Science Research Applications now open
The 40th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Brisbane, Australia 2-4 December 2024 Proposals due 5 April 2024
Princes Trust Australia Scholarships Applications close 22 April 


NEW 2024 CAS-ASHA Archaeology Symposium: Archaeology Connections Canberra 27 April 2024
NEW Backyard Archaeology Exhibition Canberra Museum & Gallery 16 March – 1 September 2024
NEW Millers Point Songbook Garrison Church Millers Point 24-28 May 2024
NEW Royal National Park Coastal Cabins Protection League Open Day at Era Beach 27 April 2024
NEW Florilegium Rainforest Species at Risk Exhibition and Curator Talk 5 April – 5 May 2024
NEW Save the Date – 2024 Everyday Heritage Symposium Western Australia 28 November 2024
NEW Ocean Youth Summit & Youth in Action Australian Maritime Museum, Sydney 11-12 April 2024
Australian Heritage Festival -Victoria 18 April – 18 May 2024
National Archaeology week 19-25 May 2024
National Trust Vic – Como Approach Workshop Series – Architectural Glass with Bruce Hutton 1.00 – 5.00 pm 26 April 2024
Getty Conservation Institute online course “Old Cities, New Challenges,” 22-17 June 2024


NEW ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity’s Inquiry into ACT’s heritage arrangements findings released
Survey about Heritage Victoria’s general exemptions
Have your Say on the NSW Heritage Strategy – survey closes 31 March 2024
ARC funded project – Heritage and Reconciliation – World Heritage survey


NEW SITUATION VACANT | Design 5 | Architectural Graduate | Chippendale NSW | FT | Applications reviewed upon submission
NEW SITUATION VACANT | NBR | Heritage Advisor | Hobart Tasmania | FT | Applications close 18 April 2024
NEW SITUATION VACANT | Biosis | Built Heritage Consultant | Sydney NSW | FT or PT continuing | Applications reviewed upon submission
SITUATION VACANT | Artefact Heritage and Environment | Senior Heritage Consultant Aboriginal Heritage | Sydney NSW | FT | Applications reviewed on submission
Seeking Opportunity – Ethiopian Collaborations 

Save the Date! Australia ICOMOS 2024 National Symposium and AGM to be Held October 25th & 26th in Perth, WA

The Australia ICOMOS 2024 national symposium Caring for a Sunburnt Country will be held on October 25th and 26th 2024 at the Curtin School of Technology, City Campus – Old Boys School and Technical School on St Georges Terrace, Perth. Various optional excursions and side trips will be offered in and around Perth and WA from October 27th to 31st. The Conference theme will focus on the adaptive management of urban and rural routes and landscapes in the face of flooding, fire and farming Challenges. 


NEW Our Executive Committee Welcomes Erica Smits

We warmly welcomed Erica Smits as a co opted member for the 2024 committee at the recent EC meeting held in Melbourne on 16th March. 

Erica is a Gamilaroi and Euahlayi woman. She is currently the Manager of Aboriginal Communications and Engagement, Aboriginal Cultural & Heritage Unit, Aboriginal Affairs in the NSW Premiers Department. Erica is undertaking an MBA Social Impact at the University of New South Wales. She has an extensive personal and professional network through her career and family connections. Erica brings a wealth of knowledge in Land Rights, policy development, communications, and mobilising people through her work in community and event management.
Erica is a current member of Darkinjung LALC, Yuwaalaraay/Euahlayi Native Title Group, Koorana AECG, Public Service Association, sits on four NSW State Government Committees and 2 National Committees.


NEW International Day of Monuments and Sites 18 April 2024: Disasters & Conflicts Through the Lens of the Venice Charter

Western Australian Chapter: Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Workshop – Wednesday 17th April 2024

Element Advisory is hosting a professional development opportunity for local government and industry. The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Workshop will cover various aspects such as recent changes in Aboriginal Heritage Legislation, regulatory approvals, the Section 18 application process, and more.

Participants can expect to gain insight into preparing Cultural Heritage and Site Identification Surveys, Due Diligence Assessments, and understanding Native Title. Additionally, there will be discussions on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Inquiry System (ACHIS), the ACH Knowledge Portal, and Aboriginal Heritage Consultation led by representatives from DPLH, the legal fraternity, and Cultural Advisors.

Further information

Book tickets:


Save the dateNSW Branch will be holding an event at NBRS offices in North Sydney on the evening of 18th April 2024. Further information and tickets available soon.


Expression of Interest for Burra Charter Series – Ongoing Production Working Group & Production Team

The Burra Charter video series stemmed from the 40th Anniversary of the Burra Charter in 2019, to facilitate an appreciation of heritage principles and processes among non-practitioners, and professionals for whom heritage is peripheral to core business in a freely accessible format. 

The videos are intended to be clear, practical, and engaging to illustrate how the Burra Charter should be utilised. In July 2021 the first of these videos was launched: The Burra Charter: An Introduction

During the most recent Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee meeting (February 2024), the Committee has resolved to reinvigorate the production of the video series. In order to do so, we are seeking individuals who would in the first instance would like to join a Working Group to further plan and continue in the delivery the Burra Charter Series.  We would also be interested in hearing from those who might like to get involved and assist Australia ICOMOS in content development, image/video sourcing or production, please contact Jody Steele ( for more information.


Australia ICOMOS Bucket Hats for Sale!

Perfect for summer, our bucket hats are now available for purchase.

They come in two sizes – S/M or L/XL

Cost is $25 including postage. Please contact the secretariat: to purchase.








NEW Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Program – calling for Mentors!

It’s here again! We need Australia ICOMOS members based in New South Wales and Victoria to step up and join us as mentors for students from the University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, Latrobe University and Deakin University.

This year we are part of a global effort to mentor students aiming for careers in cultural heritage. Our program has run since 2011 and has been enthusiastically received by both mentors and mentees. We always have many more students than mentors apply – this restricts the size of the program, so we rely on the generosity of ICOMOS members so that as many students as possible can be paired. Please join if you can!

What is required?

It is very easy to be a mentor. We ask mentors to meet with their mentees at least 3 times during the program between May and October. These meetings can be in-person or virtual, and allow discussion about issues involved in heritage practice, and the student’s study and work interests. 

We will be holding launch events in Melbourne and Sydney soon. There will be a brief evaluation questionnaire distributed at the end of the year that we ask all participants to complete and return. 

How do I get involved as a MENTOR?

If you would like to be an ICOMOS MENTOR, please email an expression of interest to Rebecca Davies at the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat by cob on Monday 15 April 2024.

Please provide your contact details (email and a work or mobile number) and a brief outline of your field of professional experience, interests and current practice (see below suggested list of practice areas – please mention as many as are applicable). This will assist the Mentoring Team in matching mentors and mentees. 

  • General heritage practice
  • First Nations heritage
  • Government legislation, policy and planning
  • Archaeology
  • Architecture
  • Engineering
  • Project management
  • History and/or public history
  • Materials conservation
  • Interpretation
  • Community advocacy
  • Other 

Mentors must be Full ICOMOS members and can have professional experience in any sector of cultural heritage practice. We will try to ‘match’ by interest as many students and mentors as possible. 

Mentors in other States and Territories: we often have mentoring opportunities in other States and Territories (for students studying by distance through one of the participating Universities). So, if you are keen, but don’t live in Victoria or NSW – please send us your EOI. We will see what’s possible!

How do I get involved as a MENTEE?

Students in participating university courses will be advised of the application process by the focal point at their university. Please contact the person at your university as a first step. 

When do we start?

We will be matching students and mentors and hosting the launch events in May. ‘Save the date’ information will be provided shortly.

We hope that members based in participating States will welcome this opportunity to participate in the efforts of Australia ICOMOS and its partners to support students and emerging professionals across a range of cultural heritage disciplines.

for the 2024 Australia ICOMOS Mentoring Teams
Luke James (Victoria)
Kerime Danis (NSW)


ICOMOS Full International Membership: Electronic cards (E-cards)

You can now download your membership card from your profile in the ICOMOS International membership database. In order to do this, you must:

  • have renewed your 23/24 membership 
  • have uploaded a picture on your profile in the membership database.

ICOMOS_e-cards: How to upload a picture on your profile.

Please email the Secretariat ( if there are any problems.



Moran Award for History of Science Research | Applications now open

Applications for the Australian Academy of Science’s Moran Award for History of Science Research are now open. Aimed at postgraduate students and other researchers with expertise in the history of Australian science, it provides up to $10,000 to support access to archives that record the history of science in Australia, and it can be used towards travel and accommodation costs. The outcomes of the selected project may be considered for publication in the Academy’s Historical Records of Australian Science journal.

Applications close 1 June 2024. Check the award webpage for full requirements and how to apply.


The 40th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Brisbane, Australia 2-4 December 2024 Proposals due 5 April 2024

From spaces of isolation and independence, to archipelagos of connection and knowledge exchange, islands occupy a complex and evocative place in our terrestrial and imaginary worlds. At once utopian and dystopian—places of refuge and exile, extravagance and exploitation, paradises and prisons—islands contain contradictions and contested spatial histories. They provide distance from which to look back and reflect on one’s place in the world and the journeys that have brought us there. At the same time, they connote severance from the world as places of ostracization: petri dishes of extremism, claustrophobia, paranoia and self-isolation. More than physical spaces of geographic separation, islands also suggest those contrasts and positions that play out across political, social and cultural spheres. In architecture, such differences produce islands of practice—siloes of discourse and debate—historically visible in certain schools of practice and the work of independent practitioners and scholars. Islands are also shaped by architectural practices, from indigenous and colonial to modern and contemporary, from vernacular and regional to global and digital. Islands, therefore, emerge as both sites and subjects of critical historical research, and a lens or position through which to examine the past. 

On the occasion of the 40th Annual SAHANZ Conference, the theme of islands also encourages delegates to challenge and critique the often-siloed nature of architectural history itself, and how the discipline might speak to a wider audience.

We invite proposals (500 words max.) for papers, paper sessions and roundtables that reflect upon the many possible interpretations of islands in architectural history: how islands have influenced the production and reception of architecture, and how architecture has contributed to the formation and transformation of island cultures, identities, and environments.

The 40th Annual SAHANZ Conference will be held in-person in Brisbane in early December 2024. At this stage, we intend to host the conference across central CBD venues at UQ and QUT. More details to come.

Please email proposals of no more than 500 words (PDF or word doc) by 5 April 2024 to Proposals will be peer reviewed with acceptances sent in early June. 


Princes Trust Australia Scholarships | Applications close 22 April 2024

Applications are now open for the prestigious 2024 Prince’s Trust Australia scholarships, which allow Australians to attend a range of amazing traditional building, architecture and urbanism summer schools (short 2 – 5 week courses held during the northern hemisphere summer) in countries around the world.

Scholarships available in 2024 include the following programmes:
Scotland: The King’s Foundation Summer School
Portugal: The Arcos de Valdevez Traditional Architecture Summer School
Belgium: The Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts

For further information click here.



NEW 2024 CAS-ASHA Archaeology Symposium: Archaeology Connections Canberra 27 April 2024

Since 2018 the Canberra Archaeological Society and the Australasian Society of Historical Archaeology have been convening an Archaeology Symposium, usually at the National Museum of Australia, an event partner, in the Canberra and Region Heritage Festival.

This year the theme of our public event is Archaeology Connections and this will be addressed by five speakers on four interesting topics against the theme, followed by the speakers on a Q&A panel, on the morning of Saturday 27 April 2024 in the Peninsula Room of the NMA.

Admission is free, although a gold coin donation would be gratefully received.

More details on the programme, topics, speakers and registration can be found on the CAS website:


NEW Backyard Archaeology Exhibition Canberra Museum & Gallery 16 March – 1 September 2024

The exhibition presents thousands of objects that Steve Brown collected from around an ordinary suburban house and garden in the suburb of Arncliffe, Sydney. Some of the objects were collected during house renovations, others while gardening, and many from archaeological digs. The exhibition shows how a person can become deeply connected to found objects and how everyday encounters with lost and forgotten things can create a ‘sense of place’.

The exhibition includes an original artwork – 35mm sieve – by artist and archaeologist UK Frederick.

Backyard Archaeology is presented in partnership with the ARC-funded Everyday Heritage Project, the University of Canberra, Canberra Museum + Gallery, and GML Heritage. 

Information and Catalogue: Backyard Archaeology


NEW Millers Point Songbook Garrison Church Millers Point 24-28 May 2024

A musical event celebrating the history of Millers Point and its colourful characters, from Patyegarang to the last social housing tenants of the Sirius building. 

Written and directed by Joanna Weinberg, the cast features Choir Rocks with set and costume design by Gavin Barbey. 

To be staged at The Garrison Church, 60 Lower Fort Street Millers Point, on 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 May 2024, from 7-9pm. 

Tickets available here

With grateful assistance from NSW Heritage and City of Sydney grants. 


NEW Royal National Park Coastal Cabins Protection League Open Day at Era Beach 27 April 2024

The Royal National Park (RNP) is home to three coastal cabin communities: Garie, Era, and Burning Palms beaches. The cabin communities are of state heritage significance (item no. #01878) as the largest and most intact groups of vernacular coastal weekender cabins remaining in NSW. On Saturday, the 27th of April, heritage professionals are invited to Era Beach for an exclusive walking tour, and you will have access inside the cabins! The event is FREE (except for parking), and we also put on a sausage sizzle for participants. Sadly, we are limited to 40 attendees so register asap to secure your place:


NEW Florilegium Rainforest Species at Risk Exhibition and Curator Talk 5 April – 5 May 2024

The Florilegium: Rainforest Species at Risk exhibition showcases contemporary botanical paintings of rainforest species by artists from The Florilegium Society at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney and illustrations by the Botanic Gardens scientific illustrators. The trees painted by the Florilegium artists for the exhibition include the rare, the common and the overlooked. All are at risk from habitat loss, climate change or pathogens such as myrtle rust, the silent killer of many Australian species. They highlight the work of the Botanic Gardens and the Australian Institute of Botanical Science, specifically its new Research Centre for Ecosystem Resilience (ReCER) lab.

The exhibition is open 10am – 4pm daily 5 April – 5 May 2024 at The Garden Gallery, Robert Brown Building.

Curator Talk – Colleen Morris

Date: Saturday 13th April, 2:00pm
Venue: The Garden Gallery, Robert Brown Building, Mrs Macquaries Road, Sydney.
Royal Botanic Gardens of Sydney (Map Location)
Cost: AGHS Members $10, Non-members $15, Students $5.
AGHS will donate profit from this event to The Florilegium Society

Click here to buy tickets.


NEW Save the Date – 2024 Everyday Heritage Symposium Western Australia 28 November 2024

This one-day symposium will explore ‘everyday heritage and difficult legacies’, starting with the work of international keynote speakers – Prof. Laura McAtackney (University College Cork, Ireland) and Dr Timo Ylimaunu (University of Oulu, Finland) and drawing in diverse perspectives from Western Australia and all around the nation. Please save-the-date for this event hosted by the ARC Everyday Heritage Linkage Project team and our special guests at this in-person, one-day Symposium at the University of Western Australia (UWA).

The ‘Save-the-Date’ flyer for the symposium can be accessed here.

The Symposium is a partnership event with the Australian Historical Association (AHA), the Congress of the Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (CHASS), and Business Events Perth (BEPerth).

Everyday Heritage website.


NEW Ocean Youth Summit & Youth in Action Australian Maritime Museum, Sydney 11-12 April 2024

Presented by “Ocean Youth”, the Summit will showcase youth-led stories and solutions that inspire connection with the ocean and action to protect it. Learn about young ocean innovators and changemakers making a difference for Planet Ocean.


Australian Heritage Festival | Victoria 18 April – 18 May 2024

The 2024 Australian Heritage Festival digital program is now live!  

This fully digital program provides details for over 250 festival events that will run in Victoria from Thursday 18 April to Saturday 18 May 2024.

The program can be viewed online and is downloadable to print.  

  Final event registrations for inclusion on the Australian Heritage Festival website will close 1 April 2024. Further information on how to register an event can be found here.

For any questions or enquiries, please contact

The Australian Heritage Festival (Victoria) is proudly sponsored by Heritage Council Victoria. 


National Archaeology week 19-25 May 2024

National Archaeology Week aims to increase public awareness of Australian archaeology and the work of Australian archaeologists both at home and abroad, and to promote the importance of protecting Australia’s unique archaeological heritage.

Held in the third week of May, this nationwide program of events and activities includes public lectures, seminars, exhibitions, demonstration excavations, displays, and other events designed to engage with the general public.

Further information can be found on the website


National Trust Vic – Como Approach Workshop Series – Architectural Glass with Bruce Hutton 1.00 – 5.00 pm 26 April 2024

Bruce Hutton founded Almond glass in 1994. He completed a Fine Arts Degree (Chisholm Institute of Technology) majoring in stained glass in 1988, he then went on to work in the industry both in Australia, England and South Africa. He completed a Postgraduate (Monash University) in 1996, focusing on the conservation and restoration techniques of stained glass.

This workshop will be mostly theory based and cover a history of glass and glazing, installation, decoration, maintenance and repair. A short house tour will also form a part of this workshop. All participants will receive digital certificates of completion at the conclusion of the workshop.

A minimum of 4 bookings are required in order for this event to go ahead.

Click here for further information.


NEW ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity’s Inquiry into ACT’s heritage arrangements findings released

Last week the Government response to the Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity’s Inquiry into ACT’s heritage arrangements was tabled.

The Government response is now available to view here.


Survey about Heritage Victoria’s general exemptions

In December 2022, Heritage Victoria released general permit exemptions under s. 92(1) of the Heritage Act 2017. General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register, and empower owner and managers to carry out everyday works and activities without further approval from Heritage Victoria.

Thanks to those who have already responded to the General Exemptions Review and Feedback survey. A new link is now available for the survey. Please use this link in future, and disregard the previous one sent out. Don’t worry if you used the previous link, your responses have been captured.

The new link is:

It should take about 2 to 5 minutes to complete and your responses will help strengthen heritage regulation in Victoria.

The survey has also been extended and will now close on Wednesday 10 April 2024.


Have your Say on the NSW Heritage Strategy – survey closes 31 March 2024

The NSW Government is developing a Heritage Strategy to set a new direction and vision for protecting heritage in the State.

You are invited to complete the survey which takes approx. 3 minutes to complete.

Your professional perspective will help to build our understanding of what is important to the community, key challenges facing heritage and opportunities to address them.

For any enquiries about the survey contact Heritage NSW phone 9873 8500 or email

Access the survey here and please feel free to share it with your networks!


ARC funded project – Heritage and Reconciliation – World Heritage survey

Members may wish to contribute to this survey being conducted by Professor Laurajane Smith, Dr Laura Mayer and colleagues.

This research project called Heritage and Reconciliation has been funded by the Australian Research Council, the project brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers from Indigenous Studies, Heritage Studies and Peace Studies. We are from The Australian National University; The University of Technology Sydney; The University of Tasmania; Takarangi Research (New Zealand), and the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (England). The project aims to understand the complex inter-relationship between heritage and reconciliation. It brings together Australian First Nation, Māori and Western intellectual traditions to focus on two case studies: the repatriation of Indigenous Ancestral Remains, and World Heritage in Australia and New Zealand.

Information about the project can be found here

Access Survey Here



NEW SITUATION VACANT | Design 5 | Architectural Graduate | Chippendale NSW | FT | Applications reviewed upon submission

Design 5 – Architects, a leading practice in the field of adaptive re-use and heritage conservation, is seeking an architectural graduate to join its well-established studio in Chippendale on a full-time basis.

The role is suited to someone highly motivated, with a can-do attitude, willingness to be involved across all phases of a project, strong written and verbal communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively as well as independently.

The role will involve working closely with our Directors and senior staff across a broad range of interesting and challenging projects. From residential to commercial, cultural institutions and historically significant buildings within the Sydney CBD and beyond, there are many opportunities to grow with our supportive team.

Design 5 – Architects is a multi-award winning practice and has a strong culture of fostering involvement through mentoring and on the job training.

While experience is preferred we are open to meeting talented and enthusiastic candidates. Any skills in Vectorworks and Sketch Up would be valued. Training opportunities are provided.

An attractive salary package will be offered commensurate with level of experience. Only candidates with the right to work in Australia should apply for this role. 

Please email your CV and portfolio to

Further information can be found:


NEW SITUATION VACANT | NBR | Heritage Advisor | Hobart Tasmania | FT | Applications close 18 April 2024

Join the team at Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania as a Heritage Advisor.

We are looking for a suitably qualified, passionate person to contribute to the sound statutory management of Tasmania’s built heritage.

As a Heritage Advisor, your work will directly influence the preservation of the state’s historic places as you provide conservation advice for the ongoing use and care of heritage places and assessment advice on works and development proposals relating to heritage sites. You will also be involved in statutory processes to ensure compliance with the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995.

If you are interested in contributing to the protection and activation of Tasmania’s rich heritage, please apply at Tasmanian Government Jobs.

Applications close Thursday 18 April 2024 at 11:55pm AEST.


NEW SITUATION VACANT | Biosis | Built Heritage Consultant | Sydney NSW | FT or PT continuing | Applications reviewed upon submission

We have an excellent opportunity for a mid-level Built Heritage Consultant in our Sydney office.

As a key member of our team, you will have the chance to contribute your expertise to a variety of exciting projects. Your primary focus will be working under the guidance of the Principal (Built Heritage), where you’ll be responsible for conducting background research, assisting with site inspections, writing technical consulting reports, and providing advice to clients. 

Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with clients, participate in community consultations, and collaborate with internal teams to deliver comprehensive solutions. 

To excel in this role previous consulting experience is essential, and field experience will be highly regarded. Your ability to adapt to diverse projects and locations will be crucial as you will work on multiple assignments with varying demands. Flexibility and a willingness to travel are essential attributes to ensure success in this position. 

A valid driver’s license and Australian work rights are required for this role.

To apply, please submit your CV and cover letter addressing how you meet the below selection criteria:

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in heritage conservation, history, architecture, or related field. 
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in either consulting or the public sector with a focus on built heritage. 
  • Developing project management skills, including managing small budgets and delivery within set timeframes. 
  • Sound proposal and report writing skills 
  • Understanding of Commonwealth and NSW legislation and guidelines. 
  • Willingness to undertake periods of fieldwork in both urban and remote locations.

Applications should be sent to:


SITUATION VACANT | Artefact Heritage and Environment | Senior Heritage Consultant Aboriginal Heritage | Sydney NSW | FT | Applications reviewed on submission

At Artefact Heritage and Environment we create great heritage outcomes. While we know worthwhile things are not always easy, we believe innovative thinking and accurate advice from our exceptional team will lead to solutions that engage and empower our clients.

What we are looking for:

  • Minimum 2-5 years full-time experience in management of Aboriginal cultural heritage and archaeology
  • Experience in delivering projects on time on budget
  • Highly developed organisational skills able to meet competing priorities
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting Aboriginal Heritage and Archaeological assessments and fieldwork
  • Exceptional written and analytical skills able to deliver sound reports within tight timelines
  • Thorough knowledge of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and relevant NSW Planning Instruments

For further information or to apply


Seeking Opportunity – Ethiopian Collaborations 

Bisrat Engida, an Australia ICOMOS member and recent graduate from the Deakin University dual masters degree is seeking cultural heritage professionals who are interested in collaborating to undertake cultural heritage projects or work with a practitioner with Ethiopian heritage experience. Bisrat is hoping to facilitate cultural exchange, research, and collaboration between the two countries. 

For further information, please contact Bisrat at







Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.


Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood VIC 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131



If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, please e-mail the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat. Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.
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