Australia ICOMOS E-Mail News No. 324
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An information service provided by the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Friday 29 February 2008

1)  ICOMOS 16th General Assembly, Canada - Coordinating Australian Delegates and 'Quebec Queries'
2)  News from ICOMOS International Secretariat -16th ICOMOS GA, Quebec
3)  Presentation Reminder - Managing heritage in the wake of war and conflict in Cyprus
4)  VIIIth Conference on Military Monuments - call for papers and registration
5)  Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts: Media Release - Heritage Honour for Stone Hatchet Quarry
6)  Conference announcement: 'Managing the Future of Historic Vessels'


 1) ICOMOS 16th General Assembly, Canada - Coordinating Australian Delegates and 'Quebec Queries'

The Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee has asked Timothy Hubbard to coordinate the delegates from Australia who will be attending the 16th General Assembly in Quebec. This is important for several reasons and was a great success at the last GA in Xi'an. It is important for the formal voting for key positions at the highest levels which must take place at the GA, the appointment (if necessary) of delegates to administrative positions during the GA, and for arranging social functions. It will also help with the distribution of last minute information about travel and accommodation. We plan to have another 'Australian Dinner' during the GA. Please contact Timothy Hubbard, preferably by email on or by phone on (03) 5568 2623 during office hours. It would help if you can indicate if you have submitted an abstract and are already a member of an International Scientific Committee or plan to attend a meeting as an observer at one of the ISCs. We are also interested to know the names of anyone travelling with members. Timothy will also try to answer detailed questions about the GA.
Members should watch the GA website at closely for the latest news. Registration, which costs CDN$450 for those members over 30 years and CDN$300 for those 30 years and younger, is not yet open. If you intend to take advantage of the GA discount rates for hotels, you must book through the ICOMOS GA web site when you register. The limited places are likely to fill quickly once registration opens. If you are on the delegates email list you will be notified ASAP that registration has opened.


2) News from ICOMOS International Secretariat - 16th ICOMOS GA, Quebec
ICOMOS International Secretariat e-news
no 32, 26 February 2008
Special Issue: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly, Quebec 2008
A word from the ICOMOS Canada President
It is with great pleasure that we hope to welcome you in Quebec City for the 16th General Assembly of the International Council on Monuments and Sites that will take place from 29 September to 4 October 2008. The preparations for this important event are moving along very well and I wish to share with you the latest details through this E-Newsletter. Do not hesitate to share a copy with your members and other professionals and organizations in your region that have an interest in heritage conservation.
I invite you to consult regularly the special web site that we have created for the event at: .  This is where you will find the most recent information concerning the program, the call for papers, registration fees, accommodation, post-conference study tours and especially, the Forum for young researchers and professionals that we are organizing  just before the General Assembly.
I would like to remind you that Quebec City, a World Heritage Site, celebrates its 400th anniversary this year. It is in the context of this anniversary's celebrations that we invite you to join us and your colleagues from all over the world to participate to the ICOMOS General Assembly and the international Scientific Symposium.
Michel Bonnette,
QUEBEC ICOMOS 2008 - Preliminary Programme
Friday Sept. 26
Meeting of the ICOMOS Scientific Council
Saturday Sept. 27
Forum of young researchers and professionals
Meeting of the ICOMOS Advisory Committee
Sunday Sept. 28
Forum of young researchers and professionals (continued)
Meeting of the ICOMOS Advisory Committee (continued)
Arrival of General Assembly participants
- Registration at the Congress Center
- Guided tours of Historic District
Monday Sept. 29
Meeting of the International Scientific Committees
Tuesday Sept. 30
Opening Ceremony (Palais Montcalm)
Opening of the General Assembly
Opening of Scientific Symposium (Keynote Speakers)
Official Opening Reception
Wednesday Oct. 1
Scientific Symposium
Evening Thematic Workshops
- World Heritage
- Archaeological Network
- Historic Urban Landscapes
- Heritage and Climate Change
- Heritage and International Cooperation
Thursday Oct. 2
Scientific Symposium
Evening: Dinner and Cruise on the St. Lawrence River
Friday Oct. 3
Thematic Tours
Evening Banquet "Hunting Season Ceremonial"
Saturday Oct. 4
General Assembly and Elections
Closing of the General Assembly
 Meeting of the new Executive Committee
Poster Session
Special event
Sunday Oct. 5
Departure for Post-conference Tours
Departure of Participants
Finding the spirit of place
This is the main theme of the Scientific Symposium
Wherein lies the spirit of place? In order to answer this question, we suggest examining the relationship between spirit and place, between the tangible and the intangible.
It is often assumed that the spirit of place emanates from one or the other, as stemming from either the physical object or from the specific uses it serves. Some believe that it is the product of the genius of its creator, who leaves a permanent mark on the place - the creator being an individual, a group, a community, an ancestor or even a supernatural being - while others think instead that it originates from the place itself, which instils meaning in both its creator and its users. However, these approaches tend to present spirit of place as an essence, as something singular, permanent and static.
Rather than dissociating "spirit" from "place", the tangible from the intangible, and considering them as being opposed to one another, we invite participants to explore the many ways in which the two interact and mutually complement one another. Spirit, as the intangible genius of the creator, leaves a permanent impression on place and gives it meaning whereas the place itself, that is to say the tangible, nourishes the spirit of its creator and helps define the creation. We wish to broaden the discussion to include not only the creator but also the actual users of place, and define place as being a combination of both tangible elements (the features of the site, the buildings, the material objects, etc.) and intangible elements (oral traditions, beliefs, rituals, festivals, etc.). When considered as a relational concept, the spirit of place takes on a plural and dynamic character, capable of possessing multiple meanings, of changing over time and of belonging to different groups.
This dynamic perception of the spirit of place is also better adapted to today's world, to the present-day global village, which is characterized by major transnational population movements, increased intercultural contacts and the emergence of pluralistic societies.
The Scientific Symposium will be structured around four sub-themes or topics of discussion.
1.   Re-thinking the Spirit of Place
2.   The Threats to the Spirit of Place
3.   Safeguarding the Spirit of Place
4.   Transmitting the Spirit of Place
Finding the spirit of place in World Heritage sites: Aboriginal approaches in perspective
A special workshop that will be held on 1 October 2008
For thousands of years, indigenous groups on five continents have frequented recognized places to carry out rituals or undertake communication with the powers, entities, or spirits who reside at or pass through these places.  Many of these places are integral parts of cultural landscapes with tangible or intangible evidence that are a tacit witness to past actions by their ancestors, or are a manifestation of the supernatural powers embedded there.  For visitors to these landscapes, they emanate a particular atmosphere or ambiance that can in part reveal the substance, the intrinsic nature, which allows one to speak of the "Spirit of Place". 
Today, many of these sites of international importance have been commemorated as World Heritage sites, and it is the responsibility of the authorities in charge of their management to bring forward elements that speak to this rich ancestral or spiritual dimension, to present the spirit of place.  This approach, however, is not always easy and obliges those responsible to assess the different values that are in play, whether they be social, religious, political, scientific, historic or otherwise, so as to bring out the spirit of place without diminishing it, to match the expectations and interests of the indigenous groups who are connected by history, tradition or covenant, and to permit access to the general public according to codes (protocols) which yet remain to be better defined. 
A dialogue between the groups concerned is needed to find ways to achieve this many-faceted goal.  With this in mind, the organizers of this workshop invite members of indigenous groups from around the world to join with First Nations, Inuit and Metis in Canada to participate in reflection and discussion on this theme as it relates to World Heritage sites, along with members of ICOMOS and Parks Canada.
As part of the Scientific symposium held on the occasion of the General Assembly, which will take place in Quebec City in late September and early October 2008, this workshop aims to provide a platform for representatives of the diverse indigenous peoples of the world who will come to present the idea of the spirit of place at World Heritage sites from the point of view of their cultures and traditions. The hope is that at the session's conclusion, there will be substantial documentation available to produce a publication that can present new philosophies and approaches to improve the integration of aboriginal spirit of place in the management and interpretation of World Heritage sites.
International Forum of Young Researchers and Professionals in Cultural Heritage
27 - 28 September 2008
"Finding the Spirit of place" This is the question that we will seek to answer during the International Forum of Young Researchers and Professionals in Cultural Heritage taking place at the Ecole des Ursulines de Quebec (Canada) on 27-28 September 2008, just prior to the 16th ICOMOS General Assembly (29 September to 4 October).
The Forum is aimed at young researchers and professionals from all fields of study (architecture, urban planning, geography, ethnology, archaeology, history, arts and literature, etc.) who graduated less than five years ago and who, thanks to their research and work, share a common interest in heritage. Participants are invited to examine the concept of spirit of place in relation to the construction of memory, and the protection and transmission of heritage.
The Forum will provide the opportunity to assess the draft Declaration on the Spirit of Place that will be tabled for adoption at the ICOMOS General Assembly. Discussions at this forum could have an impact on the content of the Declaration. Young people are thus invited to share their experience and express their views and concerns about the spirit of place, with the goal of providing a new perspective on this subject, which plays a fundamental role in the protection and transmission of heritage.
The main objective of the Forum is to determine the attitudes that need to be adopted and the approaches and methods that could be developed to ensure that the spirit of place is integrated in the process that leads to the recognition of the historic value of certain objects and practices and of the imperative need to ensure they are protected.
General theme
Spirit of place remains central in the presentation and valorisation of tangible and intangible heritage. But how can it be identified and brought to the fore? This issue will be at the heart of the discussions conducted throughout the two-day forum, which will be structured around the following sub-themes:
The role of memory:
            The focal point of the first workshop will be the acknowledgement of the role played by memory in defining the spirit of place.
The fragility of spirit of place:
            The second workshop will analyse the various causes of deterioration to heritage sites that pose a threat to its spirit.
Safeguarding and transmitting the spirit of place:
The third workshop will enable participants to examine the stakes underlying the strategies used for protecting and valorising heritage sites so as to determine which avenues are most likely to bring to light their inherent spirit.
Forum program
Four speakers will be invited to present the theme under discussion at the beginning of each workshop; these introductions will be followed by round table discussions. Participants can submit their papers in the form of posters (poster session) and are also invited to take part in a friendly design competition that will be held during the Forum. The working languages of the Forum are English and French and simultaneous interpretation in these two languages will be provided for oral presentations and the round table reports. Assistance may also be offered to participants who speak another language, notably Spanish.
Call for papers
The organizing committee has announced a call for papers, the details of which are now available on the Forum Web site at The Institute for Cultural Heritage at Universite Laval in Quebec City will publish a selection of the best papers.
Participants must register using the on-line registration form that will soon be available on the Forum Web site. The registration fee for the Forum is $100 CDN. It is strongly recommended that you also register for the ICOMOS General Assembly and International Scientific Symposium, which will provide the backdrop for the Forum, as the Forum organisers are offering participants who wish to attend both events an exceptionally low price. The registration fee for the two events combined is $200 CDN. For youth who do not wish to participate in the Forum, the registration fee for the General Assembly only is $300 CDN.
For information regarding the Forum, please write to, indicating "ICOMOS Forum" in the subject header. You can also obtain information by calling 001.418.522.8182 or, for US and Canadian residents, our toll-free 1.800.618.8182. 
Elections of Bureau and Executive Committee members
The election of the ICOMOS Bureau and Executive Committee members will take place on Saturday October 4. At that time, the General Assembly will elect a President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer, five Vice-Presidents and twelve Executive Committee members.
Call for candidatures
In accordance with the ICOMOS statutes (article 12 c) National Committees can propose candidates for election to the Executive Committee. The list of those candidates must be sent no less than 120 days before the date of the General Assembly to all members of ICOMOS - that is to say by 2 June 2008. All National Committees have been invited to send proposals for candidatures to the ICOMOS International Secretariat by 31 March 2008. The list of those candidates, together with their e lectoral platforms, will be published in the ICOMOS News and will be available on the web site.
In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, the members of ICOMOS can still propose further candidates until no later than 17:00 (local time) on the first day of the General Assembly - 30 September 2008 (Article 54.1 RoP). The final list of candidates is then publicly posted 24 hours before the ballot (3 October) at the General Assembly venue (Art 54.2 RoP) following verification of the candidatures by the Candidatures Committee.
For information on what elements the candidature files must include, please contact the ICOMOS International Secretariat.
Voting procedure and rights
The Quebec ICOMOS 2008 Organizing committee is studying various voting systems that will ensure that the elections are carried out in an efficient way and that the results are verifiable. Please contact the President of your National Committee for additional information.
Below are some procedural matters National Committees must respect so that their representatives can cast their votes at the election.
In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the ICOMOS General Assembly:
Article 23.3.b (see also articles 27.2 and 45.4) - "Chairmen of National Committees must have submitted to the ICOMOS International Secretariat and not less than one month before the General Assembly a list of their voting members, signed by the National Committee Chairman."
Article 15.2 "Any voting member may give his proxy to another voting member of his National Committee who must hand the Secretariat a singed and dated proxy form before the time fixed on the programme of the General Assembly for the meeting of the Credentials Committee. No member shall be entitled to have more than five votes in addition to his own."
Article 45.2 "The number of votes is limited to 18 for each National Committee." (This includes proxies).
Article 23.3.a (ref. also to article 27.2b and 45.2) National Committees must be up to date in their membership fees (and arrears) so as to have the right to vote during the General Assembly.
If you have any questions - please contact the ICOMOS International Secretariat.
Gazzola Prize and Honorary Membership
The Piero Gazzola Prize was established in 1979 in memory of one of the greatest defenders of the conservation and restoration of historic monuments and sites, and a founder of ICOMOS and its first President.
The prize is awarded every three years at the General Assembly of ICOMOS to an individual or a group of people who have worked together and contributed with distinction to the aims and objectives of ICOMOS.
The beneficiary must be a member of ICOMOS and is chosen by the Selection Committee itself elected by the Executive Committee of ICOMOS. For the 16th General Assembly, the Selection Committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee during its meeting on 8 and 9 March 2008.
The Prize is a commemorative medal and diploma, and has been previously awarded to:
Jean Trouvelot (1981)
Stanislas Lorentz (1984)
Masaru Sekino (1987)
Gertrude Tripp (1990)
Bernard Feilden (1993)
Ernest Allen Connally (1996)
Roland Silva (1999)
Cevat Erder (2003)
Ann Webster Smith (2005)
In accordance with Article 6.A. of the ICOMOS Statutes, Honorary Membership is also conferred by the General Assembly, at the proposal of a National Committee, upon individuals who have rendered distinguished service in the field of conservation, restoration and enhancement of historical monuments, sites, and groups of buildings. The selection is effectuated by the same Selection Committee as for the Gazzola Prize.
See the ICOMOS web site for a list of the Honorary members of ICOMOS.
All ICOMOS National Committees have been invited to nominate candidates for the Gazzola Prize and Honorary Membership of ICOMOS by sending their written nomination, by 31 March 2008 at the latest
in either English, French or Spanish to the ICOMOS International Secretariat, and including a short but detailed explanation setting forth reasons that the General Assembly should consider for awarding the Prize or Honorary Membership to the candidate, as well as the candidate's curriculum vitae.
Financial support to attend the 16th General Assembly
The ICOMOS International Secretariat has again obtained a generous grant from the Getty Foundation so that it can support attendance of delegates from countries facing serious financial difficulties at the 16th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. This grant will be managed jointly with the funds available in the Victoria Falls/Mosi-oa-Tunya Fund.
The criteria and conditions for receiving individual support have been sent to all the eligible National Committees.
These grants are not reserved for National Committee Presidents but open to all the members from the eligible countries depending on whether they fulfil the conditions required. However, due to the limited funding available we are usually only able to support one member per Committee at most and so we advise Committees to put forward only a limited number of candidates following consultation among their members.
To obtain the application dossier or for more information contact your National Committee or the ICOMOS International Secretariat (Volker Zimmermann)- Applications for financial support must reach the International Secretariat by 25 March 2008.
Post-conference study tours
The West, the Centre, the Maritimes and Charlevoix
The post-conference tours are not yet finalized but we are getting close. The main objectives of our strategy are:
-        To provide a limited number of high-quality study tours focusing on relevant conservation themes that will appeal to heritage professionals from different regions of the world as well as from within Canada. We are seeking an appropriate balance of conservation-based presentations and discussions, fun social and cultural activities, and travel and "down" time.
-        To provide a forum for discussion about relevant conservation achievements and challenges related to Canada's World Heritage sites, sites on the World Heritage tentative list, National Historic sites, provincial sites, national and provincial parks, and cities.
Please keep in mind that Canada is the second largest country in the world and spreads over five and a half time zones. Travelers will therefore need to make choices.
We are working on the following post-conference tours:
The West - A five or six day study tour that will take you to southern Alberta where you will discover some outstanding World Heritage Sites, the spirit of place, natural heritage, cultural landscapes, aboriginal heritage, and modern heritage.
The Maritimes - A  five or six day study tour that will take you to Nova Scotia where you will discover the spirit of place, natural heritage, cultural landscapes, historic urban landscapes, aboriginal heritage, Acadian heritage, Gaelic heritage, French heritage, and military heritage.
The Centre - A five day study tour that will take you to Montreal and Ottawa where you will discover the spirit of place, cultural and urban landscapes, historic and contemporary architecture, the Rideau Canal World Heritage Site, and Canada's capital.
Charlevoix - A one or two day tour that will take you along the Saint Lawrence River to the Charlevoix region near Quebec City where you will discover the fiery colors of Canada's fall as well as typical historic villages, art and traditions.


3) Presentation Reminder - Managing heritage in the wake of war and conflict in Cyprus
Tuesday 4 March from 4:30pm, Deakin University
Presenter: Susan Balderstone
Adjunct Professor, Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Deakin University

In the wake of a Greece-inspired coup against the Greek Cypriot President of Cyprus in 1974, the Turkish military occupied the northern third of the island and continues to do so. Ethnic communities are still separated: Greek Cypriots moved to the south and Turkish Cypriots to the north. This paper covers issues raised by the bi-communal conservation projects resulting from the European Union's Partnership for the Future Programme being implemented by the United Nations Development Programme. The projects require co-operation between mutually distrustful, fearful and disdainful communities for the sake of common objectives  social and economic well-being. Cyprus has apparently opted for conflict management rather than resolution, with both sides focused on achieving prosperity. Heritage conservation has become a tool for peaceful co-existence and mutual pride. Initially the projects involved places of shared heritage rather than places reinforcing the separate cultural identities of the communities. Loss of cultural identity is a concern of both communities. Ongoing operational issues derive from the illegality of the Turkish government in the north and the repercussions of this for international aid. The paper explores the professional challenges related to these issues and their possible resolution.

There is no entry charge and everyone is welcome.

Venue: The Blue Room, Building B Room 2.20, Deakin University.

For a map of the campus see


4) VIIIth Conference on Military Monuments - call for papers and registration
THEME: "Sea Coast Fortification: from the onset to modern times"
27-29 November 2008, The Algarve University, Faro, Algarve, Portugal
The Conference on Military Monuments has been promoted by the Portuguese Association of the Castle's Friends since 1982 with seven editions since then.
In celebration of the Castle's Friends 25th anniversary, the VIIIth Conference is brought to an International level that is reflected in the theme's choice: "Sea Coast fortification: from the onset to modern times". This theme will permit the presentation of a wide variety of situations and pave the way to an international debate about the future of this type of fortification.
For more information, visit .


5) Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts: Media Release - Heritage Honour for Stone Hatchet Quarry
An ancient Aboriginal stone hatchet quarry of immense importance to Central Victoria's Wurundjeri people has been given the nation's highest heritage honour - inclusion in the National Heritage List.
Australian Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Peter Garrett, said the 18-hectare site provided stone tools that were essential in the daily lives of many Aboriginal communities.
"Mount William tells us how this prized 'currency' was made and used in trade for thousands of years," Mr Garrett said.
"Stone hatchets were very important to Aboriginal people, used to split tree trunks to find honey, cut off sheets of bark for huts and to shape wood into shields and spears.
"The site was one of the largest and most intensively-worked Aboriginal quarries in Australia. The Wurundjeri mined the greenstone, shaped the hatchet heads and exchanged them for possum skin cloaks and fine wooden spears.
"Aboriginal people travelled hundreds of kilometres to obtain the prestigious stone hatchets of Mount William."
During the mid-1800s it was recognised as a special place that had been used by Aboriginal people well before European settlement. In 1855 naturalist William Blandowski described the site as 'a celebrated spot' which supplies Aboriginal people with stone.
"I'm delighted to help give the site the recognition it deserves, with a place in the National Heritage List," Mr Garrett said.
National Heritage Listing ensures places are protected for future generations under the Australian Government's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999.
The List showcases natural, historic and Indigenous places of outstanding heritage value. It reflects the story of our development as a nation, our spirit and ingenuity and our unique, living landscapes.
Mount William is the 77th place in the List, joining 20 other Victorian sites including the Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape, Melbourne Cricket Ground and Royal Exhibition Building. For more information and high quality images visit
Media contact:
Margot Marshall (02) 6277 7640 or 0418 624 847


6) Conference announcement: 'Managing the Future of Historic Vessels'

One Day conference: 'Managing the Future of Historic Vessels'.
Saturday 8th March, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney.
Costs: $60 (AMMC members $50). Includes gourmet BBQ alongside tall ship James Craig on the evening of the 7th March and a weekend pass to the 2008 Classic & Wooden Boat Festival.
For full details, and to register, please visit

If you would like to suggest an event, story, course etc for the Australia ICOMOS e-mail news or submit an article, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list, send an e-mail to the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat at:

Please note that as the office is not staffed full-time it may take a few days to deal with your request
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the Australia ICOMOS Email News are not necessarily those of Australia ICOMOS Inc. or its Executive Committee. The text of Australia ICOMOS Email news is drawn from various sources including organizations other than Australia ICOMOS Inc. The Australia ICOMOS Email news serves solely as an information source and aims to present a wide range of opinions which may be of interest to readers. Articles submitted for inclusion may be edited.

Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
Georgia Meros, Secretariat Officer
Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood Victoria 3125
Telephone: (03) 9251 7131
Facsimile: (03) 9251 7158

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