Mitch Cleghorn

Conferences Coordinator (2 of 2)
Strategic Plan Joint Coordinator
Fabric Conservation Reference Group EC Representative

NSC on Cultural Landscapes & Cultural Routes EC Representative
NSC on Rock Art EC Representative

Mitch currently works with Everick Heritage & Foundation, based in Brisbane, and is responsible for coordinating select historic archaeological projects and advising on issues in the built environment – he is particularly interested in the training and procurement of talented heritage contractors.

In 2019 he was a George Alexander Fellow through the International Specialised Skills Institute and has undertaken research on successful building conservation training processes in the United Kingdom. This involved an extended visit to the Engine Shed in Scotland to better understand sustainable approaches to conservation training for a modern Australian construction context.

Mitch believes that with the upcoming GA2020 andthea review of the EPBC Act, Australia ICOMOS’ contribution over the next 12 months has the potential to continue shaping professional practice through the next decade and beyond. As a member of the ICOMOS Executive Committee, Mitch will be strong in his dedication to advocacy and to grow the membership body among the generation of emerging professionals that will come in time to take stewardship of the organisation.

View Mitch’s LinkedIn profile or email Mitch.