The Conservation Plan

the-conservation-plan-coverJames Semple Kerr’s The Conservation Plan was first published by the National Trust of Australia (NSW) in 1982. Since then it has evolved and expanded through six editions and twelve impressions. It has been widely used, not only by heritage practitioners and owners in Australia but worldwide. It outlines the logical processes of the Burra Charter, and how to prepare a Conservation Plan to guide and manage change to a heritage item appropriately.

In 2013, Dr Kerr generously allowed Australia ICOMOS to provide this 7th edition of The Conservation Plan as a free-of-charge download.  Australia ICOMOS is delighted to be able to help make this publication nationally and internationally accessible in this way.

This project has been assisted by funds allocated to the Royal Australian Historical Society through the Heritage Branch of the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage.

CLICK HERE for information about the Chinese Translation of this publication.