Kristal Buckley

Past International Vice-President of ICOMOS

Kristal Buckley

Kristal Buckley has served as an International Vice-President of ICOMOS from 2005 to 2014, and has been an active contributor to many aspects of the work of the International Executive Committee, and with ICOMOS members and national committees in the Asia-Pacific region.

Trained in archaeology, anthropology and public policy, Kristal Buckley currently works professionally as a heritage consultant in private practice, based in Melbourne, Australia. She has worked in both government and the private sector, and has worked in Australia on Indigenous and non-Indigenous heritage policy, training and management projects, with an emphasis on community involvement. She has particular interests in ‘shared’ heritage, and in the identification and management of cultural landscapes and the intangible values of heritage places. She has also worked as an advisor to governments in environmental policy – particularly in relation to sustainability and climate change.

In addition to her consultancy work, Kristal Buckley is a member of the Heritage Council of Victoria and past President of Australia ICOMOS.

Melbourne, Victoria